My latest experience with Dead by Daylight

Greetings, everyone!

I wanted to share my latest experience in the game with you, voice some problems I've been having and my opinion on the new Killer Deathslinger, whom I've been playing a lot lately (leveled up to nearly 50).

First of all, I think that I should clarify that I'm a Killer main. Despite playing Killer being practically a hard mode in Dead by Daylight, I still have never had a single match as a Survivor despite playing the game for 2-3 years. (I get the information on the Survivor side of the game through various streams and YouTube videos, which I watch a lot) However, despite having bought it so long ago, I must admit that I have only around 136 hours in the game due to not playing it too often (thanks, adult life!). Anyways, without further due, let's jump into it!

1) Match Making.

So, I had another long break recently, which has lead me to fall from Purple ranks all the way to Grey ones. And this is where the first problem I'd like to address lies: Why do I have to face a Rank 3 Survivor while being Rank 14 Killer? I wonder... Who among the devs have thought that would be a good idea? What part of it can possibly be fun? Needless to say, all of the gens poped before I have even managed to get the first down. It's worth mentioning that I've been playing Deathslinger, who simply cannot compete with the red ranks, especially since I don't have "Save the Best for Last" perk on him.

And that brings us to the second topic I'd like to discuss...

2) New Killer Deathslinger.

First of all, I'd like to say that he is, indeed, a really fun Killer to play. His kit provides something new and fresh to Dead by Daylight, and the feeling you get when hitting a shot from afar and then reeling a Surivor in can hardly compare with anything else in the game! And he has also brought some really interesting and useful perks with him!

But, unfortunately, fun and perks are where the good things about him end. And the first one evaporates quickly once the player realises just how Low Tier he really is. And that comes from the fact that he's slow in more ways than one. Not only is his movement speed one of the slowest in the game, which deffinitely affects his map pressure and chase potential, but also his power is extremely slow when it comes to reeling in a Survivor. There's a DbD streamer and YouTuber by the name TrU3Ta1ent who has done a side-by-side comparison video where he put Huntress and Deathslinger in similar situations. And by the time Huntress managed to get 2 downs, Deathslinger didn't even get 1! And that's despite never missing a shot! The reason behind that is that reeling a Survivor in, suffering cooldown, reloading... It all takes an unreasonable amount of time! And that is on top of the very fact that hitting a shot will not guarantee getting a down.

That's also the reason why Deathslinger has litteraly no right for making any mistakes in the game. Because one missed shot will lead to being slowed by cooldown and reloading animations, which will put the considerable distance between Deathslinger and a Survivor he's chasing. Of course, he can choose not to reload and just turn into an M1 Killer for a while, but considering his base move speed, it will still lead to wasting a lot of time.

And when it comes to the higher ranks where he has to face a gen-rushing SWF groups, who can pop the first gen in 20 seconds or less (!!!), he is going to be extremely dependant on "Save the Best for Last" perk, solely relying on his hit-cooldown-shot combo for insta-downs. Otherwise, he will never have even close to enough time for completing his objective. And even then, his best bet is to capitalize on Survivor's mistakes. If they don't make any, he might as well just stand in the corner and wait for 3 minutes to get out of the match. Won't change the result all that much.

3) Blood Points.

This is a tricky question... I was sincerely hoping that it would get solved in time, but no such luck. So, can someone please give me an intelligible explanation of the reason why it is still not possible to buy bloodpoints with money? Seriously, I would pay for that. For I simply do not understand why I have to suffer through slowly collecting them by playing the matches only for leveling up the Killers I don't want to play just to get the perks my favourite Killers need desperately. It's such a drag, such an unfun experience to me. So tedious! Besides, wouldn't it be a good way for the devs to make some extra money from their game? I sincerely doubt that I'm the only one in the whole wide world who would pay for Blood Points.

4) Training Tool Absence.

Yet another thing I hoped would get solved in time. I believe it's only logical to have some sort of a training tool where one could practice new things, be that perks or characters. It would also be really good for Killer players, so they could have a chance of getting used to the new Killer's kit before heading into the actual game, because every game is a ranked game, which forces you to play to win. But since it's your first time playing a certain Killer, and since there's a chance of facing Red Ranks even if yours is Yellow, you're bound to lose horribly and then get spammed with "noob" in post-game chat, because it's totally okay for the Survivors to act this way.

Yet I'm sure even Survivors would like to test some new perks and get the better idea of how they work before heading into the actual game.

Instead, we only have the basic tutorial and nothing else. Or am I just blind and missing something?

