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Grab fix in progress?

Its always nice when somebody unhook right in your face, you get the animation but get stuck and the unhook succeeds.

9/10 times grabs dont work.

Any progress on fixing it?

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  • Member Posts: 1,416

    Can you guys please stop this irrelevant posts? Why should the Devs only care for Survivors? Thats so stupid please just stop spreading stuff like this. Bugs like this arent easy to fix and it will take some time but they will fix it. They also will fix other Killer bugs and buff Killers too just be patient and stop being salty the whole time.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    There are a lot of problems caused by latency. Grabs cancelled, getting grabbed off a gen or totem that got finished / cleansed, survivors jumping over windows after they got shocked, strange behavior with hitboxes, getting downed while using dead hard and still get exhaustion...

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited March 2020

    Grabs have been bugged ever since 2.2.0 where they sped up the animation. Dedicated servers made them even worse. I would expect a fix sometime at the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Doctor specifically in Tier 3.

    Very specific, this current issue is more than just something a dev can go in and fix, the servers are maintained by separate developers, and then there's the game developers, it's a lot more work than just a simple fix, I wish you people would understand that some issues are 100x easier than others.

  • Posts: 5,229

    Follow up question: Are DC's for hatch on the todo list, as in adding that husk system you guys were talking about adding? You have DC penalties now and they said that the husk thing would probably follow after sometime.

    Even the mobile version has AI that takes over after a DC, anything but instantaneous death of the target would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    If you don't know, survivors have been exploiting this and have been jumping in and out of lockers on purpose to delay a hit, or to miss it.

    I can provide video proof as well.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I’m not sure if I just don’t know about it but why don’t you guys post a road map and update it every like week or maybe month? Nobody knows what your guys plans are and it causes countless post like this and a ton of frustration in the forum. Something that goes in depth like the star citizen road maps.

  • Member Posts: 315

    Because developers don't care. This does not destroy the fun of the survivors. Everything is simple.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Looked at "when we get the chance". If only I could run my business like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    Some bugs are easier to fix than others. Also if you can only complain then why you even play this game anymore? Did you ever createt a game yourself? Its not easy and older bugs are much harder to fix than newer ones.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    as a hotfix for now, PLEASE just add a hit on the person that you "grabbed", so even if the animation is cancelled they are at least injured - or downed. cause when you are close enough to grab them you were definitely close enough to hit them.

    and i dont see any reason why the game should put me in an animation for something, just to cancel it again and not give me anything for that. its basically a get out of jail for free card that passively activates from time to time without anyone being able to do something about it, yet that holds quite an impact over the game.

  • Member Posts: 767

    The Roadmaps are often not stuck to anyway.

    Take a look at this one from March last year which talked about Matchmaking fixes (still waiting), dedicated servers (barely working a year later) and most laughable was in response to console optimisation requests they outlined their plan to get low end PCs and consoles running at 60fps - now a year later and it still doesn’t run at a stable 30fps and the devs just stopped talking about or updating us on the progress of this impossible sounding feature.

    Every attempt I’ve made to get any dev feedback or response including the Q and A threads is ignored/avoided in favour of addressing an easy answer comment that often doesn’t even discuss the thread topic.

    Are they still working on it?

    Have they given up because it’s as impossible as it sounds?

    Who knows, just stay quiet and hope people forget about it or get fed up and move on to be replaced by new players who aren’t aware of the things we have been told are ‘being looked into’ from a year or 2 ago :/

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Oh really? Surivor bugs get fixed in 7 days?

    1. When you go fully around a corner, the huntress can still get a hit, even though you're obviously not in range.
    2. When you go through a window, its basically RNG if you're in range of a hit, because sometimes I end up being able to reach the pallet in the killer shack, drop it(in case of a trap when chased by trapper) AND STILL GET DOWNED FROM A WINDOW HIT. So lets break the action down: I fast vault through a window, the killer initiates a lunge, I reach a pallet that's on the opposite side of the building, see a trap placed on the floor, drop the pallet, killer lunge finishes and hits me, even though I am nowhere near and the game did register me dropping the pallet. How is this even just an issue with latency?
    3. If you do a full 360 on a killer and start running when they have their backs turned at you, they are sometimes still able to hit you due to latency(there are a LOT of latency issues that are favorable for killers).
    4. When you go for a protection hit on the hook, sometimes it goes through you and hits the player thats being unhooked, instantly downing them even though you're still fully healthy.
    5. Mending sometimes glitches out to the point where the game overrides the mending, causing legion to have a permanent haunted grounds effect(so far, all legions I faced have been good sports, because obviously being able to instadown people at all times while in a frenzy is a bit OP, only happened about 3 times). But this also basically reduces the effect of BT, Styptic Agent and Mettle of Man to 0.
    6. Often when injured with a medkit in hand, you cannot heal the other injured survivor with the medkit and instead heal yourself, due to latency issues. Because even though on your screen you're standing still, and on the screen of the injured survivor you both are standing still, on Bill's, Nea's or Ghostface's screen, one of you is still moving.

    All in all, dedicated servers have solved "some" issues that were massively dormant, but those issues were laughable considering to how much latency affects normal gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I play because the game still has potential, and not only that I'm forced to play killer because survivor queue times in my region are almost 20-30 minutes long. I might not have any experience with coding but one thing I have is logic. Justify something for me since the devs like to prioritize bug fixes. Why tf would the devs rework Nurse being fully aware that she has bugs without removing her bugs?

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Sounds like both a latency and hitbox problems, so I'm not sure what that has to do with bugs. It sounds like your on console, and I haven't played this game on console in 9 months and haven't ran into these problems on PC. The only survivor problem's I have noticed is either hitboxes or hiding in a locker and having perm aura reading blindness when exiting the locker.

    Only one I can justify is 3 from a PC POV. Survivor's generally can't get away with 360ing (especially me since I'm a Shadowborn addict) but I have had this happen to me and I've done it before simply because of flicking. Killer's can literally flick their mouse and TAP M1 and end up doing over half a 360

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