DC penalties are not what DbD needs right now

Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

The game is in such a poor technical state for both bugs and issues with the dedicated servers (hey there hit boxes), and in a poor state balance wise with some things being so under powered and somethings being super over powered, DC penalties don't make any sense.

First ask, why do people DC. Well you might think out of rage for something but I think most of the time when someone rage quits it is not something another player did, it is something *the game* did to them.

So to cut to the chase and avoid a super long post. Instead of adding punishments for DCing actually fix the things causing people to DC.

Can they fix them all, probably not. But there are a good few that could definitely be fixed within a week.

Like disabling Ormond and Haddonfield until the map team can get around to reworking those into playable maps.


  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    There are two kinds of players, ones that like to dc without penalty, and those that get screwed over by survivors acting like losers and dcing. You, OP, are the first type of player, clearly. Technical crashes in this game are extremely rare.

  • TheMidnightRidr
    TheMidnightRidr Member Posts: 599
    edited February 2020

    Funny. The VAST majority of people DCing in my games are survivors who are upset the game isn't going their way, most of which are when survivors who think they're hot stuff get knocked down. It's people like that who ruin games for the rest of the survivors and for killers who care about pipping.

    Not to mention the losers who DC so another survivor can get hatch.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    DC penalties are a necessary evil. Yes, ther are technical bugs such as infinite loading screen, and what @Sairek mentioned, but there are a lot of players DCing because of something unfun.

    Heck just recently, my obsession DCed when I was about to rancor him to complete the rancor challenge.

    DC penalties are needed, and it sucks when you crash during loading or mid game, and have to wait out the timer, but it's still better than getting screwed over by a salty survivor or killer, when playing as a killer and/or survivor.

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    not really rare tbh..happens at least once a day when i play with friends (sometimes them, sometimes me, sometimes the random). just freezes while loading esp when alt tabbed to your browser.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    No deffiently the most DC's were because of survivors trying to force Killers to black pip / de-pip, and to give other players Hatch mechanic sooner.

    On top of just Dcing because they don't like the Map, or Killer they are against.

    So yes. The penalty was heavily needed. A lot sooner than it came, but i'm just glad it's here now.

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    DC penalty is like "our house is on fire, i think we could use some new cutlery" lmao

  • Bunx
    Bunx Member Posts: 4

    I think the game crashes too much for people at times, I don't think that the DC ban is a bad thing, I understand but.. It sucks when the game crashes on you and then you get a time-out.

  • well people have been reporting rank update errors giving them DC penalties, so they really should have thought this through better.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    The crash during loading shouldn't even count. I cut my session short today so I haven't gotten to see yet whether or not infinite load will affect the timer or not personally.

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    i saw people saying on reddit any dc during a loading screen doesn't count, only ingame.

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2020

    It's a necessary evil at the moment, my friend. You're not doing any favors by bringing up a lot of very rare things that happen to try and justify it, either. At least stick to more realistic, common situations.

    The match cancelled thing is probably the most common bug, but it doesn't happen THAT often. The crash is quite rare and I think I'd seen it once my entire time playing, and I remember it because it never happened before to be, and not since.

    Everything else is just people complaining because they want to use the ways this "doesn't work" (When it does) so they can continue to not be punished for all the countless more reasons people disconnect that are NOT reasonable. It's a big issue. It needs punishing. It needs to be improved on. It's as simple as that.

