Not seeing a lot of Zarinas. Grind too much?

I love her design so I've been using her but I'm not seeing a lot of other people using her on ps4. Anyone experience the same, or otherwise?
One thing is the insane amount of grinding required to get decent perks to use on new characters. I appreciate the steps they have taken in the past but the devs need to continue to ease the grind IMO.
It's a survivor, no one is going to play her unless they like how she looks and/or the cosmetics she has. People will just level her to 40 while playing another character to take her perks, and continue with their main.
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Hmmm? They only need to get her to lvl 40 for all teachable and not actually play her (less they want adept) so....the only people who would play her are those who wanna main her. I’m not a survivor main but I stick with one person when I do and don’t really see the need to change yet.
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Speaking for myself, I really can't be bothered to grind out 5 pages of perks on multiple survivors. I think it's ridiculous that I'm expected to do that on individual characters. I have 1500 hrs in the game. Why is it necessary for me to grind out perks on individual survivors and killers? It's asinine. Want to drive cosmetic sales? I might be more inclined to buy cosmetics on characters I could play without spending hundreds of hours grinding out perks I already have on two other survivors. It's so dumb on multiple levels
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I play all sorts of survivors. I have like 3-4 go to's with all or most perks unlocked but it's fun playing all different survivors. Like you said, all survivors are the same so you'd be less likely to main them than killers.
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I also generally see a ton of the new survivors the weeks following a release. Not this time though.. which is why i made the topic
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People are gonna play as survivors where they have more offerings for grinding and better perks, then once they have good perks they'll play Zarina. Killer's can't really do that unless they just want Deathslinger's perks cause you need to practice with Deathslinger and learn his power.
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I will P3-50 her with all Perks, eventually. But I dont see that everybody will do that. The thing is, if a new Survivor comes out, this Survivor needs to either have a Backstory people can relate to or a really good Design with cool Cosmetics, to become a Main. If this is not the case, there is no reason to switch the Main Character, especially since people dumped money in Cosmetics of their Main, which can be quite a lot (or not so much if you are a Adam-Main :P ).
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This is just a theory and I obviously can't say for sure without copious amounts of research, but I feel like a big part of that is because as time goes on and more and more survivors are added, most people have just found a survivor that they like. Back when the game first came out and there were only four survivors, you might not be too crazy about any of them, so a new survivor that's more up your alley would totally be worth switching to.
It's way harder to dethrone a favourite, though. I already like Dwight and Nea, for example. For me to switch to another survivor, I would have to really like them. I'm willing to bet that with a cast of 20 (now 21) survivors, most people have already found their Dwight/Nea – especially when they've gone the extra mile and started collecting cosmetics for them.
I can see the grind part too, although I don't think it's nearly high enough to stop you from playing the survivor you really want.
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I mean sure, but it probably doesn't hurt that it takes about 7.7 to 8.9 million to P3 perk out a new survivor... Like I love the new survivors back story and look, but as I've already put all my effort into Kate, Jeff, and Tapp... I am just getting to lazy to farm up that much BP to P3 Perk out a new survivor...
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I agree. Though I understand the grind for killers since they’re each truly unique, survivors are all just carbon copies of each other. I think there should be just one basic survivor model to grind out with each character essentially being a cosmetic to customize the model with. Advantages would be a combined pool of items and perks amongst all your survivors, since there’s really just one.
When you buy a new chapter, you get the new skin added in and a side-bloodweb to level up for the perks. Once they’re unlocked, the side-bloodweb disappears and your back to using your main one.
I’n sure there are other issues to hammer out, like prestige, but I think this makes a lot of sense.
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Doesn't really help that the perks arent really great either. From what ive played with. Though i still have to level 40 steve and Lori before i touch zarina. Then i can pick a main and start prestiging
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A little of column A and a lot of Column B... I really like Meg I identify with her as a runner myself, but even if liked the new survivor it would be hard for me to justify actually getting her past 40 to learn all the perks. The grind is absolutely too LONGGGGGGGGGG
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Not my type.
No Pretty Face, No Curves (flat), Ugly Cosmetics, Looks tired.
I prefer Jane. She is the best girl.
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I think it's a combination of Peanits' theory and NullEXE's.
Also Zarina's perks are trash and you can get the Deathslinger for free with shards.
I'm sure lots of people just got him free and totally ignored Zarina simply because she's just a cosmetic and a way to reliably unlock three perks.
Heck, I like the way she looks but I'm not getting her. What's the point?
She'll just be replaced by the next big new thing in 3 months anyway. Maybe that Survivor will look cooler/have better perks.
