Killer mains- What keeps you as a killer main?

The state of the game is clearly a joke right now. Things had been going downhill since before the ruin nerf, but that was just the icing on the cake. Since that and the legions chapter it’s become increasingly more and more frustrating as a killer. Yes yes there’s the dark days of long past. But they improved the game significantly since those times. But now it feels as if we’re headed back that way.
Not everyone who plays this game aims to get to red or even purple ranks. Yet they had to deal with the same #########. No, I don’t want to switch over and play survivor. That’s why I’m a killer main. No, I don’t want to be massively OP and 4K every game. And I don’t, nor have I ever expected to. I just want to actually have fun as a killer again. Before it still felt tense and like I had to use my head at times. But as of late it just feels like a nightmare. No one expects to win every single time, but no one also expects to lose over and over and over.
So my question stands. Why bother staying? What is it? Even I’m confused as to why the hell I still play fully well knowing I’m just going to get frustrated, but I keep coming back.
Well, not necessarily a killer main, but I play a decent chunk of killer and I can probably guess why I still do it:
- Sunk cost fallacy.
- Ridiculous levels of cartoon-like stupidity.
- Sunk cost fallacy.
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chases the game is not in a bad spot i mainly play pig my setup is brutal strength moniter sloppy nurses with no add ons for most games at rank 1
but to answer outplaying survivors good chases and making good use of my power
the one thing i hate is a lot of killers will say if i cant 4k every game the game is survivor sided wich is untrue
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I only really play survivor with friends as there's too many trolls and potatoes. I like playing as killer so that I can kill the trolls and potatoes. Plus, Mr. YeeHaw. Going full on COD on the tryhards and shooting them with a harpoon is hilarious to me.
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To be honest I have never seen a comment like that. If you find a thread/comment, pls let me know. The only thing I noticed is others claiming that killers expect common 4k's
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That's just a bad mindset to be in. You should play for fun, not to win. If you do get a 4K, that's just a bonus. But I won't be crying over it.
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I like stabbing people
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Shorter queues are definitely a plus.
Much more variety of playstyles on the killer side, survivors are basically all the same.
I also like playing killer because it is more of a challenge.
It is still fun for me, sometimes I get stomped, sometimes I 4k, sometimes I will just fool around with survivors if one of them dc's or gives up on first hook.
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Quick games
Potato survivors
Easy BP gains
Things that ruin killer?
SWF removing all tactics and mind games that a killer can attempt.
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Survivors aren't unique. If they had different stats or abilities or skills or items or anything like that I'd be a survivor main to the bone (actually I'd still play both but I'd play survivor way more) but they're all skins so I'm a killer main
But I guess your question is more like "why tf are you still playing this game" and the answer is: I don't play as much as I used to, but I still play it on occasion because I gotta get my asymmetrical fix (literally my favorite type of game hands down) and there's basically nothing else right now because everything that even comes close to competing with this game somehow gets screwed over and/or dies for one reason or another. If there was a decent alternative I'd never look back. And if this game actually had some competition they'd have to put more effort into retaining players. Right now addiction and lack of alternatives does their job for them. I'm hoping the Hide or Die relaunch, Predator: Hunting Grounds, or RE: Project Resistance will do the trick, but there have been many in the past who failed and I have my doubts these will be any different. At least Project Resistance comes with the RE3 remake so people will get it anyways even if they aren't specifically looking for it
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Agreed like i said if i would 4k every game the game would be bad also i like facing swf not all swf are sweaty and without swf survivor side would be smaller then it is
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Well besides having every killer p3 level 50? ...Tbf someone has to do this job, might as well play killer and suffer endless looping and tbagging while doing so, =D
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I'm playing killer just to preted to be afk near a gate with noed, when the gens are done and someone is comeing to open it, just smack them and there's a free kill. Maybe 2 of the survivors are altruistic.
