Suggestion about mori and keys, a way to make both of them fair.


Honestly i think keys and mori's need to get changed. Mori can counter keys sometimes, i personally do bring a green mori (occasionally) to counter a survivor holding a key. Anyway i still think both need to get changed/nerfed, here are my thoughts.

Mori: Change mori from a game changer to a sort of fun and useful add-on, simply by making moris usable ONLY after a survivors second hook. Mori will still be useful as it can counter decisive strike and save the killer some valuable time.

Key: Make the key only use-able for the last remaining survivor, so you don't get in a situation where 2 survivors are dead and the other 2 survivors can take the hatch and just end the game. For example if there is only 1 remaining generator and there are 2 survivors alive they should not be able to use a key. One survivor can keep the killer busy while the other survivor is working on the generator. If one of them die and the killer closes the hatch, then a key could be used to still escape.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Personally I'm not in favour of either of these.

    Moris would become completely useless at that point, and the amount of times I get decisive striked is very little. Same the opposite way round, rarely do I get to use decisive strike when running it. I'm in favour of a mori change, but not this.

    Keys for me should work whenever rather then at a certain period, although should only be able to be used by one survivor, and then instantly closes and starts end game collapse. I don't see keys that often, but when I do it is annoying, or great if I'm the one escaping, but I also think keys need a change.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I can agree with the notion that Mori's and Keys are things that should see some changes, but my opinions on them are vastly different from yours.

    Personally, I do not think the Ivory or Ebony (Green/Red) mori offerings have any place in DbD. I see them as extremely disruptive to normal gameplay flow and good only as a bandaid fix to problematic map RNG (much like the old version of Ruin was). The yellow one is fine as it is, and could possibly work as a base game mechanic (if survivor would be on their third hook), as are the mori's granted through perks. I want these to be a REWARD for skillful play (or a last hurrah before losing in Rancor's case), not a BANDAGE.

    As for keys, I'd already covered my thoughts on them in a different discussion (, so I'll just put the abbreviated version here:

    I think the open-the-hatch mechanic is fine, but should be restricted to ONLY the Skeleton (Red) key. The Dull/Purple could provide a slight boost to opening exit gates instead.

    More importantly, I want for keys to gain a base ability (they technically don't have one, as you cannot use their charges without add-ons). I think they should be an aura reading counterpart to maps. Maps track objects, keys should track survivors (and killer, with add-ons). Give them aura reading ranges that increase as their rarity increases, but their amount of charges decrease by rarity too (maybe like, 30/20/10 seconds of use for Green/Purple/Red). Add-ons would affect how and who this aura reading detects, along with how far and for how long. This would also mean that the Green Key is no longer completely useless when found in a chest. It will act as a better Bond with limited total use.

    Also, keys absolutely need to lose their "do not lose the key" add-ons. No other item gets this kind of insurance, and white wards already exist to fulfill this exact duty.

    DEADMEURT Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2020


    I am totally agree with you! All the time a killer have a pink mory, that kill the fun in the game because it's too powerfull. I tell on my stream always that can be fair if you can use the mory when the survivor is on the hook 2 times and not one. You can counter decisive strike and have more bloodpoints. Use mory at the first hook is bad for the rank and the fun. It's not positive for the killer and te survivors.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I thought about keys using up charges for a hatch opening. Like 5 charges over 5 seconds, if you get interrupted, the charges are lost. Meaning the dull key cannot be used to escape during a chase. If you get interrupted, it is wasted. And opening the hatch for 5 seconds should make noise. As above, I would also say one key lets one survivor escape. And get rid of the 4-man-hatch achievement