So yeah, despite being somewhat fun and entertaining experience, Dead by Daylight still has a lot of problems I'm struggling with. I wonder what you guys think about those of them I've mentioned here. Looking forward to your replies! Let's have a discussion!


  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    I agree with most of what you say here. I also have made a topic suggesting a training tool or practice mode.

    You aren't the only one having problems with matchmaking, its been an issue for a while. They said they were doing something to fix it, but i can't tell if that fix was supposedly already released, and did nothing, or if they are still working on it.

    When i queue as a killer it seems like a 50/50 chance whether i will get put up against players around my rank or all the way up to rank 1s. I have started to get so frustrated with it that i will launch the game now, and right before i press Ready i realize im actually just not in the mood to get stomped on by tryhard SWFs and then i usually just close the game and go watch youtube instead. I bought Freddy a few days ago because i figured he would at least stand a chance in the higher ranks, but i haven't played him even once yet, because i can't get motivated enough to grind the BPs to level him up first.

    I think the main reason lower ranked killers are getting put up against red ranks is 100% because not many people are queueing up for killer lately. Ever since they nerfed Ruin the game has been extremely frustrating to play as a killer. So a bunch of red rank survivors queue up, and since the game cant find a properly ranked killer after 5 minutes, it just starts pairing them with lower ranked ones to get them in a game. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE in a ranked game. They claim that if you go up against opponents who are a much higher rank than you, that you will be compensated by not de-ranking as easily, and vice versa. But i have not been able to notice any difference. If i go up against four rank 2 players and they all brought toolboxes with Brand New Parts and insta heal medkits, and i don't even manage to get one hook, i'm still losing rank. Which is going to be the outcome every time. There is no room for 'compensation'.

    I mean, imagine playing league of legends and queuing up as a silver or gold player and then get put up against challenger players and then lose your promotion game. It's like a joke.

    The only thing i would disagree with is being able to buy bloodpoints. Once people get the perks they want, bloodpoints are solely used to unlock addons and offerings. Once you open the door to buying bloodpoints, then next it will be "Buy our VIP pass and get 2x bloodpoints, 2x iridescent shards". It will end up being a game where you either go up against rank 1s who have bought enough bloodpoints to run purple toolboxes and brand new parts, or killers running only pink addons and moris.

    You should have to earn your addons and offerings by playing the game, buying these things would destroy this games competitive structure.

    However, i would not be against letting people just buy perk unlocks, so that they don't have to buy an entire killer or survivor to get the meta perks. But what would be even better than making them purchasable with money is just to increase how many perks are available in the shrine now. The shrine has existed for years, and 4 perks at a time back then was fine because there were half as many perks as there are now. Now that there are so many more perks, the chances of the perks you want showing up are much lower.

    But GL getting any devs to hear your voice, or care at all about what you say if they do manage to read this. They actually think Legion is in a good spot right now. Just proves how little they understand about the competitive state of their own game.

    If you took a look at the survey they put out a week ago, 90% questions were basically about monetized aspects of the game. "Do you like these products? Would you prefer these products over these products? Which of these products are you most likely to buy? Are you happy with the selection of purchasable ######### in store? Would you be more likely to buy these products if we did this and this?" Kinda tells you all you need to know about the only kind of feedback they want from you.

    Post edited by XRuecian on
  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    However, i would not be against letting people just buy perk unlocks, so that they don't have to buy an entire killer or survivor to get the meta perks. But what would be even better than making them purchasable with money is just to increase how many perks are available in the shrine now. The shrine has existed for years, and 4 perks at a time back then was fine because there were half as many perks as there are now. Now that there are so many more perks, the chances of the perks you want showing up are much lower.

    Well, I think Shrine of Secrets is just a joke. First, you need an extremely rare and hard to get currency to buy perks there, and second... There should be a perk shop instead, where you could buy an unlock for any perk at any time with the real money. That, indeed, would be a good alternative to buying Blood Points and would help avoid infinite best addons problem. Having all the perks allows players to experiment, which, in turn, makes the game more fun to play. But right now... I believe, being the novice Killer player with no perks at all is worse than Hell.

    Speaking of which, I believe the real life maniacs should go into Dead by Daylight after death. Would be a perfect Hell for them.

