Queues & Bugs | It's getting annoying

Hello, I come here to say it's getting quite annoying to always play killer because the survivor queues are horrific. Don't get me wrong, I like playing killer more than survivor, but sometimes I wanna chill out from playing killer. However, the survivor queue times and the error messages that prevent you from getting a lobby is just, too much. Couple that with killer's rulebook for survivors (#277: No Flashlights; #278: No Keys; #279: No Toolboxes, and etc.), we're talking about HUGE queue times for survivors.
I don't like to bring stuff like this up because I know y'all, the devs, do try and you're slowly taking care of it. However, I feel like this needs attention, specifically the queue times and if this MMR system is the answer we're looking for β then I take everything back.
However, if it's not, then I'll just spitball a quick suggestion since complaining by itself isn't really useful. Reward players extra XP and BP for playing a role that's desperately needed. Perhaps this can be 50% bonus XP and BP? That way, people are encouraged to let others enjoy the other role while not feeling they are doing this for nothing, if that makes sense. π
Bring back ruin. I'd be willing to bet that survivor queue times would get a lot shorter. What's the point of playing most killers if you're going to get gen rushed in 5 minutes anyway?
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I mentioned in my thread that I do play killer more than survivor, and generators aren't really that bad.
Sure, the beginning generators are gone and that sucks, but if you can get a good snowball going β survivors won't reach the Exit Gates.
The main problem is queue times, I shouldn't be forced to play killer 24/7 without getting a proper chance to play survivor. The bugs, queues, and dodges makes playing survivor almost impossible. Maybe if you play a few games of killer, you can get easier survivor games and vice versa? π
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What a baby, just wait like everyone else for 20-30 mins and get genrushed in 5 mins.
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It's not the in-game bugs, it's the error message you get from trying to join a lobby as a survivor. These really extend the queue times, it's really awful to wait 10 minutes just to get an error message saying cannot connect to host, enjoy another 10 minutes of queue times.
Eventually, I give up attempting and play killer for an hour or two, then I quit playing DBD because I know what will happen if I try playing survivor. π
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If you disagree with my suggestion or complaint, that's okay, but insulting me doesn't further the discussion.
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It's kind of hard to get the snowball going when you're paying killers such as the Clown on huge maps.
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Are they ever going to do something about lag switching? It's pretty obnoxious when the killer is a mile away and gets hits on you even though you're on the opposite side of the map and the killer is nowhere in sight. The fact that if I choose to leave instead of playing against that, I get a DC penalty.
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Well that's what happens when people don't enjoy killer anymore. I used to be a 100% killer main, however it became impossible to have fun at high rank without add - ons and it just became unfun.
I'd be lucky to get a 2k because survivors would be on gens all the time.
I still play killer, but now I'm limited to Hillbilly, Nurse and Spirit unless I get really lucky and get a good map or poor survivors.
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I personally enjoy killer; even if I lose, as long as I get a lot of hooks. However, being forced to play killer because of survivor queues is simply put, getting old.
I'd like to play the other 50% of the game without having to waste the majority of my free time. π
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It's not that I don't enjoy killer, not at all, it's just that many killers I can't play anymore if I want to have fun.
Let's take Trapper for example. Love him and I still do, but unless I three gen (which personally is a boring tactic) I have little to no chance of even getting a single kill.
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Update: Still getting error messages that drastically increase my queue times and the killers who dodge doesn't make things any better. π‘
Any official comment? It's literally taking me 10-20 minutes to find a game, this is getting ridiculous. Let me play survivor if I do everyone else a favor by playing 50+ killer games and please (and I can't stress this enough, R E A L L Y) figure out what causes the error message that prevent me from getting a lobby as a survivor.
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A Dev Status update on that new batch matchmaking they are working on is highly needed. these queue times are so so bad!
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I wished they fixed the error messages, they really annoy me. π
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Absolutely! I also get tons of error 501 thrown at me.
I would wish corona crisis would break the timeplan for the next chapter so it get's postponed and they use the time to highly focus on optimization.
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I have a massive collection of videos that say generators are terrible. Would you like some?
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Post them on my wall, I wanna keep the thread on topic.
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Will do. How many is reasonable?
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However many you need to prove your point! π
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Right, but if you're not gonna bother watching them, I might as well convince a brick wall. Which is why I asked how much you wanted. Its about gen speed, so I assure you, they won't be long.