    I get the argument "It won't stop people from killing themselves on first hook instead" But so what? It will still stop a lot of disconnects in general, maybe make people more likely to play things out. Like, you can't not introduce this because people will do that - because you're using that argument to justify NEVER having a punishment, ever. I personally hope they find a way to punish people from first hook immediately killing themselves because it pisses me off as a survivor

  • anothernursemain
    anothernursemain Member Posts: 16

    I’ve been banned twice today for dcing that wasn’t my fault my game crashed twice and I about had it with this company they don’t fix problems they squeeze out what ever cash they can from you for dlc and cosmetics not fixing the bigger problems I don’t have to dc but when I’m getting banned for faulty game design that crashes then that might be it for me I don’t know about anyone else but seriously you can’t fix the rank system that’s all over the place, lobby times are fine for the right ranks but no an mmr system right this company needs to go back to the original rank system last year yeah wait times were long but we weren’t placed in lobbies unfairly which is probably why main dc to begin with besides the few for rage issues. I’m calling it now besides those who make a living playing this game and the few sadistic players who are glutton for punishment they’ve destroyed what was once a fun game

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    I will be honest I have over 1300 hours let alone happen to me I hadn't seen it happen to someone like ever never. I can only relate to infinite loading screens which was fixed like 10000 billion years ago for me. Seems like it is one of those bugs that happens to only small percentage of people.

  • tylerdiablo
    tylerdiablo Member Posts: 28

    I agree there needs to be penalties for DC'ing, but like most of everyone else said why not fix the issues at hand first? There are people still paying the game and are getting frustrated because of poor quality in game. I've been stuck in multiple maps, not being able to run or move. Hit boxes have a mind of their own. It's just sad to see a game like this be led down a road of mediocre.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    People disconnecting was a big issue and it got fixed.

    The vast majority of disconnects were in purpose, not crashes or lost connections. And the vast majority of people against the penalties are the kind of people who'd disconnect because they got found first or they missed their decisive strike skillcheck.

    I'm glad they implemented the penalty back.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2020

    DC as green rank killer against four RED RANK genrusher SWF - penalty. No want to waste my time on this SWF bullshit and fun gameplay without old ruin against awesome mlg nonscope players who can genrush with few minutes if you didn't play billy. I see how devs a incompetent enough and can't fix matchmaking and SWF with voice advantage. I am done.  

    Priority is set. They not care about main problem in this game. Matchmaking.

    P.S: Yesterday, awesome old bug still in game. Sound bug. I can't hear any injured survs. THANK YOU, DEVS.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Actually, this is a year or more late, but better than never.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    That's good. Can confirm though that DC from host still happens. They really need to get their ######### together when it comes to whatever the problems are with their servers.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I've been getting people who farm when I'm trying to just play the game regularly.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited February 2020

    The basement bug is still a thing too, although it’s rarer than it used to be. Having a DC penalty just isn’t great either... especially with all of the storms and stuff over here in Oz, it’s been playing havoc with everything dbd related. A DC timer is just going to compound things that are, frankly, not under my control.

  • Rizzok
    Rizzok Member Posts: 5

    About "It won't stop people from killing themselves on first hook instead":

    Then just give killer all points for remaining hook count on this player + some bonus (that he potentially gets for chaising and hitting that player). And maybe some gen repair speed bonus to survivors (questionable).

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    DCers - Almost every game

    Bugs that force you to leave - Rarely

  • SxfetyPin
    SxfetyPin Member Posts: 9

    I feel as if DC'ing shouldn't really be punished in a game like this. Is it unfortunate to have a teammate DC for whatever reason- comms, or not? Absolutely. But I've never seen a community thag just hands out free Hatches (wins) to opponents so consistently. From how I see it, the community itself balances the problem out by making the game feel lightweight.

    On the other side of things, can you truly blame a newbie Killer for DC'ing from a match with Red Ranks Sabotaging every Hook and doing anything necessary to ruin the experience for the Killer? Someone looking to have fun, just to end up being griefed? Yeah, I couldn't blame anyone for saying,"Let's find a match that I can relax and have fun with."

    There are multiple problems with the game that do need to be directly addressed and communicated upon. But I agree with OP; Disconnect Timeouts is something this game truly doesn't need. The community for this game is already fairly small. Why would you want to risk portions of the community leaving due to it?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    The largest reason I DC'd before was because the death animations took forever and I was losing a pip anyway. Especially when getting an early game mori, seriously, its disgusting you have to wait 20 minutes for a match, only to be tunneled early game, get hooked once with the killer staying close enough to be there before you're fully unhooked but far enough to not trigger BT, down me again and Mori me in the first 4 minutes of the game, having to wait that stupid 10 seconds of Mori before I can join matchmaking again. Let alone the fact that if I dc'd, the hatch instantly opens and I could join another game.

