Survivors: Who do you ship?

Asking here because this is where I see the 'who is hotter' posts! 🤣
For me it is Dwight x Kate, forever and always. I ship the nerd finally getting the pretty girl.
Kate and Jeff
Jane and Ash
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With each other?
Claudette x Jake
Claudette x Quinten
By my OTP is Claudette x Myers
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Feng Min x Kate Densen.
I already have a headcanon that Min is a Lesbian but I do like the idea of Kate being the person who's supportive no matter how how much she might make mistakes or mess up.
Especially considering the idea of being a failure and disappointment was probably drilled into Feng's it's so much by her parents and family which explains her constant need to prove herself to her fans who probably don't care whether she loses or not and her parents who don't even care about her pursuits in gaming. ( Resulting in a self-deprecation and depression spiral when she did lose and fail).
Kate has already been described as someone who's upbeat and practically instills positive Energy into people so i feel like she would be a good fit for Min who really need somebody to be that light in her life.
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I was about write a whole paragraph in all caps condemning you for shipping Freddy with Quentin until I looked at your key, thank god. People who ship those two make me sick.
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Noone. It's freakin dumb.
Survivors hardly know each other. Not to mention, they trying to survive, not to ######### each other, unlike horror movie teens from 90s.
Like, seriously. Imagine you barely escaped psycho with chainsaw and arrived to campfire. Your hands are shaking, blood pulses inside your head, but you still alive. The only thing you want - or, better say, capable of - just sit and watch campfire. The same campfire, which you hate the most, as it's a symbolic reminder that you can't escape for real. You know exactly, that this campfire is fake, just like all your hopes, since you tried to burn your hand with it.
But, still, you can't stop watching it. You aren't bold enough to look away. If you look away, you might catch eyecontact with someone, who wasn't as lucky as you and couldn't escape chainsaw psycho. You can't help but wonder, is it your fault. Maybe you were able to save them?
You trying your best to help others. Not because you like them, or they like you. Simply because you want to remember that there is something human left in you. Because it's right thing to do, even if you never see them in the fog again. Like it usually happens.
But last time... You couldn't help. And this thought haunts you. Thought, that partially because of you someone was chainsawed in half.
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Dwight x Jake
David x Trapper
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I like Dwight x Kate; but I'm not sure if I like it more than Dwight x David and Kate x Feng.
Off hand I don't really ship anyone. If I see some cute shipping fanart, I'll be like, "Hey, that's cute!" and then I just move on.
The only ships I really think about are Killer ones, like Sally x Phillip and Julie x Frank.
And I just like to think that whenever Phillip or Frank get bullied by Survivors they tell Sally and Julie respectively, who promptly go on a Mori rampage against the offenders as revenge.
Okay, but imagine this from the playable Survivors' perspective. This isn't new to them.
According to what we've learned from the Archives most people just give up and let themselves go to the Void, or get bashed to death by their fellows as they go mad from the constant repetition. This happens to an endless amount of people, taken from an endless amount of worlds. A parade of faces that start scared and horrified before going dim with despair and fading away completely.
The Survivors that we play as are the special few.
The lucky/cursed ones that keep going where so many others falter and give way. Not just every once in a while, but constantly, for years, perhaps centuries marching endlessly back into the face of death and horror to say, "I'm not done with you yet; hurt me again! Hit me with everything you got."
In the face of infinite horror and unending torment they keep going; even knowing that their chances of any true release are slim to nonexistent.
What keeps them going? What fuels their hope? Their will to survive in the face of unending misery?
I say romance is as likely a thing as anything else.
You don't have to believe it or like it, but you have to admit it's certainly a possibility that they keep going because of a romantic or sexual interest in each other.
Unfulfilled promises on inviting lips. Shared desires subjugated by an endless routine of death and misery. The hope that maybe, just maybe, a day will come where they'll be free to share their burdens with the beautiful soul they've met in this endless hell. The dream that they might learn what thoughts would go on behind those pretty eyes, if only they could see something besides eternal damnation.
