A survivor main's DS nerf idea

I'm a survivor main but I play killer at red ranks as well. I've played at red ranks as both as a survivor and killer for nearly two years now.
Current DS is not as bad as old DS, whilst some killers would disagree but when old DS was about survivors weren't as optimal and objective focused as they are now. A single mistake as killer wouldn't cost you the game back then, unlike it does now.
How I think DS should be nerfed is that once a survivor starts working on a generator then DS gets deactivates. DS is meant to be an anti tunnel perk, but if the killer downs or grabs a survivor when they are working on a generator, the killer isn't tunneling, they're preventing the survivors from completing their objective.
In my opinion if a survivor is ready to work to work on a generator, then they're ready to go back on the hook.
Comment your thoughts, whether you agree or disagree.
I will mention that I personally don't use DS in my survivor builds unless I'm doing a head on build.
Agree, and i think this is the most suggested and reasonable change to DS to balance it out. I also think second chance perks in general should be disabled once end game collapse begins, because at this point they change from tunnel protection/second chance to free escape perks when used as a combo. They obviously would have to fix survivors being able to just 99 the gates to avoid EGC until it suits them though, as well.
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DS is perfectly fine! Just don’t tunnel and you won’t get DS‘d!
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no :v
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DS is good as it is. It fulls the gap between swf and solo
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Something that is used the same way by both sef and solo cannot "bridge the gap".
Good idea, and survs cant whine about it as everything except repair will still be covered by DS. (So most DS users wont even ferl a difference nor play differently)
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Go for the rescuer though. Or use BBQ, or you know play something else for a while, maybe you're just tired 🤣
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Its not tunneling if the killer goes for the recently unhooked survivor who may did a gen for a second? LOL ... some people have really weird understanding of what tunneling is. Just another unreasonable "idea".
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Here's a common scenario.
The killer leaves to look for survivors. The gen you were working on is close to you. You go down, he hooks you, pops the gen and leaves.
As soon as he comes back, you're in the gen so it won't regress, he sees only you and tunnel visions you, and your DS is deactivated?
Why? Why should you be punished if the killer couldn't find someone else.
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It's annoying getting ds'ed after finding that one particular survivor 50 seconds after they got unhooked...