    If the devs allow me to leave the match once im dead(due to mori or dead hook) without forcing me to wait for the animation to finish and actually open the hatch once someone is put on the final hook rather than waiting for the animation to finish. Then I'd never really have a reason to DC at all. Heck, often killers actually do get a bonus if you DC during a death animation, so I honestly dont know why they would punish that type of DC. There is literally no downside for anyone to dc during the death animation.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I can not speak for anyone else but I think a DC penalty of any kind is ridiculous. I can not think of another game out there that forces you to play. I want out of COD, I am out. I want out of Apex, I'm out. I want out of Friday the 13th, I'm out. It is ridiculous to punish people for simply not wanting to play.

    I play killer like 20% of the time, not a bunch, I know. I very rarely get a DC. You know why??? I don't face camp, I don't grief people, I don't tunnel people in the basement, etc, etc, etc.

    If someone is going to hook me in the 1st 20 seconds of the game, then stand in front of me shaking there head no and hitting me on hook I should not be obligated to play with that person. They are the ones cheating me, not caring about my gaming experience and not even letting me play the game. If I DC I forfeit my points and item and add-on, that is punishment enough.

    It is a ridiculous expectation to demand that people take whatever abuses others want to dish out because there is not recourse for bad behavior but if you simply try to remove yourself from the situation you are done playing.

    1 year ago I would have said this game was the best but it just gets worse with every patch.

    This needs so go now!!!!

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Then suicide on first hook if you get caught within 20 seconds and camped. No need to disconnect for that.

    And if you want out of games that frequently, you only have yourself to blame, your type of players are the reason they implemented the punishment in the first place. You reap what you sow, don't ######### and moan about it now that they're finally doing something to counter that.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    You can't just suicide on hook. The survivor will just save you. I literally just had a game where the survivor saved me, and the killer got pissy about me wanting to commit suicide, so he refused to down me long enough to bleed out or hook me. DC penalties just mean the other players can take you hostage again.

    I legit didn't think any of these dev's bad decisions were gonna push me to stop playing, but I've played less and less since these penalties, and I'm legit done after that bullshit match. Might pick up the game again if they get their head straight and take out DC and come into modern times with every other game developer and find more clever ways to control DCing. But I doubt it's gonna happen, and I doubt I'm the only player fed up with this crap.

  • BillyBacon
    BillyBacon Member Posts: 9

    The Dead by Daylight crew have shown us repeatedly that they always fix the side effect of problems, and not the reason why it's happening. Don't get your hopes up for improvements.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Then it might be time to find people to play with, rather than get randos who just want to farm you off the hook in front of the killer.. or, you know, disconnect and go make yourself a cup of tea to calm yourself up during your 5 minutes timeout, since you apparently would just get slugged and not hooked again, so that would make the game last longer than the 5 minutes period and you wouldn't be having fun.

    But I find it hard to believe it happens to you so often you feel there's a problem with the penalty. But hey, you're the same guy who also keeps crashing over and over, so I honestly don't give much credit to what you're saying concerning the penalties, and will just assume you're an entitled survivor main who disconnects at anything and move on to better discussions.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2020

    OK buddy. Never said anything about myself "crashing over and over." If you actually bothered to pay attention before ranting, you'd notice it was a completely different person that claimed to actually be crashing. My comment was just a general commentary about how unstable the game is. I do crash, like everyone, at the loading screen often. And I have been experiencing a lot of freezes since the last update. But you do you, champ.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Loading screen crashes don't give you penalties though.

