Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Rework on Corrupt Intervention

Ever since they nerfed ruin, a lot of killers have been using it (corrupt Intervention), this making it hard to find accessable gens especially on bigger maps when having to run around. It makes the game a bit longer when playing against a good killer. But when stuck with killers that slug/tunnel the game ends fast. No one gets points. I believe since it already has 3 gens in hostage, 120 sec is far too long. That's 2 whole minutes!

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  • Member Posts: 112

    I actually play both sides. Surge and overcharge are fine in my opinion. I just think 2 whole minutes is a long time to have the gens captivated. They already nerfed the toolbox to the ground.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    It's really not. Two minutes is just fine. Sounds like either you and your teammates suck at looping/hiding or you're going up against Killers who are willing to pull out all the stops to win ASAP. What rank are you?

  • Member Posts: 112

    Lol I don't suck at looping, nor does the teammates I've played with in red ranks. Im normally rank one. But every now and then I like to depip and fool around to make the game more fun. I've played with toxic killers and survivors. Where survivors expose where you're hiding or killers that tunnel, camp or slug. The whole point is to decrease slugging. If 3 gens are taken, other three you'll have to run and find; chances are some survivors will wait it out and hide. Or the killers straight up slug because chances are 2 or 3 out of 4 survivors will be on that one gen.

  • Member Posts: 112

    Lol you can doubt all you want

    But I do play both sides. I mainly enjoy playing as Dr, spirit and plague. You can play both sides and put input in thought of either sides. Nothing wrong with that. Devs need input on game play. Its why game play also have those lil circles to rate how much fun you had.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    It removes only 3 generators, this doesn't mean you can't repair the remaining 4. Also 2 minutes is not necessarly a long time, especially if survivors are good at hiding (and the reason this perk is mostly good on killers like the Trapper who can actively use that time even without survivors).

  • Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2020

    Since survivors go for the gens even when injured, its not worth for the killer to hit and go to the next survivor , so even with 3 gens blocked survivors can still do 4 other gens , and it depends where killer spawn so if he spawn in the middle , its a really bad spawn cuz it will not block those who're next to each others.

    But yeah i find this dumb to cry over another perk who counter gen rush , its most likely a bait i assume . If those perks have to be nerf it'll be after gen rush getting nerf.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    2 minutes is fine. The idea is to shrink the map for the killer to give them a strong starting game. Then two minutes into the match, the killer has 3 perks instead of 4.

  • Member Posts: 112

    I mean you don't have to?? Lmao I dont main on freddy. Soooo yeah. I have my preferred killers.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    You don't have to main Freddy to know that his teleport has a cooldown. It's like saying that you don't know that you have to reload Clown's gas bottles.

  • Member Posts: 112

    Oh lord here's another one that believes in gen rushing. This why the toolbox was nerfed. "Gen rushing" only ever happens when survivors are forced to all be together onto one gen. The more people on one gen, the faster it will be completed. So that perk makes it counter productive. Some maps are really big, so it'll take a bit before you're able to find that one. And the only time people spawn by one another is if they use a perk, or just had a lucky load in. But 9/10 the other survivor won't follow you. They'll go another way or stay hiding.

    So it's rather funny to see the ignorance. Because it actually encourage players to all be together to do one gen. Especially if they're swf. So I highly doubt it'll get touched up considering that it should be done faster if there's 2 or more on one gen.

  • Member Posts: 112

    I never played clown. And while I don't main him, I've only tried him out one time. Either way that topic has nothing to do with this post. X'D

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Giving killer more map pressure at the start of the match is completely fine in my opinion. I agreed with the Ruin nerf, but I don't see any reason to nerf Corrupt Intervention.

    Corrupt Intervention also has the downside of survivors being able to just wait the 120 seconds out. Most don't do that of course, but it is possible. And during that time, killers will have a very hard time finding any survivors if they don't do gens.

    If Corrupt Intervention only deactivated once one gen is repaired, or at least repaired to like 50 or 60%, it would be more reliable.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Corrupt Intervention shouldn't be nerfed because of slugging though. The devs should take a look at slugging directly if anything. But slugging is often needed at the moment to slow down games at times, and because of DS.

    I think once more maps have been brought to a much more balanced level and/or more killers have been buffed to a viable level, gen times won't be an issue anymore and the devs could and maybe should take a look at how to reduce the slugging's effectiveness a bit.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    120 second is 1.5 generators solo, almost 3 generators with 2 people, and almost 4 generators with 3 people. There's still 4 generators that are unblocked.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    My point is that I think you are making suggestions that are not thought out well based on your lack of experience. :P

  • Member Posts: 357

    Those 2 minutes fly by and often survivors hide for the whole timer so it can end up being a waste of a slot.

    I don't think this needs a change to be honest. I use it with discordance in order to force the survivors together on to a gen which shows me where they are. If they hide, it backfires and I have to hope I get lucky and come across one.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    I agree with the nerf as well, not a fan of the timing though.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Gen rushing is a problem. It really is. Gens will be going at high ranks whether I'm chasing someone or not, so every second is important. It takes 80 for one gen alone, if only one survivor is on it. Often times they will pile on one while I am chasing someone. And, due to the length of chases, 2-3 gens can often get done before a single down (could be less If I were to play stronger killers though, but they keep getting nerfed).

    I might as well as link this vid (below). There is no dialogue. There is just gameplay, but this is typical of high ranks. It's why old ruin was needed (even when I didn't use it).

    This is not uncommon. How can any killer, never mind a mid/high tier one like Huntress, stop gens when they get done like that? Seriously. This is a common occurrence. These days I don't even try to stop gens, I just have endgame builds, because they seem to be the only viable (high rank pipping) ones. Or I just use fun builds, because rank is stupid.

