Sadly... Game is slowly dying due to baby killer mode.

Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

I've come to the conclusion that this game will die withing the year or maybe year and a half. I've found my self needing to take a break from it for a while then coming back to to see if it's better now; but I see no changes being done to improve balancing and more imbalances constantly being added to the game such as op killers, getting hit through vaults unfairly, map bugs, the list goes on and on. It will succumb sooner than expected due to lack of player base(survivors) mainly because of the severe imbalances between killers and survivors. This game is (and I'm sorry to say this) officially and completely survivor biased and has turned almost entirely into baby killer mode, it's gotten to the point where survivors nearly have no chance of all getting out alive as a whole team. They keep nerfing survivors to the ground and buffing the living crap out of killers; such as taking away insta heals, nerfing decisive strike to make it situational and easily counterable by simply waiting, nerfing the power of toolboxes, nerfing petrified oak from removing hooks to increasing the distances between them(which BTW doesn't even make a noticeable difference in distance even when using 3 or 4 of them), nerfing medkits power, etc... It's just getting so old and boring, I don't even want to play it anymore. I know what you're thinking... 'oh but killers are meant to be powerful!' but to what extent!? To the extent where survivors can't do anything but just run and try to hide or juke just to eventually go down and get hooked without getting a chance to wiggle out or at least half way. I don't know. What do you all think? I'm just a "entitled survivor" or do I have a point here? Either way if nothing is being done for survivors, then it pains me to say this game will die a horrible sad way.



  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited March 2020

    It seems that you're in bad spirits

    As your neighborhood Volfawott let me give you my expert medical opinion.


    Take a bunny Feng Min

    And a poem

    Then come back and see me in the morning when your mood improves

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    With this type of sh*tty community, it's no wonder no one takes anything seriously. This was a serious post, but it seems all baby mode killers have gotten to the devs heads so they all get what they want. How in the world am I baiting? If I didn't think there was a serious problem with this game I wouldn't have gone out of my way and made a whole a** account just to comment on this. But people seem to think this is a game(figuratively not literally) until your precious game dies and its your own fault it does. Till tomorrow I guess. Or never again since this game is well... You know... Dead....

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    I'm prescribing you 30 SMs of "Git Gud."

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    That's all you have to say? 800+ posts and that's all you say? No input or no opinion huh? Probably because I'm mostly right about everything I've stated.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Right back at you, how bout you do that, instead of complaining to the devs to buff your favorite killer and what not. Couldn't get good so you beg for survivor nerfs lol geeze Louise get a grip of yourself.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    My post makes sense, I guess you're just upset I called out somethings you don't agree with. No need to be a d*ck. Just give some input, isn't that what we're here for?

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Did you forget your obnoxious remarks you just made? Seems like the only reason.. The only reason I can think of you saying such a thing is to troll... Or you're a killer main that hates survivors guts. did a survivor juke you 10 times in a row? Did a survivor break your poor little hook so you decide to face camp as a typical killer? Who hurt you my man? Who hurt you?

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    The problem is it doesn't make sense. Have you been away from the game and forums?

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    You're clearly part of the problem making the community as toxic as can be. It's a shame your own kind are bringing down your game like this.... Such a shame.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Okay. Clearly you're a troll and this whole thing is bait. I bid you good day sir.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    I've literally been playing all night.. Two nights in a row. For the past 5 days. It just gets old. In what way does it not make sense? What part don't you understand? You're prolly a killer main so.... In the words of the joker "you wouldn't understand."

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Mate, just leave. Nobody cares.

    I've looked at the average concurrent players and it literally goes upwards every day.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    You can't keep ignoring all your problems in life Mr 'DetectiveBingBong' they're going to catch up to you. :) then you'll wonder why you've wasted all your time. Think about it instead of doubting me and yourself. Anyway you're of no use to me. So please just refrain from commenting any further spiteful remarks.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Lol who's really trolling now? You really expect your wife to take you seriously with that attitude? If you even have one. Not making a competition here but since you're trying to be the 'bigger person' so bad... I'll let you have your moment. It's okay son.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    You can not expect people to be kind if you consider playing killer "baby mode". Obviously those that enjoy the role are gonna feel offended to some degree as you reduce their efforts by calling it baby mode. Personally I don't feel offended but I understand some people will.

    As for the topic itself: Playing killer does feel easy for the most part - I will agree there (4000 hours Bubba main/playing since 2017 who's been rank 1 on both sides a million times). However after all these years I have realized three major things:

    1) Elite survivors who never panic, know all weaknesses of every killer and loop completely flawlessly like machines will pretty much always win unless you play a killer that can ignore game mechanics (Spirit and Nurse come to mind)

    2) Elite survivors are extremely rare. In fact I can easily play 10 games without finding a survivor I would consider even strong.

