The lack of a clear defined objective for killer enforces massive imbalances.

One of the major reasons why killer is so imbalanced and weak is because of lack of a clear defined objective. Devs have stated that they supposedly try to balance for 2ks, but it's very easy to depip even with a 3k as shown below
If survivors' main objective is to do gens and escape and those award the most points and are the easiest way to pip, why is killing survivors not the main objective of the killer since the point system and the pip system does not reflect that?
Now you may bring up the point of hooking players and people suiciding on hook / dying on 1 hook, but that's the thing, the supposed point of the killer is to kill, and the devs have stated they're aiming for a 2k average, the point system and the pip system for killers does not reflect this at all.
Judging by the way the point system is set up for killer currently, the current objective for killers is to chase survivors, not kill them. I believe this is the main issue killers have, the devs have told the community that the objective of the killer is to kill, but they have balanced the game around the killer chasing survivors, not killing them.
that's something ive noticed. You can rush gens as Survivor and most likely Pip just off that (Black Minimum) but if you "Hook Rush" as what i'd call it you'd get a Black Pip or a Entity Displeased. I've had games as Killer for example where i'd get around 26k points but Black Pip only to find a Survivor on 14k and die who gets a Pip
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The emblem system is set up to promote a game style of hooking and chasing survivors. Not necessarily getting 4ks.
Like in the picture above. You have 3ks but only 19000 points. I'm not sure if they suicided on hook or not but that is a rather low score for a 3k game.
I know for killer it sux. But it is similar to survivor at times. Complete all the gennys and get out and you may depip. They want interaction between to two sides. They want hook actions over and over again.
You either play for pips, hence altering playstyle a bit. Or you play for you're own conditions, quick kills or escapes, and f the emblem system.
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But that's the thing, the devs have stated, instead of saying they want killers to hook players 6 times, they want, on average, a 2k. The emphasis on killer is to kill and many killer perks are designed to do that.
The point of a ranking system is to encourage players to play the way you want them to play, the devs set the objective. The problem here is that the devs have emphasized kills over chases and hooks. This leads to confusion and frustration among the playerbase. The design of killers also implies that killing is their main objective.
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Kills are the objective. The fact that the Emblem system doesn't reflect that is a flaw with the Emblem system itself - by which I mean that just because the Emblem system (which wasn't introduced until two years after the game's release) doesn't reward kills as it ought to, the fundamental structure and objective of the game hasn't changed from its inception.
Having said that, I do agree with your general point to an extent. I've seen it said (by developers) in the past that Dead By Daylight has no defined win condition, which is concerning to me because the win condition is what the game should be balanced around. Every competitive game has a win condition by necessary design, even if the game designers themselves don't acknowledge it - but the fact that they don't is a problem in my view, because if there's no central axis to balance around, then there is no balance.
In practice, if not always in theory, it would appear that "2K = draw" is that axis, which implies that the objective, or win condition, for killers is 3-4 kills. That's fine, but it needs to be overtly acknowledged as such, because if that isn't the reference point for every design decision made, you end up with things like the Emblem system that don't match up with what is supposed to be the reality of the experience.
Just as a disclaimer, I'm not a game designer specifically, but I am a designer and trained in design thinking and critical practice. I say that not to lend credence to my argument, but just to give context to my perspective. These are just my thoughts, and there could very easily be something that I'm missing here.
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I agree. We as killers have been conditioned by the system to see 4ks as a win. It is hard to accept 2ks as a win or tie even
But then you get to the end and lose a pip. So it's like, well next time I'm going to play super sweaty. They have created this divide between sides by making objectives so opposed.
I wonder tho, could killers accept more pips, higher ranks, but less kills if system was changed to reward you more for hooking, protecting gennys, being away from hooks?
Or would we always want that 4k?
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The problem is that survivors have an objective, though. Ultimately they should escape, or as their name implies, survive. Escape offers a sweet 5k blood points. Hooking and killing players does offer quite a few bloodpoints, but as it has been laid out, the game itself is centered around chases and interacting with survivors, not necessarily killing them. Hooks are a means to an end, to kill, but it's emphasized to hook survivors repeatedly, instead of hooking them to kill them.
