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Lunar New Year/BBQ Event Cosmetics

Scarecrow Member Posts: 32

Basically the title says it all - does anyone have any idea or update on what's going on about reinstating the taken event objects? I haven't heard anything in a while but I've seen more and more Davids with the Howling Grounds jacket and mine and my Kate Songbird shirt still are missing?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020


    I believe the majority of players have already gotten this taken care of, so that's probably why it hasn't been mentioned recently (I could be wrong of course). If you haven't than I'd advice you to go to the support team to see what can be done about it.

    As for updates, I haven't see anything about these specific event cosmetics being mentioned recently.

    here's the link to the support team

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    @Scarecrow @FireHazard

    i'm not trying to show off or rub this in your face, lol but i do have 2 songbirds? i just wanted to know why would i have 2 when some are missing?

  • Scarecrow
    Scarecrow Member Posts: 32

    That would definitely be a glitch in the coding. I'm sure if you verified the game files it would sort that out. In fact I verified mine a few hours after posting this and my Songbird and Howling Grounds jacket spawned into my inventory.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    I believe they mentioned that before in another post. They mentioned that having duplicates of the exclusive item was not intentional and that the 2nd skin is supposed to be the one they re-introduced to the players that might of lost that item. I could be wrong though, so that's just going off of what I've seen with similar cases.

    If you think it's concerning than you can report it to support to see what they can do, otherwise it's not really that big of a deal (if you think it's). You can try verifying the files before submitting the report, but I doubt that'll really do anything.

    Here's the link to the support team if needed

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,916

    No need to report the duplicate item, this will be taken care of in time, support are already aware of the issue @bomb1720