Which killer do you hate VS'ing the most?



  • MichaelAMyers
    MichaelAMyers Member Posts: 292

    Honestly? Freddy,The Doctor, and even the Wraith anybody else is fine but damn these are some cheap killers even tho I love playing as Freddy for easy kills.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293
    Freddy or hag, not the actual dudes that play them, but these 2 were designed to camp and tunnel 
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770


  • Aziux
    Aziux Member Posts: 70

    @FattiePoobum said:
    Freddy or hag, not the actual dudes that play them, but these 2 were designed to camp and tunnel 

    Im not sure if Freddy was designed to camp but I'd say he was designed to prolong games. :P

  • Fred is the only killer I really hate playing. Depending on my mood, if I hear his lullaby I’ll just nope the ######### out of the match. If i am the obsession and it’s Fred, I’m out, because I don’t run obsession perks so I know he’s going to have Remember Me and is just going to tunnel and camp to build his stacks. 

    Im in the red ranks on Xbone and you play a ton of Billy. I don’t hate him yet but it gets annoying with how low his skill floor is and how broken BBQ can make him.

    In over 1,000 hours on Xbone I’ve run into maybe 3-4 great Nurse players so I don’t care about her.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    The dcing kind.

  • C4Garuda
    C4Garuda Member Posts: 198
    Hag cause of the trap spams, especially if theres dumb survs included. Id also say no skill Billy, other killers are pretty fun to play against. Wraith can be annoying sometimes, due to being invis like Freddy but its ok. 

    I think once guys like Freddy and LF get a buff they will be crazy. LF maybe a speed buff and add-on rework?
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906
    edited September 2018
    The Pig and Leatherface because they attract campers and tunnelers. The Doctor because he is annoying as hell with the madness.

    I love facing Michael Myers the best. Always a fun match with Myers and his creepy jump scare tactics.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Wraith and LF because 99% of the time they are the most toxic killers, whether they kill people or not. I've only had a handful of games against these killers where the guy playing them wasn't a total Dbag.

    In terms of just the character, I would say Myers because how well you do against him sometimes depends on how much your team feeds him EW. If I get a game with non-potatoes that don't just give him EW super fast he's fine, but when you have a dude that stands at a pallet and waits like a nub then he tiers up and 99% to tier 3 it's annoying AF.

  • crabby247
    crabby247 Member Posts: 58
    1. Trapper (I just HATE him)
    2. Myers
    3. Wraith

    And the Hag is no fun anymore. She's no joke!

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2018
    I don’t really hate playing against any Killer that much.
  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Freddy, Wraith, Hag.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    There is only one killer that I genuinely don't like playing against and that is Freddy.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    @Vankruze said:
    A good hag can feel really OP against survivors especially since she can insta grab a hook rescue and speed traps now stops her from being pallet looped. People who say Hag isn't top tier are sleeping on her big time!!

    Lol, just don't run up to a hooked player and the traps won't be set off! Whenever you get grabbed off a hook save it's your own fault.

  • ThisNotIt
    ThisNotIt Member Posts: 28
    Wraith and Doc cause it'd the garbage spam
  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    Infinite EW3 Myers

  • Nephs
    Nephs Member Posts: 21
    Billy, without a doubt, followed by Myers.
  • Bryan
    Bryan Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2019

    I will say my list, Because why not....

    In order I HATE to face as a Survivor

    Can Be with the OP addons
    8)Huntress (only god like Rank 1 players that know the BS hitbox for hatch throws)

    Can be at times but most of the time not

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Hag. Every single time I go against a Hag I genuinely become annoyed.
  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125
    I hate the clown because I've hated them my whole life like everybody should. 
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    edited January 2019
    Legion 100% now, makes me appreciate Freddy a bit
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    Hillbilly and LF mostly LF and his basement camping.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Nurse, who else. Nurse mains are such sad creatures.
    I don't get the hate about Freddy though. Some of the best survivor games are against him.
  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    Trapper. Even tho I escape most of my games vs trapper I hate him due to a case of trapper being only "viable" killer back in 2016.
  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    The Pig - the masks are annoying - mostly when the gates are open.
    The Hag traps give me heart attacks lol.

  • micsan
    micsan Member Posts: 95

    Legion is the only killer I genuinely hate playing against.

    I also hate playing against Billy, even though I've learned how to VS him now... I still hate his ######### ugly face.

