The Deathslinger is a flawless killer, and so is auto aim

If you would take a look at this wonderful clip you will notice a fun thing with the auto aim

(Sorry if the video is a bit too loud)

You can see that the goddamn auto aim snaps my lunge at the dying survivor next to me


  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    So was it because right as you hit Dwight he went through the exit so the game got confused and tried to connect you with the hooked survivor?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    But for one the survivor on the hook was long gone, so they shouldn't have a hitbox there anymore anyways.

    However, his hit recovery was just like when you miss a hit, since it was much faster than the normal recovery when hittin a survivor, so it seems like the hitbox was not there anymore, and it really just was auto aim, or what people mean when they say auto aim.

  • PerskuleBenener
    PerskuleBenener Member Posts: 43

    I mean fair enough, I'm not very experienced with deathslinger, so I wasn't aware pulling survivors towards you while they are chained weakened their power to steer where they were going. But you have to admit I would have hit him if auto aim wasn't a thing

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited March 2020

    That's probably because the survivor (or what remains of them) was moving upwards dodging the attack.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Till the hook drops, that player is still in game and that is what the game triggers on. I agree that their hitbox should be removed sooner once the soul is taken due to there being no body anymore. But I still say this is user error as the OP shouldn't have given up control over the harpoon allowing Dwight to put the hook between them in the first place.

    It's part of learning skill for any other game. You need to learn quirks and play around them. Any Killer should know that hooks have a hitbox and any Deathslinger should know to not give up control of his harpoon.

    The Survivor hitbox wasn't there, the player's collision was though.

    Don't really know the full details as I didn't code the game. But it looks to me that the game removes the Survivor's hitbox but as that player is still in game he keeps his collision as no 2 players can be in the same spot. And if that player is still there with full collision, then he can still be interacted with through normal means such as getting attacked even without his hitbox.

    Killer attacks, sees player in range, it triggers his attack, but as there is no Survivor hitbox the attack isn't confirmed and doesn't play the wipe animation.

    To fix something like that the devs would need to remove the player as well as his hitbox. Sounds like a simple fix. But I think that if they did move the player at the moment of sacrifice then they would break that player's camera as it is linked to their location as well. You would need to also disjoint the camera from Survivor instead of simply panning it around. A disjointed camera itself could cause its own problems to boot thanks to Survivors having a 3rd person POV. It could get stuck or start to clip both of who are very bad.

    There often is no "simple fix" and have to make due with what you got. Still jank but fully workable, repeatable, and something you can play around. So there isn't any need to fix something that isn't broke when it would break other things doing so.

    Look at dedicated servers as an example and how it breaks more than it fixed or never even fixed to start with.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Just as a side note, you could have easily reeled that survivor towards you without him getting to that hook if you just reeled and walked backwards all the time and didn't stop. It would significantly diminish that Dwight's ability to struggle and make him get reeled in faster. Not saying that attack assist isn't BS and robs killers of many hits they should have hit, only that you could have prevented that situation from even happening.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479
    edited March 2020

    It was autoaim AND sacrificed survivor's hitbox. I do not know why any of those two exist.

  • PerskuleBenener
    PerskuleBenener Member Posts: 43

    I think the simplest fix would be letting us choose if we wanted to have auto aim on or not

  • Kalazius
    Kalazius Member Posts: 8

    Or you could've just walked up to him while pulling him in.

  • Frashu
    Frashu Member Posts: 23

    Yeah, sacrificed hooks are weird. The game will prioritize the departing survivor, and even though the hitbox lingers at the hook it will snap your camera straight up. If there is someone under hook, you can look straight at them, but you swill swing for the stars. “Working as intended” lol

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Oh, so I have to guess now if game decides to aim my weapon at survivor or some other solid object. Pretty good job!

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    You would have hit him if hitboxes matched character location. That really didn't have anything to do with autoaim. The problem was that there was a hitbox for a survivor that was visibly 20 meters above where their hitbox was.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Let us disable aim dressing @Peanits

  • Kalazius
    Kalazius Member Posts: 8

    What made you want to hit him next to a hook in the first place? GG

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    What makes you think that when I aim at speared survivor I should hit sacrificed survivor?