A frustrating problem I have that adds salt to the wound is to see the 'entity displeased' at the end. Objectives are a good way to tell players that they are playing the way you want them to play. As stated above, objectives also offer a great way to balance the game. Maybe people would be less salty about getting a 0k or 1k if they knew they did the objective, chase and catch survivors, not necessarily kill them. Maybe there would be less tunneling and less camping.
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Precisely. Hooks are a means to an end, as are chases. The fact that you don't spend the majority of your time killing people doesn't mean it's not the objective. You don't spend the majority of a Monopoly game bankrupting your opponents either, but that's still your objective. You spend the rest of the game building up to that point so that you can achieve the objective when the time comes. The same can be said of survivors and escaping. They spend the game doing generators, rescuing their teammates, distracting the killer, all to maximise their chances of an eventual escape, because that is their ultimate objective.
The Emblem system, flawed as it is, punishes both sides - killer admittedly more so - for completing their objective too efficiently, but it doesn't change the objective itself. It just makes you feel bad for doing it, which as I've explained is simply bad design. What you're observing is a fault with the Emblem system, not an inconsistency within the gameplay itself, though I believe the Emblem system's poor design is symptomatic of a larger issue which has the potential to affect other areas of the gameplay.
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It's always been my understanding that killing as the killer is kind of a by-product of what your ACTUAL objective is...
The Entity wants FEAR
Just grabbing the survivors and killing them doesn't feed The Entity fear. The person is dead, they are no longer a resource for fear, they're just dead now. But chasing after them, destroying the generators (the only way for the survivors to escape and therefore scaring them that they can't), bleeding survivors with hits, etc; THAT is what The Entity wants. Once the survivor is at maximum fear, THAT'S when you finish them off.
Basically as the killer, you're supposed to toy with your prey before you finally just put them down for good
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Let me put it this way. The objective of the killer is to rack up hooks. The more hooks they get, the better. The entity loves hookers.
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IMO, the emblem system as it is currently designed sucks.
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I tbought that the killer's TRUE objective was to protect the generators.
And this.
Must be why I do so well with the ranking system. I literally toy with survivors and artificially extend the game. I may be lower ranked currently, since I've been grinding Survivor Archives, but easy double to near double by just extending the game and just toying with survivors. Worst game tonight in terms of rank was Deathslinger with gold Gatekeeper and silver everything else. One DC, but had Devour Hope and let the last one escape.
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I wrote a big long thread about this a while ago, but yes I'm in total agreement that the emblem system is complete and utterly unfair to killer in multiple ways.
Just gonna copypasta rather than type it out again.
(Quote starts here)
Can we PLEASE do something where killers get credit for 3 hooks if survivors:
1) Kill themselves on the hooks.
2) Disconnect.
Over and over the same nonsense, easily playing well enough to ruthless, gens haven't been flying, good pressure, lots of downs, two dead. Problem is the Nancy raged when she got hit through a pallet so she killed herself on the second hook and the baby Dwight just randomly raged on the first hook or maybe he's a baby so he doesn't realize that's a dumb idea. So either way now I've got two survivors dead with only 3 hook actions through no fault of my own, I didn't camp them, I didn't tunnel them, I did literally nothing but play the game. So now I go after the big booty Jane cause it is my duty to chase that booty (yes I love and hate myself for this, fight me bro) and down her, of course now she rages and disconnects so the fourth player gets the hatch. GG, you played well enough to easily win, here's a brutal killer for your trouble cause your devotion and malicious scores are in the toilet.
And this is hardly the only problem with the ridiculous emblem system. Gatekeeper is a complete joke with current generator speeds. Apparently a Trapper or Hag isn't supposed to trap and area and defend a 3-4 gen, they're supposed to defend that one gen on the other side of the map cause otherwise here comes the bronze/silver "gatekeeper" even if you do get a 4k.
Malicious penalizes the killer when survivors heal, are you actually serious right now? Seriously? There are times as a killer you HAVE to let survivors go heal in order to pressure gens. Can this ridiculous system please take into account that sometimes I'm going to have to intentionally let someone go heal themselves in order to actually stop the other three of opening the gates? Please?
