Killer codenames

Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

Where exactly does The Entity come up with these code names for The Killers.

Some more understandable as they are ready pre-existing entity just uses it for them.

Legion: Is the name of their Gang.

As the killer is each individual member of the Gang itself The Killers codename was dubbed and drived the name of the gang and all four of them go by that name in their separate trials.

Ghost face: was something that Danny Johnson had already established through his crimes and reporting.

Pig: Usually referred to as the pighead this could also just be a very literal description of what Amanda wears. Either way it's more than likely just another thing the Entity took from what was already established.

Deathslinger: is Caleb's Bounty Hunter name was.

The Doctor: a nickname by which Carter was referred to

Now when it comes to names like




The Cannibal

The plague

The shape

The Clown

The spirit



Where did these specific names come from.

The characters were never referred to in any of their implicated backstory so it's curious as to where The Entity got the code name from.
