This game isn't survivor sided and hasn't been for 3 years

I come on these forums unsurprised at what I see all the time. I swear that large majority of all posts are all the same thing: killers whining about SWF, gen speeds, survivor meta perks, etc. Also claims that the devs are survivor sided and that they don't care about the killer player base.

So, I figured I'd try to compile my evidence against such claims.

1. The pallet vacuum removal

2. The Exhaustion nerf

3. The DS Rework/Nerf

4. The Mettle of Man nerf, probably the most hard hitting nerf to the survivor meta in the game, ever.

5. The Balanced Landing nerf

6. The mere existence of the Spirit

7. The mere existence of Iridescent heads and how they still havent been nerfed in years.

8. The mere existence of literally wall hack add-ons such as Myer's Mirrors.

9. The nerfs to Medkits, toolboxes, and insta heals. Admittedly yes, instas were OP and toolboxes played a large part in gen rushing. But now, both are worthless.

10. The mere existence of the endgame collapse.

11. The mere existence of second chance perks like NOED.

12. The fact that bugs/glitches/exploits that benefit killers (i.e. Legion walking backwards after a survivor while their Deep Wound ticked down) don't get patched for months while ones that benefit survivors (i.e. when Wake Up buffed ALL speeds) get patched in a day.

13. The fact that the match runs off the killers connection. If there is even a SLIGHT drop in connection quality, the survivors feel it. I literally faced a Legion playing on a Wifi Hotspot some time ago. The worst lag I ever experienced. He said he didn't lag at all.

14. The fact that killers can get away scott free with holding the game hostage because they're scared of getting Decisive Striked/want their 4k/etc.

15. The double standard regarding DCing. Why is okay for a killer to DC from the map they don't like, and yet it's frowned upon when survivors DC bc, say, they don't want to face a particular killer?

16. The fact that camping and tunneling is considered strategic and yet, for example, jumping into a locker to force your DS isnt.



  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Maybe you’re just a bad killer? I average 3-4 kills every game. Only when I get a combination of a killer I’m not used to playing and a bad maps with loads of pallets do I have more than 2 escape on me.

    (Ignoring key games)

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    PREACH! The only thing you forgot to mention is the fact that Freddy exists and he's insanely OP and the devs are fine with it and refuse to nerf him despite the fact they've shown statistics where he has a nearly 4k average.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Quit the childish responses and calling me “bud”. I’m here for a discussion.

    Corrupt Intervention is almost a necessity on trap killers, unfortunately. But once you’re set up it’s super difficult for survivors to make it out alive.

    I don’t have to sweat each game. Even most SWF teams are potatoes. People have to get over the mentality that you need to have like 3 hooks before a gen pops. The game isn’t designed for killers to win the early game.

    To your point about Rank 10 Killers going against red ranks: This is happening because killer players that wound up in red ranks can’t handle better survivors decide to quit/derank instead of trying to improve.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    The game was survivor sided for 3 years. Only recently did it become more balanced for both sides.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Literally the post above this one when scrolling in the forums is how a guy maintains rank one without ever doing any gens...


    Everything you wrote is fundamentally wrong if you have a basic understanding of base game mechanics you'll know its survivor sided.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Seeing as atleast 3 people already did the long answers i will exclude myself from this...

    But fyi i would say that recently it's... kinda in the middle? Maybe kinda going for survivor side but yeah.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    I remember the two lists on the steam forum, the rather small survivor one and the incredibly long killer list that followed the same rules as the first one.

