Killer codenames
Where exactly does The Entity come up with these code names for The Killers.
Some more understandable as they are ready pre-existing entity just uses it for them.
Legion: Is the name of their Gang.
As the killer is each individual member of the Gang itself The Killers codename was dubbed and drived the name of the gang and all four of them go by that name in their separate trials.
Ghost face: was something that Danny Johnson had already established through his crimes and reporting.
Pig: Usually referred to as the pighead this could also just be a very literal description of what Amanda wears. Either way it's more than likely just another thing the Entity took from what was already established.
Deathslinger: is Caleb's Bounty Hunter name was.
The Doctor: a nickname by which Carter was referred to
Now when it comes to names like
The Cannibal
The plague
The shape
The Clown
The spirit
Where did these specific names come from.
The characters were never referred to in any of their implicated backstory so it's curious as to where The Entity got the code name from.
Well, seeing as though the Entity doesn't speak, I'd say the survivors made up the names based on how they saw them as.
For example: Amanda has a pig mask -> The Pig
None of the survivors know their actual names, so it would be fitting if they just made them up.
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Then how does that explain things like the Legion.
It's reasonable Jeff could have probably recognise them.
However that's rather unlikely considering Jeff probably only met with Frank and not when Frank was wearing his mask.
Same could be said for the doctor considering nothing immediately indicates he's a doctor.
As well as the DeathSlinger as they would have no way of knowing what his Bounty Hunter name was
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The Trapper : Sets Traps...hunters who pay traps are often known as trappers.
The Wraith : Wraiths are known as ghosts that are season before or after the death of someone. Wraith can also mean Shadow.
The Hillbilly : Hillbilly is a slang word for farmers.
The Hag: Hags are someone who is ugly. Hag has no skin so that's where she gets it from.
The Huntress: Female hunter.
The Cannibal and The Shape I'm unsure about, but my best guesses are in Texas Chainsaw Massacre bubba and his family are cannibals, and The Shape simply stands still often.
The Spirit : Has a husk form, you could interpret it as she's leaving her body only to return her body somewhere else, and her power is her spirit roaming.
The Clown : He worked at a circus.
The Plague : Was captured by the entity just before her death as she was nearly killed by a plague and inflicts plagues on others in the entities realm.
I'm probably mis-understanding the question but I hope this is right.
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On the dbd wiki it says; "The Shape's in-game name is a reference to the original 1978 Movie. During the credits, the role of 'Michael Myers' is instead credited as 'The Shape'." Hope that helped.
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I'm aware of where each name comes from and the concept of it I'm wondering if the entity is the one that assigned to them these codenames and if so so how did it derive these codenames.
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I think the entity thought of them and planted the names in the survivors heads, so the survivors would know the killers that way as well.
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So that's where it comes from! Thanks
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Benedict Baker seems to have named all the killers up to the Clown.
Maybe he named the ones after that too, but it's hard to say considering we still have no official in-game or real-life answer for why we stopped getting descriptions of the new characters from Benedict at that point.
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If that's the case then how were the he know about certain names.
Looking at the base design of Herman Carter doctor isn't the first thing that pops into your head hell dentist or scientist is more likely than doctor. However Herman was referenced as the doctor outside of the entity's realm so how would that name be established to him inside it.
If you consider he also named them after the Clown then this fact definitely goes before Legion.
How would he have any idea what their gang was called considering the killer code name is the name of the Gang.
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Well, are those their actual names? For the most part, probably not. They all have codedenames but I don't think the majority of them actually have in-universe names; Benedict may call Evan "the Trapper", but even though we all know that name is significant as players, in-universe there's not much actual communication going on between anyone. The names are for our convenience but don't seem to have in-universe significance.
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I think for the most part survival is just reference them as beasts or Monsters.
The only person we know who references them by name is the Observer. As he called hillbilly Max
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Well... the Clown is a clown, so... LOL his codename is pretty obvious. :D
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The survivors never actually refer to the killers so I think the names are mostly metafictional
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I've always assumed that the name were entity based not survivor based.