Devout as I've said is a joke, 9 hooks for iridescent that doesn't take into account if survivors kill themselves on hook or disconnect, screwing killers just cause survivors throw a tantrum and don't want to play a game out. Technically a 2k is a draw right? Shouldn't 7 hook actions be a win for me in that regard then? It's over 50% of the max?
Chaser is the one that's probably least screwed up and seems to be usually relatively accurate though I'm sure others who are smarter than me can attest to this one better than I.
Now, if my drill sergeants in basic did anything, they drilled into our heads "don't come to us with only a problem, come with a potential solution" so here they are.
Gatekeeper - Eliminate the per generator score generation, it's moronic because some killers just can't defend seven generators simultaneously. Instead make it actually how it sounds, how long did it take for survivors to complete generators and open the exit gates. This would stop penalizing 3-4 generator strategies and stop needlessly punishing killers who need to play with area control in order to be effective.
Malicious - Remove the healing penalty, again, it's part of the strategic nature of managing four survivors as a killer, there is plenty of time letting one player run to the corner of the map where there are no generators to heal while I deal his three friends all doing generators. Besides in keeping with the lore, assuming these killers and the entity are sadists, wouldn't you want them to heal so you could injure them all over again?
Devout - This is the biggest one, if a survivor kills themselves on hook or at the very least disconnects, the killer gets credit for three hooks from that survivor automatically. This removes some of the power survivors have in screwing over killers trying to pip. To counterbalance this you could double the struggle time on second hook or even double the time on first hook to struggle hook in order to dissuade camping for a free 3 hooks off one hook, no killer in his right mind except Bubba (and he's not in his right mind, let's be real) is going to sit there for four minutes and even if they do, the survivors will be waving at the exit gates long before that timer is over. Multiple hooks still put survivors in struggle and death hook respectively so you aren't penalizing killers to hook multiple times.
Ok rant over, I get it, this game isn't competitive, but there is nothing more frustrating that trying to win only to get screwed because the other people you play with in a PVP decided to cry, take their ball and go home.
(End Quote)
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Not according to the main website. :P
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And how many threads talk about the bad tutorialisation of this game?
This is similar to Hag and her community perception. The optimal way to play is not exactly explained, and only noticed by a few.
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Alternatively, the emblem system is just bad. :P
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The system wants you to accumulate hits, win chases, accumulate hooks, and eventually kills. The point system rewards this as well.
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And thats one more reason why ranking means nothing. If you are actually a merciless killer and stomp the survivors, you will get "entitys displeased" or "brutal killer".
I laugh a lot when i decide to be a "good" killer and get a "mercyless killer".
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Your goal is to kill. Period.
The arbitrary "ranking system" and pips are just matchmaking tools to try and better pair you with people at your level.
So you kill 3 or 4 and dont pip. So?
It just means you did well at the level you should be at. Why get ranks up and deal with players better than you can handle?
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Funny, because the website and in game tutorial say your objective as a killer is to kill the survivors.
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That's all well and good that the tutorial and website say that but whether the developers meant to or not, toying with your prey scores you a lot more bloodpoints, gives you better rankings to your emblems, and ups your ranking in the game.
Maybe the devs literally just want you to kill the survivors and be done but what the game rewards you for is very different than what they state.
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I started to main Legion on red/purple ranks. Zero kills = 0 pip.
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I agree with this and love that kind of Killer gameplay myself. Hunting Survivors for sport, working my way to a kill, taking the time to make it fun for me and others. Maybe role play a bit depending on what Killer it is. But that's the problem. Time.
Survivors want the game over as fast as possible. Their objective is to do gens and GTFO! It's too east to do just that and nothing else. Survivors don't NEED to do anything past that. Everything else is simply a want, not a need. So that's what Survivors will tend to do. Nothing but what they need and get out as soon as possible.
Killer on the other hand as more needs than anything else. Need to get into chases, need to stall gens, need to kill, need to not kill too fast and earn multiple hooks, ect. Need after need after need. Killers don't WANT to do all of that. They NEED to do all of that and more!
If Survivors needed to do more in game, then maybe things would even out. Adding a mandatory 2nd objective is one option. But as seen with the Hallowed Blight, the devs likely don't want another objective. Ever since then ALL talks of another objective stopped from the devs that I recall. Why? Adding another objective shifted balance WAY to far in favor of Killer. Survivors simply couldn't survive in that event and it likely ruined the idea of adding another objective.