    All those survivors who couldnt read that disclaimer on the killer list tho.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159
    1. Valid argument.
    2. Valid argument.
    3. Valid argument.
    4. It got nerfed in no time, so what long lasting survivor meta you mean?
    5. Valid argument.
    6. The mere existence of "Dead Hard". There are strong things at both sides and Spirit got nerfed, not like DH.
    7. The mere existence of purple flashlights. They last way too long. See what i did there.
    8. 105% without lunge op kekw.
    9. Valid argument.
    10. Survivors got no reason to stay when all the gens are completed, except for saves and bullying. Saves got a build-in mechanic in the egc. Do you support bullying? I don't think so.
    11. DS, BT, Adrenaline...(survivors still got way more)
    12. Hook tech, SB exploit...
    13. I notice dedicated buggers on both sides.
    14. There's a difference between being slugged for one minute and being slugged for four minutes.
    15. DCing is not okay. Idc if killers or survivors dc.
    16. I think hitting people on the hook, tbagging, clicky and extreme slugging is toxic. But everyone got other standards.
  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Anyone who played since the beginning knows that it was far survivor sided for years and still although it's far more balanced today.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I’m going to condense my response since you clearly think you’re right and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

    Killer is NOT as hard as you and others make it out to be. People quit playing killer because they don’t like a challenge - period. It’s evident by all the whining I see on these forums.

    Yes, I agree it’s the more stressful role. You definitely need to sweat as killer more than as survivor.

    However, is red ranks full of god tier survivors, SWF depip squads? Absolutely not. An average skill level killer can usually 3-4K an average survivor squad.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    Hahaha I have played DBD for 3 years in pc and Xbox, and I m sure that nowadays the game is broken for survivors , I had never seen genrush so strong 17 seconds to do a generator , came on , 2 seconds to sabotage a Hook. Pallets ow, and the old loops still live , I am main survivor and it is too easy escape that Devs need to do something to balance this game...

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    you mad, lol

    git gud 😁

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    DS got buffed btw

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You're here for discussion when it's been clear that

    As a Rank 16 killer, I shouldn't even be aware that Rank 4's exist.

    Many killer mains have fled, which has players like ME, a poor lonely Rank 16 killer facing against Red Ranks.

  • Larikal
    Larikal Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2020

    You must be mad if you think toolbox changes were buff for survivors in terms of faster repairing gens... Sure, you can repair 1 gen faster than before. But now you CANT repair 4 gens solo in 1:27 minutes. And before this change (even day before, i tested it) i was able to do 4 gens solo with 1 toolbox before killer even hit survivor (even if he was dumb and use like every single pallet he could), and before he get second hit one of other 2 free persons would finish last gen and i would almost instant open gate with quentin perk, and the chased one just run through that gate and killer didnt get even 1 hook in game. Now you cant do something like this, and games also lasts longer than before :P

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Lol.. except you arent an actual rank 16 killer judging by your perks. You deranked due to the monthly rank resets.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    1. The pallet vacuum removal

    > The problem is in the name, killers under a pallet should be hit

    2. The Exhaustion nerf

    > Without exhaustion I'd be running all of those perks as survivor

    3. The DS Rework/Nerf

    > Wasn't that a buff???

    4. The Mettle of Man nerf, probably the most hard hitting nerf to the survivor meta in the game, ever.

    > A perk that made playing one side too enjoyable probably isn't fair

    5. The Balanced Landing nerf

    > Used that over and over and... brought into line... actually balanced!

    6. The mere existence of the Spirit

    > You do know you can juke her like nurse.. wait hold on nurse and spirit performed too well so...

    7. The mere existence of Iridescent heads and how they still havent been nerfed in years.

    > Not fun to play against like Mori, Keys or hatch

    8. The mere existence of literally wall hack add-ons such as Myer's Mirrors.

    > As he crawls along...

    9. The nerfs to Medkits, toolboxes, and insta heals. Admittedly yes, instas were OP and toolboxes played a large part in gen rushing. But now, both are worthless.

    > Instas take a few seconds now, give that to a looper with Adrenaline... Toolboxes were too strong.

    10. The mere existence of the endgame collapse.

    > ... Seriously?

    11. The mere existence of second chance perks like NOED.

    > Ok, I've obviously realised I've fallen for the bait... 2nd chance survivor swf meta perks you mean?

    12. The fact that bugs/glitches/exploits that benefit killers (i.e. Legion walking backwards after a survivor while their Deep Wound ticked down) don't get patched for months while ones that benefit survivors (i.e. when Wake Up buffed ALL speeds) get patched in a day.

