What do Survivor mains mean by "Boring"

Im actually curious to know what they mean since i hear it so often. Anytime Freddy, Oni, Spirit, Doctor or Billy are brought up, even Ghostface, they say its "boring" to go up against them. WHAT DO THEY MEEAANNN!!!!!???



  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I play both sides, but the killers I find the most boring to play as and go up against are Freddy, Hag, Nurse and Spirit. Any other killer is fine with me, I would rather face a Legion than these 4 killers.

    Hag and Spirit make me want to sh*t my pants

    Freddy is just 🤮

    Nurse I don't really care about.

    So whenever I get a game with these 4 I just start feeling really bored.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    HAve you ever tried to adjust your playstyle vs those killers?

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    And killers say these same things you're saying about survivors. And the devs are listening to killers, nerfing toolboxes and changing the so called Ironworks God loop. I'm a survivor and I'm bored with Ghostface because he's been in most of my trials over the last couple of weeks, even more than Doctor. So I'd like to see some other killers, just played against a Trapper for the first time in about a month, but yeah tired of Ghostface.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    When they don't win is considered "boring"

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    It's usually considered boring when you already know what a killer is going to be running before you even get the chance to find out (every single Freddy player runs BBQ and Pop) and/or a killer's specific play style is practically unaffected by how good a survivor is (e.g. Spirit using Stridor, Freddy spamming snares until the survivor is downed)

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Anything strong really because they know whining enough will probably get it nerfed. The only actual boring thing in this game is a Forever Freddy and that's it.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Doctor, Clown, and Freddy imho are the most boring killers. Though Billy is pretty high up there.

    Boring is I find little to no enjoyment in playing them. I would rather die on first hook then actively play in the match.

    Doctor takes any issues with finding people and removes them plus the constant madness is irritating in my ear.

    Freddy is just obnoxious. Not as bad, but the dream world if annoying on both sides.

    Clown takes some skill, but really takes out a lot of skill to counter loop. Also need Ether Volume 5% and Flask of Bleach added to base.

    Billy I just hate listening to the non stop Bad Billy's who have the need to try and back rev or instantly return to the hook every time. There's a difference between a bad and a good Billy.

    If I find no enjoyment in playing against 3 of these killers and the pretty common bad Billy. I don't plan on playing.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Most survivors I face really are not about just escaping. I get more enjoyable conversations out of 4k matches where I was unpredictable. If it was Trapper I ran, I'd figure out the routes being used and place traps in the middle of nowhere, seemingly. They were placed there because I knew they would travel there if I interrupted the route they normally use. The window is not trapped, but the obvious path to the next loop is. Then I'd peel off a chase when the survivor broke LoS near a gen that is near 50%. Quick grab or hit on another survivor and nobody feels safe anymore because they can't predict what I'll do.

    I almost always get comments about how fun it was.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ofc they do, there are many killers equally biased as there are surviors. Unfortunately, killer nerfs/changes are easier to push out since they affect only the single changed killer. With survivor general nerfs it's far trickier since you can't really nerf survivors as a whole unless you want to anihilate solo surviors. Survivor's biggest weakness is matchaking putting potatoes where they don't belong. If rank 1 survivors played like rank 1 are supposed to play then all high tier killers would have much harder time to preform well. It's easy to call something killers have too strong when your team is full of players who aren't playing at the needed potentical for the rank they are at.

    If you want diversity, ask for buffs to low tier killers. Both freddy and doc are beiing played far more then before their rework (at least I see them more then 1 out of 20 games like before their changes) and nerfing them would definitely not make killers like clown more played.

  • icegirl75love
    icegirl75love Member Posts: 4

    In my opinion a boring game is a killer who only slugs or a tunneling, camping killer that way you really don't even get to play the game.

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    When a killer takes no skill to use and takes no skill to counter, like Clown, Spirit and Freddy. In two cases you have to camp pallets, in another, you have to guess every action, no skill on both sides.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    You either played in a boring way (like hard camping, hard tunneling, or trying down all four Survivors first before hooking them) or the Survivors are just salty they couldn’t loop you for five gens.

    Doctors always running MYC? What kind of Killers are you going up against? Most Doctor builds usually consist of gen perks or the PWYF+Nemesis combo.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I wish I got that. If I get another MYC doctor with Overcharged+Pop Imma scream. IDK if you can even use those perks together but I think you can.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I'm not a survivor main, but for me "boring" means calculateability.

    Freddy ports to your gen? He'll have PGTW. Freddy starts walking around a dropped pallet? Snares meghead!

    Injured David goes for a save? He'll have BT and DH. Unhooked Claudette jumps in a locker? DS 5head.

    Just Calculateability. That's it. xD

  • Stehpflanze
    Stehpflanze Member Posts: 28

    Any Killer that cannot be countered 100% by hopping through a hole or by dropping a piece of wood is boring

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I am not a survivor main but I have been known to comment on a game I've played as a survivor being boring in post game chat.

    This is usually because:

    Hardcore camping

    Hardcore tunnelling

    There are other things I find boring it play against but I'm unlikely I'm comment in the post game chat about it - These being:

    Freddy with Pop, BBQ, Thana, Dying light, swing chains. Just multiple slowdown perks/addons stacked up on top of one another.

