My balance patch

I know this is gonna get a lot of hate but I don't care. Let's make it happen, devs
* Completely remove bloodlust from the game.
* Pallets respawn after 3 minutes.
* The dark mist appears to be thicker and can be stacked higher than before to allow for more stealthier game play (for both killer and survivor).
* Random weather such as rain or snow.
* Random objects such as potatoes now spawn on the map survivors can pick up and throw at the killers face, having little to no effect but serves a comedic purpose.
* Make the spirit not go AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa everytime she is hit by a pallet.
* Give survivors dance emote.
* Killers have cooldown on lunge. Missed lunge attacks now stun the killer for significantly longer than normal missed attacks.
* Remove the doctor from the game.
* Revert the most recent item nerfs.
* Shrine of secrets does not include perks you have already unlocked.
* Remove insidious from the game.
* Prestige 3 rewards clothes that aren't ugly.
* New item : pepperspray. Spray in killers face to stun them for 5 seconds and significantly blur their vision for 1 minute.
* New item : energy drink. This item increases survivor movement speed. All exhaustion perks can be used repeatedly and will ignore the exhaustion effect for 1 minute.
* New survivor : Will Smith
* Make Nea, Meg, and Quentin not look like crackheads anymore
Removing bloodlust AND making pallets respawn would be completely gamebreaking. let alone making lunges even more punishing thus buffing Dead hard, which beyond bugfixes does not need a buff in the slightest.
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* Give deadhard a short 15 second cooldown and does not cause exhaustion effect.
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thats some nice bait
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Alright you got me. I was joking about the pepperspray and energy drink.
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And we could take weapons from killers. Instead they would have bouquets of roses they hand to survivors. The killer would then lead the survivor to the closest gen and kiss them on the cheek before finding another survivor to give roses.
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removing bloodlust is unironically good
its just a catch up mechanic used to circumvent looping
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With how entitled survivors are now a day, it's hard to tell if this is a joke or serious.
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Bloodlust is a stupid mechanic that most if not all killers don't need at all. Every killer is perfectly capable of catching up to survivor with their already high asf movement speed.
I'd like to see it get nerfed or completely removed tbh
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I would remove toolboxes flashlights sabo bt dh ds sc body blocking would also get rid of nurse stuns and look down spirit can see why phased bubba gets a speed boost while sawing and gets no bump at all just plows through
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Killer main someone who never played survivor before spotted
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I just did what you did
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I guess so but the difference here is I actually had valid suggestions
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That was survivor sided bs and you know it
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Give me a sec, gotta find the picture...
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I know this is gonna get a lot of Love but I don't care. Let's make it happen, devs
- Remove this guy from playing the game..
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I cannot tell if this is serious or not, but just in case.
Completely remove bloodlust from the game.
Bloodlust was added as a way to end loops fast, because chases were lasting too long. It forces Survivors to make decisions much quicker.
Pallets respawn after 3 minutes.
Dropping pallets should be a serious decision. Having them respawn at all will make them far more expendable.
The dark mist appears to be thicker and can be stacked higher than before to allow for more stealthier game play (for both killer and survivor).
I approve of this, being a mostly stealth-based Survivor myself. But, Claudette is already a pain to find sometimes, and don't get me started of Ghost Face being more annoying to reveal than usual.
Random weather such as rain or snow.
Meh, not necessary. Would be cool, but not necessary.
Random objects such as potatoes now spawn on the map survivors can pick up and throw at the killers face, having little to no effect but serves a comedic purpose.
Could be fun, but no one would use them if they actually wanted to survive.
Make the spirit not go AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa everytime she is hit by a pallet.
How do you want her to sound? Like she's in pain when she gets hit? Oh... wait. That's exactly what she sounds like.
Give survivors dance emote.
Oh, great. While I would love more emotes, this one can go to the scrap heap. Let me flip the Killer off with Ash anyday.
Killers have cooldown on lunge. Missed lunge attacks now stun the killer for significantly longer than normal missed attacks.
They already do. I know you probably don't notice, but a missed lunge can be pretty detrimental.
Remove the doctor from the game.
Been waiting for my own chance to use this.
Revert the most recent item nerfs.
You literally get to keep your item even when it runs out of charges now. Insta-heals were way to ridiculous, and toolboxes were so fast. I know because I almost always brought a toolbox with me.
Shrine of secrets does not include perks you have already unlocked.
