
rainman740 Member Posts: 17
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Can someone explain to me how the pig isn't S-tier? She is average or above average in everything you need as a killer. There isn't a killer who is all around as good as she is in my opinion


  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    Her Dash attack isnt that great. Because she growls in the beginning of her charge, survivors can run away. And her traps are just rng.

    I wished the charge Will be buffed that the growl happens in the end of her charge like a real ambush attack. Maybe the bear traps should be reworked that it is actually a game and not a rng hat. Like give the puppet a hint where the box with your key is located and remove the aura of the boxes of survivors.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    ok, what does it matter who thinks what killer is what tier?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    That's just it though. She's only average or above average at everything. S tier implies that a killer is outstanding in one or more areas. I've had Pig games where 3 of my 4 traps were removed by survivors on their first attempt and I wasn't able to land any dash hits. She's solid, but she can't consistently overcome good survivors with meta builds on strong maps.

  • rainman740
    rainman740 Member Posts: 17

    She slows the game especially with good add ons, not very many killers have better capabilities of taking care of loops, she stealthy too and can grab people off gens.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Except we are in a spinechill meta so being stealthy is a huge gamble. I find the dash only useful for hitting the obsession with stbfl as it doesn't remove stacks.

    I happen to be a recent pig convert and think she should be higher than many people giver her credit for, but definitely not a tier

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
    edited April 2020



    I apply a lot of pressure with her avoiding the survivors to get off the RBT. But shes not S-tier, thats only Nurse.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Cool intro.

    About reverse bear traps. I like the general idea, but here's what I would change.

    1- good skill checks = +10 seconds, great skillchecks = +5 seconds.

    You said the reverse in the video, and it makes no sense, why would anyone even try to get great skill checks at that point?

    2- make removing the trap in the boxes like snaping out of it. Garantee 3 skill checks, no more no less. Otherwise rng would just make this take no time at all or forever. But having a set range from 15-45 seconds seems fair enough. Or 20-50...something like that.

    3- when a survivor removes a bear trap, another appears on pig after 10 seconds.

    Trapper already needs to go around grabbing his power, we all know how frustating it is to see 2 traps on the other side of the map that will never get used. Let's not make pig suffer the same way.

    4- I like the gen trap thing... feels weird but...how many gens would get trapped? And does it trap everyone working on it? Why 75% and not 50% or 90%, why 75?

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Her addons don't really help her slow down the game much than she already does.

    I would argue every single Killer in the game except Oni and Ghostface have better anti-looping tools than Pig's Ambush, and I'm not too certain about either of them considering they both have Powers that make them care less about being looped in the first place. Even Wraith can bodyblock with cloak (which I'd argue is stronger than an ambush), Leatherface has instadowns and chainsaw pallet destructions, ecetera.

    Ambush does help give the Pig more options, which is its best quality, but it's barely better than just doing loops normally and its hugely telegraphed roar damages its potential for sneaking up on gens. And no, generator pulls aren't really a good defense for Killers as they're a very niche scenario that requires Survivors to hugely screw up.

    Please, I don't like dunking on Pig, I like Pig, please stop claiming she's top tier so I can stop pointing out all her weaknesses.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    Legion. Didn't even read but will read after I post this comment u3u

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    They need to rework her traps. I'd honestly make them limitless, I can't even see a scenario for abuse now that end game traps do nothing, so why not?

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    Pig is a weak killer. The ambush isn't that effective, and she is slow while she is crouching. Alongside that, her traps are luck based, you might get if off first try, or maybe last try. Also, in what world do not many killers have "better capabilities of taking care of loops"? Pig's only hope is that a survivor drops a slightly unsafe pallet, and then when she does her crouch ambush that they don't just leave the loops. Last thing is that gen grabs aren't something to rely on.

  • rainman740
    rainman740 Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2020

    Maybe I'm being biased or something but I always do my best with pig. I honestly have an easier time getting 4ks with her than any other killers even my 2nd favorite spirit. It always seems to be an incredibly hard match to escape when I play against the pig as well

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    im a pig main and still I wanna get my hands on whatever this man is smoking

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Because she isn't.. The only S-Tier killers at the moment are Nurse, Doctor and Freddy. The Pig is very easy to beat and is just an M1 killer with a short sprint burst that can easily be beaten with Spine Chill, Dead Hard or Sprint Burst. If a group is coordinated enough, her traps are also completely useless as they don't activate unless a generator is popped.

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    thats what im saying i'm a rank 3 pig and ignoring how sometimes a good team screws me just her head trap mechanic literally robs you of points that go to ranking up so it takes much longer as pig to level up

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351
    edited April 2020

    Pig is S tier on small maps against potato survivors or those who don't have spine chill. S tier only belongs to Nurse and Freddy. They're the only ones who can teleport, with one literally able to teleport to gens, which also serves as a mind game mechanic against survivors who can't dedicate to gens. Spirit mind-games work on people who are too dedicated to looping. All you have to do is leave the area as soon as you hear phasing and you're Scott-free. Now throw in lightweight and iron will and her power becomes nigh useless. Hillbilly has high mobility, but that's about it, against good survivors, he's an M1 killer in the 1v1, unless he has insta saw, spirit fury/enduring or is lucky enough to catch someone in dead zones.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Map Pressure. Sure, her traps can apply a little pressure, but also survivors could just get the hat off instantly. Or do gens untill multiple are ready to pop then get it off.

    In roaming either she's 115 with full try or like 90 with no tr.

    And if anything, Deep Wounds may also buy time too, yet Deathslinger suffers similarly.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    Quite simply, she's a jack of all trades, master of none. This simply disallows her to be top tier, as to take control of the game you need to excel in one area so you can actually gain some pressure quickly. Hag excels in map control, Spirit in loops, Nurse in chase & map traversal. Pig has stealth, yes, but its the worse stealth in the game, she has ambush in loops, yes, but it only works in some, and even then, it can be mindgamed by good survs, traps slow the game down, but not by much, unless there are at least 2 out, all they do is pressure 1 survivor, which is still good, just not great, and even then, in the off chance you have 2 or more traps in play, due to luck they can possibly do nothing.