Survivor Camp Grounds and Single Player

Desh Member Posts: 1,118

There have been at least 2 problems I've seen while I have been playing. The first issue is that as a Rank 1 Survivor who plays PC and has also played PS4 (as well as my wife), the wait times for a lobby to form before the match is agreeably horrid to most people. At its best time, it can take 15-20 seconds before I am matched with others. At its worst, I have waited 5-10 minutes with nothing to do but play on my phone before the lobby has formed just to play a match that may be the greatest/worst time of my life due to XY&Z reasons. I've experienced these wait times as both a Solo Survivor and with SWF's ranging from 2-4 man groups.

The second issue that might be linked to the first is Killers/Survivors skill levels when paired together after such long waits. Yes yes, I am aware that BHVR is currently working on a new system to be implemented when it comes to ranking and matchmaking. But that's not really what I'm trying to point out. When new players arrive to the game and don't really have friends that play DBD or know anyone that does, how can they possibly link up and communicate to do SWF's or play Custom Games? How can they play the to get a feel for it/test out new survivors/perks without getting excruciatingly dominated by higher skill levels or people who've played the game so much longer?

I propose 2 solutions/suggestions to this.

1.) Create the Survivor's Camp Grounds. The Camp Grounds is the holding area of the Survivor's that the entity currently has them trapped in before forcing them into the lobby/match to be hunted. In this area that you can optionally elect to be in, you can chat and communicate with other Survivors. This would create a more unified and friendlier community that would allow for people to make friends and not play solo all the time whilst also curing the boredom of sitting around and waiting for a lobby to be created.

Arguably, you COULD also include Killers in this as well or give them their own separate holding area where Killers can chat and intermingle with each other. However it would be odd to implement lore wise and from what I've seen, Killers usually get snatched into a lobby immediately when they click ready (this is what I've experienced as a Rank 1 Killer. It may vary based on different rank or system). But the beneficial side of it is that the Killer and Survivors would be on the same page of what they want to do which could be farming, legitimate matches, or just memeing.

2.) For the Second issue that COULD also supplement/replace the first is creating a Single Player mode. Either as a completely different game mode for when the internet is out or to help kill some time while you wait for a lobby to form (or both), you could join this mode to hunt/survive against AI while you test out your skills and abilities with optional difficulty rating similar to chess. This would further aid new players in practicing different perks and killers who require a steep learning curve such as Nurse or Pig. You COULD even add a little story behind the modes for each individual killer/survivor but I know that takes a lot of time and resources.

An example of what I mean by that last state is let's say you want to play the Trapper in single player mode. As you play the trapper, there are 5-10 levels of where the level gives a little snippet about the story of how the Trapper came to be and how he ended up here. The story mode would still adhere to the rules of the core game mode.

Just a thought, I know I threw in a lot of information and added more than I meant too since it just popped into my head. Let me know what ya'll think.


  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    Nice ideas but they should just fix matchmaking and ranking.

    Single player (due to AI) would probably take resources away from a team that has, arguably, more important things to work on - I imagine this would be a common response (going by all the "fix your game before more content" posts), even though there are probably a lot who would like to see it.