Decisive Strike causing exhaustion.



  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I was gonna laugh even harder if u had a bbq icon too lol

    Yeah my name is both my psn and bc of prequel memes.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    Because I don't always run straight to the hook when someone gets unhooked, instead i might be patrolling generators. Instead, i might just HAPPEN to run into a generator with the guy that just got unhooked on it, while the unhooker is nowhere to be seen. There are plenty of reasons why i might not be able to go for the unhooker. Maybe the player who got unhooked is bad and just happens to run to the most dangerous spot after getting unhooked and i spot them again right away. Even if they DONT have DS, i often still have to strategize as if they do. This is why DS is so bullshit: We have to play the game as if everyone has DS, you basically get the benefit of the perk even if you don't take it. Because if you DO happen to be the only player we can find after you get unhooked, or if we DO find you on a generator, or bodyblocking for your friend, we have to assume you have DS and slug you, and potentially let you get back up for free; EVEN WHEN YOU DON'T TAKE DS.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    I would if the unhooker didn't vanish 90% of the time. I do feel bad going after the unhooked person, but I'm not going to waste precious time looking for a survivor that might not even be there when I have one that I know is there

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    DS effectively erases the chase you just had (easily can be 45+ seconds) and then allows another to take place that wouldn't have otherwise (again, easily another 45+ seconds). All that time is use of the perk, not "just 5 seconds".

    This is not even counting the time gained by the killer playing differently just because DS exist in the match, so it has an effect the whole match even for survivors not running it, just because it exist on someone or everyone (the killer gets no information on who has it, meanwhile survivors get notified of every hex in the game among a lot of other perks).

    "If they don't tunnel, it doesn't get used." This is just untrue. Survivors, myself included, will throw myself into the killers way sometimes or just do a gen/unhook/body block/anything else for free just because decisive is up. A lot of the time survivors get unhooked 3 seconds after a killer so much as looks away. Sometimes they have the stealth of an ice cream truck blasting its jingle down the street, maybe on purpose because they have DS up so who cares. Sometimes killers can finish a whole other chase or two, happen upon the survivor from before, finish that new chase, and still get hit with the DS.

    Anyone with some game sense knows DS is much more than an anti-tunnel perk and covers way too many options for survivors.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    A 45 second chase is absolutely nothing to do with DS. If you're saying it took 45+ seconds to catch someone and then they used DS to get another 45 seconds. You've tunnelled off the hook as DS only lasts 60 seconds and you're saying you have chased for over 45 seconds and STILL got hit by DS.

    A 45 second chase is not caused by a 5 second stun. It is caused by the survivor using a 5 second stun to get away from you and then they continue to outplay you for 40 further seconds. DS is 5 seconds.

    The killer playing "differently" because they know someone has DS. Oh no, a killer has to worry about tunnelling someone off the hook and allowing someone to actually play a match of a game they paid for? I mean there are in a lot of cases 3 other survivors they could be going for instead of the easy 1 hit down.

    Moronic responses about how killers have to play differently because of DS and how it should be removed/nerfed piss me off. I don't even use the perk, I don't see the point as it is 5 seconds but there is a constant stream of absolute bollocks about how it ruins games for killers. Killers ruin games for survivors by tunnelling everyone off the hook for a mori but that's OK because killers have it soooooo hard in the game.

    I'm a red rank killer I almost never encounter a DS stun and I regularly get 4 kills. The difference between the way I play and the way the ones who constantly cry about DS play? I don't play like a prick

    There are multiple uses for DS, yes. The fact is it is a survivor perk to use however the ######### they want. There is nothing in the perk description or any game tutorial saying DS can ONLY be used when you're getting tunnelled off the hook. Killers camp and tunnel and claim it is a "legit strategy" but survivors are meant to sit under hooks asking to be sacrificed otherwise they're toxic ######### and only use perks when a killer has determined it is OK to do so.

    It is so tedious to see the constant whining about a 5 second stun and the delusion that is gen rush. Stop camping, stop tunnelling, pressure the survivors, pressure the gens, get as many kills as you can. It isn't always going to be all 4, nor should it be.

    Stop looking for excuses in toolboxes, instaheals, prove thyself, DS, Adrenaline, BT, Dead Hard. They're all perks in a game to use. Get over it.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Ok, 20 second chase because some jerkwad ran up and unhooked right in front of me or 2 seconds after I hooked someone then the DS user just body blocks me from hitting the one who saved. Then you have people like me and my friends, who will run up immediately with BT and DS up (if its up) so no matter who the killer picks to chase they lose. But the killer was totally tunneling and camping right? The point is DS is much more than a 5 second stun. It's 60 seconds to make ANY play you want and waste the killers time, then a 5 seconds stun followed by a chase that would NEVER have happened without the stun AND free health state.