I still say adding another objective could work. But it would have to be small like needing to sacrifice any random item to finish a gen.
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Ironically Legion can often save a game that most killer would de-pip due to his insane malicious and chaser scores. He's the king of meaningless hits and an excellent little bloodpoint machine.
The craziest is when you get a ruthless off of a 1k cause you had the other three on death hook and you scored a metric ton of hits. Particularly back when multiple stabs didn't immediately end your power.
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Theoretically, that's true. There's a whole blem dedicated to it, but then devs have also said you're basically intended to lose 2-3/5s of that objective in the first minute or so, so that objective is basically sabotaged by the design paradigm from the start.
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Killers objective is to play by the survivor rule book and make sure they have fun
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So im gonna try and put an analogy to this as best i can.
I League o legends your objectives are towers, inhibs and nexus. Anything else is just fluff but those are.mandatory. its as if one teams objectives are towers inhibs and nexus, and then killers are told that their objective is to win the game. I think im semi close???
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I've noticed from the scoreboard that two players didnt even get to get 10k points, meaning they probably got out of the game quickly. Often times that's why people depip from survivors just killing themselves on hook and whatnot: there's not that much interaction between the killer and survivor. That's why you don't pip.
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TBH, from the pts you showed it looks like you killed at least two people fairly quickly into the match (8k and 6k is pretty low) without much gen pressure or chase. Your own pts also reflect this idea too. I am assuming you probably killed them first hook because otherwise at least Devout would be more than silver due to the combination of hooks/sacrifices. If you only focus killing people as quickly as possible and by any means necessary, this will be the result. The game is meant to have off-hooks (its how survivors gain significant pts and what allows killers to be able to re-hook and gain their own pts). You are meant to pressure people off gens and destruct generators, palettes, etc. You are meant to chase people. Those things are what offer pts and objective completion for boths sides of the fence.
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Kills are low scoring because they are easy, where as a proper three hook sacrifice is much more rewarding, but most "killers" just go for quick kills, so they altered the emblem system to reflect this, quick games are boring from either side and un-rewarding so why not play the game for a while and not try to rush for a pointless "win"
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Waaaah waaaah I got 3k but didn't pip, waaaah. Stop being babies, your rank means nothing and it's not intimidating. If you're good, you're good. Stop looking at ranking as your validation of being good.
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Here's the issue. The "killer" is poorly named. Your goal isn't to kill. As we've established getting kills is not what gives you the most points. You're more of a dungeon master like in D&D. You're supposed to play with the survivors, chase them around and hook them, make the game seem interesting while making sure to give them every opportunity to escape and win.
If getting kills was the main goal then we'd see bigger points from games with an ebony mori, but we don't. The game is designed around the survivors having fun and you need to work with that. /s
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They should also setup a pip system for each killer individually because survivor gameplay is really always the same, whereas killers all play differently because of how each power works or addons (i.e. Mikey with tombstone pip punishment).
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Kill all survivors. You can't make the objective much simpler than that.
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I don't care about pipping, I care about points. I could get a 4k and still 15-18k points because someone wanted to hook suicide or the game wasn't long enough
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The survivors aren't truely dead, the backstory of Benedict Baker shows this, after sacrifice, the survivors go back to the campfire, to go into another trial. And the entity doesn't feed off just fear, it feeds off strong emotions in general, such as euphoria from escaping, etc.
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I thought the objective was to please the entity. That's what I understand from reading the lore anyway.
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Dunno about anyone else but I hardly ever de-pip as killer its ez mode.
Just chase survivors and do everything and still get a 4k,
Do it all the time as Myers.
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The main object of a killer is to kill, as they said. But what's so fun in killing if you don't have to work for it? I find chasing the survivors for an extensive period of time to be quite effective at getting the most out of the score, I try to get 2 ot more hooks off survivors as well as get them to drop every pallet so i can have a good treat so I don't go hungry as we play tag. Don't forget to kick gens and use your skill to throw the survivors off a little, just cus you used your skill doesn't mean you have to attack the survivors right away, let them run and you follow. Playing cat and mouse is quite effective when the mice don't die before the 2nd gen pop. I try to chase each survivor for more than a minute, hook each one twice, use my ability multiple times instead of going for another instahook. Even if i kill 1 survivor i find myself getting rewarded generously.
