I think Its time We Removed "The Struggle Phase"

This has been a problem in the back of my mind for awhile, and honestly I ignored it due to other pressing issues with the game. However I feel like we are at a point in this game's life where this change can get some genuine focus and actually be fixed easily.

DC's are going to happen no matter what, punishing people for intentionally disconnecting is great and we should keep doing that. Eating the 5 minutes + is a good punishment for wasting the time of your fellow players.

How do we fix the problem with the suicide hook people though? Its simple, remove the struggle phase. I am not saying only give people one hook, I am saying remove the mini game that requires you to spam the space bar "Or whatever keybind" and just force survivors to sit there. I have died unintentionally so many times because I missed the space bar or hit the damn thing waaaaaaaaaay too fast. Further more a lot of people can't even play this game due to the rapid pressing of the key. Its genuinely bad game design that gates off dead by daylight from people with disabilities. I think that we can end games faster, I think that the 891 points you get is not worth the wrist strain, and if people can't kill themselves easily then they can't dick the killer or their survivor friends as easily as they can now.

Further more removing the struggle phase mini-game will make it so that when people ARE intentionally griefing to leave the game its way easier to spot, report, and deal with through the forums or in-game reporting system.


  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    So, would you also wanna remove the 4% as well? And if you would wanna keep it, how would it work? Would the first hook stay the same and the second one you are just hanging there?

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I mean it would be like it is now yeah, except in stage 2 you dont have ot mash a button, you would just hang there for the time it will take.

  • beeberdude
    beeberdude Member Posts: 4

    i really like this idea, destroying controllers (on console) is another issue as people have to spam the X or A button. if you want to make this work just remove the struggle prompt and make it an auto-playing animation or make a new animation but keep the kook phase. there are probably other ways of doing this but that was the first thing that came to mind. there doesn't have to be a big change to the way hooking someone works for this to made better.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    I don't see that really stopping suicide hooks tbh. If anything it may cause more survivors to farm them for unhook points lol.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Wah people are DCing

    ok here’s a dc penalty system

    Wah people are suiciding now

    you all really are annoying with how much you complain, if you remove suicide, then they will just AFK

    stop finding reasons to cry and endure

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    They can't suicide hook if the second phase doesn't give them the option to sacrifice themselves instantly.

    That's a separate issue. Removing the 'button-spamming' part of the second phase shouldn't have too much influence on hook-farming.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    Well the issue is that it cant be fixed obviously. We tried to bring DC penalties, but people still found a way around it. That's how it will be no matter what changes in my opinion. If we can find a way to stop this though, that would be great!

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited March 2020

    well I guess part of this plan is as well that you would not be able to make yourself die, so you can kobe in phase 1 but cant do anything in phase 2.

    ofcourse that does not stop you from literally going afk so the kilelr cna just hook you again after you get unhooked but it will take longer and if the killer does not hook you, you are still forced to play sorta.

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    I think a new animation could be the Entity's claws slightly touching the player and scorching them with how the legacy looks until they become that shadowy form, are fully impaled, then lifted up as usual.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    There's not a complete fix for anything, but we can drastically reduce the people who attempt to leave early and ruin matches for others.

    Imagine Survivors can't hook suicide now, what will they do?

    • AFK - We have a report for that
    • Purposely run into the Killer - We have a report for that

    Systems can be added to flag players that repeatedly do the above and punish them.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    No, you still get basically 3 lives, you still get to try and do the 4% but if you try and do the 4% and go into the "Struggle Phase" instead of being forced to spam a button you just sit there and wait for rescue or wait the timer out.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    Bruh, If your griefing games you should not be playing the game, making it harder to grief and harder to screw people out of points is healthy. As a Killer I need to hit X amount of survivors, I need to do X amount of Hooks, and I need to do X amount of Chases, If you quit that means I could lose out of emblem or even derank on a game I win. If its hard for you to leave a match once you committed then I don't have to deal with that. If you can't suicide on hook, even if you AFK then people in the game can still get their altruism, you can still waste campers time, and your still doing something. Basically don't just say "Toxic people are toxic" and do nothing taking simple proactive steps to ensure a better play experince does nothing but help the game be better for everyone.

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    To you I say with all my heart: THANK YOU!

    Your post seems to me to be the only one with reason within.

    Of course, the devs could go so far that only the screaming crowd remains, which takes the game so seriously that it is no longer a game at all.

    And of course the devs probably know that if you shrink the player base to the point that only these people are left and they have no one to complain about, then the devs will not only be their prey, but their own as well.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    Its easy to clip and record people AFKing, Its easy to report people running into the killer, however a miss click is the same as a suicide and as a result cannot be reported. Yes people will always be toxic but making it harder for people to ruin games is a + In my book.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Punished for accepting defeat in a valid way

    you are just being crybaby if you can’t accept that people may just wanna leave in a legitimate way

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    One. Don't insult me I am simply opening up a discussion.