    "outplayed for 40 seconds", you mean ran to one of the 4 pallets nearby or the 3 windows? OH, or maybe you meant the huge loop in the middle of the map. Yeah ok lol.

    Moronic responses about how killers don't have to play differently just because 1 person brought in DS and is abusing it and so it shouldn't be changed bother me. I do use the perk because that 5 second stun or 60 seconds of free reign are pretty strong. But if you don't use the perk then it being changed shouldn't have you shook 🤔also I never said anything about mori's, but fyi those are 1 time use very rare offering while DS can be reused every game, and a better comparison would be keys (even though keys can be kept, but thats another topic). But like you said mori's are "in a game to use. Get over it."

    I used Legion and Ghostface in high ranks and rarely got DS, and when I did it was usually because the survivors were so bad and got downed so fast DS was still up lol. Other times people are just throwing themselves at my because they have it and Im sorry I cant tell the 4 Blendettes or 4 Kates dressed the same apart and/or I don't have a 60 second timer for every survivor going. Also like I said, I got DS, Im sprinting for that unhook because what can the killer do about it? Nothing. Still got the 4k in a lot of those situations.

    DS is not a problem for me personally most of the time. That's because I play in a very un-optimal way because that's how I like to play (I dont like standing next to a hook just waiting). Without some fundamental change in how killers kill survivors (you know, their only goal) tunneling will be THE best way to kill everyone in most cases. You might as well ask survivors "hey, do a gen only to 30% then jump on one across the map" or give killers a perk similar to DS like "every time a survivor finishes a gen that survivor becomes exposed for 60 seconds". But, as a survivor player, or just a player in general, I can see how the perk gets abused to hell and back. Especially in conjunction with other things in the game.

    A perk can have multiple uses, but DS has too many for how strong it is. Survivors gen rush (aka just doing gens, like they're supposed to) and hook bomb and claim it is a "legit strategy" but killers are supposed to hook everybody once before chasing anyone a second time and only sacrifice or mori when the survivors say so, otherwise they're toxic. The survivors are supposed to do gens, but the gens go to fast. The killer is supposed to kill survivors, in the current kill system, tunneling IS the fastest way.

    Im not saying or did I even imply it should be easy 4k every game, thats dumb. The delusion that every killer tunnels and camps is tedious, the delusion that gen times and map design combined is not a core issue in the game is tedious, the delusion that against skillful survivors if you're playing anything lower than upper mid tier you still have a lot of control is tedious.

    I guess we should just never change anything ever because they're "in a game to use. Get over it." Bring back old MoM, old machine gun builds, old nurse, old legion, vacuum pallets, and everything else. Nothing was ever too strong or broken guys, just leave it.

    Stop putting words in peoples mouths and throwing around meaningless insults as that doesn't do anything as they will just do the same back. You're also throwing around a lot of double standards and showing a VERY strong survivor bias, not helping your case either. The issue at hand is DS be doin too much. Has nothing to do with mori's or 4k or gen rush, at least my post didn't so please don't reply to me with every issue you ever had with every killer ever.

    I doubt any of this will get through as you clearly have your mind made up and are trying to keep survivor as the boring snoozefest it currently is with how easy it is to play because of the power disparity between the two roles.

    Make a second perk category, like exhaustion, called "second chance" or something. Throw BT, DS, Adrenaline, ect. in it and have them disable every other second chance perk once they activate. Whoo, a lot of problems solved, my build wouldn't change, and maybe we'd see more perk diversity.

    Give survivors a total of x hooks or hook time as a TEAM that way camping becomes really bad as a strategy and tunneling would be worse then finding someone else while someone is on the hook unless survivors rambo mission to the hook like they do now.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I see you have now altered your DS chase to 20 seconds to try and distance yourself from the very obvious tunnelling that you were doing in the example from your previous post. How has the survivor had a free health state from DS? If you had left them alone they would have got healed, that's 2 health states, you chose to tunnel right off the hook so they couldn't be healed and DS gives them their fair 2 health states it isn't free because they had to use a perk slot for it. Stop this idea that DS is free. It isn't, it costs a perk slot.

    I'm a red rank survivor and a red rank killer..... why the ######### would I be biased towards survivor? I play both sides and just play the game for what it is. A game. I don't need to be hyper serious about every second I am in a game. The fact that people like you on here who are massive cry babies when it comes to playing killer and every survivor perk that is available always default to "you're biased towards survivor" whenever anyone says your ideas are wrong, just because I don't subscribe to your bollocks about how every survivor perk needs nerfing because it isn't fair on you is not survivor bias. Sorry to disappoint you by discarding your theory.