    I really enjoy playing against anyone who doesn't use cookie cutter builds, people who don't go to a tierlist and just use whatever is top tier and actually try to make their own builds. I always compliment them after the game ends because it's a breath of fresh air, even if their build sucks they still get a "thanks for a good and fun game" from me.

  • CyanideCandy
    CyanideCandy Member Posts: 30
    Doctor is probably the one I hate most, with fresdy in second place and wraith in third. It's not a matter of them being to strong or anything I just really don't enjoy playing against them at all. 
  • CyanideCandy
    CyanideCandy Member Posts: 30

    @Aziux said:
    If I had to list them all in order not including spirit from who I hate to VS to who I love to VS it'd go something like this

    Nurse, Hag, Trapper, Huntress, Pig, Clown, Doc, Freddy, Billy, Michael, Wraith, LF

    Just for reference it's just the abilities that I find annoying to play against, not who I think is the best.

    The Spirit. She is so damn OP and should be slower than a survivor when phase walking. KAPPA

    No killer should be slower than a survivor outside of during an ability charge up. And yes, I include pig in that. I don't think sneak should be as slow as it is. 
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    • Hilbilly: too much map pressure and against him is not that effective hidding and stealth like against the nurse.
    • Hag: the traps are so annoying, they are almost invisible and their only counters are flashlights (I never use them) and moving while crouching all the time (boring).
    • Trapper: like Hag but less annoying, unfun to play against anyway. You have to keep looking at the ground and avoid grass in critical areas.
    • Myers: Jump scares, annoying chasing music, EW3 that make you hide during a minute.
    • Freddy: Yes, he is nerfed, but not having any idea where is he until you hear the childs singing is annoying, also I always use Alert and that perk is almost useless and a wasted slot against him.
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    The only Killer I dislike facing is Freddy. He's just so boring. He literally doesn't do anything in my mind. He's just a basic Killer that may as well not have an ability, unless you focus super hard on gen stopping. Which is gonna fail if they have self care anyway.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    I really hate Wraith. He is easy to spot, but its annoying how you are forced to be next to a window or pallet when he uncloaks to prevent a hit. 
  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    in generel: nurse
    i mean i know some people wont believe me but everytime i play nurse with double range addons i just win. except someone gets the hatch but this is just bs

    i dont have a personal HATE killer. i dont like hag or trapper because if they're not ######### af you just die. Alltough the trapper is just viable/dangerous if he uses the iridiscent stone.

    spirit is annoying because if she tryhards you dont know what she's doing you're just lucky when you survive ^^ no skill or sth

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    LF cause I always get f̷̦̰̈́͛͂̄̀͘͘̕̕ȁ̵͉̬̹͚͎̱̺̫̀č̶̛̣̥̹͓̺̜͉̪̽̀̕e̴̲̪̘̗̪̤͌͊̿̊͘̚c̴̥̻̳̎a̵̮̻̳̩̥̲̔͋m̵̢̛͍̙̖̠͌̀́͑̇͑͠p̶̛̛̟̹͉͈͓̰̓̒͐̋̓̈̄ę̸͓͖̜͚̀̑͠ͅḑ̴͓̤̼̠͓̪̒̊̿̑͋̏͘͜͝͝͝ and have a good time

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Freddy and Legion, they are just annoying to go against. The other killers I don't mind.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I know I posted already, but I forgot to mention Doc! 4head He is the most lame killer in the game and is absolutely not fun to play against. Constantly reveal your position, can't do certain actions in madness 3, more annoying skill checks. STUPID BULL ######### if you ask me.

  • Broosmeister
    Broosmeister Member Posts: 281
    Aziux said:

    If I had to list them all in order not including spirit from who I hate to VS to who I love to VS it'd go something like this

    Nurse, Hag, Trapper, Huntress, Pig, Clown, Doc, Freddy, Billy, Michael, Wraith, LF

    Just for reference it's just the abilities that I find annoying to play against, not who I think is the best.

    Billy, Freddy, Legion and Doctor.
  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
    I hate trapper and hag because I don’t like looking at the ground all the time.
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    I like: Spirit (because of the mindgames) Myers (because of the noclip window jukes ;p)
    Dislike: Legion (running in a straight line all the time, boring) and Hag (crouch simulator xD, no im just scared)

  • Adonisadon234
    Adonisadon234 Member Posts: 147
    Wraith, since he usually camps the hook with his power.