[3.7.0] Repair Changes

1 Survivor 80 seconds
2 Survivors 44.44 secondsx 15% = 51,11s
3 Survivors 33.33 seconds x 30%= 43,33s
4 Survivors 28.57 seconds x 45%= 41,43s
And Prove thyself cancels out the 15% so I think it'd be just the same repair times
So ... I don't understand, will it continue the same repair speed?
You must raise some changes in the generators, they cannot remain the SAME.
I think this is a buff to those top 10% swf squads who split up on gens. This will only affect low tier gameplay. But hey, it’s nice to see that bhvr can acknowledge that gen times are to fast.
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If you want gens to take longer than 80 seconds I doubt that will happen, sitting still, holding one button, and tapping another one occasionally is boring enough at 80 seconds.
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Agreed, do anything but increase the repairs times, generators are already boring as it is.
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I think you're right about SWF, but everyone else is collateral damage. The lower ranks, or even me as a green rank solo survivor, will have trouble getting through gens, much of the time will be spent being chased off and unhooking teammates. I'll have to experience it in action to see how it will affect things though.
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Another thread about gen speeds
How about to git gud.
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I'm not sure how you calculated those numbers, but they're not right. It looks a little like this:
80 / (base CPS - sum of repair inefficiency + prove thyself if applicable) / number of survivors repairing = time to complete the generator
So two survivors with no Prove Thyself would be ~47.05 seconds, not 51.11 seconds. The math looks like this:
80 / (1 - 0.15) / 2 = 47.05 seconds
Prove Thyself can negate the inefficiency of one survivor working on the generator with you, but you cannot be under the affects of more than one Prove Thyself at a time. Functionally it's exactly the same as it is now. Two survivors will make a generator take 40 seconds (1 - 0.15 + 0.15 is still 1). Beyond that, however, you still get the penalty. So if you were to have four survivors on a gen with Prove Thyself active, you'd be looking at:
80 / (1 - 0.3) / 4 = 28.57 seconds
Compared to the current:
80 / (1 - 0.2) / 4 = 25 seconds
TL;DR: The numbers there were wrong, it's longer no matter what. Prove Thyself isn't do any more than it is right now.
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"It should be duly noted that the effect of Prove Thyself is applied as a multiplier to the Efficiency Penalty and not to the default Repair speed of a Survivor solo-repairing a Generator (1 Charge per second)."
Is this wrong?
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The perk description says that this bonus is applied to all survivors in range. So 4 people on one gen should all work with 1 CPS finishing the gen in 20 seconds. It just doesn't stack if you have a second survivor running Prove Thyself
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Idk if the patch will change this.
But currently prove thyself doesn't quite negate a single Survivor's inefficiency penalty. Specifically it goes from 1 charge per second to 0.99 charges per second. This is because the 10% is increased from the reduced speed and not the base speed. Small difference but still.
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That just means that you cannot stand next to a repairing survivor, that is working alone on a gen, boosting him to 110% repair speed. Prove Thyself will not increase repair speed above 100%
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It is applied to all survivors by removing one stack of repair inefficiency.
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no. Standing next to a Survivor solo-repairing a gen will still boost their repair speed.
It's just that the %increase is multaplicitive with the decrease
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"by 10 % for each other Survivor within a range"
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“Each other”
It removes one stack of repair inefficiency.
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Yes. If you work with 2 survivors in total, there is one other survivor, so all (2) working survivors get +10%.
If you work with 3 survivors in total, there are two other survivors, so all (3) working survivors get +20%. (10% x 2 other survivors)
That's exactly the same condition as the negative value. Alone you repair with 1 charge per second, two repair with 0.9c/s each, making 1.8c/s in total, three at 0.8c/s ... Provy Thyself increases that for all survivors working on the same gen back to 1.0c/s
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It removes one repair inefficiency, not all repair inefficiencies.
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I use to think I understood, now I know nothing...
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lol I made a thread to explain the math behind multiple survivors’ repair speeds yesterday:
I would say that Peanits explanation above is on point as well.
