Possible Anti Hook Suicide Idea

Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

Can we make it to where every time a survivor gets hooked for the first time, they get a 20 second timer going and if they reach the sacrifice state before that timer finishes they get a negative bloodpoint action like say -25,000 bloodpoints which gets subtracted from your account's bloodpoint pool if you didn't make more than that in the match? I can't think of any valid reason that a survivor would reach the sacrifice state from first hook in 20 seconds unless they blew through unhook chances to race to the 2nd state and just refused to struggle to race to the sacrifice state.



  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    Yeah, I could see that

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    I mean they really don't, all they want is an easy escape and no buffs to legion which is sad and unfair, all their meta and op perks should get nerfed

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    It's more than just being a survivor main. Most people who main survivor would prefer if people who they played with didn't suicide and ruin the match for other people. People who just post this

    are the kind of problem players who intentionally suicide on the hook when they don't like something in the game cause they're not grown up enough to put their teammates ahead of their own self centered childish behavior. Had they actually given a reason they didn't like the idea, it would mean they're actually thinking. But just posting "No" means they're too self centered to accept any idea that doesn't cater to their selfish ideas instead of having a valid reason.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    LUL "All they want is an easy escape and no buffs to my main Killer...they should be completely nerfed"...that also sounds super fair. :D I can see you're all about compromise.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    so if someones on the hook and sees 2 people crouched someone in the corner?? someones afk??? no one doing a damn gen??? these are reasons i say duce duce while im on the hook.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    The only time I self-suicide is if A) I get a killer who is toxic as ######### - I don't have to play with complete #########, games are meant to be fun. B) I watch my teammates sit around with their thumb up their asses urban evading around the map while I skip entirely through first phase. Those people clearly don't need me.

    At the end of the day, DBD is a bunch of individual players who are playing for themselves. It just so happens that on the survivor side, teamwork can make the dream work. I shouldn't be penalized for forfeiting the game to my opponent and going back to the campfire.

    Also, every once in a while I miss a space bar hit and die unintentionally. I would not be willing to take a 25k BP hit for missing a tap of the space bar. No ######### way.

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    Yeah, if you're a survivor main, you're legally obligated to firm a document on which you declare that you depise legion.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725
    edited April 2020

    People will eventually run out of ways to screw over their team if you keep punishing them for it. Considering your follow up to this would be walking up to the killer, you're already buying time for your team even if you're not smart enough to realize it. Especially since running up to the killer after getting off the hook pretty much screams DS. And the very fact that you're incapable of seeing how incredibly self-centered and selfish it is to ruin the game for your teammates cause things aren't going your way is proof that you're definitely not being rational.

    A) In this scenario, you're the complete #########. Ruining the game for your teammates because the killer didn't play how you demand that they play is a giant ######### move. B) In this scenario, you didn't suicide on the hook. It takes 60 seconds under normal circumstances to get from first stage to second stage on the hook. The suggested anti suicide penalty wouldn't kick in because if you understand math, 60 seconds is longer than 20 seconds. And again, accidentally missing spacebar would only cause this penalty if you also "accidentally" tried to escape from the hook enough times and accidentally missed spacebar both in under 20 seconds.

    Edit: ironically, the singular of a certain word is censored while the plural of the same word that was used in the quoted post isn't. Or maybe it was the comma that fooled the censor.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
    edited April 2020

    I never said it wasn't selfish or self-centered to suicide on hook, I said it was pointless to try and stop it. You are aware that I would ideally like to play the game with 4 survivors and a killer, right?

    People who DC'd originally or kill themselves on hook now were willing to suffer getting basically no points or no points at all. Slapping a BP penalty on it will do nothing. If someone wants out, they will find a way to get out.

    Also, sure, you buy some time for your teammates by just walking up and going down, but if the killer thinks it's actually DS, then he'll leave them on the ground, prompting someone else to go get them up (losing out on gen time), so that time is gained back.

