Your thoughts on implementing an Honor-Level like mechanic?

I'm usually not the one starting discussions but it just crossed my mind that this might actually help against what sometimes seems to be a major flaw in this community: reciprocal toxicity.
Now, if I had a fully developed concept already, I wouldn't have started this discussion in the "General Discussions", but in the "Feedback" section. I'd love to have an open yet constructive discussion first about whether something like this could actually help smoothen the waves a little bit.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel that a lot of measures that have been taken thus far aimed at directly punishing behaviours on both the killer and survivor side, indirectly encouraging fair, non-toxic and sportsmanlike behaviours and playstyles. "Unsportsmanlike", "toxic" or "unfair" - or whatever you may call it - yet legit playstyles on both sides (such as facecamping/tunneling only one surv on the killer side or farming fellow teammates on the hook or suiciding on first hook) are usually punished directly by means of less BP earnings and/or depipping.
I'm aware that this isn't a revolutionary idea and what I am about to propose wants to achieve the same results as the measures that have already been taken, but what about tackling the core issue from a different perspective by implementing something like an Honour-Level? What about providing an incentive which directly encourages fair-play for and on both sides? Similar to the one MOBA-game whose name must not be named. ;)
I have no clear picture yet, but so far, what are your opinions on this?
-Everyone dresses as same character
-Kill one
-Lose honor. Must play sudoku instead of DBD.
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There's nothing wrong with tunnelling. That said, I don't think this system could work. I don't think this game has a mature enough community to handle such thing.
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You won't lose honour if you kill/mori/whatever a survivor. The idea behind that is that you can get honour-levels (or sth. similar) but they can't be actively taken away from you by other players. :)
And at some point in time, you'll get some rewards based on your level and it will be resetted.
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I’m sorry can you pls repeat that a few more times I didn’t get it the first 3..
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I just wonder how honor would even be built. If people voted, then it could end up like OW's endorsement system where people either don't vote, or just randomly pick on a name on their own team.
And how would the game be able to detect punishable actions in a fair and consistent manner apart from straight forward incidents like disconnecting? and what would fair play even mean?
But I think we'd end up with the same situation we already have:
People that |camp/tunnel/farm/1 hook death/hold m1 all game/generally throw| don't really care about points or rank.
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What do you mean?
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I'm pretty sure it's okay to mention the game you're talking about, or even link to a description of that system to illustrate your point. I've done it before.
That aside, I'd personally be totally on board with this. I think that rewarding sportsmanlike behaviour is a much better way to encourage good community relations than punishing unsportsmanlike behaviour (particularly since there is some contention around exactly what is considered unsportsmanlike and when). It would essentially just be the same as giving props now, only it would actually do something tangible. Having a higher "honour" level could also reward players with things like tally screen borders or free shards, similarly to how it works in League (which I assume is the game you're thinking of).
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Well said.
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The problem is that survivors would abuse this system, and most killers would end up with low honour. I just can't see it working. Also, who decides what is fair and what should not be done? As some have suggested punishing tunnelling killers, should gen rushing survivors also be penalised?
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How would people abuse a system where you can only give 'upvotes', not 'downvotes'?
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Why would the survivors even vote then? Most of them are so easily triggered, they'd just refuse to upvote. I don't know. Being the cynical bastard that I am, I really have no faith at all in this community.
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The main idea I was having in mind was to go away from directly punishing/penalising players based on their actions but to encourage and reward "fair" and "sportsmanlike" behaviour to get the same results. It's like working with...let's say a child: instead of penalising it for its behaviour, you should try to positively reinforce good behaviour in order to maintain it - that's the underlying thought I had. And I was thinking that this could be achieved with a system such as Honour-levels.
I don't know what its core elements should look like nor how it can be effectively implemented - it'd be tough, that's for sure. And it won't be applicable to SWF.
Yes, it'd be more than difficult establishing what is fair and what should not be done. But why not let the choice be made by the individual? If a killer deems simple genrushing as not honourable, he won't honour the player(s) afterwards. If a survivor deems tunneling not honourable, that survivor is free to not honour the killer. That said, the other 3 survivors can still deem him or his playstyle honourable.
I know it's a weird concept as of now, but again, it was just what my mind spontaneously came up with. :)
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It's not a weird concept, I just don't see it working with this kind of community. Most players act as entitled children, and I blame the devs for catering to every request they make. The fact that this game is asymmetrical only complicates things: if I'm playing, say, Rome 2 online, and I lose a battle, I might still "honor" my opponent because we fought in a quasi-balanced match. But DBD is fundamentally different.
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Yes, especially your last point was one of my main concerns, too.
The whole Honour-Level system idea was not meant to be affected by what the game detects 'honourable' or 'punishable', because that's indirectly already the case when it comes to pipping or how many BPs you'll earn. It's rather a choice or an instrument that is given to the players in order to create a less toxic environment, maybe even an environment in which fair-play is actively and notably being appreciated.
Holy cow, do I sound like a SJW right now - which I am not! :D
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That's undeniably true, especially the asymmetric aspect which I believe to be the main source of entitlement in this game. Which brought me to thinking about: what happens if player begans to feel entitled to being honoured? That sure would pervert the original intention of the whole system.
I've started playing this game two months after release and I see the same topics being discussed over and over and over again. In my young, naive state of mind, I'd thought this might bring a bit of fresh, new air to what slowly becomes the most toxic community I've ever come across. :D
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Then they don't have to if they don't want to. That's the whole point of the system - if other players feel like you deserve acknowledgement, then they can give it to you. If they don't, you lose nothing. Sure, some people will be salty over losing no matter how chivalrous their opponent was, but that's not everyone. I wouldn't even say that's most people. The point is, there's nothing to abuse, it's a totally optional system that rewards positivity and good sportsmanship, and that's it. It's basically just attaching a rewards system to the "Give Props" mechanic that already exists.
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I definitely appreciate that. We certainly need fresh ideas, the problem is that the Devs often don't listem to them.
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That could be a good idea.
I've come across some really kind survivors mains when playing as killer, but every match I either get insulted, or someone tries to taunt me with something like "GG EZ". Maybe I'm just unlucky, but that's my experience. I play on PS4 though, which is more appealing to younger kids. That might explain why.
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Deffinately down for this and have suggested a system similar to ow endorsements before
Simply adding a upvote option that is easy to access (for console) And easy to see would go a long ways towards being kind towards others
doesn't even have to have rewards in it for me. Though any would be nice :)
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Hehe, I was sure that somebody must've already suggested something similar. Glad to hear you like it. :)
As for rewards, the only consistent form of representing your status in DbD right now are cosmetics I think. But then again, there are so many possibilities on how to represent an honour level: exclusive cosmetics (such as legacy skins), badges, generator/hook accessories, maybe even emotes ... ?
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Cosmetics aren't a good reward as after people get them, they'll stop being good, or the devs will contiuously have to release them/take them away
Bp bonus or xp bonus would be nice