  • HerpDerp721
    HerpDerp721 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2020

    Playing as killer is just not fun anymore as the game has become a total bully simulator and killers have become a plaything for survivors. What do the devs do about it? Keep buffing survivors cause they are the only people the devs listen to for some reason. The new killer, deathslinger, is absolute garbage and not viable at all in the high ranks and the devs refuse to buff him. It actually astounds me that they decided to nerf one of his perks and buff one of zarinas perks. I have no clue why ruin was nerfed either. The devs have no idea what they are doing and after this latest update I refuse to spend anymore money on this game just to show them that they are the ones slowly killing their game. I’m just about ready to stop playing all together. The devs obviously have never heard of “balance” and now I’m convinced they just don’t care. Thanks behaviour for ruining what was once one of my favourite games.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    Right after i posted my comment earlier i queued up for a game. After a 5-10 minute wait, I ended up going against a full premade SWF of rank 3 and 2s. I am only rank 12, still haven't had time to grind out and unlock the meta perks/killers, so as you can assume it was just a fiesta of chasing as they beelined from one pallet to the next, and having all 4 of them bodyblock, sabotage hooks, and borrowed time/adrenaline run to the gate when i finally managed to hook one at the end. What a nice ranked experience. /s

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    There are only so much Killers worth playing in the game. That's why I want to level up Oni and try certain effective builds on him while I still can. If it's against Red-Rank SWF at any rank, then why not just forget about FUN alltogether and bring out only the most effective Killers and strategies? Not that the devs are going to care about certain Killers' pickrate going all the way down to 0% one day.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    My favorite killer is trapper but he is almost unplayable without very specific addons and relies heavily on perks to help his heavy weaknesses. So i don't even get to play him. I can have fun trapper games if i am playing against people in the mid ranks, but he just has too many disadvantages against red ranks. It wouldn't feel so bad being put up against red ranks if the game wasn't so competitively oriented. I have to struggle through a frustrating match that i cannot enjoy because i know i am going to derank/miss out on points/waste addons on an unwinnable game.

    They want to force low rank killers to go against survivors who are 6+ ranks over them, have every second chance perk in the game, and are sharing information over coms? Sure. But i better get a 100% free safety pip and get a BP bonus to compensate for the bullshit i have to suffer through.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    If you really enjoy playing Trapper, I would suggest you go watch some of Otzdarva's videos on his YouTube channel "not Otzdarva". He's an absolute master of Trapper. You can try to mimic his build and game decisions in your game, I'm sure that his videos can provide you with a lot of insight on Trapper gameplay.

    My favourite Killer is actually Legion and in order to win I have to play really dirty sometimes. No camping or tunneling, but slugging? Yes, please.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    I do watch otzdarva, but the majority of perks he recommends i just do not have access to yet. No pop, no play with your food, no discordance, no corrupt intervention, no make your choice. Also, regardless of what kinds of tips he can give, Trapper still relies (maybe more than any other killer) very good map knowledge. There is no way for me to learn the maps other than to just keep playing the game, it will come with time. I also have stopped playing trapper because in order to keep him playable i have to keep refreshing his addons, which doesn't leave me with many BPs to continue unlocking things i need from other killers.

    When i came back to the game recently, i really thought Legion was going to be a killer i would like. But once i fully understood how his power worked, i feel like he is basically just a slightly better Wraith. They both use their power to get in fast and grab an easy first hit, but then they have to just chase the guy down as a normal M1 killer to get the kill.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2020

    And that's exactly the problem I was refering to in my original post! Some Killers really need specific Perks in order to be playable, but no! You want the Perks? Go waste months farming Bloodpoints and leveling up the Killers you don't enjoy. Because there's no way around it, unless you believe in the random Shrine of Secrets.

    Post edited by Humanarian on
  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    I was at least lucky enough to get BBQ/Chili like over a year ago in the shrine. TBH it doesn't feel like leveling a single killer to level 50 is really that hard, i could level one killer to level 50 in one day pretty easily starting from 0 BPs. The problem for me is that the majority of those games i will play to grind up to 50 will be frustrating and unfair rather than fun.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    I am an adult of 28 years old. I have a job and the other things that keep me busy. I have only the evening and weekends to play games or do other things I enjoy. And Dead by Daylight is not the only game I want to play. So, I really don't have much time to spend mindlessly farming Blood Points, especially if I care not for the Killer I'm forced to level up. I would like to just enter the game and play the Killer I enjoy playing. With the Perks I'd like to use. Alas, I can't even buy that. Only grind.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    Hm... Interesting. I honestly thought those topics would give birth to a bigger discussion.

