Major Buff to Sole Survivor

As more of your friends fall to the Killer, you become shrouded in isolation and the Killer's tracking towards you are disrupted.
Your Aura cannot be read by the Killer within a maximum range of 20/22/24 metres for each killed or sacrificed Survivor.
Your Scratch Marks fade 2 seconds faster for each killed or sacrificed Survivor;
Increases your chances of being the Obsession
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
"It was the boogeyman." — Laurie Strode
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@Beardedragon My idea is that Sole Survivor now makes scratch marks fade faster as well as disrupting aura reading. So if you really are the Sole Survivor your scratches fade 6 seconds faster and the Killer can't see your aura within a 72 metre radius.
Now that is a perk that could get some value and finally not be meme tier like it has been since its release. Stack it with Lightweight/Iron Will and you'll pretty much turn into a ghost by endgame
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Sole Survivor is perfectly fine! I run it because there is I.SAK streamer who I like and who runs it as well, you should watch him. This perk is godtier actually, it helps a lot when there are no teammates left, it counters BBQ so well by the end, I don't even need to go into a locker. When I self-care and one teammate is dying by that time and then they finally die, I can continue healing up with Nurse's Calling being out of the way. Heck, even Bitter Murmur is no longer a threat, I can no longer afraid that two of my teammates will pop a gen near me and a killer will see me when I'm crouching nearby.
Sole Survovr + Self-Care + Urban Evasion + Premonition. Try it out!
Post edited by WRussoW on1 -
oh it was an idea. i was thinking it might be an idea, but i dont have my head wrapped 100% around survivor perks, so i didnt know if you were mentioning a buff from an already made perk.
well in that case i disagree like.. 150%.
The game was designed and balanced around the idea of a killer vs 4 solo survivors that had to play together without actually knowing or talking to each other. hence why there are perks showing one anothers position.
so no, Solo survivors dont need a buff. SWFs on the other hand, need to be removed.
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Really? I think you have your memory distorted!
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Sole Survivor needs an entirely new effect in my opinion.
Any perk that relies on your team mates to die and rewards you for their death just isn't healthy for the game in my opinion.
The goal is to get everyone out alive, not to wait until that hooked person dies so you can get your perk to work.
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No, mate, he meant buffing the PERK "Sole Survivor" from Laurie Strode- the one you don't see because it's broken but in a whole different way than ds or ooo.
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What does he call that? The "selfish, waste time, screw your team build?"
This guy didn't even read the OP. Or he plays killer so exclusively, that he doesn't know the survivor perks.
This is the quality of discussion on this board folks, don't take anything you read here too seriously.
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You aren't catching anything, are you?
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Have you tried autodidact + empathy + solidarity + we'll make it? If you don't like the build I suggested, you can always use this one to be useful to your team!
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oh. right. thanks. i dont really remember all perks for survivors even though im.. oddly enough highest level with them and not killers.
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not really mate i have highest level with survivors (12ish) but yes i have played killers (15ish) more. i just play survivor better. but i dont recall all the god damn perks in this game, neither for killer nor for survivors.
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I'm not trying to be a jerk, but those are noob ranks. I consider myself still pretty bad at survivor and killer, but regularly hit rank 3 as surv and 7 as killer. It is a big deal if you don't "recall all the perks" because it means you don't understand the meta. You should play more and create your own opinion, not base your opinion on any streamer/youtuber.
"Antagonistic?" Please. One person has no clue what they're talking about and based their opinion on an internet personality.
The other isn't even responding to the matter at hand and made a knee-jerk reaction to the tune of "killers good, survivors bad."
I'm sorry if you consider my post "toxic," but I was making a fair point. Both, while expressing their personal truths, were also expressing personal bias and IGNORance (one even completely IGNORed the premise of the post.) It makes for bad discussion when people come in with an agenda that "one side good, one side bad" and ultimately just makes debate pointless.
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The moment you start being condencenting every point you wanted to make goes out the window.
ofc they are noob ranks i never claimed to be great at this game. Base my opinion on streamers? i dont. why would i? how would that make sense?
