How do people still not realize that tunneling is one of the only ways to create permanent pressure.

hex_genrush Member Posts: 736
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

A loss of one teammate is detrimental to the team, and if eliminated early can easily assure you a 4k or drastically decrease the time crunch. Yes I know, nobody likes to get tunneled, but sometimes it’s really the only way depending on the killer you are playing , survivor skill level , and map. Now please spare me of that “ oh well you just need to git gud and adapt, I 4k every game with perkless clown on haddon field at red ranks and I never tunnel or camp. Your just an entitled killer main who wants an easy win.” Talk because it’s complete bull and does nothing to contribute to a discussion and puts down whoever’s talking about it



  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Gen speed isn’t in a good place. Survivors don’t want to hold M1 longer, because it’s unfun... but they don’t like tunneling (a strong counter to gen speed) because it’s unfun...

    FYI I don’t tunnel because I play both sides and I know how absolutely unfun it is as survivor, but until gen speed gets fixed I will not judge or bad mouth killers who feel the need to do it

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You will after 20 games of it. No joke.

    As for gen-speeds, it all depends on rank and role. Killer? Too quick early, regardless of rank. Rank is then applied in a similar manner to that of the survivor's perspective. Survivor? Too slow in low ranks, good in mid, pretty fast in red.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,244

    Tunneling isn't effective against the players you'll need to tunnel. It won't be worth it against really good players. 3 or 4 gens will be done by the time you focus down one player. That's aside from the fact that it's a distasteful playstyle to tunnel from the outset. There are more effective ways to play.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Well, personally I think BHVR needs to make more subtle nods towards how everyone ‘wants’ the game to go and perks to encourage that. Like a bonus bp to killers for hooking (all survivors). Either a 1 time bonus for every time it happens or a bp bonus that builds as you play and maxes out when you 3 hook every survivor. More reason to encourage killers not to care so much about the tunnel or kill and try to spread the hooks out when possible.

    Maybe not make the killer feel bad by having a bad game or letting all survivors escape. ENTITY DISPLEASED. Half the time I feel like the Entity is my mother and I’ve let her down by playing too fair, so I feel it’s more necessary to secure a kill (camp/tunnel) just to please the Entity.

    You could add a new survivor perk that could rival ‘were gunna live forever’. I think survivors really need a new perk that grants stacks like (BBQ) and up to 100% bonus blood points. Personally, I think a portion of solo survivors are having a bad time because they are all trying to fight for the unhook and the killer really has no reason not to stay near the hooked survivor and play hook, rinse, repeat till the survivor is dead and the game becomes killer sided.

    If say, you got stacks for healing complete health states (All perk related healing and mednkits/add ons are debatable but I’d suggest self care didn’t stack) then it would encourage survivors to heal/work together and slow down the game. So now we could reward altruistic plays and healers, hopefully splitting the desire of certain survivor roles and not having everyone mad dash to the hooked survivor or farm the randoms.

    I’d also be down for the same idea but for completing a complete generator. I mean gen jockeys are also a thing and a necessary part of a team when things are looking bad. Sometimes it’s the gen jockey who keeps the killer pressured when the other three are saving/healing/distracting/hanging and why not also give them a perk that takes up a slot but rewards them BP for working gens.

    My point is, we can point fingers at the community all we want but at the end of the day, most of us are just trying to work out the bp grind and BHVR has offered only 2 perks that really help with that. BBQ is great for killers because it rewards the killer for not tunneling 1 survivor to death by at least securing 1 hook for each survivor before anything else. Me with BBQ and without will change my mindset in the game. I never feel like a loser, If I snagged a load of BP, even if every1 escapes.

    We’re gunna live forever also encourages survivors to save each other and try to help save each other in mid chases and take hits or aggro. This is great BUT not if every survivor is trying to do the same thing. Survivors need a more group mentality and to be the most effective team by having different roles as their main objective. Less reward for being a team healer or gen jockey right now, better to be the crazy guy mad dashing to every chase and hook to score more bp.

    Just saying BHVR. Simply reward the killer and survivor playstyles that you feel will make the game more healthy. People will still be toxic but many others would be more tolerable to the negative aspects of this game if it helped with the grind. I’d ignore a near death Jake for a never hooked before Nancy (giving up my chance to swing the game in my favor, if it meant I could secure a bp bonus despite what happens afterwards), in a heart beat.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I hook AFK's. They might disconnect, and then I miss out on BBQ.