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Not necessarily. We haven't seen the map changes yet. Splitting up was optimal not only because it was repair-efficient, but because it forced a killer to have excessive downtime while potentially chasing each survivor at the same unlimited resource (god window). The map changes could cut out some of the downtime between hooks and make chases against those top 10% squads more fair.
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It wouldn't say "each", it would say "one other". The perk actually states this twice, to show that multiple survivors get multiple boni
"For every other survivor working on a gen within a 4 meter range, gain 10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other survivors within range". That's what the perk says
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love that math. let me take notes.
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What are you studying to be a lawyer? It removes one stack of inefficiency for each survivor on the generator. Not some of the survivors on one generator.
The range language is to give the perk to survivors who are working on a generator that doesn’t have any more spots.
There is nothing in there that suggests the bonus is additive or multiplicative despite any attempts to read that into it.
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Hey Gandalf! I think if you look at Peanits post it says “+ Prove Thyself” while your chart looks like it multiplies it.
So for the proposed 15% change: one survivor is 1.00, two is 1.00, three is 0.85, four is 0.70. I did not do a Prove Thyself calculation in my thread but this is what I would use.
Edit: I can confirm this is the calculation Peanits used: 80 seconds / 2.80 = 28.57
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oh idk then. I see the chart on gamepedia. Is that site run by the developers or could they be making a mistake?
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I seriously don't understand I guess. Don't get what you mean with "any more spots" and my point is not the range language. My point is the usage of the "each".
And I don't get how it is so difficult to understand my POV. If it says "for every other survivor ... gain 10%" that should be additive. Why use the words "for every"? Is this a type of specification that only german language has? If I want to say that there is only one stack possible, I would write something like "If not working alone" or "at least one other survivor". I don't get where the 'one stack only' is clearly stated in the perk description. "For every other survivor" to me is the same like "10% per survivor"
Btw you don't need to be a lawyer or study something special to understand that language is something very vague and highly susceptible to misinterpretation. As we both currently demonstrate.
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If there is a two man generator with two survivors on it, a third survivor with Prove Thyself can stand within four meters and the two repairing survivors can benefit from the third’s Prove Thyself. Since it’s a two man generator, a third cannot repair it. That’s what I mean by any more spots.
I think what I am considering a misinterpretation is taking the range portion of the Prove Thyself language, that I hopefully explained in the first paragraph, with applying additive bonuses. The ‘each other Survivor within’ just means that everyone in range gets the ten percent bonus rather than just one or less than all repairing survivors.
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And what about the "each other" part?
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I edited the last post.
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There are two parts using apparently misleading language which I pointed out before. And I highlighted them. The first highlight is the part we are talking about since 2 days
"For every other survivor working on a gen within a 4 meter range, gain 10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other survivors within range"
I copy my understanding in again as well: "For every other survivor" to me is the same like "10% per survivor"
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Off topic a bit but why is the prove thyself bar red now with 2 survivors on a gen?
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This is apparently intended and not PTB only (tested that with the 10% version on live) as Prove Thyself seems to just negate the negative effect of one survivor only. Which I also don't understand, how I could read that "max 1" from the perk description. It applies to multiple survivors, but it only gives 10%, not 10% per survivor
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The reason why that is has not been mentioned in this thread yet, all explanations mentioned hitherto are false, so please disregard them.
The correct answer can be found on the Wiki.
To everyone else: the wiki has been updated again and lists Prove Thyself's numbers in a nice table with additional explanations below that table on how the Perk actually works. Please read them carefully as that should answer all questions here and clear up this complete mess of a confusion due to many here apparently not understanding how the perk actually works.
Here's a link to the article: https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Prove_Thyself#Trivia.
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But it always used to be grey with 2 survivors on a gen 😕
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Because the game used to round up the values and on the PTB, this is no longer the case.
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This still doesn't explain my question about the wording, which in my opinion clearly states that it should grant multiple stacks. I think the wording is misleading, if not wrong
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Agreed, it's definitely misleading, but via testing, you can conclude that the perk owner doesn't count towards the perks and multiple PTs don't stack.