    DS is a 60 second tumer that is correct but why should you or any other player get to dictate how that perk is used? As a survivor I don't tell the killer what perks he can and can't use or how they are used, has anyone ever said you can't use pop goes the weasel on the same gen twice? Has anyone ever said you can only use devour hope to mori someone once? No, but killers expect survivors to only use perks in a way they deem acceptable. Why should I get the opportunity to decide what perks the survivor uses and in what manner they get used when I am a killer?

    The 60 second counter doesn't escape the fact that the stun is 5 seconds the actual effect of the perk is a 5 second stun. Laugh it up about how they used x pallets or x windows or x loop the fact is that if they bought another 40 second chase from you off a 5 second stun, they HAVE outplayed you. You kept on that same person, desperate to get them whilst everyone else is fully healthy smashing gens. Your choice, your failure. Nobody else's.

    There is no requirement to hook every person before you hook someone a second time. My own personal rule on that is if the survivor is healed after coming off the hook then I am fine with going for them again if I come across them, 2 health states is fair. Obviously if I am the Plague many don't heal so I just give them a fair amount of time before I consider putting them on the hook again, this may involve leaving them on the floor if I run in to them quickly and letting them get revived but like I said I don't play like a prick and don't have any desperate need to get 4 kills no matter what. Even though I often do get 4kills.

    The second chance perk category is also a stupid idea. Do we ban killers from using more than 1 hex? Do we ban killers from being allowed to bring in multiple slowdown perks? Every time someone gets hit and thanatophobia gets activated, ruin gets disabled until that person is healed. When pop goes the weasel is used all other slowdown perks and add ons are disabled for 40 seconds. Sloppy butcher and coulorophobia can't be used together one cancels out the other. If such a think happened you would be up in arms about how unfair it is on killers, your bias is showing far more brightly than any bias you claim I have.

    My issue with the DS rework that people who play killer constantly beg for? Because the majority of these people who beg for changes to survivor perks and survivor add ons are just ######### at the game. So many of them cried about toolboxes and how a commodious could blitz through multiple gens at light speed and they dodge lobbies if they saw a toolbox. The toolboxes got nerfed massively and what happened? The same killers came on here crying about how toolboxes weren't the problem, gens are still going too fast and now prove thyself needs changing, gen times need to be increased and maps need to be shrink to the size of a postage stamp etc. There will never be an end to the survivor nerfs because ######### killers will always struggle. The good killers in the meantime get an easier ride as each survivor perk and item gets put in the toilet. I am sick of hearing the constant bitching and moaning about perks and characters. I say that from the perspective of killers moaning about survivors and survivors moaning about killers. Just get on with the game, stop bitching and moaning about every little detail!

    I won't be responding any further as you're incapable of seeing anything beyond a desperate need for 4 kills. Can't play without getting hit by DS and having a tantrum? Maybe don't play the game anymore! Can't lose without having a tantrum? Maybe don't play the game anymore!

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    This is true of many perks though isn’t it? I know that I play around killer perks when I’m playing survivor, like using gens as cover from BBQ, not healing in the killer’s TR, cleansing totems in case of NOED, not opening doors to avoid BW, and so on. I’d argue that playing around the opposite team’s (potential) perks is important to getting better at the game on both sides, since it lets you avoid preventable mistakes.

    DS is one of the only perks that actually announces its presence and lets you play with complete confidence that it isn’t there if there’s no Obsession. The only similar perks I can think of are Ruin and Lullaby, which let you know early on if they’re in play or not.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I agree with everyrhing you said. My point though was the original point was that killers are salty over a 5 second stun. I was just trying to show that DS is much more than a 5 second stun.

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 97

    DS is fine as it is.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited March 2020

    "I see you have now altered your DS chase to 20 seconds to try and distance yourself from the very obvious tunnelling that you were doing in the example from your previous post."

    "I won't be responding any further as you're incapable of seeing anything beyond a desperate need for 4 kills. Can't play without getting hit by DS and having a tantrum? Maybe don't play the game anymore! Can't lose without having a tantrum? Maybe don't play the game anymore!"

    These part alone shows you clearly didn't fully read or comprehend my post as I clearly stated getting a 4k should not be the norm, stated I personally don't really have a problem with DS (as I said, I don't like to play that way) in most of my matches, nor anywhere did I throw a "tantrum" but ok bub. I wasn't "distancing myself" I was pointing out that even in a shorter chase, the perk is still strong. Can't have a discussion without throwing insults, not comprehending arguments, and putting words in peoples mouth (hmm, like a tantrum maybe)? Maybe you shouldn't post anymore. Happy to know you wont be responding as you're clearly not someone who can be involved with anyone who disagrees with you and are just wasting everyone's time by not being able to see past your need for baby mode. Git gud baby main.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on