No mither rework idea

I remember first seeing David and falling in love as soon as I laid eyes on him when I bought the game then I looked at his perks and realize that he's is very f*cking useless (cept for dead hard don't come for me.) so here's my idea.

How about the first time you get unhooked, no mither activates and if you happen to get downed you can recover back to the injured state however you will be broken and have to wait it out but your grunts of pain are reduced to 50% and you leave no blood trails then after the broken status wears off no mither is deactivated for the remainder of the match.

PS: This perk has been sitting in the armory for a good maybe (insert how many years it's been since david and huntress have been out) and it's been collecting dust ever since also it's very annoying how this perk cancels out other perks that allow you to heal yourself devs please help my baby get the respect he deserves. <3


  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    I'll be honest but I'm not really fond of that idea it would ruin the whole purpose considering that the first thing that comes up to most survivor's mind is to heal which can be held back with mangled perks/add-ons and such

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    No mither doesnt need buffs its good as is.

  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    Are you just saying that cause you are a killer main and you prefer to down survivors in one hit cause you are too lazy to work for kills? be honest please don't troll here.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    A better idea would be to start the match healthy, but once you get injured you cannot heal it, ever. And all of the benefits of no mither will activate for the rest of the game. This would basically leave it as mostly the same as it is now, without you having to be injured from the very beginning.

    The biggest problem with No Mither is not that it is not useful. It actually is like two perks in one, which is why you have to stay injured. The problem is that killers KNOW you have no mither from the very beginning, therefore any killer with two brain cells will never allow you to put it to use. Imagine if Unbreakable put an icon next to your name to let the killer know you had it. He would simply never let you use it.

    By allowing No Mither users to start at full health, the killer would no longer be able to instantly know you have it until it actually activates.

    Also, i have never tested it, but I assume No Mither also makes it where you do not leave blood orbs for Oni, since you do not bleed?

  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    But that IS what no mither does there's no point being healthy if you are just gonna be broken for the rest of the game. My idea centers around the fact that players should not be discouraged to take self healing perks like self care and second wind and no mither should act like a trade perk just like Zarina's perk "We The People" where you can insta heal other survivors from dying to injured or injured to healthy but you have to be punished for it.

    Your idea is basically you get hit once then you go from healthy to broken the rest of the match you also need to remember that you have an icon displayed that tells everyone including the killer that you are broken so the killer WILL eventually know that you have no mither however unbreakable doesn't leave any indicators that you have the perk making the killer think that you don't have it and force themselves to play a guessing game and since unbreakable does that why can't no mither do that but grant you some bonuses that can help you while you have to suffer a debilitating status effect and it's not like you will be able to use the perk all the time every match since you can only use it once and most killers just straight up hook you before they go for other survivors.

    and FYI no mither does not prevent you from dropping blood orbs trust me and don't try it out.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Oh jeez, another “please make the obvious challenge Perk not a challenge Perk” thread.

    No Mither could use some grunt reduction buffs and a few QoL tweaks to make it feel better to equip. That’s it. The Perk was specifically made to make the game harder. It shouldn’t be reworked into a “viable” one because it’s intended to be the exact opposite of viable.

    If you think Survivor is too easy, equip No Mither. Otherwise, don’t. It’s that simple.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    I don't think suffering from the broken status effect is what is wrong with no mither. There are plenty of killers who can kill you in one hit, which means that no mither is amazing against them. Besides, a lot of high rank survivors never heal anyways, whether broken or not, because once your skill level is high enough- the time it takes to heal isn't worth it, you could have done half a gen instead and rely on second chance perks to keep you going, which is more likely to result in a win than healing would.

    I have been beaten by people running no mither before, as long as you are good enough, the perk actually gives huge benefits. The killer doesn't have the option to slug you, which sometimes he NEEDs to slug to have a chance to build momentum he has lost, and second, you get a low tier Iron Will perk as well, not to mention they can't follow your blood. It makes you very hard to track, and if you are experienced enough, you can go the entire game easily without ever being found.

  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    Oh jeez another bigoted biased troll killer main...

    you say that no mither provides a challenge for survivors who like a challenge well GUESS WHAT not a lot of survivors take no mither because they don't want to go down in one hit and tunneled because they are an easy target most just want to play the game and enjoy themselves so no the majority don't want to take it for that reason and I said that they should rework no mither because people don't like to play David to get his teachable and it cancels out perks which takes away people's freedom for playing a certain playstyle they want.