  • danielbird11
    danielbird11 Member Posts: 150

    Imo deathslinger is better than huntress he can stop loops that huntress simply can't. Plus his instant shooting is really good. Combine that with his low terror radius without a hum and he is a really strong killer if you play him right. Especially with stbfl and M&A. He also reduces the amount of distance survivors get after being hit if he reels them in fully. Imo his only cons are his 110ms and limited range. Other than that he is a pretty solid killer. Gen-rush is the problem.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    I don't think Deathslinger is in an unplayable state. All things considered, it could be a lot worse (Cough Clown Cough).

    He does have a lot of strengths to make up for his weaknesses. And if they do fix genrushing then he might be in the perfect spot. And they have hinted at wanting to do something about generator speed, especially in the first minute or two of the game.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    One of Tru3Ta1ents side-by-side comparison videos gives all the proof needed that Huntress is much better than Deathslinger. In the similar situation (even a bit worse for Huntress) she's able to get 2 downs in a time span not enough for Deathslinger to get even one. He's slow not only in walking. He's slowed down by reloading, by reeling in. And his biggest problem is that even landing every shot is not going to guarantee him the downs, because Survivors can use terrain to break the chain quickly, body block the ones being reeled in, take a hit for them, etc. And as Huntress, you get a guaranteed down every time you land a shot on an injured Survivor. And it's instant, no need to suffer through the slow reeling animation while the other Survivors are doing something useful on the map.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    Despite his terrible map pressure, Clown (surprisingly) has a better chance of downing a looping Survivor than Deathslinger does. In my opinion, if you want a ranged Killer, Huntress or Plague would be a much better choice.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    It's true that his killspeed potential is lower than huntress but that is only in that one scenario where they are attempting to down multiple enemies one after another. He has other advantages that huntress does not. He can sneak up on people way way way way easier. He can shoot through tiny tiny holes in almost every wall to hit an enemy. He never has to end a chase to go get hatchets if he runs out.

    Huntress hatchets are way more lethal, but they are harder to aim, and its basically like trying to throw beach ball sized shots, they require way way more precision to not accidentally hit an object. It's only natural that someone would be rewarded more for landing her shots over his. If they did buff his lethality to be equal to huntress, then huntress would instantly become a useless killer because he would simply be better at all things with no downsides.

    Yes, he has a lot of downsides, but you can't just complain about them and ignore the fact that he has plenty of upsides as well. You cannot underestimate his ability to be stealthy. Unlike huntress, he can walk around a corner and instant-shoot you, he doesn't have to give away a sound queue that he is readying a shot. The survivors have WAY less reaction time to counterplay him. Sure, he can't hurt someone who is on the other side of a pallet.... but guess who else can't do that? Almost every other killer. If he could, he would be the only killer anyone would ever play because it would be so easy and so unstoppable. You can't play him like a huntress, because he isn't huntress. His strength comes in stealth, rendering windows unusable, and having the potential to down someone before they can reach a loop in the first place if you are skilled with him. Huntress has some of the same strengths, but different weaknesses. In exchange for her having lethal hatchets, they are harder to use, she has zero stealth, and they give survivors a warning that you are aiming a shot.

    The problem is, if they buff deathslinger much, he will quickly become more than just okay, he will be straight up broken. Since his gun is so so easy to aim and shoot quickly (you can literally quickshot it, no need to prep a hit like huntress) any little buff will be amplified by anyone who is good at twitch muscle gaming, and i don't want DBD to become that. He basically makes every window in the game completely useless already, and a lot of the longer loops, like shack, are also useless against him.

    If you want a killer who has range, speed, and full lethality, we already have nurse. And there is a reason she is so insanely difficult to use. Any easier and she would just dominate every game without any skill needed. The same applies with Deathslinger, just in the opposite direction. Instead of being super difficult, ranged and lethal, he is super simple, ranged and less lethal. There is a balance to be kept. If you make something easy to use, it has to be weak to compensate. And if you make something very strong, it has to be super hard to compensate. It is only when this formula is not followed that imbalance is created. Freddy and Spirit, for example might be a little too strong in comparison for how easy they are to use. They TRIED to make spirit hard to use, by making her unable to see survivors, but it seems that does not make her as difficult as they thought it would.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    but you can't just complain about them and ignore the fact that he has plenty of upsides as well.

    The problem is the fact that his upsides are simply not good enough to compensate for his downsides in the current meta. They only succeed in making him fun to play, but fun is a pretty questionable and subjective thing that quickly evaporates when the player realises that they are bound to lose more than win, no matter how good they get. And the reason for that is that he's generally slow at everything. And as slow as he is, he is completely powerless to compete with the current gen speed. And on top of that, his power does not do enough to compensate for his lack of map pressure, unlike the powers of the other slow Killers.

