Will BHVR ever let the community to get tools in order to create gamemodes/content?

zimer Member Posts: 131

Use Valve as an example.

I could give a ton of examples on why and how this could work, but I'm 100% sure on myself everyone knows or at least has an idea on how awesome this would be.


  • 2v8 gamemodes
  • 4 killers doing gens vs 1 survivor with a flashlight trynna kill them
  • balanced maps
  • new moris
  • new survivor objectives
  • maybe a completely innovating new gamemode that'll make it as an official mode

and the list goes on.

The community will be able to handle balance on its own (for the normal gamemode), thus taking a part of the work from the devs so that they can push out more content/optimize/fix bugs.



  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2020

    unfortunately, i believe this would be incredibly hard to implement due to players needing access to assets and functions that are built into the engine. licensing is also a major issue since some assets have licenses on them, and i don't think they'd be allowed for public use.

    in addendum, this would require the creation of modification support, which is a lot more work to do in itself. you have to essentially create a whole new set of code and functions in order to make something open source, and you have to figure out how you'll be able to make sure that there's ways for ease of access.

  • Sorry to spoil your optimism here. I don't mean to rain on your parade.

    But currently there are 400.000 players ingame in Dota 2, currently there are 24.000 players ingame in Dead by Daylight. (on Steam)

    if you split our Community with more Game-modes if will hurt the already bad matchmaking and time it takes to find a game.

    Let's not talk about the problems it would bring to put these new Game Modes onto the consoles as well. SO MANY THERE ARE.

    This strategy might be a good idea for a colossal company and a game that boots at that level, but Dead by Daylight is far from there.

    I fear that the best way to innovate in Dead by Daylight is to stay vigilant on the Forums, to suggest and vote up good ideas.

    That and hoping BHVR gets a lil brave again, after the Moonlight and Blight Blossom Events they have seemed scared of innovating.

    Tho Breakable walls is a good sign they still have balls.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    I think 2v8 game mode is probably the most asked game mode to be ever requested in this game. The funny thing is that it would be a COMPLETE mess. We can clearly se a major disadvantage for killer, every map should be reworked with more gens being placed, but also, it would cause an incredible increase of (only in this game mode particularly) uncounterable tunneling: who cares about ds if after escaping the killer's grasp, there's another one instantly downing me, same goes for borrowed time, also one killer could just follow blocking the pallets as the other loops...

    you clearly don't know anything about the game for asking 2v8 game mode...

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Trusting the player base to balance things is an awful idea when most have an "us vs them" mentality. You see insane buffs to one side with, at best, nothing done to other.

    On top of that, the player base for DBD is small. I'd say less than 250k across ALL platforms. Splitting up the players into different modes wont be a good thing.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Yeah, while two killers chase that one guy down pretty quickly, there are 7 others working on gens, finishing like half of the objectives. I'm not sure if you can put it that easily. This is a whole different dynamic and killer coop would be also a whole new thing. Like 2 killers on comms with 8 perks? That's a whole bunch of more information shared.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Emeal_the_Camper @xBEATDOWNSx I think the "player base split" is not really an argument. I also never understood why from BHVR side this came up so often. Until May 2018 they had the highest player average at 16k max, most of 2017 was even close or below 10k. Since May 2019 it is almost constantly above 20k and last month first time reached the 30k average. The queue times I noticed is a problem since Ghostface release in June 2019, and matchmaking / queue times / ranking problems overall increased since the change with 3.2.1 in September. So at a time where roughly double the amount of players were active. This is not a problem of player base, this is a problem of matchmaking and ranking. If you had 1 killer of each rank and 4 survivors of each rank, 100 players would be perfect for good matchmaking and queues. All the other 29.900 players could be playing different modes without problems

