Can somebody explain why a killer would choose Bitter Murmur over Rancor?

Like the devs just reworked this perk and then a month and a half later are releasing a perk that does almost the exact same thing MINUS a few seconds of aura reading PLUS a one hit down PLUS the ability to mori a survivor.


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  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because Bitter Murmur has a longer aura reading that shows all Survivors; you just said it yourself.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I honestly don't know. Rancor is superior save for, like you said, a few seconds of viewing and the fact that the obsession sees you too. It would be different if you lost the aura reading ability once the obsession was killed, I'm shocked that's not part of the perk actually.

    That would be an interesting caveat to the perk, actually. I feel like most people who carry the perk will want to save the obsession for the mori, but I guess using it as insurance is a pretty good strategy as well.

    Orion said:

    Because Bitter Murmur has a longer aura reading that shows all Survivors; you just said it yourself.

    I just don't see that as a good enough reason to justify Bitter Murmur's existence. I think they should give it a unique additional effect. (Rancor also shows the killer all survivors btw)
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited September 2018
    Rancor only tells you where they are not where they're going.
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    Mc_Harty said:
    Rancor only tells you where they are not where they're going.
    Tbf it tells you where they are, just for slightly longer.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    The way I see it, Bitter Murmur stands to Rancor as Iron Grasp stands to Agitation.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    White_Owl said:

    The way I see it, Bitter Murmur stands to Rancor as Iron Grasp stands to Agitation.

    But those two help with the same thing in different ways and complement each other well. Would Bitter Murmur and Rancor stack?
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Like the devs just reworked this perk and then a month and a half later are releasing a perk that does almost the exact same thing MINUS a few seconds of aura reading PLUS a one hit down PLUS the ability to mori a survivor.

    I prefer a 10 second aura reading it gives you time to close the distance. Combined with noed and bbq and chili is a good way to slug and track survivors at the end. Also with rancor you can just run in the opposite direction after 3 seconds to trick the killer. Also half the time I find myself doing something when its active breaking a pallet, hooking etc.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @brokedownpalace said:
    I just don't see that as a good enough reason to justify Bitter Murmur's existence. I think they should give it a unique additional effect. (Rancor also shows the killer all survivors btw)

    Well, some people might consider that not having the obsession see you is worth the trade-off.

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  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Bitter Murmur -> You see AURAS of surivovors within the radius of finished gen for 5 seconds and then when doors are open you see all of survivors for 10 seconds

    Rancor -> You see Locations of all survivors. Obsession sees you. You can kill the obsession.

    That is the diffrence. Now just take what you like more

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited September 2018

    I quite like the new Bitter Murmur on Nurse and Billy

    I use it as a replacement for BBQ & Chili

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    edited September 2018
    Post edited by brokedownpalace on
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2018

    Rancor would be a lot easier to avoid than Bitter Murmur. You only get the location for Rancor and obsession can see you so it would be a lot harder to use as a way of tracking survivors. BM gives you full auras making it a lot harder to hide from the killer.

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  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    Rancor would be a lot easier to avoid than Bitter Murmur. You only get the location for Rancor and obsession can see you so it would be a lot harder to use as a way of tracking survivors. BM gives you full auras making it a lot harder to hide from the killer.


    Assuming one person hooked, nobody dead:

    With Bitter Murmur, I can see that one of the two people who just finished that generator is running toward the generator to my right, while the other is running toward the hook. None of them can see what I'm doing unless I'm in front of them, so those two survivors get no SWF warning.

    With Rancor, I can see that two people were at the generator that was just completed and one person is on the other side of the map. I don't know which direction they were running, I don't even know what they were doing. Is the person on the other side of the map doing a gen? Cleansing a totem? Hiding in a locker? No idea. In any case, the obsession sees which person I choose to go after and tells their friends.

    Let's say we're down to the last gen and 2 people are dead, nobody currently hooked:

    With Bitter Murmer, I see that one person is running from that gen toward an exit gate while the other person is at the other exit gate already opening it. I get real-time updates for ten seconds, so I see when the first person reaches the exit gate and starts opening it.

    With Rancor, I see that one person was at the gen that was just completed and the other is at an exit gate. If one of them is the obsession, they see which person I decide to go after, and tell their friends.
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  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @brokedownpalace said:
    White_Owl said:
    The way I see it, Bitter Murmur stands to Rancor as Iron Grasp stands to Agitation.
    But those two help with the same thing in different ways and complement each other well. Would Bitter Murmur and Rancor stack?

    No, Rancor trumps over Bitter Murmur.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Bitter Murmur is less powerful (no instant down and kill) than Rancor. 