    Once again, you only look at it from a surface-level. I am still being rational, and I'd really appreciate it if you stopped lobbing accusations at me for being "self-centered". At the end of the day, I want what's best for the game. Not for survivors, not for killers, the game as a whole. This idea is not good in my opinion, it's a waste of time and resources.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Actually, now that you mention it, I didn't really consider end game scenarios. There would obviously have to be an exemption for the last remaining survivor being hooked since that goes straight to the sacrifice. As for all other survivors downed, that's definitely a valid time to escape the hook. And while you could just struggle to avoid going into sacrifice, this is the time I could see missing the spacebar to be a real problem. Yeah, now I think about it, a number of exemptions would have to be put into place for scenarios like this

    Thanks for being somebody who actually uses logic and reason to point out the flaws in this idea unlike some of the other people in this thread who just blindly ranted for purely self centered reasons.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Lol so you're not happy with the time ban for dc'ing. You have to find ways to force people to stay in a game they don't wanna be in. Never gonna happen. You can't force them to. So killer downs them, they leave them down thats less people doing gens and helping anyway. Just let them leave the game.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    While this is an idea it would mainly make it worse for everyone because what if theres two players downed both are hooked and you have to try to get off to save them. Lets say you dont get off and you just want to move on why should they get punished for trying to save themselves and their teamate. Like i said good idea wrong way of going about it as there are many different situations to account for.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    As a killer, I'm not gonna make it that easy for your team. I'm gonna slug you and force the. To get you up. If you don't wanna do anything to help them thats good for me. Makes it easier for me to kill everyone since I'm not going to take you to the hook and give them time to do gens more.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
  • dbdlagger
    dbdlagger Member Posts: 21

    New survivors? Most of them attempt escape not knowing it hurts them. And they don't deserve the -25,000 bloodpoints

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Some of the killers are becoming less fun. Not because they’re stronger but their mechanics are just less fun in general.

    Case in point I see more hook suicides against Legion than any other killer.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    Exactly my thinking. There is way to many possibilitys to acount for and adding a penalty for something like this would make it way to punishing to new players. So imo Op should think of a different way to go about this

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Are you proposing people don't like to hold M1 and have games last forever or something?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol Um...

    So when someone else is hooked and it's YOUR first time on the hook, and you 2 are the only survivors remaining.

    Instead of hanging on the hook that entire time knowing everyone who could have saved you, CAN'T. Wouldn't you want to attempt a Hook Escape?

    I'd like to attempt a hook escape without a penalty, wouldn't you?

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    But what about when the exit gates are open and the remaining survivors only then get first hooked? You want them to not try to escape?

  • qquestion
    qquestion Member Posts: 86

    At this point, I would still suicide on hook. I’m always in unfair matches, rank wise. When I’m in a good rank match, my teammates seem to forget how to unhook and I’m talking about when I use to not hook suicide. Once they fix match making I’ll stop with the suicide

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    While I agree with your idea, the reason why I disagree is because survivor's will always find away to forfeit themselves from a game. You can't control entitlement, it's always gonna be there until they get a taste of it themselves. The only thing that bother's me about the whole situation is that survivor's can find a way to get out of the match because they "aren't having fun" but what about killer's?

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I don't give up on first hook very often. But there's instances where you shouldn't punish for it. If you're on a hook and one teammates being chased. And the other two survivors are on the same generator together and neither come for the save. Why wouldn't you give up on the hook? Why get mad at the person that gave up? You guys left them on the hook. They don't owe you anything only to not get saved.

  • qquestion
    qquestion Member Posts: 86

    My last few games as killer before I stop playing killer, I dc’ed because I knew I wasn’t gonna play for a couple hours or the next day. I do the same for both sides. Just survivor I can kill myself. I do it tho because I’m always match with ranked killer that are way out of my league and wasn’t having fun. Same reason why I did it with killer

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah but as we have learned it’s not about survivor, its all about killer fun.

    I don’t see the fun in a killer like Legion where you just tap M2 and hold W but different strokes for different folks I guess

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I guess their "fun" comes from making the game last half an hour.