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Then people say, "Just play for fun! That way you're always winning!" No. If I'm losing often, I'm not having fun.
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It's chosen by the entity. The entity likes suffering not just killing. You gotta give em hope and squash it. Make em bleed and then make them sweat into their wounds.
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From your emblem and to have 3 deaths seem more like you stay close survivor on the instead of walking around this play style will definitely get to purple rank not red doe you can’t be close to unhooked survives give them a Chance
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I think a big issue with player perception right now is that stated goals/playstyles (as set by the devs) and perceived goals/playstyles (as assumed by the players) don't line up with the apparent dominant strategies.
Survs will feel like they win if they escape. So they'll gen rush. The most effective means to that end.
Killers will feel like they win if they 4k, so they camp, tunnel, and slug. Again, the most effective means to that end.
The dissonance that occurs between these adopted playstyles and the playstyles the devs want to encourage is what I believe creates a lot of the frustration we see from community members.
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I think depip is one of the main objectives also, as it keeps you playing in fun games especially with fun builds.
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The emblem system is supposed to reward quality kills, not "hey i facecamped some people, where is my pip?"
Personally im happy when i dont pip as killer since i certainly could not mentally handle red rank games for longer than a few days
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So the ranking system is based off of Emblems, not Bloodpoints. You gain points based off of each corresponding emblem and for purple ranks you want an average of 12-16 points in order to PIP. z
Quality Points are awarded as follows
None (no Emblem received) 0 / Bronze - 1 / Silver - 2 / Gold - 3 / Iridescent - 4
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 250 Points Silver Emblem 350 Points Gold Emblem 650 Points Iridescent 900 Points
The GATEKEEPER Emblem is won by slowing down Generator
Repair progress for as long as possible.You win points every second, based on the amount of incomplete Generators remaining on the Map.
Ending the Trial with incomplete Generators also grants bonus points towards this Emblem.
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 5 points: awarded for each Generator remaining for each elapsed minute (capped at 9 minutes)
- 0 points: awarded when 0 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 200 points: awarded when 1 Generator remains at the end of a trial
- 300 points: awarded when 2 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 400 points: awarded when 3 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 500 points: awarded when 4 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 600 points: awarded when 5 Generators remain at the end of a trial
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 1 Points Silver Emblem 4 Points Gold Emblem 8 Points Iridescent 10 Points
The DEVOUT Emblem represents your ability to sacrifice and kill Survivors
Each Survivor eliminated from the Trial grants points. Sacrifices, Memento Moris and Reverse Bear Trap kills grant the same amount of points.
No points are awarded for Survivors that bleed out.
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 2 points: awarded for each Sacrifice
- 2 points: awarded for each Kill
- 0 points: for each bleed-out death
- 2 points: awarded for each Disconnect
- 1 point: awarded for having hooked all Survivors at least once
- 1 point: a bonus awarded after having hooked all Survivors a combined total of 9 time
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 650 Points Silver Emblem 1230 Points Gold Emblem 1800 Points Iridescent 2550 Points
The MALICIOUS Emblem represents your ability to apply pressure on Survivors and prevent them from helping each other.You win points by hurting, interrupting and downing Survivors and you lose them when they get healed.
Points are also awarded each time a Survivor is hooked, which are NOT lost when the Survivor is unhooked.
