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Easy fix for SWFs: Slow then down like Thana



  • Member Posts: 940

    Indeed, however if you are good solo you are insanely good in a SWF with comms. Balance is needed BHVR... anyone there BHVR?

  • Member Posts: 940

    It isn't SWF know what they are doing it is more how communication removes the isolation that the gamers thrived off, however now you could instead talk with your friends.

    The SWF advantages are so numerous I don't know where to start, simply mentioning that the game is time managed so you will only ever get one person running a map to unhook rather than two, totem locations once known are known by all and are cleaned if needed, who the killer is, where the killer is, where the traps are, who is healing who, auro perks not needed, single perks can be used by all.

    Everyone knows the game isn't balanced and BHVR are only buffing solo... or all survivors... sometime... WTH!

  • Member Posts: 36

    Instead of making my own thread; I'm gonna throw in my idea for helping killers dealing with SWF groups.

    There would be 3 benefits for killers:

    I. Extra action speed (think Fired Up) that scales with the number of SWFs in the match.

    2-man SWF: 10% faster action speed (breaking pallets, pick-ups, vaulting, ect)

    3-man SWF: 15% faster action speed

    4-man SWF: 20% faster action speed

    II. Scaling buff based around each killer's power.

    Example: If the killer plays the Trapper:

    2-man SWF: slightly reduces trap setting time and slightly increases time to escape for survivors

    3-man SWF: moderately reduces trap setting time and moderately increases time to escape for survivors

    4-man SWF: considerably reduces trap setting time and considerably increases time to escape for survivors

    2nd Example: If the killer plays the Pig:

    2-man SWF: slightly reduces Ambush Attack Charging time and slightly increases the Pig's crouched movement speed

    3-man SWF: moderately reduces Ambush Attack Charging time and moderately increases the Pig's crouched movement speed

    4-man SWF: considerably reduces Ambush Attack Charging time and considerably increases the Pig's crouched movement speed

    III. Extra BP :)

    2-man SWF: 20% bonus Bloodpoints in all catagories

    3-man SWF: 35% bonus Bloodpoints in all catagories

    4-man SWF: 50% bonus Bloodpoints in all catagories

    Now the biggest issue with this idea is probably all that sweet extra BP.

    I think Survivor BP gain is in need of a QoL update anyway, but that's not the topic for this thread.

  • Member Posts: 940

    Something has to change but the problem appears to be BHVRs resistance to change anything, delay things and hardly ever talk about it.

    Survivors are getting hit box issues but Devs didn't mention everything on PS4 90%+ goes through an American amazon server, now I ask why is gameplay going from you to America, others going to America and updates back from America what everyone is doing... there is no wonder the hits are crazy! However they talked about a minor thing 'dressing'?!

  • Member Posts: 399

    I completely understand the advantages that come along with playing SWF because I'd say 60% of the time that's how I play. I won't argue that communications - whether they're used to be some tactical squad or just for meming - don't aid SWF. There are occasions that the game can move quick enough from A to B that the comms don't necessarily help, but knowing someone else is going for the save is useful if you want to commit to a gen.

    But none of that is what I really talked about. I was responding to your suggested speed changes. I'm just saying that in a game where the main objective is literally holding down a button and hoping for a pop up so you can press another button, speed nerfs will only make that less interesting.

    In general, the way to go about it is buff solo survivors a little, buff killers a little, and then offer killers extra BP for going against a 3-or-4 man SWF. Whether or not SWF goes against the whole premise of the game, a lot of people like playing it, so the game needs to be made more fun for those not playing SWF instead of making it less fun for people playing SWF.

  • Member Posts: 112

    Not all the time. I have a friend I play with and she tends to let me die or brings killer to me. Lol I play with her cause I care bout my friend and sometimes it can be fun helping her. Some swf just fool around of play drunk by daylight. Survivors need to be good to survive.

  • Member Posts: 1,874

    its adorable that any of you think BHVR would ever penalize SWF. If anything they would BUFF SWF somehow if they could.

    They have made it harder to detect in lobbies than it used to be on top of it all.

    They won't even do something INSANELY simple like extend gen time by 5 seconds on a PTB and see how it works. They want it exactly how it is now. Where SWF will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS have the upper hand and ability to win if they so choose that route.

    Meanwhile Deathslinger 100% 5,700 year wait to reload and cooldown MASSIVE penalty for missing shots. Zero consideration for killers hurt by map sizes and or type. Pretty good job so far

    They cucked a perk that half of all killers where using and nearly ALL red rank killers used. If that doesn't tell you the killer experience isn't something they give a crap about nothing will. Its purely for the survivor main and the casual survivor who doesn't play alot. Those are their focus.

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