Swf idea

Ok. I think everyone can agree that swf teams are as a whole more difficult to deal with as killer.
Now I'm not advocating the removal of something that helps keep the game going. However, there is a balance issue in that the game was never intended to have this level of coordination.
So just spit balling here but what if, swf teams had to draft perks? And only 1 person could take a perk. Maybe 2 people at 4 man?
So person 1 takes DS, no one else gets DS. Their would need to be coordination between them but since they are most likely on comms then that shouldn't be a problem.
Obviously if a person doesnt have a perk unlocked then they can't pick it.
Yes this isn't a full idea and i can see problems with it. Im just trying to start a discussion.
Either way they need to put their foot down about where they stand.
They don't want to stifle build variety, ok. But they don't want to deal with perk stacking which often doesn't leave much room for variety.
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They need to just implement a new game mode for swf's. 6 survs, 2 killers to balance it out. That way the killer gets someone to talk and coordinate with also. It's just too damn hard to keep up with 4 swf's all on coms, and that's what ps4 is anymore. 90% of the survs is at least 3 swf's. Then, they use map offerings for the cheesiest levels like farm, auto haven, Haddonfield, etc..
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I think that there aren't enough players to support a second game mode. Unfortunately. 8 v 2 would be fun also.
I get build variety is a thing but a good portion of people use the same perks over and over anyway. Letting 1 person have 1 perk opens the doors for creative perk builds as you are forced to use up to 16 different perks on a full swf
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Two killers tunneling the same person. A good way to lose, but I imagine it'll be a day 1 problem.
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Theres really no way to fix that. Sometimes a killer is just going to be a dick. Much like sabo and flashlight saves that prevent killers from hooking people, its part of the game. To be fair, as killer removing 1 person from game early leads to a better outcome generally speaking. It sucks to be the survivor but i can understand why a killer would do that.
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Okay, then that means 5 survs doing gens then... What's the problem? 6 adrenaline, 6 DS, at least 2 keys, prolly at least 3-4 flashlights, and all the hook sabo too.
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There's at least a good 25,000 still playing. that's plenty. Enable cross platform, wait time will never be an issue again...
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I disagree. It seems like all platforms (maybe not switch) have an abundance of survivors and not enough killers. Opening cross platform will just increase the number of survivors in the same disproportionate way. Unless you maybe go by region then more people in the region to be connecting to but still. Lack of killers is across all platforms (except maybe switch?). Cross platform isn't going to make killers appear when there aren't any
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I like it. I'd say no more than 2 of each perk. Like every one has 2 copies perhaps. Like you said, just an idea. Still forcing some diversity. But with a LITTLE more wiggle room. Not one dedicated person who has to do the unhooking, etc.