So, how are you all feeling about Doom Eternal and Resident Evil 3?

Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

For Doom, I'm absolutely LOVING it! Feels like they brought over what was good from 2016 and expanded apon it while fixing what complaints people had with the first. Basically, what a sequel SHOULD do!

As for Resident Evil 3, yup, also LOVING that as well, demo was fantastic. Can't wait to try the Resistance beta and, of course, the launch day.



  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't know anything about Resident Evil.

    Doom Eternal looks pretty sweet.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    You should definitely download the Resident Evil 3 demo and give it a go, it's absolutely fantastic!

    And yeah, Doom Eternal is pretty fantastic.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    RE3 seems awesome.

    Doom just isn't my thing. I watched a streamer play for about half an hour. Too frenetic for my taste. I may have also came in at the wrong time, but that suggestively-voiced woman practically moaning about how awesome you (player character) are in audio logs was... I don't know, icky?

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yup Resident Evil 3 is absolutely fabulous. I'll probably love it JUST as much as the RE2 remake!

    Yeah, Doom is basically the pure definition of constant, in your face action there is. Also, I have literally zero idea about the audio logs, especially of sexual nature. Sure it wasn't the streamers sub or donation message?

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I played the R3 demo recently and I must say, I really enjoyed it coming from someone who has never played a Resident Evil game before. (Yes I know, I have sinned for never playing those games 😅 )

    Doom looks really good if I had money I'd buy it!

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I’m not an fps player but I watched a Doom Eternal gameplay video and it looks pretty fun. The devs of that game obviously put a lot of time and care into it.

    Resident Evil 3 looks terrifying as well, I’m not one for horror so I doubt I’ll get into it. Only reason I play Dbd is because of watching Ohmwrecker.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    If you decide to give the resistance beta a try, we HAVE to party up at least once. Saying that, I'm super happy to hear you enjoyed RE3 because the Resident Evil franchise is fantastic! Now do you understand why I want a Resident Evil chapter so bad with Jill and Nemesis? xD

    Seriously, get Doom asap or RE3 asap. It's a tough choice picking between the two though. :/

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yeah, Hugo and Marty very obviously LOVE what they do over at ID and it's something that I think is infectious. It was a pleasure seeing them live at PAX East this year.

    If you don't like the horror side you might like the Resistance mode. I suggest looking at some gameplay from, well, Ohmwrecker! xD

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Doom Eternal is class! I love the weapons, enemies and the millions of collectibles. Only on level 7 so I'm not going to spoil anything and would like nothing else spoiled.

    Can't wait for resi 3 also but I've deliberately avoided everything on it.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Doom Eternal definitely the whole package! So far I've loved everything as well, I especially love how much ferocity the enemies have in it. I've also been having a lot of fun in Battlemode, Archville main definitely!

    That's a great choice with Resident Evil 3, especially with the Internet trying to spoil literally everything. :/

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I didn't realize Ohm tried RE3, you gave me something to watch, thanks!

    Dbd has gotten very tedious for me and so many people want to derive fun through their opponents misery, I have just gotten so tired of it. It's nice to see other companies coming out with alternatives like RE Resistance. Now I just need to win the lotto so I can buy everything.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yeah, dbd is kinda getting there for me so it's great to get to try other game modes like Doom Eternal's battlemode and soon, Resistance because of the open beta on the 27th! Also, I feel you on the lottery aspect! xD

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    It was definitely in-game, but it was probably just a series of entries for that one level.

    Also, I hadn't even heard Resistance was having an open beta. Another thing to look forward to!

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yup, on the 27th it's open and lasts till about... the 30th I believe?

    Still have zero idea about those audio logs but maybe I haven't gotten to that level yet. :/

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    So, @Science_Guy, I did reach that level and, honestly, I personally didn't think it was bad at all. I felt she was more completely awe struck by the Slayer and his work that she spoke of him in that sorta light.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    I'm a huge Resident Evil fan and after playing the demo, I am even more pumped for this remake. As much as I loved the Resident Evil 2 remake, I feel Resident Evil 3 remake is going to be a bit better since you are going to travel around Raccoon City. I was doubtful at first since I saw that another studio was going to be working on it but the demo proved me wrong. It's exciting, it keeps me on edge, the ambiance terrifies me which I love and everyone looks great, Nemesis included. I was terrified of Mr. X but Nemesis, whooooo boy.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited March 2020

    I don't care about Biohazard 3 remake, and Doom Eternal straight up doesn't work on AMD CPUs, because Bethesda is Bethesda, yada yada...