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The only two characters I ship are Jake and Claudette.
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The Nurse and Wraith is one of the best ships. She gives him her actual heart in their shared cosmetic so he can beat people to death with it. How romantic!
For survs tho, I can see Kate and Jeff being a thing as they're both into music but my own personal favorite ship is Jeff and David cause they're both total opposites. David being a loud brawler and Jeff being the quiet and stoic type. (although Jeff is loud af when injured lol)
Dwight and Claud sounds like it could happen, the frail nerd and the quiet botonist.
I dunno why but I see Jane already having someone to return to so she fights for her life to return to them
Feng and Jake sounds cute as well
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I think that in my opinion, survivors cannot even have a decent conversation, because I think that the entity keeps them in constant suffering, that is, they like each other out of a sense of humanity, but in reality they don't know each other.
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Actually, the reason that horror movies so often feature characters (even total strangers) hooking up is because of the adrenaline they experience during times of terror. Many of the same chemicals released during fright are released during arousal - another reason why horror movies are so often a date night feature. Humans also naturally feel safer and comforted when together in groups.
In times of extreme horror people often seek comfort and companionship in one another. For example there are countless stories of people pairing up during times of war and other real life horror.
So if this were a serious conversation then it would actually be very feasible that people would be getting together. Also, there is no lore that says that Survivors are transfixed by the fire or don't feel safe and comfortable in that one spot. In all likelihood your theory that they would not know each other or feel romantic/sexual things for one another has been proven false by the entire evolution and history of humankind.
All of that being said... This is a silly forum post about shipping fan favorites. 🤣 Dwight x Kate foreverrr! <3
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Amazing post! <3
Those are some good ships - I think in my mind David wouldn't really be matched with anyone while I hardcore ship Feng x Yui. I get big lesbian energy from Feng and I recently saw fan art of Feng x Yui and it was adorable. I've personally never thought of Kate as a lesbian or bi - but it's not like we get much personality or hints to their sexuality from watching them repair gens. 🤣
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Kate and Jeff would be cute - both musicians, total contrast in musical type though and in appearance. He's big and gruff and she's small and pretty. I dig it!
I also get the idea that Jane would have someone at home that she's holding out for.
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*Laughs in Feng Min*
The journal entry about Feng Min
"A young woman surprised me the other day. She is another guest in this nightmare I can not seem to wake up from. She came running, passed by a wounded girl and didn’t stop. Just a glance behind her, and she was off again. With a determined look on her face, like she had something important to do. A lone wolf maybe? I am not sure what I should call this new person."
I love Min (favourite character and main) but just from this lore extract she doesn't seem to have any really care to help out her fellow survivors.
This lore extract also implies that there would be nothing detrimental for saving and helping this person it really wouldn't put Min at risk in the slightest she just considers what she's doing more important than helping others.
If you want a gameplay comparison she's the type of survivor will immediately open the exit gate and leave rather than helping the people who just got down.
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I had not read that journal entry yet! Savage Feng Min! I love it!
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I don't think she would leave someone behind and try to save people, but if the odds weren't in her favor she would abandon them and wouldn't be stupidly altruistic like Claudette or David might be.
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As I stated before she wasn't in any rescue during go lore section. Helping people is just not her top priority.
She will prioritise what she's doing over helping others this is typically why she left the injured person and ran off to do what she was doing. Even stopping for a second to analyse the situation wasn't in her top priorities.
She is definitely the type of person to not waste time with others and only go for the win aka the escape.
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Idk why but i ship Feng and Jake.
Pls dont come at me
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For some reason I tend to ship David x Meg. They are both very head strong and I think can compliment their weaknesses to be a good couple.
Claudette x Dwight cause they are both nerds so obvious choice there.
Kate x Jeff maybe since they are both kinda free spirits and are tied to music in good ways.
Jake x Nea just for the fun of it.
