Why I love this Game.

I have been playing DBD for a year and a half now. I enjoy the DEVS, constant interaction with players. The DEVS are always live tweaking the game and it keeps getting better. This game is smooth, graphicly beautiful. The ONLY down side for me is the long wait to play as killer. And thats the Only complaint. The developement of survivors and DBD exclusive designed killers is amazing. I love the Stranger Things chapter! Keep this game going! It has proven to stand out and evolve. This game is great thank you.
Dear memeber of the development team, please, log out from your secondary account.
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"Always live tweaking the game"
I can't tell if this guy is serious or if this post is sarcasm.
Every live tweak is full of random buffs or nerfs that nobody wanted while they consistently ignore all of their players primary complaints.
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Even though I'm not a developer, I'm going to assume this post isn't sarcastic and say thank you for coming here to say that. We as a community often get ourselves bogged down with criticism and complaints here on the forums, and as valid and important as constructive criticism and balance discussions are, sometimes it's nice to have someone stop by and simply say, "you know what, I just really love this game, thank you for making it".
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The reason ur not getting much good feedback is because ur game isn’t very good right now and it’s not balanced. Guess what all your killer players are leaving the game cause it’s not balanced properly and because of this ur game is going to die. And I’m not even sad since you guys are so oblivious and don’t even listen to your players. You kinda deserve it for laughing at all our suggestions and just shrugging them off as nothing. You can’t have dead by daylight without killer or survivor. If ones gone the games done and that’s why you need to handle criticism with the utmost delicacy and not just shrug it off and praise the first person who says nice things about ur game. Basing ur game in the state it is in now, its not good and you need to start listening to criticism to actually start improving. But I know you won’t because you haven’t been for the past 4 years.
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... Did you miss the part where I said I'm not a developer?
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Why are you acting like you are then? :) plus you are a moderator. You deserve as much flak as the developers do.
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It brings up the question: why do you speak as if you're a member of Behavior team? "We often get bogged down with criticism and complaints here on the forums..." Who are you refering to as "we" then?
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We all WANT to love this game. That's why we complain so much. It's so frustrating seeing a game with amazing ideas that is so close to being great all go down the drain because they just have their priorities completely wrong.
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I'm not, you just jumped to that conclusion because you didn't read my comment properly. Per your edit, I'm not a moderator either. Please check your facts before presuming to tell people what they "deserve".
I was thanking the OP for saying something positive about the game, because it's nice to have a change of pace around here once in a while. It's not "acting like a developer" to appreciate the occasional piece of positive feedback on a game I also love. If you want to offer critique on the game, feel free to make your own thread about it.
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I did! But knowing behaviour you’ll just brush it off. The reason I’m mad is because right now, the last thing you deserve is praise.
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The "we" was referring to us as a forum - that is, we, the collective members of this community. I'll edit the comment to make that clearer.
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That would, indeed, make it clearer, thank you.
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thank you!!! This is probably the most sensible post I have seen on here.
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Again, I'm neither a dev nor a moderator. I'm not affiliated with BHVR in any way. If you'd like to find out what the role of a Trusted member on the forums actually is, I'd encourage you to check out this post: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/89809/pilot-the-trusted-members
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All good, thanks for pointing that out. I didn't realise how it might come across in that way when I first wrote it 😊