  • DontComeNeaMe
    DontComeNeaMe Member Posts: 72

    Resident evil 3 remake I can't wait for, probably going to play a lot of resistance as well!

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yeah, the demo proved to me that, they definitely still got it! I can't wait to see more of Raccoon City, it was beautiful in the demo alongside everthing else which also looked amazing. I thought that the western studio only worked on Resistance? And yeah, Nemesis whooped my ass, wasn't expecting him to be THAT tough!

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Raccoon City looked amazing and I almost wished we could have explored it just a bit more in RE2 but since they are remaking 3, I am even more excited. I don't remember the name of the studio but I know that another one was working on RE3.

    Nemesis wasn't too bad for me but he definitely likes to be in your face though 😆

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Judging from the trailer at the end of RE3's demo it seems like the story might be different and I'm mega-hyped. The demo was amazing, being able to dodge was incredibly nice, and Nemesis is terrifying! I'm eagerly waiting for April 3rd to roll around.

    As for Doom Eternal, I loved Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal seems like it'll be that game but even better, but not better enough that I wanna spend 60 bucks on it. I'm gonna wait for the price to drop before I start ripping and tearing until it is done.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I never got to play the og RE3 so that might be why I'm more excited for this over RE2. Huh, I did see that they outsourced but hey, doesn't matter, still a great game so far. Maybe I was playing dumb but yeah, Nemesis LOVES to be in your face! xD

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    That's my favorite part about this remake, they seem to be altering the story a decent bit which I'm happy about. I was so bad with that dodge mechanic but yeah, Jill and Nemesis in DBD when BhVR, like, for real?

    Like I said before, Doom eternal is the true definition of a sequel. It keeps the good from 2016 and improves it while fixing the complaints people had. I absolutely love it! :D

  • DontComeNeaMe
    DontComeNeaMe Member Posts: 72

    Yeah, I already have it downloaded 👌

    I am just hoping and praying they somehow add nemesis as a card to it, I'm happy with Mr X and Birkin though

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Curious, have PS4?

    Nah, they're saving him and Jill for the DBD crossover! xD Seriously though, he'd be awesome but who would be his master?

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Oh then you are in a for a treat, my friend. Nemesis is a lot more relentless than Mr. X which is terrifying but i'm excited. Again, I had my doubts about the other studio but so far I am not disappointed and they've done a pretty good job so far *wink wink nudge nudge*

    Sorry bad joke but definitely enjoy it when it comes out. The OG was good but this is going to be amazing.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yeah, really the only couple things I saw from the og was, of course a few enemies, Jill and Nemesis, a certain characters death and Jill's "you want stars?" line. Hopefully this shows devs that outsourcing is alright, if supervised. I can't wait to see the battle damage on Nemesis over time!

    I do plan on going back to play the originals but it's just a pain to hook up old consoles. :/

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Ah yes, the stars line, classic 💜

    They did outsource once and that was to do Operation Raccoon City (which I did actually enjoy) and a lot of people hated and got bad reviews. So that's why I was a little apprehensive but so far I'm impressed with RE3.

    I feel your pain about hooking up consoles. Whoo boy, that's a process.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I know the stars line is cheesy as hell but I unironically love it and hope they have a equivalent to it in the remake. xD

    Wow wait really, ORC wasn't Capcom made? Won't lie, when I was younger I enjoyed it gameplay wise, bugs and glitches included. Now, I don't know if I could play it. Please tell me Umbrella Corps was also outsourced! xD

    Yeah, I hate having to hook up my Xbox original if I want to play Timesplitters future perfect.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Oh it's cheesy but it's absolutely perfect though 😂 I seriously hope they keep it in.

    And yes actually! ORC was outsourced and that's part of the reason why people didn't like it. I agree with you and love everything about that game, including the bugs and glitches. Four-Eyes is my go to agent mostly but I also love Vector.

    Sadly, my friend, Umbrella Corps was not outsourced and Capcom is making that game canon, believe it or not. IT'S SO BAD.

    Nice! Awesome game too! I have to hook up my PS3 to play the original Resident Evil trilogy.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I completely agree but with the writing being, honestly, pretty damn good with recent instalments, I fear it may be cut. On the other hand, it might be too iconic toleave out.