    > Still waiting on sound issues to be fixed month after month now... Killers need sound!

    13. The fact that the match runs off the killers connection. If there is even a SLIGHT drop in connection quality, the survivors feel it. I literally faced a Legion playing on a Wifi Hotspot some time ago. The worst lag I ever experienced. He said he didn't lag at all.

    > You are trolling now, everything goes through DBD Amazon servers which means even gameplay (yikes!)

    14. The fact that killers can get away scott free with holding the game hostage because they're scared of getting Decisive Striked/want their 4k/etc.

    > Bleeding out and remove hatch mechanics... seriously are you trolling?

    15. The double standard regarding DCing. Why is okay for a killer to DC from the map they don't like, and yet it's frowned upon when survivors DC bc, say, they don't want to face a particular killer?

    > Killers hardly DC from experience but when a survivor does it they normally ruin everyones game.

    16. The fact that camping and tunneling is considered strategic and yet, for example, jumping into a locker to force your DS isnt.

    > DS is an anti tunneling perk but used as an anti momentum / 60secs of invincibility perk. Please play both sides

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    DS should be infinite uses as long as you get off the hook and everyone knows it. It’s because the killer players that keep complaining. Now they want a 30 second use instead of 60. It’s always something. The player should have the option of equipping a perk that ALWAYS protects you From getting tunneled. It just keeps you in the game and allows that person to enjoy the game a bit more. Solo play is at its worst and when people work together and are too efficient they nerf toolboxes. Okay... it goes both ways. Killers can knock down survivors just as fast.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    60 second DS is well deserved for a one time use. Just saying. How is it fair that Ebony Mori’s aren’t a one time use? Or that rather than hooking and tunneling and avoiding DS it doesn’t have any further requirements that make it fair such as hooking everyone once FIRST? Playing Killer is not that bad. You’re bad.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    The core of what you are saying is correct, the game is much more balanced now than it was in 2018 and certainly more balanced than release. However, I do not agree with your overall conclusion. Here is why:

    At the highest level of play, Survivors hold the power to dictate the game. If you take 4 Survivors who make no mistakes, and play perfectly, then take a Killer who also plays perfectly, the Killer will usually lose. Why is that? Well, most Killers lack map pressure and the ability to get downs quickly. In the first 3 minutes of the match, the Survivors usually complete 3/5 of their objective, while the Killer generally completes anywhere from 1/12-3/12 of theirs.

    Basically, the game is still unbalanced due to the time constraints put on Killers and Survivors ability to extend chases, but it is WAY better than it used to be.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Survivors will probably DC more often because the match more often than not just seems unfair. Lag affects both sides but I believe it hurts survivors more because every hit matters. Because once you go down and get hooked you might not ever get off of it.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Still doesn't excuse the fact that I shouldn't be going against any Red Rank survivors, nor purple ranks.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383
  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Freddy can and will lose against a good swf if they try. Harder for solos to beat him,but still possible. Why shouldn't a killer be strong?

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Ur talking about it as if every killer just facecamps lmfao,good one buddy. Also grabs haven't worked at all since the arrival of dedi servers either,so there's that. I got robbed many times cause of it.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    Lets go over these:

