Cool down on freddy

It would be really nice if Freddy had a cool down for every time he ports. Or a good 10 sec stun. There's games where I played and he'd port to every gen to slug people or kept coming back when you're trying to complete a gen while others hid. Its too overbearing.
uhh. Did you play Freddy yourself?
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He does have a 40 second cooldown I think, and for every sleeping Survivor it reduces by 15%, wake up and he will have a longer cooldown.
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He does have a cooldown though. After he teleports he has to wait like 40 seconds. Even with all four Survivors asleep, he still has to wait around 20ish seconds.
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I know they did a rework on him last time. So I wasn't able to test him out. Normally I test in custom game to test their abilities. But even playing against him, I personally think he ports way too fast between gens.