Double Bloodpoints soon due to the Coronavirus?

Now would be a perfect time with many people being at home a lot, due to the virus this could help calm nerves and also increase game time maybe?
I'd love to see this especially that I'm trying to get all perks on my Billy.
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People really need it, everyone in this corona virus crisis now
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I'd love that ! Im not too sure whether or not we'll get it, they propably would've said something by now, but that'd really cheer people up in this time of crisis.
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Only if you play plague o.o
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Damn. You beat me to it.
I'd also say play as or against Plague.
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I feel it's a dumb excuse, but it benefits me, so sure why not.
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Nah, we need more toilet paper
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I just mentioned it to him on his stream and he said he didn't think it was a bad idea. I'm not sure how much control Peanits actually has over that sort of thing, but there you go 🤷
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Oh! Tell him I think he is handsome uwu
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I let him know, he said "okay, I'll take it" 😆
EDIT: Also his girlfriend has her eye on you.
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I'll fight her in a match of fisty cups, and probably lose because I would never hit a woman, but hopefully my display of vigor will impress Peanits <3
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I second this.
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How are they going to call it? "The Coronavirus Bloodpoint Fest"? Keep in mind REAL people are dying right now.
Too soon mate.
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My whole job shut down.
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They don't have to label it that. The idea behind 2x XP would be to keep people preoccupied while they're self-quarantining. It doesn't have to be a negative thing, and I wouldn't see it as that either.
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The idea is to keep peoples mind off that.
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No. The idea is that "now that I have nothing else to do but stay home... well, BHVR, gimme double bloodpoints".
If you want to get informed, you'll stay informed.
If you want to turn off the TV and play videogames, do it, you don't need double BPs to do it.
Double BPs are not going to make you forget more about the issue, you just want free stuff for no real reason.
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Seriously, you must be fun at parties.
It's a decent idea because for a lot of people they are going to be cooped up in their houses, and it would encourage people who may be interested in DBD to try it a little as they would earn BP significantly faster to get through the ridiculous grind this game presents at the outset while you are leveling killers to unlock perks.
BP's also don't grant you anything "Free". They aren't used for cosmetics, buying killers, or anything you buy with real money, so BHVR loses no money in doing it, all they do is encourage people to play more often, which drives up stream traffic and will likely lead to some additional cosmetic buys from newer players who get more interested in the game.
Seriously, get off your virtue signaling high horse and knock off the contrarian "too soon" nonsense.
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You really got mad for literally no reason, huh?
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Everyone freaking out over this !new! Virus much being done to prevent infection that has a low death rate. just wait till a real virus comes along, something extremely fatal..then again, the world needs a needs a near extinction event in hope's to change this beyond fkd up world...stuck inside 3 weeks a month so not having a life pays off, doesnt stop the stupidity I hear going on tho.So many ignorant people, our president is proof of that ..anyways, I got so much grinding to do to begin getting the builds I double BP would help
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I meant to put this in this post...
Calling it coronavirus bloodpoint fest would not be good, especially with "coronavirus challenges".
Now if they came up with something like in order to encourage social distancing, we are making the game free + granting double bloodpoints, I don't think that would be an issue.
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I'd even say at least consider giving discounts on the game and the chapters. Ppl will need something to fight off cabin fever, why not dbd?
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Dude chill. Do you hate fun? Do you eat puppies and kittens daily for breakfast? People just wanna cheer up in a scary time, what's wrong with that?
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If it hasn't been suggested yet, how about suggesting it to the powers that be?
The worse thing that can happen is they say no.
Discount the game or make it free for a limited time.
Discount cosmetics/chapters.
Add double blood points for a limited time.
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If you think about it, they'd be doing a public service, giving us more incentive to stay inside! :P
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Why do you have to judge people before you say what you think?
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What? It's just hyperbole. Have you never had q social interaction where people exagerate? Ffs
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What's "social interaction"? is it a new perk?
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Haha... hilarious/s
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see? I am fun.
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Thank you.
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I believe in you.
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We need event
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Plague coronavirus cosmetic soon? 👀
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Also I was wondering if the tomb archives could be slightly extended due to people staying at home so they can have something to do? Just an idea.