And the biggest and best but hate ship I have is David X Huntress. I always picture David saying ######### it I've had enough of this humming ######### and just turns to swing at her. Sure she's bigger and more feral but David has more fire and anger in him. A down and dirty fight between them is all I want in life.
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Bill, specifically, I ship him to the Florida Keys. He could've made it if the Survivors had brought more Pipe Bombs/Boomer Bile, and a goddamn rope. Or at least Francis could've sacrificed his lazy, loveable ass instead.
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I know this is late, but do you think lorewise it's actually possible for people to fall in love? Think about it, if the fog takes away memories, do people even remember some of their previous trials? Do survivors keep the memories they've made in the entity's world? Just a thought.
I do ship Meg and Dwight though. Or Meg and Nea. They're both cute couples, and Meg's sporty cosmetic art shows a picture of Dwight in her locker. After seeing that, I can't get over this ship lol.
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Jane × GhostFace. Fight me.
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What a wholesome and weird post.
I do ship Jane and myself though.
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I could actually see that! Especially with some of the 'bad boy' Jake cosmetics, he could catch Feng's eye. 🤣
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LOL! <3 This post is gold.
With the right cosmetics Ace can be a real DILF though.
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Haha thank you! I try to keep all of my posts wholesome and respectful/cheerful! ^_^
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No love for the clown...*sad circus music*
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Given a stressful situation needs a stress release, I always figured Nea (in her punk version) getting it on with Jake and/or Jane.
On a psychological level, it makes sense. You escape from the brink of death, left someone behind and need to not dwell on the guilt or it will consume you and drive you mad that you've done it again. Enter a distraction.
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my fav straight couple I ship: Kate X David
my fav gay couple I ship: David X Ace
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None, because they are not in the mindset for that kind of stuff. They are literally made insane every other trial with the amount of docs running around...
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Jeff and Claudette. Both pretty introverted and while they have different hobbies, I think they'd try to understand each other's hobby. I can also imagine some metal blasting from Claudette's greenhouse.
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Lesbian Ship
Min x Kate
Gay Ship
David x Jake
Straight Ship
Zarnia X Ace
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David x Jane
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Kingfield is life
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Kate and Jeff.
Both of them have some kind of Metal outfit, and both are very artistic. It kinda reminds me of the pair of Wraith and Nurse outfits where they hint at something deeper than just a theme of cosmetics.
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Dwight and David
Kate and Jeff
Claudette and Jake
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David x Dwight because it would piss people off lol
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You never seen a horror movie huh lol
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This is not a horror movie. If anything, it is similar to a lovecraft story and most of them do not have anything of the sort. It really has no place in the game.
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Is this a new gen Z/late millennial speak? Why not couple? Why not bang?
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.....its based off slasher films. And even if it was inspired by lovecraft why would that make a difference lol. Like should they add a heaping amount of racism because lovecraft did it? I don't even really see the connection other than the entity is godlike, but closer to something like Pennywise than the cosmic gods. I think you may have just said that because it "supports" what you're saying (even tho it doesn't) but i don't get why people do that lol. This is all opinion base on rather the characters are ######### there is no fact bases for this at all. Well other than Steve and Nancy, Legion, and......Freddy and Quentin but i like to think the entity wouldn't allow that. She prefers her torture to be pure
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Jake is mine <3
Nea x Meg
David x Kate or David x Dwight
Ace and Laurie.. could be my parents. But they don't love each other. They are just parent material.
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I think you need to chill, it's called shipping because it's what we wish for, not what we have.
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trapper x david obvs
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Doesn't make it less dumb.
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Adam and steve
But another one I think would be good is cheryl and Quinton because they know what it's like being on edge and fearing sleep
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I think they just lose their memories prior to arriving in the fog. I think they’re aware that they keep dying over & over again, because that’s what slowly drains them of hope. I could be wrong. But if they can remember that, they can probably remember conversations and form lasting relationships with other survivors.
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Also it hints not every survivor loses all memories because of an example Quinton knew what was happening prior being summoned to the entity and when he leaned about the situation he knew that he needed to help them.