    I feel the exact same about killers like Freddy. Seems like brain-dead game play to me.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    What do you mean it's all about killer fun? Do you mean game balance as a whole or simply people who play as legion?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Nah fam, the person who is the ######### is the person ruining my game. I shouldn't be forced to play any game where someone is intentionally trying to make my experience terrible in any way possible and I would encourage my teammates to do the same. If they want to stay in that environment, thats their choice. But I absolutely don't have to take that #########, and I wont.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    At that point if I was forced to play nearly everything I faced, I'd just stop playing the game. If my whole team is just dying and there's still 5 gens up, I'm not staying in the game and putting in a pointless effort when I could be looking for a new game.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    You. Can't. Force. People. To play. A match. They. Don't. Enjoy.

    seriously, if someone wants to leave the match they can do it. stop. if i go in a match against the doctor or freddy i am damn well going to attempt escape and after that i won't press the struggle button.

    also if suiciding on hook was punished, people would just afk if they don't want to/can't play.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    well yes and no. Sometimes if a survivor kills themself due to the killer playing like a jerk and BM'ing for no reason so that's fine in my book. Sometimes Survivors will do that because they got mad cause of a dedicated hit, understandable frustration but it's not ok to hook suicide. This change would be nice for trolls but bad for new players. Many new players don't realize attempting escape speeds up their sacrifice progress, then all of a sudden they have to mash space but then they're too late, then they die. I dont think much can be done but give everyone in the match 2x bp for all their actions. In the event of a DC it would be nice to remove a gen based on how many survivors dc'ed, and also give 2x bp for all actions. That way it's like the game has been sped up, so it wont feel like a disadvantage from the beginning due to lack of players, it'll be like starting in endgame when a few of your fellow teammates have died.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    honestly people do it because they're in an unfun match and i mean iri head, infantry belt, NoeD, ebony mori unfun. I completely understand if you do it because the killer is intentionally trying to make your experience miserable or you just aren't enjoying the match. However it does hurt other players and for that I think the remaining players should recieve a 2x Bp bonus to all actions so the game is still worth playing.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    So what you're saying is... I should get penalized for trying to Kobe? Yeah.. No

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited April 2020

    Remove wiggling from the hook as well as struggling on hook, it's stupid that the mashing to struggle is still a thing. Instead have 1 option to give up on the hook and lose all your bloodpoints for that round. There, problem solved.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    My idea for this was to allow struggle on first hook stage 1 but it only removes 30s of time.

    On hook stage 2 remove the button to struggle and add a suicide button after 30s instead which takes 5s to use. This is to stop instant killing when someone is there for the save to a degree.

    This means at least 1 minute is time spent on the hook to help others.

    The only time this changes is when on other survivor is alive where you can suicide instantly for hatch plays as I feel that is something which should be allowed instead of prolonging the game unnaturally.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Just let them die on the hook

    Imagine this is my first hook, there is only another survivor in the game, i want to give up to give him the hatch

    I get punished for it?

    Also -25,000 bloodpoints if they don't make more?? you know the average survivor does 15000 bloodpoints a match right?

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    we won’t fix potential problems the community highlight or implement new ideas for positive change because alt+f4 exists

    overall energy i got from your last point

    seems reasonable

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    But wouldn't it change the game a huge amount? The post wasn't referring to their match BP, but to their overall account BP. So suicides would never, ever have BP and literally be forced to keep playing just so they can get perks/add-ons. I don't know if it's the good solution for the health of the game, but surely it would reduce the amount of suicides considerably. Especially if their account could drop into negative numbers.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    So, if we start penalizing total BP count, it is fair to extend the current camping BP penalty to the killer's total BP count? Use the same 25k penalty?

    No, this is all dumb. I see 1 suicide every 6 or so matches. Usually it is if I down someone in the first 30 seconds. The most suicides I see are when I play survivor and we get a crap team combined with a tunneling or camping killer. Example, killer hooks 1, then tunnels them down immediately and hooks them again seconds after rescue. That player suicides. The next player gets hooked and does not want to be tunneled, so they suicide. The third does the same and killer whines after the match.

    I'm pissed at both the lazy killer who feels entitled to multiple tunnel hooks and the survivor who screwed us over. Tough crap. Next game.

    Nobody should be forced to play in what they feel is a toxic atmosphere. It's a game, not a job.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    This seems like a terrible idea. Especially since genius noobs always try the instant Triple-Kobe. And it just won't solve anything in the long run.

    Also, here's an example of a tactical hook suicide: NoED killer with 2 Survs left. One gets hooked. Sacrifices themself to no longer act as bait and open the hatch.