    And honestly, the ones complaining about the penalties are always the ones who disconnect on purpose. So yeah, sorry if I misread your other post. Also nice 10 days later response.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    To be fair many people had these concerns long ago and I completely agree. The game is plagued with bugs and every single patch introduces new ones. By the time they fix them another patch arrives and new bugs with it and that is like a neverending circle.

    Also what is wrong with Ormond/Hadd - are they bugged in a way? I heard about some problems with basement only ...

  • GarciaNation
    GarciaNation Member Posts: 2

    I am a player that would never dc ,and now that my game crashes giving me the blue screen I get penalized. This has to be fix or ppl affected by this will move from the game .

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    While i will agree that DCing is bad, the developers (and many of the players who complain about DCers) are missing the main problem. Instead of looking to just simply punish DCing, why not first ask yourself why DCing is becoming so frequent in the first place, and fix it?

    DCers are already losing their addons/offerings and getting a derank pip, there is obviously a flaw with the game if they still want to DC.

    If matchmaking was fixed (And they put a rush on it instead of making us wait months), this DC problem would likely largely diminish. People are DCing because often your game is just unable to be enjoyed.

    Yesterday i watched my friend play a game as killer over discord for fun. He doesn't play killer much at all, and usually sits around rank 20-18 because he doesn't play enough to counter the rank reset. He was rank 20, and he was put up against four rank 5s, he didn't get a single hook, it was like watching a bronze player have to fight diamond players in league. He didn't DC, but i would have. Nobody should be forced to play in a game like that or be punished if they decide to leave. Same goes for people who DC when they are being facecamped on a hook. Nobody should even be mad if they do that, they were already being facecamped and unable to help their team, whether they stay on the hook or DC doesn't change that.

    At the very least, we should be able to get a free unpunishable DC every 5-8~ games, both to account for these situations or accidental internet drop outs/power outages, etc.

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    I kinda gotta disagree, a survivor DCing doesnt just hurt the survivors it also hurts the killer ive depiped because of DCs or have lost Merciless because of it. Same for the survivors they dont get anything for a DCed killer as a survivor you dont wanna play anymore get hooked and struggle til death or as killer just chase and let then build Gens end the game. Same out come no matter what it forces the game to be played or get punished I dont want to sit thru Ques just to have people DC. Someone taking a tantrum because the game didnt go there way should be ounished

  • ozmandoz
    ozmandoz Member Posts: 1

    Currently, since cross play is a thing. I play with a friend on pc whilst im on console which obviously kinda forced to deal with what i like to call the PC DC Babies. Ooh theres a killer they dont like...dc. Ooh their downed....dc. So i generally only ever see pc players dc 98% of the time. So il call the PDBs for alliteration (hope it takes off lol) there is Zero punishment. Heres a suggestion.

    If a player Dcs once and reported. 10 min matchmake ban and its marked (so if they quit game and come back they are still marked and forced to sit out the 10 mins even if they start the game up over and over again) strike 1

    Over a period of a few games the mark is rubbed off and they can continue playing no problem. Hopefully slap on the wrist will get their act together and stop it.

    DCing again whilst marked.

    This puts you in a box full of other dcers, (its soo common itl fill up quick)

    We'll call it ranked dunce.

    Only way to get out of dunce rank is COMPLETE trials with no dcing after say 2-3 games but bloodpoint rewards are cut by half.

    For an added bonus. Players have dunce hats on in trial. More visible to the killer.

    Lessons need to be taught on this game as at the moment as they leave, find a new game straight away with no consequences but the previous game of survivors is now struggling which sux ass to be honest.

    To any PDBs out there, take the L. Dont ruin it for others just because you dont walk out the gate. Its a team win if 1 gets out.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    Interesting that most killers want the DC ban, they really want their 4k even if it hurts the game or if the game is in too poor a state to have a DC ban

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    I'd rather not have a return to when you get bodyblocked by a killer and held hostage to force you to dc and if you do you get a penalty or ban. I don't want a return to those scummy killer tactics.