    3) Due to the fact elite survivors are rare as hell the game can NEVER be balanced around them otherwise "normal survivors" would never escape. Since normal survivors make up the majority the game MUST be balanced around them so if I end up facing a team of really strong survivors I will take the loss and move on unlike "truly talented streamers" who think they should have a chance to win literally every match.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    I'm not your mate. You should be glad I've posted this. I won't back down just cause someone on the Internet is trying to convince me otherwise. Lol what do you take me for?

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Ughh you're making me desperate for that Bunny Feng Min 😪

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Either it's a bait or he's stucked at low ranks. I could argue against every single "fact", too much effort tho. The reality is genrush in most of my games on both sides. That's not a new thing, but it happens def more often since Ruined and the other changes.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Dude, if you took time in the forum, you would notice that you are not the only one who speaks death sentences. Just let me tell you that you apparently have no deeper knowledge or just speak for yourself and think it counts for everyone. Throughout the years there have been several dark prophecies and none of them was close to reality. In fact, you can pretty easily look at steam player stats and see that DbD is stable at 20k+ players for MONTHS. Actually, the last 30 days have a new record of 28k average players, the best value so far was 23.5k

    So just that you are personally not having fun at the moment is totally not a reason for the game to die.

    to what extent!? To the extent where survivors can't do anything but just run and try to hide or juke just to eventually go down and get hooked without getting a chance to wiggle out

    Yes, exactly. It is not supposed to be the average that survivors escape chases. Just if they are FAR better at the game, they should manage to escape regularly, where ranking should apply and separate them to different ranks. If you are equally ranked, you should be going down sooner or later.

    And wiggling free should just be a thing if the team helps you by taking hits or sabotaging hooks. Maybe hard to understand, but if every 4th attempt would result in an escape, the average of every game would be zero kills. Because it extends the game to a maximum of 17 hooks to get the 4k. And I bet you don't want this to happen, as it would hardly increase tunneling. The only thing wiggling is mandatory for is, that the killer can't take you to the basement across the map or always place you at the strategically best position.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Guy. You're going to get in trouble, you keep acting this way. And for what? You're going out with nothing to show for it.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Anyway, goodbye if you very well must leave. But can I mention that they've nerfed a lot of the killers too, it wasn't just the survivor side. For example they removed the omega blink off nurse, they nerfed Ruin which caused a lot of controversy, they nerfed Spirit add ons and they adjusted the Oni's flick to not make him OP (although this one I'm still not sure about). Some killers who were once great are according to a lot of the community are now ######### killers.

    If you're going to make this into a us VS them discussion, then at least consider the bad things about both sides instead of just one to represent yourself as unbiased. That way people will probably start taking you more seriously.

  • kld3169
    kld3169 Member Posts: 101

    I'll see a post like this. Then a week from now another one very similar, but you can swap 'killer' with 'survivor'. Then back again another week later.

    Personally, I have a LOT of fun playing and these posts are just ridiculous with the amount of complaining. Do some have merit? Absolutely. But the ones that complain because someone couldn't 'overcome' something...... LMFAO!

    Good hunting and surviving all!

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    I'm sorry it's just the best way to describe it. And I can see it does upset quite a few people that play that role. But it's not reducing their efforts because most of em know for a fact it's easier to play as a killer. But maybe if the game were more balanced there would be more pro survivors to balance out with the pro killers. Cuz nowadays you could be a rank 16 survivor and be queued up with a rank 1 killer and be absolutely destroyed and not have a chance and quite commonly let the rest of the team down and that's an easy win for the killer. Even if you're a entitled streamer or not who thinks they should always get a chance to win,they should at least have one person survive the trial, and if not have a good run at it. A good run where you thought you almost had it, where you thought you could've escaped and got so close but in the end didn't... It's okay as long as I had a fun and intense match. But In the name of the entity how is that fair? They've taken away so much. That's why I feel the way I do.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    I'm currently at rank 4. I've tried so many different tactics and strategies and metas, but there's always that killer you just can't counter play, no matter what you do. It's like when you're in a Chase and you know you're going to go down eventually cuz you can't keep juking or 360ing or looping forever. They're gonna catch up with you eventually. Specially in solos, or even with a coordinating team.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    *completely ignores Ruin nerf, Nurse and Spirit nerfs, the amount of 2nd chance perks survivors have, an insane amount of huge survivor sided map and gen speed*

    Something tells me you don’t play killer a lot. To address the points you made:

    • Instant heals were broken and essentially a free MoM without it needing any requirements other than playing poorly enough to get hit. The pink one even nullified a complete chase.
    • DS was reworked and now there is somewhat of a counterplay to it, even though you still have a full minute of invulnerability. Either way, are you claiming that having counterplay is a bad thing?
    • Medkits got nerfed yeah but honestly, I hardly notice it because teammates most of the time are around to heal me.
    • Toolboxes got somewhat nerfed I guess. Though, with gens going this fast it’s a justified nerf.
  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Well nobody agrees with you, I think though that you should start streaming killer games, getting 4k's all the time in this "oh so baby killer sided" should yield a lot of viewers and donations.