    Two. Some forms of suicide is valid, like letting someone get a hatch, or admitting that a game is taking too long and you don't see yourself surviving and don't care about the BP. I get that, however many people get into a game, get pissed that they went down quickly near the beginning of the match then suicide to get into a different game. Or they suicide so they can basically match dodge a killer. Both of these would be fine if your fellow survivors and the killer where not punished by you leaving the game so early.

    My main reason for wanting the struggle phase removed is mostly due to how it gate keeps people out of the game, People with disabilities or bad joint problems cannot rapidly press buttons like that plus it damages controlers and keyboards. Plus if you misclick then you die anyway and honestly its just a bad mechanic.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    You can make the “gate keeping” argument anywhere

    does Playing with a controller gatekeep those missing a hand or fingers? Does Siege gatekeep against those who can’t hear callouts or other sounds?

    it’s a very weak argument

  • VIle
    VIle Member Posts: 167

    I'm down with removing both struggle and wiggle. Wiggle is my most hated game mechanic ever. Unless I'm playing with my friends (rare these days since most quit) I don't bother.

    Between the obnoxious clicking noises, use and abuse of my keyboard and dyslexia/uncoordination problems make wiggle look like this: adadadadadadaddadadadadadadadaqdadadadaaadadadddadadadadad So my wiggle never works right and I never make it off, and it just gets me frustrated so I don't wiggle.

    And how many times have we all been space space space space U DIED LUL space space space... BUT I WAS CLICKING THE BUTTON?!?

    I'd be happy if both mechanics were removed just to save my hardware alone. I'd say replace them with skill checks every X seconds but how many times have we all lagged or dropped frames, missed that skill check and busted a gen? >.>

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    Its not a weak argument when you consider that the mechanic is not required or fundamental to the game play, and alternative controllers do exist for people who can't use standard ones, in fact on of the top street fighter players uses a xbox controller with his mouth due to his disability. However mechanics that require people to spam buttons do actually make it impossible for some people to play the game and considering this is the only mechanic that makes you do that and is an mechanic that can be easily disabled... I mean why not?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    On the BP the Survivors would lose out on if we'd remove the button mashing...

    Right now, Obsessions get free BP if they die as the Obsession.

    If they'd make it so you get some BP when dying in any way, i really wouldn't mind.

    Emphasis on "some BP", we don't want them to want to die immediately for a new BP reason.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    If anything i think they should make the struggle phase more important, not remove it.

    They should no longer allow you to pan your camera while struggling. You shouldn't have the opportunity to feed your teammates information while you are struggling against the entity. This would help reduce SWFs power and keep it (at least a tiny bit) more in line with the average players information sharing ability. If you want to share information to your teammates while hooked, you should be incentivized to use Kindred.

    They could buff the BPs (maybe double the current amount) you gain from struggling, to help incentivize people to not give up and die early.

    However, i don't disagree that they could do away with the button mashing method of struggling. They could feed you a randomized string of button inputs to follow instead. Like Up, Down, Up, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Up, Right, etc.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    Bruh... its less than a 1000 BP, sure they could do something to make ya earn that naturally through the game but breaking your damn wrists is not really a good trade off.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    I think making it so people can't kill themselves on hooks sabotaging their team and the killer out of BP is still important but I do agree! Hell during the struggle phase making the screen blur up a little bit and limiting the camera motion could be a fair thing to do. That said I just think that the button mashing is a problem and a sore issue for me when it comes to inclusivity.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    If you remove the struggle phase so that people can't allow themselves to die, they will just DC instead, which is even worse. There isn't anything you can do to stop people from quitting a game, you can't force people to play. The best thing they can do is just keep making improvements to the game so that people don't want to quit/give up in the first place

  • Ravakahr
    Ravakahr Member Posts: 130

    Solution - keep struggle phase. Turn it into a mini game where theres a 4% chance you can unhook by random skill checks. Infact the hole bar should be like this.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Dying is a natural thing in this game, surely it wouldn't be a big deal to just dump some BP on them from dying.

    They have no problem giving Obsessions that, might as well give a lesser amount to regular Survivors.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    I think that giving the obcession extra BP is also kinda stupid. I know the logic is "Well the obcession is being targeted the whole game because they are an obcession but in reality most perks that target the obcession have been removed due to it encouraging camping and tunneling. *Dying light* So giving people a bonus for being the obcession does not make sense anymore. I think survivors should have more oppertunity to get bp though since their output is rather low considering the amount of content now in the game.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    If you DC you get a 5 minute timer that steadly increases every time you do it. We have mechanics in the game that detur people from DCing and eventually if you keep doing it you will be getting into much less games then people who don't DC. Thats a positive in my book!

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    That seems kinda terrible. I think if you ######### up a second time you should not be given a second chance you already had a second chance to pull yourself off the first time you got hooked.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    Thats a bit harsh... I think if you do it 2 times in the same day it should be 15 minutes but sometimes people Disconnect due to ######### servers or general game crashing issues thats not their fault. Soooo punishing people for having hardware problems is kinda ######### especially since there is no reconnect button.