    Really, that's honestly not a good reason to hate on it. The bugs, glitches and story are good reasons though, despite the fact I still enjoyed the game, even I can admit the story was... pretty wonky. I also gotta be honest, I LOVED basically all the female characters while the males were "meh" to me... besides Vector, he's awesome.

    ... I'm incredibly disappointed by this news...

    I'm jealous you have the og PS3 model, that thing is backwards compatible heaven! Hey, are you on PS4, because I'd love to try Resistance with others!

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    At least they improvised the Jill Sandwich quote in the remake of the first Resident Evil and I love how it was referenced in Revelations 2. So I am confident they will make the right decision to at least add in "I'll give you stars" quote.

    I think it also involved the story and also the bugs and glitches of why a lot of people didn't like it. I thought it was a unique spin off and expanded on the Umbrella universe instead of just HUNK. The female wolf pack were awesome and some of the guys were meh but still enjoyable and yes, Vector is amazing. I think it helps that he is HUNK's protege that has something to do with it.

    I actually have them downloaded on my PS3 cause they were in the Playstation Store at the time. Fun fact though, you don't need and OG PS3 to play Playstation One games, they are always going to be backwards compatible. I could do PS1 games on my 2 and 3 though I don't think it worked on my PS4 which is a shame. And sure, man! That would be awesome. My username is the same: Foxfire47

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yeah, you're probably right. Plus, I'm talking incredibly recent, as in RE2 remake to this one because we still had some pretty loveable but cheesy lines up to, I'd probably say, RE4, especially the "bingo" line. I don't think RE5 has any standout lines like that but DEFINITELY standout moments... boulder punching...

    That was most certainly the most interesting part about ORC. The fact that Umbrella actually had a team instead of, you know, HUNK and a couple of nameless goons was quite cool. Plus, the whole "what if" scenario was also a pretty interesting angle. Anything to do with HUNK is automatically awesome!

    I completely forgot it can play PS1 games! Also yeah, it's a absolute shame the PS4 has zero backwards function but it's good to hear the PS5 will and hopefully the rumor is true that it can play PS1, 2, 3 and 4 games is true but that's super wishful thinking! Awesome, I'll send you a request once this is posted.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    I read that RE3 is less about puzzles and more action oriented? I think that’s a mistake, probably have to pass if true. That’s very disappointing. RE2 was perfect so I was really hoping for another game just like that.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Ah this is very true, I see what you mean. I really wish they had more of the "Ada, wait!" in the RE2 remake. They only had Leon say "wait up" like once but I was thinking "nooooooooooooooooo i wanted Ada wait!" Plus RE4 was a treasure trove of amazing lines. Leon was just so quick witted in that game alone with "Your right hand comes off?" mwah, perfection.

    I could see Umbrella hiring operatives to be part of a contingency plan just in case if crap hit the fan. It was really interesting to think about and definitely made for a pretty good spin off, not gonna lie. Perosnally, I think "Redfield" is HUNK. I've talked with a lot of people on it and they agree they think "Redfield" is HUNK.

    Yup! It was super nice when I could play my PS1 copy of Final Fantasy VII on my PS2 along with my PS3. I hope that PS5 will be the ideal console. I have hope ;;u;;

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I should have also mentioned RE7 but that's because Jack's awesome! RE4 is such a fantastic game despite the fact it was the first in the series to shift more towards action BUT was still able to keep it's horror heart firmly in place unlike later entrys.

    Umbrella probably has multiple contingency plans, hiring operatives is most certainly one of them. I'm still a relatively new fan to Resident Evil(since October) but not 100% on the lore and backstories just yet. So, who's this "Redfield" guy other than, of course, Chris.

    If that rumor is indeed real then dreams will come true! I have so many old games I want to play but just don't want the hassle from playing wire hell. xD

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Jack was terrifying. Move over, Mr. X cause Jack is the ultimate Tyrant 😆 I love RE4 since it was my introduction to the series but I would have to say that RE2 is my favorite. I know RE4 like the back of my hand and know so many tips and tricks for it. It definitely was the first game to shift to more of action but that's not a bad thing. Now RE5 was trying to be like four and I think it was five that started the downfall of the series.