    Hillbilly - Ones who just stand behind you with the instasaw. Nothing can be done. I'm down. Ones who are bending round corners etc I am fine with. You've taken the time to be really good.

    Huntress - Iridescent head. The most BS add on in the game.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Boring is that there isnt any actual game to be played, no fun/fair challenge, rather you will just lose and waste your time.

    Forever Freddy is really one of the few that fits this discription though

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    It just means anything that gives them a hard time. They call it it boring or unfun hoping it will scare the devs into changing it. When what they really mean is they dislike the fact that killers like Freddy and Spirit can't be easily looped and bullied like most. NOED and slugging are "boring" but what they really mean is they didn't get an easy escape or get to hook rush a killer to get an easy save.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2020

    Lmao, wait a minute, this is actually the right answer.

    I mean seriously, you can't tell me that a burn victim, with a homemade clawed glove who is bleeding through generators, flickering in and out of visibility, and creates pools of blood through which the souls of the damned grab and tug at you as you run past is BORING.

    But pre-rework Freddy which made sitting on a generator and holding m1 10x slower was not boring???

    You're not fooling anybody survivor mains. Especially the fellas like me who play both ######### sides

    To me as a survivor the only "boring" situation is not one that is killer limited, it's any killer who decides to camp. Camping is no fun for anybody, the guy camping gets to sit there, the guy getting camped gets to hang there, and I get to sit on a generator holding m1. Very cool gameplay fun guy (of course this doesn't include situations where the killer is forced to do so, IE super aggressively altruistic survivors, or it's the endgame and no generators are left, in which case I get it).

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    As a survivor main I only consider it boring if the killer goes out of their way to make gen speeds unbearable. Forever Freddy is pretty boring, normal Freddy wouldn't be so bad if they didn't spam snares. Forever Legion (Double mend, Dying Light, Thanat, Sloppy, etc.) But aside from those, I'm down to play against any killer as long as they are willing to chase me.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Pretty sure I've come to the accurate conclusion that survivors find a killer boring if he's good. If it makes it so they can't hold mouse one while watching youtube on the other monitor. They don't want to play against it, zzzzzZZzz.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,940
    edited April 2020

    Basically slowdown Freddy if you mean "boring" and not annoying or unfun.

    Use Swing Chains and Jump Rope, Thana, Dying Light and Pop and there you have it. M1 simulator ft. Freddy Krueger. That's boring.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2020

    dont forget about being jumping from safe pallet to safe pallet. I think that if they made most pallet unsafe like on Strangers things map on big maps like coldwind farm it would be somehow fairer if not fair.

    Im main killer but im rank 8 surv, and I get fun by trying to juke the killer rather than m1ing.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    When the method of countering said man is just "drop the pallet early" or "guess the right pallet" it becomes insanely boring/unsatisfying to play against him.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Even though that same method is required for possibly half a dozen or more other killers?

    You need drop the pallet early against a Huntress or take a hatchet to the face, you need to drop the pallet early against a Deathslinger otherwise take a harpoon to the chest, you should probably drop a pallet early on a Hillbilly or Leatherface even though you're at full unless you want to be chainsawed down into dying state, the legion that's running toward you in feral frenzy might make you more inclined to drop the pallet on his face rather than run the loop so he's forced out of his power and you're not injured and put in the deep wound state at the same time as three of your teammates, you're probably going to want to drop the pallet early on Doctor, if you wait too long you get shocked and stunned and he gets a free hit off you, if you try to run the loop on a Hag too long over dropping a pallet early she's gonna quickly drop a trap on one side of it and stay on the other making the entire loop unsafe and sticking a clawed hand up your butt, if you don't want the Demogorgon to shred your entire back you better drop the pallet early too.

    Ah but as soon as Freddy drops a snare "It BeCoMeS InSaNeLy BoRiNg/UnSaTiSfYiNg tO PlAy AgAiNsT HiM."

    Yeah right. *Deathslinger spits*

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Killers that are strong but very easy to play tend to have a boring playstyle, particularly in chase. Personally, I only think that Freddy is boring since his power is the only one that fits the criteria. I don't mind going against strong killers like Oni, Billy, Nurse, Hag, ect... since those killers have a lot of depth to them. Getting hit by an unpredictable Hag or a skilled curve from a Billy genuinelly feels like I got outplayed. If you compare that feeling to how getting downed by a Freddy because he placed a snare in the middle of the loop, and it just feels like a hollow loss. The same feeling you get when you get downed because of Spirit Fury + Enduring or (as killer) have all the survivors running to the "god loop/ex-infinite" on the map.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Only killer I've seen be called boring by a large group of the community is Freddy, cause he is boring. And can people stop generalizing survivors as someone who just wants to bully a killer. Its not healthy at all.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    They mean “the killer is difficult for me and I can’t bully them.” That is exactly what they mean.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    People are addicted to being the victim. What can you do..