    Or you can just, as you suggested, stop playing

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    ######### just gets old, you know what I mean? And we'll frankly what happens to old people... They die. Eventually. Ik bad comparison but, seriously it just gets old dude.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    You're not supposed to loop the killer for 3,4,5 gens. Getting downed is part of the gameplay.

    And of course you will have some bad games, that's the nature of DbD. Also every single killer/build HAS counterplay.

    But every round is like... we call it "Überraschungsei" in Germany. You never know what you will get, so you can't prepare with a specific build.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    You're supposed to go down eventually, the game is not 1v1 its 4v1, going down eventually is the norm. Also, unless I'm mistaken, the majority of the community is complaining about how long survivor ques are because of the lack of killers right now because the survivor side just way stronger and less frustrating to play, so a lot of people stopped playing killer and either switched to survivor or just quit.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Hate to say it, but killer is only powerful during early ranks. Around rank 10 killers stumble into red rank survivors and get destroyed commonly. I'm assuming your either not very good as a survivor or having bad luck. This game is heavily favored towards survivors currently. Not only that, but bugs survivors get are usually fixed within days yet killer bugs can persist for months. While killers don't have any real amount of counter perks against survivors. Survivors have quite a few against killers. The Dev's have also stated that they dislike the stacking of multiple slowdown perks, but don't deal with the fact survivors will stack multiple second chance perks which directly contribute to the need for slowdown perks die to time crunching.

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    Agreed, the potato survivors in low ranks get demolished by returning players or half decent killer, but once you get into red ranks, unless that’s your main and your amazing with them, you’re losing

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I think you are overexaggerating. The game is pretty good ballanced overall right now. Stuff like instaheal had to be nerfed, since it was simply overpowered. The hitting through vaults is annoying tho, i give you that, it is because of dedicated servers.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
    edited March 2020

    Killer is far too easy, they should just yeet this stupid baby mode from the game. Being able to finish 5 gens every match in peace, 4 escapes on average...(well maybe 3.5 escapes I'm sure some would still DC after failing a skillcheck or something) think of what a peaceful utopia it would be. No camping, no tunnelling, no slugging, no death. Just good vibes

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    It surprises me that someday this idea will be taken seriously with the road we are going for.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Well, yeah. The killer is a threat. You're not supposed to win 1v1. Eventually EVERYONE gets caught (unless you're going against new killers way lower rank than you), but it doesnt mean killer is easy mode. Your job is to waste as much time AS POSSIBLE before going down. Not to run 5 gens and leave.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I could completely say everything wrong with ur post but all the other members did so there's no point of repeating it. Wrap it up,complaining andy.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Spoken like a true surv main who never plays killer. Lol killer is easy.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    So you're basically saying and suggesting for survivors to just play to annoy the killer and waste their time and be toxic. Because that's how killers take it, if you're a killer and survivors are giving you a hard time, the killer is bound to get annoyed and possibly pissed off, but it's okay because that's how the game is meant to be played? So it's a game of cat and mouse where the mouse is a d*ck that just wants to piss off the cat.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    You have nothing on me or my post my guy. Please elaborate everything that's soooooo wrong with my post. Please enlighten me with your humbling worlds.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    So you're saying every game the killer is supposed to have a guaranteed 4k game all the time. Unless they suck. How is that not baby mode or easy af for killers? It IS easy for killers. You just said so. Because 'eventually everyone gets caught' so might as well remove hatches and exit gates too.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    It would be great to see some balancing on both sides and not just one. What's the point of being a survivor? If everyone on here just expects you to die because "that's how it goes," that's how the the results of every single match is supposed to turn out. So I ask again.. What's the point of being survivor? The point is to survive! It's in the word survivor, and if everyone just wants you to die and not have at least a decent match then there is no point. There is no point. THERE IS NO POINT.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Chase me around, hook me, hook my teammate, kill my teammates! But for God's sake make the process balanced where the average players can both have a chance at a fun game.