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 1 point: awarded for each successful hit
- 2 points: awarded for each new Hook State reached by a hooked Survivor
- -1 point: lost for each instance a Survivor was healed
- -1 point: lost for each Survivor that manages to escape your grasp
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 11 Points Silver Emblem 22 Points Gold Emblem 30 Points Iridescent 36 Points
The CHASER Emblem represents your ability to find and chase Survivors
You win a few points each time you find a Survivor, and you also win points by winning the chase; the shorter the chase, the higher the points.Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 55 points: awarded for hitting a Survivor during a Chase
- -3 points: deducted each second you are within moderate proximity (16 metres) to a hooked Survivor (only applied after 10 seconds)
- -7.5 points: deducted each second you are within extreme proximity (8 metres) to a hooked Survivor (only applied after 10 seconds)
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So the ranking system is based off of Emblems, not Bloodpoints. You gain points based off of each corresponding emblem and for purple ranks you want an average of 12-16 points in order to PIP. z
Quality Points are awarded as follows
None (no Emblem received) 0 / Bronze - 1 / Silver - 2 / Gold - 3 / Iridescent - 4
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 250 Points Silver Emblem 350 Points Gold Emblem 650 Points Iridescent 900 Points
The GATEKEEPER Emblem is won by slowing down Generator
Repair progress for as long as possible.You win points every second, based on the amount of incomplete Generators remaining on the Map.
Ending the Trial with incomplete Generators also grants bonus points towards this Emblem.
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 5 points: awarded for each Generator remaining for each elapsed minute (capped at 9 minutes)
- 0 points: awarded when 0 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 200 points: awarded when 1 Generator remains at the end of a trial
- 300 points: awarded when 2 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 400 points: awarded when 3 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 500 points: awarded when 4 Generators remain at the end of a trial
- 600 points: awarded when 5 Generators remain at the end of a trial
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 1 Points Silver Emblem 4 Points Gold Emblem 8 Points Iridescent 10 Points
The DEVOUT Emblem represents your ability to sacrifice and kill Survivors
Each Survivor eliminated from the Trial grants points. Sacrifices, Memento Moris and Reverse Bear Trap kills grant the same amount of points.
No points are awarded for Survivors that bleed out.
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 2 points: awarded for each Sacrifice
- 2 points: awarded for each Kill
- 0 points: for each bleed-out death
- 2 points: awarded for each Disconnect
- 1 point: awarded for having hooked all Survivors at least once
- 1 point: a bonus awarded after having hooked all Survivors a combined total of 9 time
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 650 Points Silver Emblem 1230 Points Gold Emblem 1800 Points Iridescent 2550 Points
The MALICIOUS Emblem represents your ability to apply pressure on Survivors and prevent them from helping each other.You win points by hurting, interrupting and downing Survivors and you lose them when they get healed.
Points are also awarded each time a Survivor is hooked, which are NOT lost when the Survivor is unhooked.
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 1 point: awarded for each successful hit
- 2 points: awarded for each new Hook State reached by a hooked Survivor
- -1 point: lost for each instance a Survivor was healed
- -1 point: lost for each Survivor that manages to escape your grasp
No Emblem 0 Points Bronze Emblem 11 Points Silver Emblem 22 Points Gold Emblem 30 Points Iridescent 36 Points
The CHASER Emblem represents your ability to find and chase Survivors
You win a few points each time you find a Survivor, and you also win points by winning the chase; the shorter the chase, the higher the points.Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 55 points: awarded for hitting a Survivor during a Chase
- -3 points: deducted each second you are within moderate proximity (16 metres) to a hooked Survivor (only applied after 10 seconds)
- -7.5 points: deducted each second you are within extreme proximity (8 metres) to a hooked Survivor (only applied after 10 seconds)
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I don’t even know why people care about rank at all, it’s so meaningless in this game. Absolutely no rewards and it doesn’t matter at all with matchmaking
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I play by chasing sirvivors off gens. You have to play by the emblem system to get points and pip. The first 9 mins are extremely important not for chases but to get survivors off gens, then start to play the chase and hit game not hook I try to hit every survivor and force them to heal and that gets your gatekeeper because they waste time by healing, brutality for using your ability and the hunting emblem for chases and circle the map for gen pressure. After everyone is damaged I chase and hook leading to the sacrifice. After hooking I leave the hook because 9 hooks to get you IRI and start the gen pressure all over again. By the end I typically pip and have between 22 and 30k points. This games designed easy to kill hard to pip to relieve some of the try hard in this gm. I typically dont care for pipping I just try to have fun. For people saying your a Rook or bad im a Rank 5 killer and Rank 5 survivor im a 50/50 player
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I've gotten 20k as a survivor and depipped. The pipping process is super broken. Plus, who cares about pipping. There's literally no point to pipping. I'm a 1 survivor and there's no benefit.