That would require EVERY player to have a different Shrine of Secrets. If you don't like the perks, don't buy them.
Remove insidious from the game.
Agreed, but a camper will camp even if they can't surprise anyone else. Also, Kindred completely nullifies Insidious.
Prestige 3 rewards clothes that aren't ugly.
Prestige 3 unlocks a bloody face. If you don't like the rest of it, don't wear it.
New item : pepperspray. Spray in killers face to stun them for 5 seconds and significantly blur their vision for 1 minute.
While Survivors do need new items, this ain't it.
New item : energy drink. This item increases survivor movement speed. All exhaustion perks can be used repeatedly and will ignore the exhaustion effect for 1 minute.
New survivor : Will Smith
Funny story, the first thing I thought of when seeing Adam for the first time was "Will Smith? They got Will Smith?" Maybe that's why I like him so much (yes, they look different, but it was the first thing my mind went to).
Make Nea, Meg, and Quentin not look like crackheads anymore
Quentin, yes. Meg, I don't see why people have an issue with her face. Looks normal to me. And part of Nea's charm is her ugliness.
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As a survivor main who also plays a good amount of killer, I wish BHVR would stop taking people like you seriously, the game is already sided in survivors favor
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You literally just explained why this stuff is already in the game. Everyone knows why. That doesn't mean it's the right decision to permanently keep everything how it currently is (unbalanced).
It just seems like you are disagreeing with literally everything on this list for the sake of being disagreeable.
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Disagreeing for the sake of being disagreeable? You're dealing with me on a good day. Since it is now clear that you are actually being serious, let us discuss how we could change your list a tad and make it balanced. For the sake of it, I will ignore the purely cosmetic changes (because those have no influence on balance) and the two items (since you claim to have been joking with them).
Completely remove bloodlust from the game.
Like I said, chases would continue way too long. In the current "meta" (aka, do your objective as efficiently as possible), more people would complain about gen speeds than they already do (when the issue there is actually large maps, but I digress). But, I could see turning it down a bit. How often do you really reach Tier 2 anyway? My suggestion would be to keep Tier 1, but slightly lower the speed.
Pallets respawn after 3 minutes.
Like I also said, this would make pallets more expendable. I see no way to balance this unless Killers recovered from the stuns faster or broke them faster, and then you would have issues with Enduring and Brutal Strength.
The dark mist appears to be thicker and can be stacked higher than before to allow for more stealthier game play (for both killer and survivor).
Like I said, I agreed with you, but maybe not too drastic, because, again, there are those on both sides who could pose serious problems.
Killers have cooldown on lunge. Missed lunge attacks now stun the killer for significantly longer than normal missed attacks.
They already do. How long do you want the cooldown? A minute? What I would do instead is not speed up slower Killers to the base speed like it currently does.
Remove the doctor from the game.
Look, I get it. You don't like going against the Doctor. He's a powerful Killer that can actually compete. But guess what. He's not overpowered like Omega Blink Nurse was or Iridescent Head Huntress currently is. When you hear his terror radius, or, better yet, him charging his power up, go for a locker. Seriously. If there are none around, get as far as you can before he activates it. There, you just created distance.
You want to remove Doctor, let's talk about removing Decisive Strike, Adrenaline, NOED, Iridescent Head and Borrowed Time first.
Revert the most recent item nerfs.
Like I said, toolboxes did gens WAY too fast. If we slowed them down a little, removed the keeping of items again, and reversed the Sabotage changes, they would be fine.
Remove insidious from the game.
Like I also said, I agree with you that it should be removed, but a camper will camp with or without it.
Looks like that's it. Call this aggressive disagreement all you want. I am trying to look at things through both sides, not just a very clear, Survivor biased point of view. And I can already see you calling me a biased Killer main who has never truly touched Survivor and wouldn't understand. But let me ask you something. If I truly were this, would my Survivors look like this?
Yes, my Killers do have a higher average level, but that's largely because I can't find Survivor games after 9:00, which is when I usually play because life hates me.
You want to do some ACTUAL balance changes, here's some ideas.
- Make Deathslinger's terror radius louder, because right now, it's ridiculous.
- Make Ghost Face's reveal actually reliable.
- Have Demogorgon not be heard from the other side of the map while not teleporting (even then, that should be a regional noise, not a mapwide noise).
- Rework the Iridescent Head so it actually takes skill (insta-down only from a certain distance).
- Increase Sabo times. You should not be able to Sabotage before a Killer recovers from a hit.