    The fact that you will deny genrush either shows you main survivor or you are not at high ranks for killers to really feel the crunch that survivors can put you in.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Its too hard to run the map to go on one of the free gens? Sorry, but thats basic gameplay a survivor should be able to do.

  • Member Posts: 234

    They should increase corrupt intervention to 3 minutes I think. Let killers have something huh

  • Member Posts: 112

    It's easy to get high in killer ranks with bubba, Michael and hill Billy. Even huntress if you have the one shot mech an slug everyone.

    While ranks are dumb, a lot of people do play for it. It makes it more competitive. Though I laugh when killers get less then 25k cause it's obvious they're playing to end fast. And yet complain on fb or boost bout their ranks.

    It doesn't show what I main as. It simply means I can think out side of the box instead of highly favouring one over the other. Its not a killer main nor a survivor main based game.

  • Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2020

    Lmao no I never said it's hard to run around maps. Good try though kid. X'D

    It's also the killers basic gameplay to find survivors or learn to chase another instead of one person for a good 3 min.

  • Member Posts: 112

    I actually am a red rank. Lmao but I'm not here to make you believe in anything. X'D

  • Member Posts: 112

    Its not lack of experience if you don't know what I do on either side. It's simply assumption. Lol

  • Member Posts: 112

    I rarely see survivors wait it out. Normally they're running and will hop onto a gen I'm doing, assuming it'll allow 4 ppl. Or two will stay with means go to another or two on one gen and two on another. That's how a lot of those matches went for me. And then killer mains complain on fb bout gen rushing.

    Even if let's say they don't change the time frame of it, I can agree that if at least one gen is done, it'll go away. Assuming you're not playing with potatoes.

    I'm not staying it should be nerfed die to slugging so I'm sorry if I miscommunicated that. I'm simply stating it's too long of a wait time. In my opinion at least. Slugging happens even when killers don't use that perk. While devs won't do anything about slugging because they whole heartily believe it's a strat. An extremely poor strat. Idk what killers you faced, but the killers I faced that did slugging ended the game in 3 min. Making the game unfun and ending far too fast then need be. I've been in many matches where zero gens are done because of it. Most survivors won't go for the save because they're aware of camping, soft camping and sluggers. Like bubba with insidious.

    Gen time is only an issue when it's swf with gen rushing perks/items. Just like killers have one shots or perks to help them with end game. Killers complained so much about toolbox; mainly on fb I see this crap on a daily. Killers crying. Especially the new parts, both got nerfed to the group and killer mains still complain bout gens. Survivors can't block killer attacks even when they're several inches away from the pallet/window. In all honesty I would LOVE to see rework on some of the maps like they did with the Drs map. I LOVE IT.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    With Bubba? Really? Camping takes away from Malicious and Devout emblems, His one hit downs take away from the Chaser emblem, and he has no map pressure, meaning that Gatekeeper will be negatively impacted (not as much as pre-change gatekeeper, but still not good for him). Either you are going against bad survivors or... nope, it is just bad survivors.

    Micheal, same issues, but his instadown can only be activated 4, maybe 5 times.

    One shot huntress and slugging? Yeah, not a great way to pip. Chaser is cut short, and while you may get a good gatekeeper and malicious, your devout emblem will suffer.

    And I've seen killers get less than 25k because they didn't get a chance to get more than that. This problem is really severe, but you act like it isn't a problem... and worse, you think you are correct when you are not.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Im a rank 1 survivor main and I wouldn't be opposed to them making corrupt even better and longer. Games are too easy.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I mean you have multiple counter :

    => Stealth for 120s = one perk lose without any pallet and looping spot.

    => A simple principe that people forgot : If you block gens, you will have more chance to have multiple survivors on gens and so to increase gen rush ....

  • Member Posts: 68

    Hard to find gens... i never red such thing... even when i was rank 20 i have dificulty to understand gens and map layout it's so simple the entity block the three fars gens from the killer soooooo where's probrably the other gens? in the other side of the map!! ohhhh you need to be a genius to be able to find this answer but you probrablly gonna say "But the killer is on the other side of the map" and that's a mistake because everybody who brings corrupt walks to the blocked gens because survivors gonna spawn there and not right beside the killer.

    Two whole minutes it's nothing in this game i can literraly down a guy in 15-20s seconds and get two or three gens pop

    80s one person

    45 two person

    33s three person

    Everybody brings toolbox, spine chill, resiliencia, (Sometimes prove tyself)

    If you play huntress she's slow 90% of the time i can't barely cross the map and one gens it's done, 30s of chase,down and hook another gen pop so it's 1 minute and survivors have done 60% of their objective and me only 15%.

    As i survivor who have almost 500h you don't need to run four meta perks, gen rush and all those things, if you're good at loop and your team it's good doing objective you can do all the totems, all the gens, all the saves, unhooks and everything and escape i wish behaviour make this game more slow i'm not saying more time on gens but more OBJECTIVES because it's boring to hold m1 for 80s and face legion and freedys with 120s gens builds with pop, tunneling and camping make even boring so behaviour need to do new mechanics to keep the game fresh instead of nerf perks because you guys can even do good playing survivor - Which it's very easy even if i die i can keep the killer distraced from the objective enough to help my team if they don't do their job ins't my fault and that's the problem one person play well and the rest are just urban evasion people who hear a heart beat and go to a locker without head on and get grabbed.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    are you dumb or just stupid?

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry after seeing this post..

    Added to favorites in very poor quality baits list.

  • Member Posts: 400

    I mean they can touch it if the "early game collapse" or whatever its gonna be called is implemented if its there to help slow down the early game that is. Otherwise no its one of the few universally good perks for killers. And one of the few slow down/delay perks we have.

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