This is the only way i can have fun as killer
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So to be honest, I find survivor way more stressful. Not because it's harder, but because my enjoyment relies on being lucky enough to get a killer that doesn't tunnel, camp or slug.
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Skill! Killer requires way more skill than survivor
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Playing killer is just more fun to me since no one can annoy me by blocking me in a corner, farming me off the hook next to the killer without borrowed time and hiding all game which forces me to do the chases AND generators. Being the killer allows me to do what I want and the entire match comes down to MY decisions and MY experience (unless I go against a 100% perfectly organized SWF team which is as rare as an unicorn).
As survivor YOUR fun depends on the decisions and experience of 3 others. That's why solo survivor gameplay is absolute trash for the most part.
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People who aren't involved in forums/reddit/4chan don't feel the need to play victim constantly and just plain enjoy playing killer. They might even think killer is easier, and more fun.
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The little wins in the game keep me going. For example, I was playing Deathslingers and there was this toxic Meg. She Started tbagging at the gate and I shot and reeled her in with noed still active. Felt amazing :).
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This pretty much sums up why I don’t play as much survivor as I used to. Unless I’m in a SWF. You just can’t rely on randoms in the solo lobbies. It can be such an excruciating experience lol. Plus hitting Jane and Claudette on the hook before you leave them is hilarious.
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Get into reality, boy. Nothing your talking about is real.
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The tactics you've come up with to get an survivor or catch them in an error. Also the vast options of perk builds that doesn't boil up to only using 8 perks
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The game is all about snowballing. Put too much pressure on early enough, and survivor side it's a battle of attrition. Not enough, they all go through the gate. But it always comes down to taking out just ONE survivor early enough. Because they have to react to it.
And those games where you're constantly tipping the needle are the best ones because you never know where they're going to go.
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1: I want to support the devs. They appear to be trying. And they FINALLY started adding new stuff to the maps. The breakable walls could fix the boring as hell endless loop fest this game is. But I am careful to put too much trust in it. Too many breakable walls can essentially turn the map into a pallet crushing fest too.
2: When you get a good map with few loops and actually promote running away, hiding or juking it can be fun.
3: Despite how much the game can ######### you with its silly gen times and broken as hell swf mechanics when you do manage to turn the tide you actually start to see survivors start to panic and get scared. Which is fun, even if you end up losing.
4: Nerd Rage: The game has good enough fundamentals but so much wrong with it that it inspires nerd anger in me and many others. We stick around because it obviously has a lot of poential and we want to see it improve out of anger and some fan passion. It's also one of the few games of its kind -assyemtrical pvp- that isn't dead or a total turd and even rarer-until recently- horror player interactive game that dosen't look like it was spat out by asset flipping russian trying to get a quick buck.
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Mosty because of Demogorgon and Freddy.
These two are way too fun to play to just pass up on.
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Skill. That feeling of overcoming a 4 man toxic SWF is great.
Survivor is ######### braindead compared to killer. Hold M1, loop, get hooked, run the nearest infinite, bam, EZ escapes. Killer is a constant balance of pressure on the survivors and pressure on gens. Chase going on too long? Make the choice to cut it or keep going.
I like feeling like the "power" role. Demo and Oni feel so powerful and strong.
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Nurse and her sweet sweet bootie obviously.
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bp, survivor queue times, not having to rely on anybody
though the leading factor is survivor queue times, if those were better id be playing both roles equally
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honestly just holding M1 for 2-3 hours can get kind of boring especially if I am not in a swf. I'll play killer so that I can actually have fun running around killing people. I'm only a rank 8 killer (GF Main) and I just like to have fun. Also, farming BP on killer is way quicker and a lot more fun. BBQ stacks baby.
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I don't enjoy playing with teammates.
I'm either the weak link that holds them back, or they are.
Playing as killer is simply me and my skill versus my opponents which is more satisfying.