    I do agree that the game needs to start making it feel better for killers when they get 6+ hooks. I'd say 7 hooks should be a win for the entity, regardless of rank or how many people were actually taken out of the game.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    For me a much better way of applying pressure when a survivor immediately unhooks in front of me or the survivor I am chasing runs to the hook and unhooks is to down the unhooked, it stops the unhooker getting their bonus for safe unhook and then carry on after the unhooker. The unhooked person now needs someone to come and get him off the floor whilst you chase the other.

    As a survivor I don't mind that play either. It is the really desperate abandoning a chase with unhooker to down the unhooked and throw them straight back on the hook that I find embarrassing for the killer when I am a survivor. Too scared to play properly. Always come up with an excuse though, usually gen rush. When the reality is they spent too long on someone in the first place.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I tihnk sometimes by tunneling people imply taking out survivor as fast as possible.

  • vigilante714
    vigilante714 Member Posts: 21

    you're only talking about the result. nvm the process of downing them. well if were neglecting the process of doing something. taking out a survivor while the 3 other just finishing a gen. whats worse, if the other 3, just like the dev said, has BT, DS. then more gens complete if you neglect all 3 of them

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    If the first person being chase isn't a complete potato and the other are doing the objective you can easily do 2-3gen by the first hook. And by your 6-7th hook survivors can easily do 4gens. Believe me most killer would like to have the chance of hooking 2-3 different survivor before going back to the first one they hook but the game depend on how skilled survivor are and not or the killer's skill. In fact killer's mistake make your chases last way longer.

    BTW it's not hard at all to get a 2k just by camping and tunneling.

    Also I have no problem being decent against a full random team of red ranks but have a hard time going against a 3-4 swf in purple rank just because they have the advantage of coms. I do believe SWF is good because many people like to play with friend but can you guys balance the game around them and give free perks/ advantage to lonely survivor to balance it out?

  • vigilante714
    vigilante714 Member Posts: 21

    yeah i would suggest free survivor aura reading to that only solo queue players. but i guess a lot of killer would complain so nvm

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Your problem is continuing to make this all a personal attack. We're all just playing a semi competitive game here, we all want to win at the end of the day. That isn't always possible for both sides (as much as they seem to balance towards that being the case)

    Maybe taking a break will help with some perspective. It helped me alot

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    No i mean if killer chase others too but trying to eliminate survivor that has less lifes that sometimes implies as tunneling i believe since there s no other well known term for that around here

  • vigilante714
    vigilante714 Member Posts: 21

    ahhh then as a survivor ill just do my best to run away from you while being mindblown why do I deserve this??? hahahahaha

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Just give every survivor the same thing: auras, but then buff the killer in other ways to make it fair.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It is. But killers complain not because they can't create pressure, but because they don't want to resort to unfun tactics. That's why there is more tunneling and slugging since ruin change. Killers always had the option to kill off 1 person quickly, even make them suicide or dc they just didn't resort to it that much.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I dont tunnel. I do pretty well. Ill slug an unlucky survivor but I wont hook them twice in a row. Free map pressure especially if the unhooker is within chasing range.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    A killer's job is to catch survs, not play around with gens. I've been tunneled off the bat multiple times in the few that I play that side and while it's not fun, that's the nature of the beast when your goals are not the same as your opponent.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Who's to say they didn't just pick a target at random? They could be going after you because they found you first and afterwards you are now the most vulnerable target.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    You do realize killers have more 2nd chance perks than survivors do right?... but stay hypocritical

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    How is expressing my frustration that I cannot play a game I have spent a lot of money on, due to the behaviour of others making this all a personal attack? I bring up serious issues and points all the time on here and all I'm met with are people arguing an unrelated point, calling me entitled or just to "git gud".

    Nobody can give me a serious answer as to how it's ok for me to have something like 3 minutes to dodge a killer who soley wants me because "muh four k" or "permanent pressure". Not one decent answer as to why I should spend 5 times as long in a lobby screen because I can't use god-loops and spend my time getting kicked into the dirt.

    I am taking a break because of all of this, and started to play more killer again, but it's still a frustrating issue for me.

    Tunnellers need to be reminded that survivors aren't bots, they are real people with feelings, and that their actions have a negative impact on the game.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Name them?

    surviors have DH, DS, BT, unbreakable, adrenaline to start

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    of course! Why didn't we think of this before, the survivors should make adjustments to the game so they don't get tunneled and complain lmao :)

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Tunneling is never a good tactic to begin a game because you aren't putting pressure on the other three survivors and if they are any good the game will be over by the time you third hook the first survivor. Tunneling might get you 1 or 2k but that's it.

    But let's say they are potatoes. You might get 4k by tunneling then but you'd probably get 4k by not tunneling as well and probably end the game even faster. Potatoes are easy regardless of the tactic.

