Doctor needs nerfing

Why is the doctor so over powered? Why hasn't he been nerfed yet?
He does nothing and know where you are.
You can't get people off the hook due to him being able to tell where you are
You can't do gennys up because again he knows where you are
All your character does is scream every so often giving your position away so getting out of a chase is almost impossible.
Wait,,, someone will say why not hide in a locker? Well, derrr, if your hiding in a locker, you're not doing gennys or saving people. Pointless even trying to do gennys up with how much of a reach the doc has.
Isn't it about time this sucker gets nerfed?
And, if he needed nerfing, what exactly would you nerf in what way?
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You sound like a new player learning how to face doc. Make sure to snap out of it when in Tier 3 to stop random screams, and get hooks when he's occupied. If he camps it, don't save. Don't mean to demean your opinion, it just sounds like you could use more time facing him
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It's only at Tier 3 that you start screaming. And if you're at Tier 3, that means you can't save people or do 'gennies' as you describe it anyways. So Snap out of it and that problem is easily fixed. Other than that, besides the 60 second cool down of his power which only works in his TR, how would he find you?
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You sound like you're new to Survivor.
When you reach Madness tier 3, you need to Snap Out of It. This stops the random screams and allows you to work on gens again. If you're going for an unhook while in tier 3, then of course he'll go to the hook. He knows where you're at, so why wouldn't he try to stop you? If you actually can't unhook anyone, then that's because of the stun from his shock therapy. It locks you out of interactions for 2.5 seconds. If that happens, then he is camping the hook (which can be countered by gen rushing) or he chased you towards/intercepted you at the hook (which can be countered by paying attention to his movement and predicting his path. In order to defeat Doctor, you have to loop him. Do not camp pallets as he can use his stun to prevent you from dropping them. Instead, drop them early so when he does go for a stun, the pallet's already dropped and he has to break it or mindgame you.
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He literally just got buffed a week ago. What do you mean by 'about time' he got some nerfs? They haven't even had enough time to collect data on how he is doing yet. There is an entire perk (Calm Spirit) that completely negates his ability to make you scream. There you go. It also counters Freddy and Clown, too. So now you can counter three killers with one perk. Very underrated perk.
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The random screams need to go. Survivors would only need to scream when hit by his power.
Nerf how far his power actually go. I've seen him hit 2 - 3 different people on multiple gennys at the same time. Then he gets to choose which one to kill. That's for a start.
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I always do snap out of it.
It's the team that's trying to save people constantly when the killer is camping. I can't communicate with them to tell them he's camping do gennys.
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You can, by using Kindred.
... okay? Still don't think that's needed.
You mean his shock or blast? Cause blast is tied to his Terror Radius. Shock is dependable on his add-ons
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If you are done with the survivors, try killer. I can't stand random teammates.
Random question, did you get introduced to DBD through Ohmwrecker? He's the only streamer who says genny.
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Kindred perk isn't any good if the other 2 are trying to save one survivor from the hook whilst the killer is camping the hook.
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The shock therapy is kind of useless. It's his blast where he hits multiple survivors at once knowing exactly where they are. He can hit multiple people on multiple gennys at the same time and then has the choice of who he wants to chase.
That blast either needs nerfing to only hitting the closest person to him and no one else. Hitting that many people at once is way to over powered.
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I think I might start joining SWF only groups and jump on the band wagon of being an over powered survivor group.
No I had to get the game for free on PS+ lmao
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His shock therapy is way stronger than his blast. His blast only gives him information, and information means nothing if you cannot catch and down someone. Even if it hits 4 people he can only chase one. Shock Therapy is what gives him kill potential.
Once you get into the high ranks, being able to 'know where someone is' doesn't mean as much as it does in the lower ranks. Survivors often don't even care if you know where they are, because they know how to extend a chase long enough to make it not worth it for you. Not to mention there are several perks that can reveal where someone is that any killer can use. Discordance will let you know when people are on a generator, Im all ears will let you know which way someone is going to try and mindgame you, Whispers will let you know if someone is around you or not.
Every killer has different strengths and weaknesses. The Doctors strength is in information and slowing generator progression, in exchange he gives up his lethality and his stealth. If they take away his information gaining ability, he would have almost nothing left to make him unique.