    1. Yeah, it is a nerf, but vacuums were really really stupid.
    2. Again, i'd say stacking the exhaustion perks was pretty broken as it rendered certain parts of the map flat out infinite (many infinite still exist btw)
    3. I'd argue it was a buff. Before i only had to deal with it on 1 person, and enduring could counter it. Juggling also countered it.
    4. Wasn't this patched pretty close after release? Wouldn't call this a nerf, more of a correction of something they overlooked.
    5. Sure, its a nerf, but not a huge one.
    6. Spirit has been nerfed pretty heavily, so crying about this one is even funnier as she is nowhere near as powerful as she once was.
    7. Yeah, you can use them, and you might get the 4k. But enjoy barely black pipping and getting 12k BPs. Killers are punished for using these.
    8. These are gimmick builds and you know it. They only work on like 2 maps.
    9. Insta-heals were dumb, you even admit it. Toolbox sabo got massively buffed, and i'd argue toolboxes weren't nerfed just modified. They can now repair much faster but for less total amount. Makes it possible to clutch out a last gen with a toolbox very quickly.
    10. This isn't a buff or a nerf to killers, it literally exists to force the game to end at some point. Hatch standoffs weren't fun for either side and survivors need to figure out how to leave without making the killer watch them teabag.
    11. How about the mere existence of survivor second chance perks? Killers have one second chance perk, survivors have like what, 8? How about DS/UB/DH/Adrenaline that reward bad players?
    12. This one is really funny to me, because you listed 1 thing, which isn't really a bug or an exploit but is a feature, and probably just an oversight. Legion has now been nerfed into the ground. But let's talk about all of the bugs that have been in the game for killers huh? How about sounds being bugged for literally over 6 months. Or how about the first lunge of the game being randomly short for no reason? Or how about grab animations bugging out because of dedicated servers? Or hag "double teleporing." Or the fact that nurse is a buggy mess whose blinks don't work half the time. Or clown bottles fizzing out randomly because you slightly clipped something, even though it shows them going over the wall. Or how about pop/surge being bugged together. I could go on and on, but we only have so much time.
    13. With dedicated servers, this isn't a thing.
    14. Its not "holding the game hostage" if i am waiting out DS for 60 seconds. You guys are the ones who always say if you get hit by DS you are tunneling, so i'm making sure not to "tunnel" But seriously, holding the game hostage is when you prevent the game from ending. Now that endgame collapse is a thing there are very rare circumstances where this is possible for killer. Only thing that really exists is if you body block all of the survivors into a single place and prevent them from repairing gens. At this point, all forms of holding the game hostage are done by survivors. How about we talk about when there are 2 left and they both spend 10 minutes hiding and not doing anything because they both want the hatch.
    15. I don't think anyone likes DCing, but i'd argue that since there are maybe 4 killer sided maps and almost every other map is survivor sided might be why attitudes are different. Regardless i think DCing is dumb.
    16. Camping and tunneling are considered tactics because they literally lose you the game. It takes 2 full minutes for a survivor to die on hook. During that time, the 3 remaining survivors can do all 5 gens (especially since the first chase typically loses 2-3 gens). Also jumping into a locker with DS isn't the problem, its being immune for a full 60 seconds where you can just do a gen and can't be stopped, especially if a locker is present. Tunneling, because DS is a thing, and because leaving 3 other survivors alone to do gens usually results in a loss as well. But at the end of the day, i would be fine if they "fixed" camping and tunneling, as long as they fix genrush too. When i find the first survivor, chase and down them, and the 3 gens pop. i just finished 8% of my objective, and survivors finished 60% of theirs. Camping and tunneling is sometimes the only way to deal with that situation (only because survivors get cocky and altruistic, if they just did gens they'd win every time anyway)
  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    Killers can be strong. I'm fine with spirit, Hillbilly, and Oni for example. But there's a difference between Strong and OP. Freddy is 100% OP. He does everything. First is his crazy lunge that basically guarantees he hits you through pallets making for an easy first down. If he can't for some reason he 90% of the time has his snares that'll catch you. Once he gets his first down all he has to do is BBQ over to the gen someone is working on and pop it. Afterwords he pursues the survivor that he saw the aura of and he already has his next down. Often this is before the person he just hooked is unhooked. Wash, rinse, repeat. And if that's not crazy enough survivors are pushed into the dream world at a crazy fast rate making his only counter useless. Then we've got the Oblivious in dreamworld rendering perks like Borrowed Time useless so Freddy has free reign to camp/tunnel. I'm at the point with Freddy where I just wanna d/c when I go up against him but I can't because of the d/c penalty. It sucks.

    Freddy needs a hard nerf.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd the killer echo room commences.

    OP states facts, queue anecdotal subject talking points for the killer player base.

    Survivors have been nerfed MORE than killers have since release.

    Even if you want to whine over the details.

    It's a statement of fact.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Don't let the killer echo room get you down, this place hasn't had perspective for awhile.

