Suggestion cool down

Suggestion for a 10-20 minute cool down for those (killers/survivors) who willingly jump in and out of matches in pairing screen and during load up screen, because they didn't get into a group with someone or don't want to verse a certain killer/survivor.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383


  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2020

    The only way I'd endorse that is if the culprits could still play as Killer. Without another gamemode that could be played while on timeout in ranked this would not be a good idea - Custom doesn't count.

    It is always a difficult thing to deal with in online competitive games since it is a kick in the teeth to get penalised for a power cut, but also a pain in the arse to have to put up with constant quitters.

    I do believe the penalty system should be tweaked with increasing penalties throughout the day though, resetting at midnight.

    In Ghost Recon there is a system of strikes (harsher for ranked than quick match) - Get 5 strikes in QM and you are banned for 1 hour (3 strikes in ranked). From the time of your first strike a 2 hour timer is started and if you do not quit within that time you will reset to zero strikes. If you quit within two hours of your first strike you will gain a second strike and the timer will restart. And so on and so forth.

    EDIT: I've just realised what you mean. Just for backing out of the lobby before everyone has readied up? Nah. No thanks. If we ever get to see the killer's ping (which you should for every player), then this would penalise me for dodging what I know will be laggy matches.

    Q: do we get back our burnt offerings when a match is cancelled due to someone leaving during loading? If not, that should be punishable. I've never really paid attention to it, but just assumed they were lost once burnt regardless if a trial was cancelled or not. Does the entity do refunds? LOL.

    Anyway, my feedback was intended for rage quitters.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    If we had a penalty system similar to the one in GR and we got an auto-disconnect feature for players over a certain ping we could not only curb (or at least better punish) rage quitting but also push out the laggy players. Having strikes helps to prevent penalising innocents.