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i simply enjoy killer gameplay more than survivor gameplay.
and in all honesty, most of the games are not nearly as bad as many here on the forums pretend they'd be.
this is not "Dark Times 2.0", its very far from that.
there are a few issues that need to be addressed, such as objective times, though i dontn think that much is needed to put this game int oa rather balanced state.
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Avoid predator like the plague. Illfonic makes BHVR look like old school blizzard. I assume we all know about f13, but check out Moving Hazard (they changed the name eventually because it was so bad, but they didn't make the game any better), also the Revival Mmo, and the star citizen fps module. Illfonic has a long history, and it's about as ugly as it gets
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The lack of dependence on other players.
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Chases are fun.
I don't mind if I'm losing, honestly that's preferable sometimes or the chases get boring, I just have fun when both me and the Survivor are doing smart/crazy clever things during a chase.
Also I like being scary/in control, so Killer > Survivor
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You’re wrong in every way
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killers don’t need crutch ruin perk. It allows for map control too easy. Killers need to work harder imo. TheyRe too easy
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Sunk costs, I rarely actually enjoy the game anymore due to the amount of swf.
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Are they not working hard enough? With gen speeds as they are, I can't tell if you're being serious or trolling.
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Very simple, I play killer for the major blood point advantage and I can't be camped, slugged or tunneled if I'm the killer.
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I'm a masochist.
Plus, I find survivor boring.
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Killers are actually different from each other, unlike survivors.
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Reverse Bear Trap kills. :P
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Mainly because killers get more blood points and it doesnt ridiculously long to find a game. At least for me.
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I just enjoy the killer role.
However, I've barely been playing because it seems pretty clear to me that the devs are ruining this game.
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Blood points and lack of friends who play PC, much less DBD on PC.
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A few reasons; I find Nurse to be fun... Even if I'm just blinking after people to give them a little scare here and there. I like to try and outsmart others as Spirit and learn from my mistakes. When I play as survivor I generally lose because randoms and myself don't have a fluid connection with trying to survive well. Finally for the last reason, because it seems that when I do finally win a random game and take hatch, my game forces itself shut and I never get any points for that survivor game.
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I stay a killer main because I know that whatever happens, whether I win or lose, It's always my fault. I have no teammates to carry me or teammates to sandbag me as killer, which means that the outcome of games depends entirely on my own skill. When I lose I can look back and find what I did wrong and improve it, since I have no teammates to blame. It's also why I hate keys so much, I feel robbed when I lose to them.
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I only ask just to get an idea but as a killer what do you consider a lost match? I know when I play killer I consider even one sacrifice a win. I have had matches where I only killed one survivor and still got roughly 20k BP. I will say I know you do not want to play survivor but it is good to play both sides so you can better understand both sides points and even learn how survivors act possibly. =) I am sorry the game is not much fun for you.
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I see this a lot as well. I think even one kill as a killer is a win. There is no real set standards as to what is a win. If one survivor gets out does that count as a loss for the killer or a loss for the other 3 dead survivors? lol
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I play both roles, but rather killer.
Cause every killer is a different game. And cause i like to stab, bam bam bam, cut, chainsaw, and things like that. I laugh a lot as killer, even when Im stomped. Have the time of my life. Never get salty, but sometimes disappointed when 5 gens pops and im in the middle of the second chase.
And the first person point of view is cool.
But lately, due to challenges, i am beggining to be "that" survivor and enjoying more this role.
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I love that you got her. I play more survivor and I hate when my teammates t-bag the killer. I think just take the win and leave do not be rude. I was playing the plaque and had someone doing the same thing and i made them think i was letting them. I stood there just throwing up to the point they were broken. Well I decided why not go for it and threw up well while the vomit was in the air I ran up and slugged him and hooked him. I hope he learned a lesson not to be a rude player.
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I'm playing killer because as a Veteran Solo Survivor, new survivors have been babied to the point where each chase ends in 5 seconds.