    Least its better than the DBD reddit where people would downvote good points and upvote 'poor killer' posts Ad nauseam with no insight to offer.

  • walookeyes
    walookeyes Member Posts: 10

    I think you are delusional. not going to point out all the things that make this game survivor sided because even a monkey would realise how ######### this game is for killers.

  • ZackaryFreeman
    ZackaryFreeman Member Posts: 42



    In the meantime as we watch you, we might as well count how many games you really "win"

    I would love for you to teach us how to play the game well, so I can no longer be just "a bad killer" in a "totally balanced, non survivor sided game".

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    How don't people realize his lunge is the same as any other m1 killer lmfao. There is no difference. Only thing that makes it look like that is his height and his weapon. When a freddy uses snares you either leave a loop or throw the pallet down. Either wastes enough time. He can pop a gen all he wants,but if you don't greed against a snare freddy he can't really get people as fast as he needs to be able to pressure gens enough. Be awake before going for a save,all I can say about the bt argument.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Actually he's facts are on point.

    History OF THE GAME:

    Since release, killer has been buffed, survivor nerfed. This is important to understand and through examples you’ll see why that has happened. It shows you why the game has had the trajectory it has and why we are now in our current quagmire.

    It all started with the introduction of swf and the 2 escapes, 2 kills devs unit of metric. You don’t have to like the metric but it’s whats given the survivors all their nerfs and all the killers current buffs.

    The devs failed to understand that people would want to play with friends in an online game (serious), what we got was ‘lobby wars’. Where survivors would join different lobbies looking for their friends and leave if they couldn’t find them. It was horrible trying to find games. Hence why we got swf, that completely unbalanced the game by creating coordinated survivors that could communicate. The devs have been nerfing survivor ever since and completely crippled solo survivor play.

    Killers now are up around 70% kills due to the trajectory of the game and the devs metric system, unless you feel their metric system is bad, in which case they can undo all the changes I've just mentioned....

    It also important to mention marketing and advertising. There’s nothing special about survivors, they are just reskins with some new perks that all play the same. THATS IT. EACH killer has its own unique play style and as you see from their advertising, its always new killers they promote. Survivors get a mention, but its never really the selling point. 

    DBD reddit, back in the day was all about poking fun at survivors and giving you the impression that every second game is SWF and heavily biased against killers. Which was a lie. OP SWF games are maybe one in 30 games with most swf games being friends who are just wanting to have fun and usually end up wiping. But there was no push back, the killer echo room there would down vote anything survivor sided.

    That coupled with the points I mentioned previously meant that a lot of survivor mains left the game. Which is kind of obvious, I mean you understand the devs unit of metric sure, but you just watch nerf, after nerf, after nerf as it all gets taken away. Why would you stay for that? Its kind of miserable.

    What has this created? In short. Entitlement. Killer mains know if they whine, they get what they want. 

    THIS is the environment the devs have created and what you see on the forums.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    I have to agree with him.. This game isn't survivor sided at all. Not that it needs to be, but it's way too much in favor of the killer now especially with the toolbox and item nerfs. I can't even repair like 25% of 1 gen with the best toolbox now.

    Rip genrushing. One of the only viable counters against face campers

    Killers are way too op. Some of them flat out need nerfs..ahem mmthedoctorahem

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    Translation: I'm just going to say your wrong, and because I said I'm not going to point out why you're wrong, you just have to accept my logic as fact.

    Top kek bud.

    A survivor with no enhancements can do a generator in 1 minute 20 seconds.

    Oh right, you're the bait guy, Doctor OP, kappa.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    Your opinions are now false and irrelevant. You exposed yourself as a simpleton as soon as you said "kappa". Sorry but you lost this battle. Better luck next time.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    All those nerfs and the game is still insanely survivor sided because the devs won't do the nerfs you really deserve. Longer gen times, removal of 2nd chance perks.

  • Teshie
    Teshie Member Posts: 19

    Why do people post things like this and never ever respond to the counter arguments? Is it because they can't? i don't understand.