- Reduce how much Survivors vomit against Plague (it's both annoying to listen to and her Black Incense add-on makes it ridiculous).
- Reduce the amount of blood orbs No Mither gives Oni, or completely change how the Broken status effect works with Oni.
There. More balanced on both sides. Let's discuss how these would work, or we could disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Your move.
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Bloodlust is a mechanic to allow killers to down survivors for free after a short amount of time chasing them. It's ridiculous how fast killers already are even without bloodlust.
This is what it currently looks like unless it was changed recently.
Tier 1 - 15 seconds +0.2m/s
Tier 2 - 30 seconds +0.4m/s
Tier 3 - 45 seconds +0.6m/s
This is what it should look like (at best) if we're talking about trying to make it balanced instead of completely removing it.
Tier 1 - 20 seconds +0.1m/s
Tier 2 - 40 seconds +0.2m/s
Tier 3 - 60 seconds +0.3m/s
Because punishing a survivor for successfully looping a killer who is already naturally faster than them isn't fair. Some killers already have built in abilities that can completely trap survivors or allow them to catch up with even more increased movement speed or teleports!
Hooks respawn.. So why can't pallets? Survivors waste pallets all the time too even at rank 1 they throw all of them down and next thing you know once all gens are done there is not 1 pallet left on the map. Cause the killer just pauses for 1 second to break it then continues chasing... And catches up with little effort due to bloodlust lmao.
Lunges... Hmm how many movement speed buffs does the killer really need when they are already faster than survivors? Killers lunge at me ALL the time. Here's an even better example actually.. When I play killer, if I miss a lunge attack I don't care. Cause it doesn't punish me AT ALL. If it does then I hardly notice anything that's how underwhelming it is.
I can see that work was already put into the game to have lunges there in the first place so at least make lunges balanced a bit so the killer can't spam them and constantly get a movement buff without consequence.
Increase the stun time cause it really doesn't exist and I don't care what dbd wiki says... It's non existent. Needs to actually be noticeable.
Maybe put a cooldown on it too like 15 seconds before you can lunge again.
Insidious should still be removed from the game.
"BUT campers still gonna camp anyways" is no excuse to keep it. It's a tool used by campers to camp without consequences.
If you remove insidious then you remove that ability for leatherfaces to stand completely still with no terror radius around the corner and instantly down both survivors.. and I don't care what anyone says about "people will still camp".
Sure they will but I'm sure a lot less people will camp if insidious didn't exist and if they did, at least survivors are more wary about it. It's still 1 more step towards making camping a completely useless strategy.
That alone will make the game more fun for both sides.
About the doctor, I dunno what to say. I'd love the see him get completely removed from the game cause he is the most unfun killer to play against and isn't balanced at all.
But I'd at least settle for a huge nerf that will make every doctor main cry and hoping they play nurse instead or some other killer that actually demands some amount of effort to be put into the game.
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You see, this is a discussion.
I could agree with your proposed bloodlust changes. Your reasoning is off, but your changes could work.
Hooks respawn because, without moris, they are the only way for Killers to do their job. There was once a time when they didn't. You know what happened? Survivors brought Saboteur and broke EVERY SINGLE ONE, except in the basement. The Killer literally had no chance.
Hooks and Pallets are not equal. One of them is essential to their side. The other should be used as a last resort.
A cooldown on lunging is a big no. Fix hitboxes so you can't be lunged at and hit from five miles away, then we can truly discuss whether lunging is an actual issue.
Conveniently skipped over (or missed by accident) the item changes.
We are still in agreement over Insidious, I think we can drop it.
The most unfun Killer to go against is Freddy, and the vast majority of people will probably agree with that. His power is always active, he can tremendously slow you down or even completely trick you with fake pallets (where Doctor's fake pallets disappear as you approach, his don't until you try to drop them), he can teleport to generators, and you have very little time to get away, and you can't tell where he is because the lullaby is pathetic.
Doctor does need a few changes because, admittedly, he can be really annoying to deal with. But removing or drastically nerfing Doctor will just mean more Spirits and more Hillbillies, because they will be the only Killers that can truly compete. Do you really want that? Do you really have THAT much of an issue against Doctor that you'd be willing to face a Killer who you can't tell what they're doing before they're right in your face and a Killer that can catch up to you in less than a second and instantly down you instead of a Killer who can be completely negated by lockers?
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More bait than that spongebob episode...