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Hex ruin nerf was unjustified



  • Member Posts: 822

    I suck at skillchecks and old ruin was actually threatening. I hardly notice new ruin most of the time. I usually look for it anyway because i like to throw progress down whenever possible all over the map but it's a really bad perk now

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Decisive Strike is now a perk that at least one person needs to carry because there are more tunnellers than ever. It is a necessary evil, and the only one I consistently see out of the list that killers complain about.

    Borrowed Time deals with campers.

    Adrenaline is only a small and temporary boost when endgame is triggered.

    There also aren't that many people using Spine Chill, but it is just a solid anti-stealth sperk for survivors.

    It does also feel like there are a lot more people running NoED lately, and I think that it is an issue because it is a fundamentally badly designed perk. Now before you try and lynch me, my issue is the warning that people don't get. If it warned you of exposed, like every other expsoed effect (except Devour Hope, but you have to earn that one) then it'd be fine.

  • Member Posts: 927

    Idk, I think it's pretty reliable for mobile killers. Which is the main issue, though, right? Its primary use before was a crutch for killers with low mobility. Which is why I think it needs to also remove great skill check zones. More often than not, I can keep ruin in the match for a decent amount of time. Although I do play on console and am only tank 9. That doesn't really mean much though since I still go up against red ranks rather often.

  • Member Posts: 16

    If they reverted ruin it would be pointless because of the toolbox add-on rework

  • Member Posts: 569

    If survivors were to lazy or to cocky to do bones they dont deserve a notification theres to much info for survivors in the first place and what do you expect killers to do especially slow killers like clown or buba you just took the only thing that gave you any o hope of an early game or at least getting to the middle of the map before 3 gens pop in a minute of course they will start to play for endgame

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Pop/Ruin/Thana/Dying light compare with slow down add ons from every ruin reliable teleporting Freddy, Nurse, Spirit, Billy had to end. That was unhealthy for the game and the nerf was justified.

    This is a chance to improve your skill.

  • Member Posts: 453
    edited April 2020

    I think biased isn't enough to describe this, probably you should have used hypocritical.

  • Member Posts: 3,842
    edited April 2020

    Grammar and punctuation, please. It actually makes your replies understandable.

    As for your point, NoED punishes players for their TEAMMATES doing poorly with no input from the killer. Survivor is also mostly an information game, more than it is a skill-based one. Let's also keep in mind that Exposed is the single most powerful effect in the game.

    I play slow killers, I literally branded myself on here as a Pig main, after all. I know EXACTLY how important old Hex: Ruin WAS in slowing the game for them. I also know how to use the new Ruin and just how devastating it can be. If you refuse to put in the work, on EITHER side, then it is not up to certain perks to bail you out. That is exactly what old Ruin and NoED do, same with the old insta-heals or original Mettle of Man.

    New Hex:Ruin is both incredibly punishing to survivors if they leave it alone, and actually rewards skillful play in the killer's side IF USED CORRECTLY. You cannot rely on it like old Ruin. It is how a perk should work. The change was 100% justified.

  • Member Posts: 569

    Well ive been apart of plenty of teams and ive played sports football a team game if a teammate screws up or isn't as good as their opponent it usually hurts the team thats how teams work so yes you should be punished for your teammates mistakes you are benefitting from their contributions so you should also suffer from their failures and im going to say this with nothing but respect i dont want to hear about leaning on a perk when survivor meta is 4 second chance perks that require no skill pure crutch bs nerf those then we can talk

  • Member Posts: 871

    Isn't that going to be a breakable wall? Regardless it takes time to break the walls, too much time.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I find the Second Chance meta a bit BS too, but I can also say that they are usually out if the survivor's hand.

    DS - killer has to basically target you off hook. That or you're throwing yourself at the killer like an idiot.

    BT - usually good for use against tunnellers and campers, but also exploitable. If someone unhooks directly in front of me, it is my mission that they are next.

    Unbreakable - requires the killer to ignore you. Punishes bad play from the killer, but is also ONLY ONE USE.

    Adrenaline - single use Sprint Burst and a health state. Only triggers at the beginning of endgame.

    My killer playstyle also naturally counters ALL of these perks, since i never tunnel, camp or slug. Adren has no concern for me because I enjoy the hunt. I'll hit you again no issue.

  • Member Posts: 720

    They need to stop catering to bad killers by giving you perks like ruin. It’s a crutch. I’ve seen killers do work on survivors without ruin. Ease up on the complaining yeah?

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I am once again calling you out on your bullshit and telling you to "PLAY KILLER FOR A CHANGE!" Don't like being rude but I swear you are one of those survivor mains that refuses to play killer because you "don't wanna deal with what I do to killers" or "killer is too easy" and your probably a rank 15 killer. Play killer at high ranks before you open up your mouth and criticize killer's, because one day the killer community won't exist and you'll be forced to play killer to keep the game alive.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    2.3 seconds, I prefer that to being ran around for a whole minute trying to catch a single survivor

  • Member Posts: 977

    "Old Ruin was perfectly balanced.. It only affected half the games population that couldn't hit great skill checks"... You do realize latency plays a big factor in hitting great skill checks right? Hitting a great skill check is like playing the one of those gambling games where you have to hit the button with precise timing. You an hit it at the exact same time over and over again but still achieve different results due to "casino's output demand aka latency".

