Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Can we get a better reason to Prestige?

I thought of this a while ago. But what if for every tier of prestige you are on a Survivor/Killer you can buy for triple the blood web cost perks you want more directly; But only to a rank that is equal to your prestige

So Prestige one, you can buy all perks for triple the price up to Rank 1. Etc. So to just select a common perk.

Prestige 3 Survivor can buy Adrenaline Directly at the price of Rank 1(15,000) Then upgrade to Rank 2(for 24,000) Than upgrade again to rank 3 (For another 24,000) That way there is still a rather hefty grind, but because you already grinded to the point of P3 you take away the RNG part of it.

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  • Member Posts: 715

    If you want to get all perks on a character, prestiging them to level 3 is, like, 25% of the whole work at max.

  • Member Posts: 345

    I really don't care about better reasons of prestiging. There is a something better to think about. I am talking about Devotion and Player level. It's just a shoddy game mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Instead I think prices of all items and perks should decrease by 10% per prestige.

  • Member Posts: 1,946


  • Member Posts: 197

    @Zonedymo Why not?

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Thanks for contributing.

    @ OP:

    I like the idea of reduced item cost at higher prestige levels. For example, P1: 15% Cheaper, P2: 30%, P3: 45%.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    The devs have said about a year ago in a dev stream that the bloody clothing IS the reward for prestiging a character.

    They won't be doing anything else.

  • Member Posts: 642

    I no longer prestige because the bloody clothes are not worth it. I would rather buy a skin and use it and save all the Blood Points I put into the blood web. I did the prestige for one character and regretted it. I lost EVERYTHING and then could not use my favorite character all for a blood stained shirt? I never did or will do it again. I would rather just keep going through the web until my character has every perk possible. It is more beneficial then a blood stained shirt or pants. =)

  • Member Posts: 589

    I prestige only to not see that Prestige button in the middle of BloodWeb

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    I wouldn't mind if they just ditched prestige completely and raised the level cap to 200. The bloody clothing could be given out at levels 51, 101, and 151.

  • Member Posts: 119

    The bloody clothes are ugly asf though.. I have it unlocked for some characters and I still don't use it over the standard noob clothes.

    They need to give a better reward for prestiging. Don't care if the devs think ugly cosmetics are reward enough.

    I want something that actually looks good or serves a purpose. At least make it so everyone can see my prestige rank in all lobbies and after the game, everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 68

    How about this

    P1 - As it is right now

    P2 - You unlock your perks at lvl 2

    P3 - You unlock your perks at lvl 3

  • Member Posts: 109

    I only prestige people just to have them prestiged, but they should make prestiging actually do something. Honestly I feel like I get better bloodwebs on my P1 characters than I do on my P3.

  • Member Posts: 230

    I entirely fail to understand the whole idea behind prestige versions of the characters. What does it even do? Makes them look covered in blood? That's it? And for that I would need to throw away all the Perks, Add-Ons, Offerings and basically start leveling them up from scratch? To say that it's not worth it for me would be an understatement.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Problem is that when the game first came out, there were very very very few cosmetics, this made bloody character clothes actually something valuable to work for. Nowadays cosmetics are way more common, and much better ones can be unlocked with rift/holiday/iri shards, so the bloody clothes is pretty bland.

    You are SUPPOSED to get an increased chance of getting more yellow/green and less brown items show up in your bloodweb for each prestige level you obtain, but i have heard that part doesn't actually seem to be true? If they simply fixed this part alone, that would be enough reason for me to want to prestige.

    Another option would be to just increase how much player XP you obtain when playing on a prestiged character, so you can unlock iri shards a bit faster if you play prestiged. 10% per prestige level shouldn't be enough to break the game or make iri shards too easy to obtain. Would be a huge help to some of the players who are grinding to unlock killers/survivors/perks rather than buying all the DLCs.

  • Member Posts: 608

    Letting people eventually earn legacy clothes would be a way to have more prestiging.

  • Member Posts: 608
    edited March 2020

    Well it's not like there's a plus side to limited time clothing from years ago anyways. Having goals that can be worked toward does.

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