    You'd be surprised how far killers will go for a 4k or to be toxic. Don't believe me? Watch this:


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I can do it too.

    Interesting that most survivors don't want the DC ban. They really want to be able to rage quit for being found first or playing against a killer they don't like without repercussions even if it ruins 4 other people's game experience.

    I don't know the kind of killer you play against but I've yet to see any body blocking to take the game hostage. And you'd be surprised at how far survivors can go for altruism or to be toxic. *insert random YouTube link of teabagging flashlight clickers with decisive strike, dead hard, borrowed time and whatever else*

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    Surviviors being sweaty is not a bannable offense, the killer bodyblocking you forcing you to dc is more common than you think, I just pointed out a real glaring issue if dc bans come back and you completely ignore it and say "oh but that never happens!"

    Even though I showed proof, this is really common of wraiths, they can go invisible and see your auras with add ons so they sneak up on you and bodyblock you in a corner. Other killers do it too if they catch you, it's a problem.

    Just last patch with the hillbug myself and Feng Ming were stuck in the hill and the clown completely ignored us and tunneled the other players. Feng eventually dc'ed and I was able to get out when the slugged Nea crawled over and I healed her. But what you want is for Feng to be banned for what the killer did, taking advantage of a bug. So entitled.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    You really are an entitled survivor main and it shows.

    Wraith body blocking you in a corner while cloaked is a wraith tactic. I thought you were complaining about being body blocked and the killer going afk, but him blocking you in a corner while he uncloaks is part of his you play him. It's a wraith? Easy counter play, don't hide in a corner where you can get body blocked. If he does go afk to force you to disconnect, then just report him, the tools for that are there. As I said, I never had killers body block anyone to force them to disconnect in any of the matches I've ever played. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying it's really not as frequent as you try to make it out to be too justify disconnecting for petty reasons.

    A killer ignoring you because you got stuck on a known bug is all on you. Boohoo the killer ignored me, he's so mean, I'm super entitled and am going to complain that they didn't come to me right away to unstuck me and probably let me go because it's not fair I was urban evading around the hill.

    Anyway, not going to bother with you anymore, I've wasted enough time on you, entitled survivor main who likes to disconnect for the slightest reason but doesn't want to be accountable for it.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    I never said in my last post that the wraith uncloaked after bodyblocking and I even showed a video illustrating the bodyblocking, so instead of arguing with my points you complelty invented your own strawman to attack instead, I didn't know I was talking to Kathy Newman.

    The killer taking advantage of a known bug is called bug exploitation, I showed the Killer where Feng was, he ignored it, I tried to help her by getting close so she could heal me but I got stuck, Nea brought the killer over to us but she got slugged and he then left us to tunnel Steve.

    You're reeking of entitlement, you so desperately want a 4k you don't care if killers abuse bugs or abuse bodyblocking causing survivors to be held hostage or to eat a ban, as long as you get your 4k and a sadistic satisfaction that any who dc from your game got banned, it's people like you who are the problem with DBD's community.

    OP is right the Devs need to address the problems this game has, instead of punishing its player base.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2020

    Nobody here is being FORCED to play Solo Q and if one doesn't like the DC'ers that come about. Form a 4-man SWF game!

    Although, I would agree that maybe perhaps the amount of DCs should count as penalty against RANK PROGRESSION. that way if Solo Q players want ideal games. They can have them.

    As a player ranks up they should have a decent grasp of how the game works.

    • Knows when to, and when NOT to pull survivors off of hooks.

    For changes to the Rank system it should be the following:

    • The rate in which they DC from the game should count drastically against their RANK progression. If they so chose to, or not to remain in the match.
    • Has the ability to SURVIVE the match. Number of games survived.
    • Last man standing awards more progress to their Rank.

    In the current state of the game. A survivor can easily travel up the ranks so long as they do basic objectives and work. It really isn't hard to rank up higher in the game. But once a person ranks up and starts to face other players that are much more skilled than they are. That is where frustration comes about.