    My friend, come with me and I will teach you the ways of Resident Evil. I know so much about it with lore, backstories, theories etc. So basically everyone (including Capcom) is saying that this Redfield guy is Chris but I call absolute BS on that. The Resident Evil: Vendetta movie actually took place a few months prior to the events of RE7. Chris's model compared to Redfield look nothing alike. People argue "well Leon and Claire's models for RE2 remake look completely different!" and tbh, Leon still looked pretty much the same and Claire did look a bit different but you could still tell it's Claire. Redfield? Nah, man. I am not buying it. Plus there are game files for HUNK in Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 where you can see his face. Granted they are kinda blurry because PS2 graphics but Redfield's face looks verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry similar to HUNK's, especially since this is supposed to be Umbrella in RE7. So I want to say it is HUNK or even a clone of HUNK. Umbrella can definitely pull that off.

    Ahhh, I still have to deal with wires, even when I have to set up for my streams ;;3;;

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    DooM:Eternal well what can I say about it? I love it. Lots to do in the game, a completely free season pass which rewards you simply for playing the game which is what I do right now anyway. I have fun in battlemode which I didn't really expect as it can go both ways for the demons or the slayer. Seems everybody just enjoys a good match. The optimization is superb, the game runs at a smooth 144fps with everything cranked up.

    Sure the game can be frustrating at times like some challenges on nightmare but I want a challenge after all. Like that one encounter tabas nadad, where you have to kill a doom hunter in less than 30sec ^^

    What I absolutely love is the fact that they can play their own game at hardest difficulty, like when you check out the bethesda account on youtube and their talk about mastery, they will play the game on the hardest difficulty and show that they can do it and know what they talk about.

    I didn't have time to look at RE3 yet but that and Predator will be games I am interested in. So for now I am just glad that I could uninstall dbd. I will keep checking in on it, see how things improve or not because I still hope they might get it right at some point but I don't care anymore as there are far better games out there.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    My personal favorite tyrant has and always will be Nemesis, he's always looked like a complete badass but this time, he looks both badass and scary! I'll be honest, I technically believe ORC was my first RE game but it wasn't until Suzi(Sphere hunter) that I truly took the dive into the Resident Evil universe. I still find RE5 fun in that co-op action kinda way.

    Oh yeah, I remember now, yeah, that was a HUGE debate going around during RE7! It was such a shock to see that but I can definitely see where you're coming from. Why is he so much different and more specifically, WHY does he now work for this new Umbrella? Despite their clams of "righting the wrong" they've done. Plus, we've seen clones in this franchise already so it's possible!

    Huh, it's a absolute nightmare to deal with!

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Doom Eternal is already one of my favorite game sequels of all time! The season pass model is also superb, it's my hope that other publishers will take note of it. Battlemode is super fun, the devs really made it feel unique. I SWEAR the people at ID perform actual demonic rituals to have performance and optimization this good. And yeah, they truly have a grasp of their game which is always grand to see and listen too.

    Definitely download the RE3 demo and Resistance beta this week, it's already shaping up to be a fantastic game with, hopefully, a solid multiplayer component!

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    From the demo nemesis makes Mr X seem pretty chill. I barely remember the original but am excited. Pretty busted Jill has infinite dead hards tho, pls nerf

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Nemesis is number one always. He definitely looks more terrifying in the remake which excites and scares me more. The series definitely needed to go back to it's horror roots with RE7 and the remakes, I am hoping that they will up their game more (no pun intended) when they release RE8 which they are working on right now. I think that's part of the reason of why RE3 was made by another studio. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed RE5 and I know that game like the back of my hand too. It was good for what it was definitely.

    Cool! So you pretty much know what I'm talking about, that's good. Now if it wasn't for Resident Evil: Vendetta, I could slightly believe the change in character model but after watching Vendetta, I'm thinking "waaaaaaaaaait a minute, hold up. This isn't right. Don't pull the wool over my eyes." It absolutely makes no sense of why Chris would be working for Umbrella or ANY part of Umbrella since they were the ones that pretty much ruined his and everyone else's lives with the mansion and Raccoon City. It's the big reason that he's a main founder of the BSAA to wipe out bio-terrorism. So in short, HUNK clone. Boom, solved.