    The only time tunneling might work more in your favor is if the survivor you are tunneling is the only good player on the team. But there is really no way to know that and so you'd have to get lucky.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited March 2020

    Tunneling as a standalone strategy isn't very good. Get your first hook or slug, hopefully hit someone else along the way, and then hunt for your second.

    What you really want is rolling pressure by constantly having more than one survivor occupied. Any time someone is hooked, that's two survivors that are busy because someone has to go save them. If you managed to down someone before the save, that's 3 survivors guaranteed to be not doing anything: one hooked, one downed, and (at least) one going for a rescue.

    To me, this is why Pig actually has the best design, since RBTs will occupy survivors at some point, and increase the value you get out of each hook. Every survivor that's trapped and hooked has to spend additional down time, even if the trap isn't activated. This is either due to them healing because the timer isn't up, or them forced to get it off because it is or will be. She also brought the perk Make Your Choice, encouraging you, and giving a substantial advantage to, get someone else.

    The problem I've always seen with the game is that generators are too quick early game, when the killer must be spread the most thin. You can resort to 3-genning, which is a pretty miserable strategy in my eyes. However, most killers struggle with starting their rolling pressure. The game is much more even now at the lower end of the skill levels, with generators much easier to repair for newer players, but it's pretty easy to lose control of a match when playing "fair" now against a team of competent randoms.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    One person is the difference between a 4k and butt dancing so they're not wrong.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578
    edited March 2020

    Tunneling works, in the right situation. Tunnel a skilled survivor and next thing you know, the others have completed 3 gens.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The key is to eliminate a bad looper, because if you don’t they can hold M1 just as well as anyone

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You mean the Killer's Rulebook for Survivors?

    Here's a few rules that can potentially warrant a tunnel from the killer:

    #276: Flashlights

    #277: Toolboxes

    #278: Med-Kits

    #279: P3 Claudette

    #280: Doing Generators

    #281: SWF Username

    On a serious note, I feel like people who tunnel regularly should take into account of the other side. We often don't care about the other side's fun until we're the one experiencing it.

    Yes, tunneling is fair game, but I just ask that you consider the other side when doing so because not all games have to be about making the other side suffer as much as possible. Your actions have consequences, making survivors suffer as much as possible will just make them want to stop playing the game or bring their OP stuff to make the killer's life hell.

    TL;DR Treat others how you'd like to be treated.

    -If you're playing killer, pretend that you're the survivors.

    -If you're playing survivor, pretend that you're the killer.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Then dont. Every post I see from you is heated. Take a break, and play Animal Crossing. Taking a one week break from DBD worked wonders for me.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    They seem heated simply because people seem to try and just inflame me, rather than being reasonable. Killers on these forums only care about their side, and getting their 4k games, or so they portray. Threads like this encourage using one of the most inflammatory methods of play, and as someone who both is on the receiving end of this tactic constantly as of late, and will NEVER use it, only to get told how "entitled" I am for telling people that they should maybe consider how the other side feels and looks at this topic will make me seem heated because I feel like one of the few voices standing on the other side of the argument, acting as the opposing ideal that needs to be shared and looked at.

    I am taking a break from DbD due to overwhelming amounts of work, due to BOTTLE SHOPS somehow being considered an "essential service" in Australia and my own frustrations with the Xbox killer base.

    Also, my killer game does speak for itself. I may not have been at red on killer, with my highest being low purple, but I also play a majority of what can be considered weak or non-optimal killers. I play gen-protector, and it either overwhelmingly landslides for a majority of green ranked games, dies horribly due to a SWF Purple squad, or rarely has a decent back and forth, usually resulting in a 3-gen. If I had recording gear for my Xbox, and the time to showcase what I mean and even more time to rank up a bit as killer, then I'd gladly show all of you what I mean.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Correct me if Im wrong, but doesnt Xbox have a built in recording system like the PS4?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It does, but I can't figure out how to pull any of my screenshots off the thing, let alone set up timers and what-not for recording full games, without commentary.

    And issues of time.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Survivors should be nicer to killers who don't tunnel. I try my best not to , but then I'm always disappointed when they get to the exit gates and teabag me and all I can think is "Why was I nice again?" Like I'm a pretty nice killer most of the time. I get 4k's fairly often, but I also sometimes let survivors go. I farm with them when someone disconnects or dies way too early and they seem to be struggling. I've even helped a few people complete archive challenges (I do this as survivor too. Had a Spirit drop me in front of her haunted grounds. I knew what it was, but cleansed it anyway because I knew it was an archive challenge. She seemed to appreciate it, and let me go after downing me again). Giving us a hit on the way out, and maybe not teabagging isn't asking for too much. We enjoy bonus points too!