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I disagree 100% The Clown takes a LOT of skill to play. Knowing if it's a optimal time to throw a bottle, to know if it's a good time to refill your bottles, to know the trajectory arch of the bottle and to know if it'll even be worth it because the cool down from refilling the bottles is a punishment for failure. The bottles have huge limitations. They don't keep you from vaulting, they don't keep you from throwing pallets. They don't show your aura. They do screw up your vision, but only for a few seconds, and to top that off when he does throw the bottle he's stricken with a slow down for a second.

    The Spirit you have to be a mind reader to know where people are going to go. So you have to really read the survivors. And Freddy to you have you spread out your pressure on 5 gens equally. It actually takes a shocking amount of skill to use an master these killers. I must say it's insulting to the people who take their time to really learn these killers.

    In contrast every survivor plays the same. The only differences are the perks, but we all know all/most survivors are running DS, Spine Chill,Sprint Burst, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, Dead Hard and Self Care.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    All i can say is I have fun with the killers, doesn't matter, freddy or anything else. what I find boring is the killers that play a specific way, doesn't matter they only play this way but even worse is the survivors that only want to do gens, then get out. usually what happens is i get nailed with noed, and they leave because of noed... don't want to risk it yet no one does totems anymore because oh my they take time away from doing gens! oh yea gotta finish the match in minutes.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Really loving all the generalizations of Survivors equating "boring" to "difficult" or being "unable to bully the killer". You guys are the reason this community is so toxic.

    You can bully a Legion (who is pretty easy to gen-rush) and still be bored with the game because of how his power works on a fundamental level.

    In Freddy's case, he's boring AND good. I don't care if I bully the Freddy to his grave and he DC's, the game was still boring because of how his power works.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    For me, boring matches are those that end quickly. By all means, I am grateful that there are efficient killer players out there, but damn, how about they let the match go on for at least 5 minutes more, instead of 3 minutes..?

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Boring: Freddy, he's got literally everything in the game and usually goes with PGTW + Ruin along with an obnoxious playstyle, survivors are already tired of the same M1 gens just so this guy can TP and kick at any time he wants.

    Doctor, his reworks were needed but jesus they topped it off a little bit too much, this guy just plays full TR, brings just as much slow downs as Freddy and is stupid as hell.

    Clown, well, it's just boring cause he's lacking anything interesting and is more of a pain for the killer than it is for the survivors really.

    TL;DR Overloads of utility and lack of counters suck, (Clown is just boring though)

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Its funny.

    I made a thread a while back asking the forums who they thought people were going to go after after the Spirit and Nurse nerfs.

    I proposed that it would be the Huntress. Because people find her hatchets annoying, especially Iridescent Heads, but I also stated that I think she is 100% the most fair and balanced killer in the game and doesn't need any nerfs or buffs.

    Fast forward and she is one of the most complained about killers today. Some one makes a thread about Iridescent head at least once every day.

    It makes one wonder if she actually needs changes or if people are just latching onto another bandwagon. 🤔

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2020

    Finally someone who gets it. I was a killer main when I first started playing, but I'm a survivor main now for obvious reasons. And to top it off I don't do SWF because I want to play how the game was meant to be played.

    People complain solo survivor is hard when it isn't in the slightest. You either had selfish team mates, or they're too scared to work on gens and hop off at the slightest hint of a terror radius. It makes each game different because you don't know how your team will work together. People saying "boring" are just too stubborn to admit survivor is too easy these days. And it doesn't help when the current state of the game encourages killers to tunnel.

    I'm not saying killers aren't unbalanced in some ways, but survivors are FAR more unbalanced than killers right now.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Anytime I see someone refer to something as "boring" in this game I read it as "I don't like this because I suck against it and rather than getting better I'll just call it boring as an excuse to give up so I don't have to take an L."

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, behind survivor players are actually sitting normal human beings and the word "boring" literally just means boring? The majority of survivors is not just there hunting killers to bully

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Usually they mean it’s actually boring, as in, completely uninteractive. For example being slugged is boring because you’re essentially on a time out from the game. Freddy is boring because every match and every chase against him is basically the same. Whereas a match against, say, a Huntress, could go one of a hundred different ways. Your chases against her are interactive, you have to gauge what the person playing her will do and when. There’s none of that interactivity with Freddy, you know exactly what they’ll do and when like you’re playing against a bot.

    There’s plenty of survivor stuff that’s boring as well for what it’s worth. People who run to those well known busted window loops every time they get in a chase... zzzzz. Dead Hard is pretty boring when it’s used at a loop. Being repeatedly blinded at pallets gets kinda boring.

    Finding something boring doesn’t mean you necessarily want it nerfed, you just wish you didn’t have to play against it so much.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    This. Why does "boring" have to have some hidden meaning for wanting nerfs or something? It's just boring.

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    You make sound everything impressive lol. M1 takes a lot of ability, you have to know the range of your hit, and calculate which side is the one the survivor is, and control the fact that if you lounge you might miss, see? sounds complex doesn't it?

    I mained Spirit and Freddy, it basically boils down to chase through sounds and spamming snares and that takes no skill. it's 100% more respectable knowing how to mindgame hiding your red stain and faking pallet kicking, but hey, if holding m2 and letting the killer win the game for you makes you happy, i'm glad for you. Just don't call it skill.

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54