Please Fix/Get Rid of Disconnection penalty

I have not the best internet router, but I love playing this game because it's a lot of fun. But sometimes my router dies and I have to reset it. And as everyone here knows. There is a penalty for leaving an active round. But this also seems to occur when i disconnect. I have been receiving increasingly longer soft bans for disconnecting and when i actually do need to leave a round for whatever purpose (I have to go, something needs my attention, rage quit, etc) I receive unfair punishment. I have reached a six hour soft ban, and this is the highest yet. I can understand the penalty even though I may not like it, but punishing me unfairly just makes me not want to play. I would like to see that I can get help with this problem or that the penalty is only seen through and fulfilled to players who purposely disconnect.


  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How about not disconnecting on purpose?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    The penalty shouldn't exceed one hour, at least not until you have several disconnects on record. I made a topic about this already, but I'll say it here too:

    Over the past couple of days the server simply kicked me from the game. This led to a six hour penalty, which will lead to a 24 hour penalty if it happens again. This is NOT acceptable by any means. There's absolutely no way I can predict when the server will just kick me from a game, and there's absolutely no preventive measures I can take. To receive a 24 hour penalty for something that's not my fault is outrageous.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Ok? You want the game to telepathically know when you "have to go, something needs your attention, rage quit", pulled the plug, power went out, bad internet?

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589
    edited March 2020

    5 minutes is a warning. "Game forgives you this time, but please, fix your issues and don't dc anymore."

    1h+ is a punishment. "Game warned you, but you didn't fix your issues, or leave on purposed too many times."

    You get a 6 hour ban for dcing 8 times in a single day. Thats alot. Imagine how many games you ruined for other players?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    How am I supposed to fix the servers? I'm genuinely curious.

  • LetsBeFriendly
    LetsBeFriendly Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2020

    Disconnecting on purpose, you deserve the penalty because it is a means to discourage DCs while game is active. I do agree that it needs fixed though as I was playing a match where two of my friends and I got kicked from the match midgame and we got slapped with the 3 to 5 minute penalty for the game failing us. At no fault of our own we were penalized for the game kicking us from the match, crashing, or someone's power going out. The dev's need to fix that for sure or just completely remove it because even as the idea itself was appropriate, its punishing those who dont deserve it.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    Don't bullshiet me! You can't get so many DC in a day because of the servers.

    How can we be sure that you don't DC on purpose?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Happened to me 3 times in one day. You don't need 8 to get a 6 hour penalty either. But hey, I get it. You don't have any empathy for people facing problems you've never faced yourself.

  • Coda
    Coda Member Posts: 2

    Some people can't just "fix" their internet. We don't have boundless and unlimited money. Also you can't just assume that I don't dc 8 times a day. The DCs are stacked over time and eventually when you haven't for awhile, it'll reset.