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    people complain about tunneling, despite it means that the other 3 can have an easy escape if they just gen rush. and with only one killer you can still escape with meta perks or decent teammates, imagine playing with a really unfair tunneling, who cares if everybody else escape, everybody would complain.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Not just the bias, but I think the other issue with entrusting anything balance-related to players is that most players don't know anywhere near as much about game design as they think they do and would likely make a right mess of things.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Another thing you cannot estimate by "knowing the game". Think about 7 people body blocking, adding Dead Hard, MoM, For The People and Styptics. You can't really predict how this 2v8 dynamic will evolve and if it is even controllable.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Good point. You can see this on several new perk ideas, where people throw around with high percentage values. I mean, even BHVR didn't expect 9% slowdown on a Freddy addon to be a problem

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351
    edited April 2020

    DBD is in a permanent state of the same old content being recycled. It's unique enough to attract a small fanbase willing to try out a non-mainstream game, yet not enough to attract even a slightly considerable amount of the masses. Besides, with the decisions the Devs make sometimes, I don't know if I'd trust them to be a big company. I feel like they'd be another Bethesda. More accurately, a BugthesdaLite, which is kind of what they currently are, and have been since 2016. I actually see Le Cote having a sort of a Todd Howard complex. Todd says "It just works" when he makes terrible business decisions. Le Cote says "I think we did a pretty good job so far" when the other Devs barely made any progress in true balancing and kept disregarding the plethora of bugs that have existed for the longest times. They don't have the resources to do anything anymore than the things they've already done. And in order to get the resources, they need more revenue, and the only way to get that is through a bigger fanbase, which they currently only have two primary ways of doing so: Licenses for more famous survivors/killers, and discount advertisements on consoles. The ST chapter really did help with bringing in new people, but also lots of highly questionable balancing decisions have been made since then, most of which disregarded the feedback of veteran players and only regarded the new players, which led to high ranks resenting new players, so there was some community trouble. Also, some veteran players get fed up with certain balancing decisions (and rightfully so), and leave, en masse. A perfect example was the whole 1.9.2. fiasco. This isn't even mentioning all the bugs this game has, which is only topped by Bugout76.

    Recycled content, small somewhat loyal (more accurately, addicted masochist) fanbase, questionable balancing decisions, and no outstanding feature to attract the mainstream multiplayer base. Even those who aren't mainstream and like horror themed games aren't attracted, since Silent Hill and Resident Evil exist. They're both excellent single player games filled with diverse and interesting lore, plus they've been in existence for the longest time. And those who do give it a try, often turn away sooner or later, since they eventually realize DBD isn't about horror in gameplay at all, it's just a toxic environment filled with entitled mains and imaginary rule books. All you do is run around pieces of wood and hold M1 for x amount of time. Either that or you babysit gens or waste 2 minutes chasing pink hair nea or pink man ace.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    With matchmaking times already very high on some platforms and ranks, adding another game mode or two would only serve to add even more time spent searching for games. Ergo, not really a good idea.

    Oh without a doubt. Every once in a while you have the diamond in the rough good idea from a player but most times, they're asking for value based buffs for perks that would just break the game.

    I'm not saying BHVR is perfect or Dead By Daylight is in its best state but I definitely trust the developers of the game more than I trust some of the players.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    So while you do have a point, I'd rather them focus on fixing mechanics in game rather than pulling a PUBG and introducing more modes that are unneeded.

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Member Posts: 506
    edited April 2020

    Well, not really the same thing, but there have been quite a few threads already about implementing more customization options into the "Kill your Friends" Gamemode in order to test various things that would vastly alter the way the game is played. With this, at least people could try out new things.

    Fun fact: since January 2020, even Friday the 13th has got more customization options for "Private Matches" than DBD has for "Kill your Friends"

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    that's why I said that 2v8 has a major killer disadvantage, and yes we could predict something, if only there was a way to have 2 killers in the same match (blink blink),

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    that was a 2v3, not 2v8

    You totally didn't get what I said. My whole post was about "player count doesn't matter, it is match making and ranking, nothing else". It's not like just survivors move away from normal matches.