    And if you wish a stealthy Killer, there are choices that are much more viable than Deathslinger.

    Sure, he can't hurt someone who is on the other side of a pallet.... but guess who else can't do that? Almost every other killer.

    It would make no sense to compare him to the mellee Killers. And every other ranged Killer (Huntress and Plague) actually can down a Survivor who's on the other side of the pallet.

    You can't play him like a huntress, because he isn't huntress.

    I'm not talking about playing him like Huntress. I'm talking about playing him to the same efficiency level as Huntress. Those are two different things.

    rendering windows unusable

    Yes, he's supposed to do that, but even that is not always the case. There are some Survivors who know how to wiggle properly while being pulled. And they manage to get so far to the side that even after pulling them as close and possible, Deathslinger still can't land a hit through the window. That's something that must be fixed.

    In exchange for her having lethal hatchets, they are harder to use

    Oh, they are definitely much harder to use when it comes to aiming. However, their hit boxes cannot be compared to the one of Redeemer. One too many times I've seen both myself and the streamers miss a shot that looked like it should have 100% hit the target.

    he will quickly become more than just okay

    Who said that he's okay in the first place? Not even the streamers play him all that much in higher ranks. In my opinion, he is far from being okay, and is currently one of the Low Tier Killers. And I personally didn't have much fun playing him even at the low ranks, despite leveling him up to almost 50 (I haven't counted, but it's definitely 20+ matches on him). Especially since match making makes it a high rank game every once in a while anyway. Something must be done about him. Increasing his reeling speed would be a good start.

    If you make something easy to use, it has to be weak to compensate.

    Tell that to MOBA games. In fact... I doubt that logic has any right of being applied in any genre at all. No, there will always be the characters for the novice players and for the experienced ones. And while it's true that the higher skill requirements need to be rewarded properly, that should in no way mean that the less skill-dependent characters should be weak to the point of being unplayable in the real competition. If you want to talk about ballance, there are different ways. Those characters that are not so mechanically demanding usually get some higher requirements in something else. As in, the game knowledge and ability to apply certain tactis. The requirement of thinking more instead of pressing more buttons. That's just an abstract example though.

    That being said, Deathslinger gameplay design is actually fun to play and I personally want to be able to play him more. But mixing emotions and facts is not acceptible. And the fact is, he just cannot compare to the effective Killers and doesn't stand much chance against the gen-rushing Red Ranked SWF. That means the only reason to even play him is for fun, and that reason is highly questionable. As it is now, it doesn't matter how skilled one gets with Deathslinger, that Killer is going to lose vs good Survivors even if he lands his every single shot and applies the most optimal tactics. He can only punish Survivor's mistakes, and if they don't make any - it's over for him.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    I don't disagree that he has difficulty pressuring gens enough to keep up with the games speed. But that is not a Deathslinger problem, its a general game problem. Pretty much every killer that can't teleport or dash across the map is having that same problem, which is why i think when they do fix the game speed problem, deathslinger will be just fine. Otzdarva has played quite a lot of him, and even though he misses at least half of his shots, he generally has been winning games more than losing, regardless of rank.

    I feel like deathslinger is directly a mid-tier killer, which isn't that bad when you consider how much worse some others are doing. Because he is half ranged half melee, he has amazing perk synergies. Pretty much every perk that is good on huntress is better on him, and he gets the benefit of still being able to get the best out of M1 oriented perks like STBFL/Devour Hope/NOED/Make your Choice.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    Of course it's a general game problem, but the efficiency of the Killers can only be determined within the rules of the game. And while playing by the current rules, he's just not viable. It is true that Otzdarva played a lot of him, and I've seen all of his videos (not the actual streams sadly), and I don't know if he deliberately picks such matches for his videos, but I haven't seen much of his Deathslinger being put up against the full gen-rushing SWF. Those Survivors made their mistakes. On top of that, it was the time when the Survivors were still getting used to playing against that Killer. And I honestly doubt that many of them played on PTB.