    Rancor is an appropriate double edged sword as all Obsession perks should be. It shows the aura’s for less time, and shows the obsession your Aura. With the instant down and Kill. However you run some rather large risk with it : 

    1. You basically let your Obsession run around scot free for the whole match.
    2. Less time reading Auras.
    3. SWF on comms will get a free OoO effect when Gens are done to whomever is the Obsession.

    Seems like a trade off. You’re giving your Obsession quite a bit of freedom and power over you (knowing your location) in the exchange for that wonderful little finale you’re waiting for. Not to mention, that might not even happen. 

    As a side note : Just a bad feeling... I have a bad thought in the back of my skull... A thought I’d rather NOT entertain but... The developers may put the kibosh on the Decisive Strike nerf with this new toy Killers are getting... saying if you hate the perk so much, fine. It goes to the Obsession only they get the free “one off”... everyone else who’s not the Obsession gets the “stun in place” effect. 
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    "You basically let your Obsession run around scot free for the whole match."

    You don't have to. You can play it that way, sure. Or your can kill the obsession whenever you get the chance. It's not as satisfying, but it doesn't seem like you lose the aura reading if the obsession dies before the end game. The way I see it is this perk greatly increases your chance of getting a kill once the gens are powered, but if you have the opportunity to kill the obsession before then, you should take it.

    As for your concern, I would be surprised if that turned out to be the case. I don't really understand why they can't just make it a perk where you wiggle out faster. It would be helpful in avoiding the basement and if you are downed near the exit it could force the killer to put you on a hook closer to the exit rather than risk trying to get you further. 

    And then they should just get rid of obsession survivor perks entirely and have the system be random.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    "You basically let your Obsession run around scot free for the whole match."

    You don't have to. You can play it that way, sure. Or your can kill the obsession whenever you get the chance. It's not as satisfying, but it doesn't seem like you lose the aura reading if the obsession dies before the end game. The way I see it is this perk greatly increases your chance of getting a kill once the gens are powered, but if you have the opportunity to kill the obsession before then, you should take it.

    As for your concern, I would be surprised if that turned out to be the case. I don't really understand why they can't just make it a perk where you wiggle out faster. It would be helpful in avoiding the basement and if you are downed near the exit it could force the killer to put you on a hook closer to the exit rather than risk trying to get you further. 

    And then they should just get rid of obsession survivor perks entirely and have the system be random.
    All very true. Though as you know, it’s highly likely your Obsession is running Decisive Strike. It’s a cost vs. benefit scenario. Always chase your Obsession for a hot 20 seconds or so, and gauge their abilities. If they are poor at Looping and such, go for it. If they are not, you should leave them alone. All depends on how well the Obsession Survivor is at being chased. As Survivors like to say “Go chase someone else”. Unfortunately, if Pro-Looper 3000 is running DS and happens to be the Obsession the cost always outweighs the benefit. 

    At least with Rancor, it doesn’t mean the Obsession gets a total free pass anymore if they are too costly to give chase during the match... Seems like more of a “band-aid” fix to Killers complaints about Decisive Strike.

    Sure, it’s slightly satisfying to off the pesky little imp running DS... however letting him run around because he’s a pro-Looper 3000 is still a high price to pay... and extra pair of hands working on Gens is more detrimental than anything... There were countless matches I’ve lost simply because DS Looper goes full Gen Jockey, because I refuse to chase him after his usual bout of “weak knees syndrome” showed me exactly how “scared” he was.

    Im not trying to get petty revenge on a singular Survivor at the end of a match... as... gratifying as it feels... I’m here to win the match as a whole.

    Only reason I have my concern is that the developers or Survivor players may use Rancor as justification for changing things that way... or worse... keeping it as is now. 

    The whole Obsession mechanics were great on paper, but throw the whole game out of balance by putting too much power in a singular Survivor’s hands. The developers have been struggling ever since to balance the power they have to fit into the 4v1 scenario. 
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    It depends on what amount of information you want to have and/or give your enemy

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    The difference is that rancor gives you far less information. The reveal doesn't do pretty much nothing since you have no idea which direction survivors took and also you don't know which survivor went where.

    With bitter murmur you know who is who since you can tell by their silhouette and get to them far faster and more precisely that you could ever with rancor. If obsession plays it smart they will evade you after powering gens and you won't be able to find them unless you have bitter murmur.

    So yeah they are like agi and IG since they benefit each other.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Bitter Murmur lets you see Auras. So you can track far better with it as you can directly see where Survivors are going.

    Rancor just gives away their location, like Madness. So you see where they are in that moment but have absolutely no idea which direction they are heading from there.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I would love if an aura reading perk would have 10 seconds of aura followed by 10 seconds no aura followed by another 10 seconds aura reading.