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survivors are just skins with different teachables and little to no difference between them (besides ace who has a built in iron will 1), once someone finds a main and gets all the perks unlocked on them they will feel disinclined to swap to another survivor.
and unfortunately unless the devs make a big change like giving survivors a unique passives or effects to differentiate them, adding more survivors won't change much
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The other big problem is, even if you like a new survivor, what is the point is spending 31 (42 P3) hours to perk out the new survivor. Like I actually love the look of the new survivor and her backstory is really cool, I just don't want to spend to P3 and perk her out...
So yeah, its a skin, I will rarely if ever use that I paid 7$ for... That is kinda crazy.
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People seem to be missing the point that when Yui was released I saw a ton of her and still do. When Nancy and Steve were released I saw a ton of them and they're still fairly common. Every new survivor has had a big burst of use upon release. So survivors being skins is not really relevant to what I'm talking about. Zarina seems like the least played new survivor as far back as I can remember
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I got her but I dislike her design and voice, so I don't play her.
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I can never abandon Dweet. Never!
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Hurting yourself for other people is totally metal so that's why I have it on corpse paint Jeff.
Or something.
All I know is he doesn't have a stupid scarf. Or a stupid anime girl t-shirt. Or a tophat. Stupid devs.
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Because Kate main is best main and anyone that chooses a different survivor is wrong. :( Jokes aside, the grind of having to level up another survivor and Tier 3 of their perks isn't really logical. Id rather just keep throwing bloodpoints into 1 survivor so I always have addons/offerings to use; especially now that addons will always disappear on you.
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I had her P3 on the first day, it’s really just the will to grind if you ask me.
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Yeah, OP, I noticed that too. Almost no Zarina on matches, what is not usual when a new survivor is launched, in the first weeks.
If the curves are the problem, as estated by one post, a Brazilian female survivor would make greater than Jane in all physical aspects. I am Brazilian, i go to the beaches, i know what im talking about. :D
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Her design is just “meh,” but that’s my opinion. Steve and Nancy were gonna get play because they are Stranger things. And people leveled Jane for head on so they played her on the way or just at low levels even to fool around.
Also each time the survivor grind takes longer so each time you’re gonna see less of new survivors unless they are really special
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She's an okay skin, but I have all my Perks on another skin. Until I unlock Perks on her that I frequently use, I'll stick with my go to.
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She's my 3rd survivor that I'll p3 max. After finishing kate and yui.
But since I'll only do my 2nd survivor after doing all the killers... gonna be a while.
But I do enjoy playing her.
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Feng Main Till I Die.
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Over the years I've leveled Meg, Nea, Kate, Feng, Yui, and Claud- have all "real" perks on them. Got Zarina to 48 and have nothing
Thing is, why grind out BP and then play the bloodweb RNG slot machine and hope I get the handful of perks I want on what is little more than a cosmetic change, if the gring wasnt horrid I would but its not worth it
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Survivors are skins, but if using a skin means having to farm for weeks it's no surprise people stick to their old mains.
There should definetly be a way to share perks and inventory between survivors, otherwise the old ones will always outnumber the new ones.
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I never saw much of Yui until later on, anyway. Honestly, I think even Jane took some time to become more common. And that makes sense; it's not that the grind makes people not play a new survivor completely, but they might have to wait a while until they have that character perked out.
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Oh ps4 so idk about there , in PC at least I see some Zarina's like often I p3 her as well , she is my new main :)
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I don't get why people seem to think that p3 is necessary. Unless you playing some of the licensed charakters the shop has usually better outfit option imo and the benefit for items and addons is not that big and survivor don't need items anyway.
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I would rather the grind be made simpler if you didn't need to unlock multiple ranks of the same perk. Just find it once on the bloodweb and it's already rank 3. There's no point to perk ranks apart from slowing you down and making you take longer to reach the same end result which you already achieved on other characters.
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I can tell you based on all the survivors I know that the grind is the biggest issue. Yes, personal choice comes in, but having yet another character to try and fill perks in on is too much.
Personally, I stopped P3 almost 2 years ago. There are too many perks and characters to try for p3. The advantage of p3 is an absolute joke, so why waste the BP that are so desperately needed to fill out other killers and survivors?
The grind is one of the worst aspects of this game. Blood webs are filled with crap we don't want and don't need. WTH would I want to make more smoke on the map as killer? So Claudette has a better chance to hide? Do you know how many bottles of that crap is sitting on my killers because it was in the way of more important stuff? Not to mention the 30 postulent petals or chinese new year tickets etc that rot in my inventory.
No more characters until we fix the grind.