If i based my opinion on people like Monto id come to the conclusion that nothing is a problem because he can seemingly make all killers work, but i cant. i cant see the usage of all perks either.
i have formed, exactly my own opinion. ive played the game enough to see certain problems including the fact that this game wasnt meant for SWFs and gen times are too short.
ive risen in rank since the rank reset otherwise i was around rank 10 with both survivor and killer. Call it noob rank call it what you want but its a casual rank and casual is what i am. ive also had this game for a few years, playing on and off, and is over all level 70. maybe that doesnt mean anything to you, but you dont need to be a pro to be heard. casuals should be heard too.
But dont assume things about people when you dont know a damn thing about them. Dont assume i base my opinion on youtubers when the only one i even remotely watch every now and then is Monto who can do all these crazy things and mind games that i cant even do. i base my opinion on myself and what i can do and what i think makes sense.
Post edited by Beardedragon on0 -
How about a growing aura for every hook? Wouldn't solely rely on sacking your teammates. Though you'd get a lump sum for every death.
I mean they changed Dying Light in a similar manner. You get tokens for every hook.
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When did you try that build? Just asking because Sole Survivor doesn't even work since Stranger things DLC.
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You want to give it a try?
Post edited by WRussoW on0 -
It's only visually bugged. The perk still activates and functions properly. I recently used it to moderate effect against a Scratched Mirror Myers on The Game, but that was before I knew it was working :(.
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What do you mean bugged?
It just doesn't work, as if you don't even have the perk equipped or is it more of... It does what it wants to do.
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Sorry, I misspelled "won't" and "want". 3 AM things.
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I would like to contest the misinformation that you've put forth as "the goal". Aside from the fact that is perfectly healthy to slightly diminish a survivor's odds of death due to teammates dying, "the goal" of the game as designed for survivors is A. to provide survivors with scary fun and B. for a survivor to escape. Survivors are meant to escape, and other survivors are meant to be of benefit but not a guaranteed help. For many people, due to the way that the game has changed over the years, the goal is to get all the survivors out for several reasons.
The first reason is that other survivors don't just provide optional help and atmosphere to a solo survivor's experience. Other survivors are critical for any survivor's success, and three survivors are going to have a tremendously decreased chance of survival when compared to four survivors. That's the selfish reason.
The second reason is that survivors have an incredible amount of power when the killer is carrying a survivor or when the killer is chasing another survivor, especially when the gates are powered. If a survivor has a flashlight or has access to go for a pallet stun, why wouldn't the survivor attempt it? Additionally, if a survivor manages to successfully perform an unhook in front of a camping killer, the amount of time the killer has to make up is much greater than the survivors' gain that it is almost guaranteed to be beneficial to the survivors, at least in terms of bloodpoints and fun interaction. It's a matter of lack of killer-survivor interaction (or lack of the threat of it) and the boring nature of doing gens, which no longer imbue any constant fear of danger. That's the altruistic reason.
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So what are you trying to say the Survivors goal is? Is it not to get everyone out alive? I'm confused as to what you are trying to say. I've always thought the goal of Survivors were to get everyone out alive and the goal of the Killer was to kill everyone by any means necessary.
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A solo survivor
Post edited by AnnoyedAtTheGame on0 -
The problem with Left Behind and Sole Survivor are the same: premised on being the last survivor left. Imagine what kind of great altruism that promotes (sarcasm).
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I'm saying that the current goal for many survivors is to get everyone out alive, but the goal as first envisioned and implemented by the devs was for a survivor to get him/herself out alive and not need to worry about getting someone else out--that part was optional. I bought the game under the latter impression, and I've slowly realized that most players play differently from that because of how the game forced the survivors to change.
Just as some mild back up, take a look at how many perks there are in the game for survivors to have information on where each other are in addition to how many perks encourage and facilitate survivors helping others. Those perks were supposed to make an almost definitely unrewarding action rewarding (eg. No One Left Behind), but now the perks make necessary actions (like healing other survivors and performing unhooks) easier.
If I don't unhook a survivor or heal an injured teammate when I have spare time, I am certainly going to die (excluding very specific circumstances).
I made my post just so that newcomers to DbD who read your comment weren't under the impression that it's a given that the goal is to get all the survivors out alive, because it's not exactly hard fact. The killer and survivors have conflicting goals, but not entirely opposing. That's why the biggest balance issues occur in this game when survivors go out of their ways to help another survivor live.
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Oh okay. I might try it if they fix Sole Survivor.
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... Do not.
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I don't think it should be a perk. Though it would make a really nice game play over all. As survivors drop, the entity makes it more challenging/interesting. After all its one big game to the entity.