  • Member Posts: 179

    The problem with the warning system your suggesting is pure nonsense. If survivors are warned as soon as the exit gates are powered that totem will be hunted down and cleansed before the killer can even head towards the nearest exit gate. Atleast with it hidden it gives the killers a chance. Devour has no excuse since its a plain in sight hexed totem if seen. If no survivors are looking around for totems off hand when searching for a gen or chest that's their bad. Not the killers.

  • Member Posts: 384

    You're correct in that it isn't healthy design of course, and you're unequivocally correct that it more harshly punishes worse players. It's made worse by the fact that at lower ranks, killers are actually pretty strongly favored.

    Issue is we aren't spoiled for choice, and the Ruin we got in exchange still doesn't really help us very much when survivors can literally complete 5 gens in 3 and a half minutes. 3:30 is not enough time to rack up 9 hooks, which still wouldn't pip and may even depip because of the 0 Gatekeeper.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm hoping that you are just misunderstanding my point with that. I mean like how when GF/Myers stalk you and the effect activates, or when you unhook with Make Your Choice.

    And yes, the totem would be hunted, but killers can literally see it's aura.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Too long.

    It should just be a door, or the window should just not exist. Breakable walls should be in the game because they could add more strategy to the game, not to be a bandaid fix to a bigger problem.

  • Member Posts: 383

    I can see that you just think of new survivors, what about new killers? I can read new killers have to know play to defeat op survivors, the main attraction of this game are killers not survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I think the devs need to increase the regression on Ruin to be just as threatening as before

    Make it 400% (or equal to repair rate for those whom don't know) and survivors (when they find out its being used) will either finish the Gen their on then find the totem or they will immediately go for the totem sacrificing early game progress to get late game progress

    Then on the killers side they will have more confidence to chase survivors off gens while injuring, downing and hooking

    And I do agree that the Gatekeeper emblem needs to be adjusted to what the game is now

    I used to run Ruin with Huntress Lullaby for added effect ( and those game slowed right the hell down if both totems stayed up)

    Now I do use corrupt intervention... and it freed up a perk slot for my Pig (and the others but I am a pig main)

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    the ruin change might have made the game easier for new players/less experienced or people who just couldn’t hit skill checks but it also made the game easier for people who could hit them so I’d argue the ruin changes are good for the long term letting you guys see how fast gens can go against experienced players it’s terrible for the short term making some games just miserable/not fun you guys still deny that gens don’t go to fast when there’s plenty of evidence to prove otherwise instead telling killers to “get gud” it just seems like you guys have a biased (idk if you do) but it feels like it at times

  • Member Posts: 1,208

    Old Hex Ruin worked ok at all ranks on PS4 as the skill checks could be so janky....

    I know they work 'user side' so in theory they should be smooth but....there not.

  • Member Posts: 159

    Never intact with the the community unless you can be condescending. I would argue games should be challenging for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 420

    Your takes on those perks are quite silly. Considering how fast gen speeds are, BT and Adrenaline can be used in various combinations to ensure everyone escapes consistently.

    DS does not require one to be tunneled. It’s a 60 second immunity in which you can jump in a locker or stay on a gen. 60 seconds of staying on a gen and not being able to be pulled off. DS is not anti-tunnel and never has been

    Then you have DS + Unbreakable where the killer has to leave you alone.

    Or you have EGC hook trade with BT+DS to ensure you both can escape.

    You’re minimalizing just how good these perks really are.

    im not complaining about these perks. Just putting out how silly your arguments are.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    Funny, but I stopped using Ruin on Hag and Trapper before the rework happened. Corrupt Intervention was actually a stronger perk overall for them.

    Will you ever actually rework the overly large maps like both Huntress and Plagues maps? It's been brought to the Devs attention multiple times and yours personally before that these kind of maps need to stop being produced and fixed. I feel a lot of the issues that are around are by imbalanced maps. Having a few fixed every year isnt helpful. You either need to put a team onto fixing the maps that can start pushing them out faster or take a break from new content and focus in the health of the game.

    You've done amazing things this year for killers, but ignoring or "slowly" fixing the core issues isn't actually doing anything productive. Your team has already acknowledged that the maps from now and then definitely are different and need reworks, but throwing another bandaid solution onto the problem after ripping another off isnt solving anything.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Funny how I've also said on heaps of other threads how if you target the unhooker, it counters DS, BT AND Unbreakable. And how these perks are abusable.

    My points both cover natural/intended use, AND a common abuse for it, such as hurtling yourself at the killer with DS. I covered all bases, so how is it silly?

    Also, as for the frustrating EGC example, you're essentially playing with one or zero perks in order to get that escape. Since killers get to say this for NoED, it's only fair that we do it here too.

    Adrenaline is only triggered when endgame is reached. Borrowed Time only happens on an unhook, but it is also the killer who activates the Endurance effect. Decisive Strike is also one use only, and can be activated after being unhooked. It's then on the killer to activate the perk. Unbreakable is activated by a killer, since it's entirely THEIR choice to leave that survivor on the ground.

    I haven't minimalized anything. I simply pointed out that these perks are not 100% within the survivor's control, esoecially since there are 100 other threads already stating how combining these perks work. You're going to need a little bit more than "Your takes are silly", since they are not takes, they are observations.

    I observe and I analyse. I share my findings where they are necessary.

    If people a doing generators while DS is active, then put them on the ground. If someone grabs another survivor off a hook in your face, punish them for their hubris. If Unbreakable is used, then you don't have to worry about it for a later stage in the match.

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