Toxic Endgame.

Ravakahr Member Posts: 130
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Suggestion: End game screen shows all points in all catagories. 

I am tired of nasty toxic team mates going oh I got 20k points I'm the best. Mean while you where tunneled for 20000/8000 points (meaning you where tunneled entire game) and they end game screen they just talk you down. I really hate that about the community. They sit on gens entire game. They get free co-op points, great skill checks, free boldness points as you run past for your life. Then more free points because they broke line of sight with killer. Rescue some low rank player then get some free altruism points feel like they're the best while you worked your butt off and got zero score.

The score system shouldn't be the blood points earned. It should be reworked similar to heros of the storm (the only score system I can think of off the top of my head) where it rewards activity and not players just hiding afk. Someone who is tunneled entire game period should not get 1/3rd the score of someone who just did 2 gens and maybe a heal. Doesn't seem fair. Then you have to deal with their toxic attitudes after the game. It's not right. I don't see gg's like in youtube videos at rank 1. I see players just abuse each other and I hate it. It makes me hate the game. And the score system just makes you feel worse about yourself when you did most of the work running for your life, while someone else mashes space and watches netflix. Legit.


  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    I do think that endgame toxicity gets tiring pretty quick. I have been meaning to suggest that they give an option for players to just disable end-game chat altogether.

    However, i don't agree with your assessment with who is getting the most score at all. Doing generators generally gets you the least amount of points. I would know, because thats generally all i do when i play survivor, and i often have the least amount of points. The majority of points for survivors comes from unhooking allies, stunning the killer with pallets, and cleansing totems, and escaping obviously. If you are being chased by the killer while other people do generators, you also get bonus points for distracting the killer when a generator is completed, that more than balances out those 50~ boldness points that the generator repairers are getting. While it might be true that you will have a low score if you got tunneled, it's not the other survivors fault.