    If I want to stream from my PS4 then yeah it's a bit of a hassle. With PC, no wires so that's helpful XD

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Nemesis is incredible and you can't nerf a character like Jill... ;)

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Nemesis is the best! Yeah, RE7 is exactly what the series needed, definitely. Despite the fact that people don't like the switch to a fps angle rather than third. Did you hear the RE8 leaks? I personally believe it's a bunch of hogwash but that's just me. Yeah, RE5 is just basically playing a action movie with horror elements and that's fine, it's what they wanted from the game so, job well done there!

    Are the cgi movies cannon? But yeah, it's super weird to see such a beefy character like Chris get so thinned out in a manner of months as well. The BIG thing is the umbrella situation, like you said, you'd think a guy like Chris would loathe the idea of any sorta umbrella company coming back and most definitely wouldn't work for them. Ok, did the original HUNK die or something?

    I'm surprised you don't just stick with PC then! xD

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    I will admit that RE7 did not feel like a Resident Evil game. I felt the could have executed it better when it came to bringing everything full circle with the story. Hopefully they will go into more detail when RE8 comes out. For the RE8 leaks... I had to look it back up cause I forgot about it. I think I tried to block it from my mind but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamnit, if it involves werewolves, I quit. I quit, I quit, I quit. I hope upon hope that it's BS and just a joke. You're right about RE5 playing out like an action movie with horror elements. The same can definitely be said about RE6 for sure. Leon's campaign was the best out of all of them frankly. Jake and Sherry's was ok but for Chris and Piers? Bruh, it was like a Call of Duty game.

    CGI movies are absolutely canon and obviously the live action ones are not thank god. I shudder at the thought of the last three live action movies, UGH. You are absolutely right in regards of Chris having ANY ties with Umbrella. I'm sure he would die first before teaming up with anyone let alone the name Umbrella. Again, this is why I hope it gets rectified in RE8. HUNK is still alive but it's super understandable that Umbrella would make clones of HUNK because he is literally their best soldier. Went back for the G Virus like a damn boss.

    Frankly, I love my console more. Yeah I grew up with computer games but I like the feel of console. Plus there are some PC games that don't have controller capability and using a keyboard kills my hands because of carpal tunnel. I still enjoy PC but console feels better.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    No, we don't speak of those live action movies. Yeah, when it comes to the RE8 leaks, I don't believe them or it could've been early story drafts. They just sound a bit too outlandish. RE5 is a action movie but RE6 is a big DUMB action movie. In my opinion, it also barley has any horror to it, like, at all. Won't lie though, it was awesome seeing a grown up Sherry.

    HUNK is a complete badass, I'd for sure want him on my team! I wonder why they barley show or talk about him anymor? Too be fair though, sometimes it's best to leave some mystery's unsolved.

    Oh ok, that's understandable. I can definitely agree on the feel of a console, just feels good with a controller in hand, plus, I wouldn't be used to PC at all now since I've been on console for so long.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    RE3 looks awesome, but I am not a fan of the gameplay, maybe it changes on release?

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Now to be fair, the first three weren't too bad but I hate how they just got so damn ridiculous after Extinction. When they began to include Las Plagas, I was thiking "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" but of course the director didn't want to focus on actual plot and just focus on his Mary Sue of a wife. I really am hoping they are story drafts that they were messing around with. It's sounding eerily similar to the Hook Man version of RE4. That is an excellent way to explain RE5 and RE6, I love it. Leon's campaign only had like some element of horror but it was poorly executed. Seeing Sherry grown up was amazing though. Really wished they had Claire in there too but of course the events of Revelations 2 prevented her from being in it pretty much.

    HUNK is seriously the best though I think I read that he retired or something along those lines. I am not 100% sure but it would make sense though. HUNK really is an enigma so it makes sense to wonder where he is now ;D

    I think that's another reason why I am not used to PC as much anymore. I'm more used to console with the controller and I even use a controller on my PC version of DbD. I have Dbd on PC, PS4 and Switch XD

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Okay, imo, the first one is the only one I personally find decent while the second and third have some good aspects to them. Apocalypse honestly did Nemesis surprisingly well, plus the minigun addition fit really well. Extinction had probably the best make-up and gore in the franchise. The rest shall not be mentioned, I also hade 0 idea that they switched from standard zombies to Las Plagas infected. So rev2 and RE6 takes place during the exact same time?

    Well, if that's the case, HUNK deserves his retirement! Probably in a log cabin deep in the woods.

    That's some serious DBD dedication! Although, if they had cross progression, I'd probably do the same. xD