Please revert DeathSlinger changes on console


Hello Dev Team,

After speaking with McLean, he suggested this is the best place to post this topic.

Recently, the aim sensitivity for DeathSlinger was changed on console. This has caused gameplay with him to become vastly more frustrating. I among many other Killer players in my community would absolutely love him to be reverted to his previous version. Aiming down sights feels sluggish and any survivor with a modicum of skill is using this change to avoid being hit. This makes him less viable in play, and I, among many others I know, no longer enjoy playing as him. Any player at medium range 8-10m can move side to side faster than the DeathSlinger can move his weapon. This is a massive advantage to Survivors and the Killer cannot compensate with skill, but must quickly make a shot, hoping he has lined up the weapon correctly (quick scope). It's comes across as more of a guessing game then skill.

He was a high skill / high reward Killer before. Now I feel like the change has removed the skill aspect of aiming and replaced it with luck and frustration. Please, let the player control the sensitivity via the in game menu - not be forced by the game.

@Peanits @McLean @not_Queen




  • Loit
    Loit Member Posts: 61

    If anyone would like to see the difference in gameplay, I'll leave a link to a short video I posted on Twitter:

  • Assassin_Z_XIII
    Assassin_Z_XIII Member Posts: 1

    Please please make his ads sens adjustable @behavior @Peanits @mcote @McLean @not_Queen

  • Youko
    Youko Member Posts: 187

    I would second this. High skill players easily dodge his shots at even a moderate distance. As a rank 9ish killer, getting paired with red ranks, I was doing pretty good with him, but I also have a ton of hours on FPS games, so I felt really comfotable with his mechanics.

    Please also keep in mind that console players will be hit harder by changes like these.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    I just went to play a match cause I didn't remember there being an issue. It seems fine from what I played. Since this isn't an FPS we don't need 100% aiming down sight. Leave it where it is.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Survivors can literally do 360's nonstop


    Killers can have slightly high sensitivity

    >overpowered and unfair and has no counterplay, needs to be nerfed

    Perfectly balanced, as all things should be

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 94

    I completely agree. I play on ps4. Loved playing him before and now he is unplayable and really frustrating to use. I have stopped using him and wont use him again unless they revert him. I also barely see him anymore in games and he was fun to go against.

  • Loit
    Loit Member Posts: 61

    I think a lot people have just given up playing him due to this and therefore stopping caring. I'd love to see the stats of his usage in Red Rank killer play per day since his release. There's 19 Killers.... so I thinking he's less than 5% played now among Ranks 1-4 of Killer matches. Maybe a bit higher since he's still "new" - but it's probably still dropping until it goes below 5%.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    I felt no difference from before to how its now.

    But lower sens is better than higher to aim. Im still getting the same hits as before. If the survivor is waving in front of me, i strafe aim and/or shoot in advance. As I used to play Quake a lot since 1997, where a lot of weapons are not hit scan, and I used to love hitting air rockets, maybe im used to hit previewing the enemy movement, wich is not a guessing game, but a kind of quick thinking mind-game, if the adversary had time to think. They must get that you will shot, but usually they are hit before being able to actually react.

  • Youko
    Youko Member Posts: 187

    I played more tonight. Now that survivors are accustomed to him, it's right back to be nigh unplayable. I am tired of this constant bait and switch. Every time I feel like I am starting to have fun I feel like the devs have to come in and kick us in the teeth.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I would love to see him reverted as well.