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to those in after game chat who are outright harassing the killer / bullying belittling



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Giche said:

    And what about this part of his post you conviniently ignore ?

    @Master said:
    Edit: And I have no respect for SWF that use DS, at least you are not using it yourself, but stil....
    Marth has shown us how strong it is already knowing with who you play already is, you can only pick good survivors and know their tactics already. You are aware of the depip squad experiment, right?

    Nothing constructive to add ?

    1. I can't tell people how to play the game, if they run DS it's up to them, I'm not using it. I also don't talk to my team mates, so how could I tell them if I wanted too.
    2. Ahh yes, Marth, the man who got a 100+ win streak in Deathgarden and called it balanced. Marths entire team ran the exact same perk setup every match - with everyone using Dstrike, guess what - only one of fused dstrike.

    The ffact that none of us are even talking to each other makes me laugh that the only reason killers deem SWF OP is because of communication, I'm still not using communication and you're still going to act like SWF Comms is the reason you're all bad.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited September 2018

    @Master said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Can we make this a "Stop all ######### talking" instead of a "only survivors are #########" post?

    Both sides are equally as bad - you can hide chat but this is no place for this kind of thing, hide chat and report it.

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    Two pictures without context. One showing the endgame of a clearly bullied baby Nurse since the Survivors all immediately gave the GGs and the Nurse was already upset, and the other with the Survivor admitting to abusing loops as much as possible.

    5 bucks on a high ranks SWF queueing with low rank to paly against low rank killer :wink:

    I'll take 5 bucks, thanks.

    We are an SWF you're correct - but none of us are using comms so none of that "OMFG UR SWF YOU HAVE LIKE 30 FREE PERKS BC YOU CAN COMMUNICATE!!!"

    I will take 5 bucks, thanks

    4 man SWF, but it never happens ingame :wink:

    Because i'm streaming and It's easy to get players, also no comms - so not at all like actual 4MAN SWF. It's hilarious how you first accuse me off using lower ranks to get into low rank matches, now that you know you're wrong on every level it's now that fact im playing in a four man, lmfao.

    Also, no one said 4MANs never happen - they just aren't as common as killers would like them to be, as it proves their moaning incorrect.

    You are versing a killer 5 ranks below you, that is literally a third of the whole ladder.

    and I lobbied up with people not even in that rank, how is it my fault it gives us someone completely out of our own rank range. Hilarious.

    Yea - tell me more about how i intentionally go against lower levelled players, hypocrite.

    Ah I understand, you were so unexperienced with feng that you needed to play SWF and shittalk a lower rank killer
    I understand :wink:

    "needed" to play or i don't know... wanted to play with viewers, like so many other streamers do.

    "WAAAAA Comms is too strong, it makes survivors too strong"

    "We're not using comms"

    "WAAAAAA you obviously ######### talked the killer by saying "yikes" you deserve to be harrassed"

    "Yikes, those addons" isn't exactly what I'd call ######### talking, the mere fact you're defending the killers actions is truly embarrassing, especially coming from someone who deranks so he can get easier matches.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Tzeentchling9 said:

    Two pictures without context. One showing the endgame of a clearly bullied baby Nurse since the Survivors all immediately gave the GGs and the Nurse was already upset, and the other with the Survivor admitting to abusing loops as much as possible.

    I like how you're quick to assume the killer was bullied and is telling the truth, but ignore the fact that they call the survivor a #########. You comment on the fact that these pics are without context but then proceed to make your own context that favors the killer. That's bias in action.

    It's funny, they take a text based account of something happening and act like it's gospel. (because it's from a killer)
    I give them pictures, context and somehow it's still my fault. Total hypocrites. (because I was playing survivor at the time)

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Mycroft said:

    Speaking of this year...

    I remember when all those toxic killers were harassing former mods.

    Your bias is showing.
    Also, implying no killers partook in this is ridiculous. Not everyone that watches Noob3 is a hardcore survivor main.

    His bias? You know how do you look like now, am I right? Like you point out a bottle in his hand, not knowing what's inside, being drunk.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Mycroft said:

    Speaking of this year...

    I remember when all those toxic killers were harassing former mods.

    Your bias is showing.
    Also, implying no killers partook in this is ridiculous. Not everyone that watches Noob3 is a hardcore survivor main.

    His bias? You know how do you look like now, am I right? Like you point out a bottle in his hand, not knowing what's inside, being drunk.

    Hey look - it's the guy that's been jailed because he's offensive.
    Might I add - I tell the same thing to both sides, to play better. I 4Kd with Freddy today, it was incredibly fun, you should try it.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Mycroft said:

    Speaking of this year...

    I remember when all those toxic killers were harassing former mods.

    Your bias is showing.
    Also, implying no killers partook in this is ridiculous. Not everyone that watches Noob3 is a hardcore survivor main.

    His bias? You know how do you look like now, am I right? Like you point out a bottle in his hand, not knowing what's inside, being drunk.

    Hey look - it's the guy that's been jailed because he's offensive.
    Might I add - I tell the same thing to both sides, to play better. I 4Kd with Freddy today, it was incredibly fun, you should try it.

    Offensive? One quote when I've been offensive.

    Not like you and your minions are running around people on the forum and reporting them, because they have another, better view, than your bias.

    And I've been 4k with Nea at rank 0, would you believe it, grand master of this game?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,897

    Closing this due to numerous reports and insults being thrown around.

    If you get harassed by other players in the after game chat - please report these players directly in game.

This discussion has been closed.