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You should at least have the option to buy an upgrade to any perk you own. OR maybe only tier 1 of the perks appear in the bloodweb and once you buy it you own it, then you can select it in your perk inventory and upgrade to tier 2 or 3 for like 4-10k BP.
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I at no point did I ever say it was necessary to P3 them. I was pointing out that it would take roughly 31 hours to Perk them out, and an additional 11 hours if you wanted to P3 them.
As for why I personally want to P3 my survivors... because why not. I had the game before the store was a thing. When your choice of characters cosmetics were not really an option. So now that some of them are P3, I want to personally P3 them all. However, I know many people that didn't P3 anyone, so they honestly don't care either way.
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Personally I don't play that much anymore but a lot of my friends have frequently more than 30 hours in the last two weeks on steam in dbd and two weeks seem like a reasonable time to max out a charakter in my opinion. For me P3 is just a mostly useless "do-it-if-you-have-the-time-for-it" - thing, but I guess people see that differently.
I also had the game before the shop was an option and I mained Meg, who had a ton of outfits because of the cosmetic dlcs, so there were options before the shop but I guess in the end it comes down to personal preferences and I can understand that some people like to complete things.
It is also true that the game can be quite grindy for people that don't have the time to play much, but the grind is also part of the fun for others, so you need to find a middle ground there.
The archives help a bit imo (even though I don't like them) because they give you Bloodpoints. So I can understand that we disagree at that point but I don't think that there is a fix needed for the grind at the moment. (Also I really dislike the common proposal to just remove Perk tiers, because it would make the game more boring imo)
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For me, I just like to use 1 or 2 survivors that I really like cosmetic-wise, and also the sound they make. For example, I love Feng, but her breathing is so loud! Jane is a fun one, but when she's injured she's taking that actress role a little too far on the pain side. So I like to play a character I like, but also doesn't give me away with OTT noise.
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Seeing as you mentioned being on Ps4 I assume the Chapter wouldn't sell all that well seeing as the Deathslinger requires a good amount of precision which would be hard to do with a controller. As cool as Zarina may seem to be, i'd bet the Killer is the biggest selling point of a Chapter.
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Well, new players shall grind new survivors as mains more easily, since it may be their first. Old players tend to stand with old ones.
For me, Quentim is my main "alpha" (p3-50 with all perks), and Meg is becoming that also (p3-50, with almost all perks, slowly grinding) cause she was my first P3 before I buy others survivors. Well, when i started playing for grinding hard and after buying all chars, Quentim was already there, so I chose him. If i started the grind when he was not there, i should stay with whatever main alpha id chose, but him.
And now im going for p3-50 with Ace, given his lower grunts of pain, and the Flying Ace custom.
But Meg and Ace i grind only after getting all new perks with my alpha main Quentim.
So my point is:
1 - the standard survivors have more chance to become mains cause they come with the game, and that includes new players
2 - new players have more chance to have mains in most recent DLCs cause they didnt grind another one, if they buy the DLC
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Just BHVR things..
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I think it's a combination of grind and that the new survivor is kinda like a combination of nea and yui (in my eyes). So why playing her when you have nea and yui maxed out, right?
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IMO she looks boring, her cosmetics are meh as well. It's just another survivor with sidecut hair like c'mon. Besides that I tend to stick with my main survivors, Yui is the only exception, she became my main even before release of the chapter lol.
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i absolutely love zarinas design, been playing her a whole lot since her release, shes one of my new favorite survivors
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I personally don't care much for the new dlc, and im tired of buying new cosmetics and dlc, im just going to stick with what i have
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This post is funny to me!
Just became a Zarina main. I got a p3 claudette out of loyalty to a character I started with when self care was broken. And friends said you going to need to self care. Cause got my bill, ash, feng and meg.
But no one in my swf plays such I feel I get to be an individual in our group with her. P1 zarina at the moment.
Cant wait to see what the future holds for old zarina. Be easy killers....we dont have all our perks yet!
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Zarina is just not appealing - she looks bland, ugly and boring, also she sounds weird.
The survivors in F13 look nice and are fun. Also the upcoming Resident Evil Resistance survivors look good and show a lot of personality.
BHVR, maybe time for a change now? Start the ball rolling with the blond, blue eye athletic male people were requesting.
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Unfortunately all survivors are just skins. Unless a player likes the look or lore of a particular skin, there’s not a lot of reason to blow through millions of bp
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I usually grind BP on Jane/Laurie (my fav survs at P3-50 with lots of perks) and spend it on another survivor until they are P3-50,then I start playing them.
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I feel like this is one of the worst selling dbd dlcs soo far, thats a possible reason why