    If you think coming in here and calling me a pansy cause I don't like a "challenge" is going to prove your point then you are on the wrong thread/forum for this serious people only no trolls.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    I already said this once and this is the last time I'll say it I made this idea because this perk cancels out other perks that allow you to heal and you don't see a lot of survivors taking no mither because they prefer not to have a big target over them telling the killer "Kill me first!" it should not matter if you are good or bad it has been said before that players should not be punished for taking certain perks or preferring a certain playstyle and I don't see how it should be a requirement that people have to bring a clutch playstyle just so they can for once play the game.

    If you don't think the broken status is not the problem that's fine and I don't play to win I hold no ill will if you do though but not everybody plays to make big plays I only wrote this to provide some inspo to the devs for new perks or perk reworks that's it.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Let's go from another side - Why do you think No Mither is good as it's currently is?

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    It cancels out other perks that let you heal, sure. But what you don't seem to be understanding is that healing isn't always needed. If you watch rank 1 survivors play, they often don't heal at all. Because being injured is not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. You can play a perfectly fine match being injured the entire time, along with allowing you to use Resilience for the entire match. This perk isn't supposed to be a perk for everyone, it's for those players who didn't care to heal in the first place who can find uses for its benefits. If you want a perk for everyone that allows you to get up off the ground, that is what Unbreakable is for. If you want a perk for everyone that allows you to be quieter, that's what Iron Will is for.

    Benefit 1 of this perk: It completely removes slugging as an option for the killer.

    Benefit 2 of this perk: You don't leave any blood, ever.

    Benefit 3 of this perk: You make a lot less sound.

    Benefit 4 of this perk: You can make use of other perks that require you to be injured, at all times. (Empathy will always reveal you to your friends, Resilience will be activated from the very start of the game, This is Not Happening will be activated from the very start of the game)

    All i really hear from you in this post is "I want to be able to get all the amazing benefits of this perk but i can't handle being injured".

    And all i have to say back is: Then this perk isn't for you. There are, however, plenty of people who are fine being injured the entire game.

    There are plenty of perks that give strong benefits while also having drawbacks or having bad synergy with other perks, as you claim is the biggest problem. Object of Obsession for example lets the killer see you at all times, yet this is one of the strongest perks in the game when used correctly. Autodidact starts out as a negative perk but once you get it rolling it completely counters any anti-healing perks a killer might use.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Yes unlimited unbreakable... that the killers knows you have.

    And wdym by early gen rush??

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    That's the risk you take running it. It's not mandatory, so quit using it then. It's a risky perk dude.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited March 2020

    It works good in swf. When you can sabotage every hook.

    By early gen rush i mean that if every survivor has no mither and resilence plus other perk like prove thyself then gens are going to pop up in no time. Because killer can chase only one person at time and survivors can just drop pallet and have dead hard in case they screw up.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    No mither is also decent in solo. It force killer to chase you thinking you are easier prey but then you can force him to run all those disgusting loops.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    And there we have the issue of every balancing thing - SWF.

    And no really. Most of the time you just think that survivor is cocky. And it's usually their downfall. (both when i play with them or against them)

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    I agree 100%!!! I was just talking to my friend about this. Something similar. Like he enters injured 10sec locked and then can heal after. Or complete one gen and then be able to heal. I've been in a lot of matches where people use that perk and die off the bat. Makes the game less challenging.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112
  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Seriously??? So, people who say No Mither is fine as it is are always trolling? Assuming that they are is very defensive of you; trying to limit the validity of peoples opinions by throwing typical dbd shutdowns just because they see something differently to you?

    No Mither is fine the way it is. It gives very strong rewards for a very high risk. No blood at all times; 50% more quieter than everyone else who's injured; reusable Unbreakable, which means the killer cannot slug you. It combos very well with perks that can, both, punish killers for targeting you AND ignoring you. Can force a killer to eat DS, force a killer to go for you if you boldly do objectives faster than normal near to them, meaning other survivors can do as they want, and if the killer ignores you, you're left to get things done too. No Mither is a perk designed for these reasons, very high risk for very high reward. So yeah, it's fine as it is.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Just make you healthy, but permanently exposed