    And I never meant to say that Deathslinger is the worst Killer in the game. It's just that his efficiency is rather... underwhelming. That and he's extremely dependant on certain Perks (like Save the Best for Last for an effecient combo) and Add-Ons (Like Bayshore's Gold Tooth for reeling speed). And the very fact that some Killers are that dependant on Perks and Add-Ons is a design flaw all it's own, in my opinion. But that's a different topic entirely.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    There are maybe some tweaks they can do with him to make things a little more clean and less frustrating, but i doubt you will see any blatant huge buffs for him like movespeed increase, or allowing him to kill you with his gun from range. He did only just come out, so maybe you might see changes with reeling speed or chain durability. But i don't think he only relies on survivors making mistakes as you say. If you are good enough at predicting survivors movement and knowing where its a good idea and a bad idea to attempt a shot, there are a lot of plays you can make, regardless of if the survivor makes a mistake or not.

    And while i agree, no killer should be addon dependant, i don't think it is possible to make the killers non perk dependant. Unless they nerf every perk to have a much smaller impact on the game, there will always be killers who just have too much synergy with a perk to not use it. For example, if they buffed Deathslinger to recover faster after landing a shot/reel in, so that he isn't dependant on STBFL, he then could STILL run STBFL and just be extra strong instead. So their only choice is to leave deathslinger and STBFL how it is, or buff deathslinger and nerf STBFL so that he isn't OP with it, which would hurt a lot of other killers instead.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    Oh, of course. If anything, I expect them to nerf him, which would lead to him flying straight out of the window. Because that's just what they do, is it not?

    Oh, and I wasn't talking about just the mechanical mistakes on the Survivor side. I was talking about tactical mistakes as well, if not more, such as trying to go all together for an unhook instead of doing gens or something like that. Being caught out of position counts as one of those.

    And it wouldn't require reducing his attack cooldown to make him less dependant on Save the Best for Last. All it would take is buffing his reeling and reload speed. That would open up some other tactics and builds that could compete with "Save the Best for Last" Perk, while keeping it as one of his good builds. But as of now, it's rather this perk or something that would give Survivors the Exposed status effect. Otherwise, he's simply unable to down Survivors quick enough to keep up with the current rules of the game. Can you see why such buff would not involve nerfing Save the Best for Last? That's because buffing reeling and reload speed would not really affect his current tactics with that Perk. But it would make the Perk itself less of a must have for him, because he would be able to apply two shots in a chase without Survivor being able to get to the whole other side of the map while he reloads. But neither would that Survivor be unable to put enough distance between the Killer and themselves to make the further chase still fair.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2020

    My last experience was

    I downed a player and was trying to take them to the hook. I had 3 people stood in my way and not being able to take them to the hook. For some reason I couldn't drop the survivor to go and down the rest of the players and instead the survivor wriggles free and all 4 players was gone by time my killer came out of stun.

    It wasn't fun at all. 4 gennys was gone by time I had hooked one player at this point I was fuming. So yano what I did. Held down my PS button and closed application on the game. I took the penalty for DC'ing.

    SWF ruining the game once again. Pro players being matched against a noob killed.

    BTW. I got took all the way around the map by the 1 survivor, who knew every pallet drop going, round and around I went the map. Finally hit them. All of a sudden after catching back up to try and down them, his mate comes along to try and get me to go after them instead.

    Not an enjoyable experience at all.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    And do you know why Red Ranked Survivors get matched vs Low Rank Killers nowadays? Because a lot of Purple-Red Rank Killers have had enough and simply left the game. The problem of not having enough Killer players is finally starting to get real, and I am honestly licking my lips in anticipation of the search time for the Survivors to get absurdly high. So high that BHVR would be no longer able to outright ignore the balance problem of their game.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I think they will ignore it for as long as they can. I don't see them fixing the problem at all.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    Well, if they ignore it when it escalates so far... Then they would be forced to shut down the servers and lose their game. As simple as that.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Just been in a lobby as the killer. Up against 4 pro SWF groups. After 4 gennys gone and not one person killed. I dcd out of it and got a 4 minute penalty. So that's 2 penalties today because of unfair match making.

    If the lobbies are going to be like this all the time when playing this game I will have no option but to quit the game. I can't keep going in lobbies like this.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    They obviously have changed matchmaking again (without publishing anything in patch notes).

    As a survivor it goes from waiting excessively for a match to waiting for rainbow coloured ranked survivors, no wonder BHVR are trying to hide ranks when they don't fix the issue of mainly the killer being unbalanced and unfun to play.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    The problem seems only to be growing as the time passes... That's very unfortunate.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I don't they changed any match making. If they changed anything. IMO I think It will be like other games when you Q up. First come first served. Anyone survivor any rank is being placed in with any killer and rank to get people in games as fast as they can possibly be.