Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Unsportmanlike behaviour of killer should be punished!

you made a good step foward bringing the DC penalties into the game, but you forgot about the unsportmanlike killers in this game.

Survivors need to accept the toxic behaviour of killer or they will recive a ban when they disconnect.

i got slugged for the entire game, the killer just stood infront of me and nod with his had the entire time.

i didnt do anything to him. (btw when i got slugged i wasnt next to the pallet) so just because this killer want to be scummy towards someone i need to accept this behaviour? did i pay the money for the game and everything else i bought for this game just to entertain a toxic behaved person? tell me behvaiour, where is the punishment for unsportmanlike people like this one here?

yeah slugging is a tactic, but what this killer did is far away from being a tactic. btw he also slugged the other person after i died and didnt even bother to hook the survivor.

im very excited for your respond, and i really hope someone of the team can give me a respond to this. if you dont even bother to do something about that, im not supporting this team anymore with buying all DLC's and a bunch of outfits.

Thats all i have to say.


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  • Member Posts: 218

    i also want to add something here before people will say it.

    Slugging is a tactic/strategie, indeed it is a tactic and i also slug survivors when i play killer but only when i know i get something out of it.

    slugging someone and staying in front of him and nodding for 3 minutes isnt a tactic this is just unspotmanlike behaviour.

  • Member Posts: 167

    Yes, Slugging is a 'tactic'. When the killer downs all 4 (or how ever many) THEN hooks them. To finish, progress and win the game.

    Slugging a whole team and just standing there with their MmHmm in their hand because 'I can' is the new equivalent to the old hatch stand offs.

    Something needs to be done. Maybe have the slugs get back up after 1 min of the killer not hooking/hitting/chasing? Light a fire under their butts.

  • Member Posts: 589

    Its just 4 minutes. Go make a tea or something.

  • Member Posts: 736

    Your literally at a pallet, what is the killer supposed to do?

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Unsportsmanlike conduct is already a reportable offense, so i'd suggest doing that.

    If you want a direct punishment automatically applied to them by the game, that's probably not going to happen.

  • Member Posts: 218

    look at my health bar, when i got slugged i wasnt under the pallet i crawl over there after a while.

    reading the post isnt actually that hard my friend.

  • Member Posts: 36

    it's just because you're playing nea lmao. killer mains lose their minds completely at the sight of nea and i don't get it. you'll get tunneled and proxied constantly, just part of playing her i guess.

  • Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    To be fair, he is already getting punished for this. Your other three survivors should have been able to complete all the generators way before you even bled out and escaped. He gets very few bloodpoints for letting someone bleed out and ignoring everyone else.

    That being said, there isn't much other way to punish them. It would be very difficult for them to have some sort of auto detection system in place to suspend/ban people for doing this. It would undoubtedly affect people who were slugging for good reasons too.

    No matter what kind of system they put in, people can always find ways to get around it.

    There is a reason there is a report button after a game. Use it. And actually write a few words when you do. I'm sure if enough people are using it to report the same person, it will get noticed.

    It's a game, a competitive game at that. You are always going to get unsportsmanlike players once in a while, it's just something you have to expect coming in. Just brush it off and go into another game. At least you know this killer isn't ranking up and you won't have to see him again.

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