
Idea: Changing the button mashing during the struggling phase while hooked and changing the escape phase.

The escape phase instead, could be like normal generator skill checks where

  1. missed checks progress the entity progress
  2. good checks slow it
  3. great checks stop the entity progress and if a player gets a certain number of great checks ( say 3 for example ) they escape.

Then for the struggle phase instead of button mashing there could be skill checks to go back into the escape phase or difficult skill checks to escape or something along these lines.

If anything at all this as a perk for all survivors or a teachable perk of a new survivor!


  • MysticMusician
    MysticMusician Member Posts: 149

    I think this is an interesting idea. I personally hate the button mashing phase because sometimes it just doesn't properly register the button mashing and you die when you didn't mean to. Also removing this would prevent hook suicides. Also button mashing hurts my hands lol

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,180

    ...I like it a lot

    Mashing the button is boring. A skill check isn't a lot of game play but it is at least SOMETHING for us to do (especially if it's a Facecamper since I don't want to just quit and screw over my team out of precious time) and would probably be a lot nicer on my thumb :D

  • 5courseNeal
    5courseNeal Member Posts: 9

    Button mashing is one of my least favorite things about the game or any game for that matter.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    I love this idea; the button mashing sucks for people with carpel tunnel/wrist issues so I end up having to keybind it to a macro.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I like it. But we already know the devs would then nerf it down the line, because 'new and inexperienced survivors' can't hit skill checks.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That kinda seems like it would make rescuing someone way less of a priority if they can possibly prolong the sacrificing process by forever.

  • 5courseNeal
    5courseNeal Member Posts: 9

    @TAG That's where they could make the checks more difficult, longer, more penalizing for missing etc.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, people were more than capable of hitting pre-rework DS skill checks (which were more difficult than current DS skill checks, IIRC). How much smaller can you reasonably make them?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    The problem is, this will punish newer Survivors but will benefit the good Survivors. If I can spend more time on a Gen because my Teammate is good at hitting Skill Checks, this does hurt the Killer. Killers get their pressure by forcing Survivors into altruistic actions. If someone is on the Hook, another Survivor cannot do a Gen, because they need to go for the rescue.

    But if the hooked Survivor can prolong the Phase OR can even escape on their own (free Deliverance basically), this is a huge part of pressure gone.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Rip Killers when facing good Survivors, since they usually hit great skill checks. Everyone would just work Gens and it would probably become the "meta" that if you can't get yourself off by using the Skill checks then you are better off dead because saving you is a waste of time.

  • 5courseNeal
    5courseNeal Member Posts: 9

    I still think button mashing should go.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Yeah, just keeping the buttom pressed should be enough, instead of buttom mashing...

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    This is stupid. It's just something that will make pro survivors even better. at the game and give them an edge on the killer. At least with the struggle phase then all survivors have the same amount of time struggling and it's fair for all players.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I think skill checks are already all over the place. I prefer another solution rather than another "skill" check. Maybe another minigame, or a thing that you can do while in the hook to help your team like faking bird sounds and every time the killer looks at you after doing that you get points. Maybe the ability to mark spots in the map with a shiny column of ligth. Maybe a minigame in which you get transported to a nightmare where you have to run away from the entity in a straight line, jumping windows and throwing pallets. As I'm writing this... i would love to see the last one. Imagine practice the looping against the entity while your friends go to rescue you...

    It has everything that the struggle mechanic wants, tension, keeping the player involved in the game and encouraging staying in the game. Also it solves a lot of the problem that struggle phase has [looking at others playing while you can't]. New players would love this. The bad thing about this: a hell of coding. You can make a teleport to a side where is a room specific for this purpose and make the ilusion of the player moving while the only things moving are the entity behind the player and the props (pallets, windows, etc.).

    Just an idea but I would love this implemented.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    For all the button masher comments... one word: macros. If you don't have a keyboard or mouse that supports this, and play regularly, worth the investment. Got my Logitech G600 gaming mouse for $30 - best investment for my DbD experience.