Killer Idea - The Gatekeeper

NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Gatekeeper

Terror Radius - 32 meters

Movement speed - 4.6 M/S (115%)

Power: Gate Polls - The Gatekeeper has 8 Gate polls in his possession. Placing down a poll takes 1 second, but picking one back up is instant (plays an animation but doesn't interrupt movement). Polls will link to the nearest other poll within 12 meters. If a Survivor moves between 2 linked polls they will be snared, making them scream and slowing their movement speed by 0.8 M/S(20%) for 3 seconds. Whenever ANYONE passes between 2 linked gate polls the Gatekeepers is hasted, increasing their movement speed by 0.6 M/S for 3 seconds. The speedup and slowdown effects do not stack, and the timer will refresh if you pass between another set of polls before the slowdown or speedup ends.

Passing between linked polls does not break the link. Polls will remain active until the Gatekeeper specifically picks it up.

The Survivor will not continue screaming if they stay snared by linked polls. However the slow will be continuously reapplied until they leave. If a Survivor goes 3 consecutive seconds without touching the same link they will scream again from that set of polls. Other sets of links have separate cooldowns for the scream effect.

Since each poll links to the closest poll, that means 3 polls nearby will create 2 sets of links, and so on.

The polls themselves do not have collision.



  • Increases Poll link range by 2 meters
  • Gatekeeper has 2 extra polls
  • Placing a poll is 0.1 seconds faster
  • Survivors snared by a link will be blinded for 60 seconds


  • Increases Poll link range by 4 meters
  • Placing a poll is 0.2 seconds faster
  • Increases the haste duration when the gatekeeper passes through a link by 1 second
  • Increases the snare duration by 1 second
  • Survivors snared by a link will be oblivious for 30 seconds


  • Increases Poll link range by 6 meters
  • Placing a poll is 0.3 seconds faster
  • When a Survivor is snared the gatekeeper is hasted for 1 additional second
  • Survivors move an additional 0.2 M/S slower when snared.
  • When a Survivor is snared the Gatekeeper becomes Undetectable for 10 seconds


  • Polls link with ALL polls in range
  • When a Survivor would scream due to a snare their aura is revealed for 3 seconds (Calm Spirit does not prevent the effect. The wording is so a Survivor waiting in the link will stop being revealed).
  • Polls will snare any Survivor that passes within 4 meters
  • Haste effects increase the Gatekeepers movement speed by an additional 0.2 M/S


  • Polls no longer give the Gatekeeper Haste. Survivors that would be snared are instead rooted for 1.5 seconds, becoming unable to move. A link can only root a Survivor once every 3 seconds.
  • While hasted, the Gatekeepers basic attacks apply the Deep Wounds status effect and have no cooldown when downing Survivors.


  • Bugged Levers - When a Survivor stops opening an exit gate for any reason their aura is revealed for 4/6/8 seconds. Survivors attempting to start opening a partially completed exit gate must first complete a difficult skill check. If an exit gate is opened all Survivor auras are revealed for 10 seconds. This perk is disabled during the end game collapse.
  • Warden of the Darkness - Any time you chase a Survivor and let them escape gain the undetectable status effect for 10/12/14 seconds.
  • Exemplar - The first time each Survivor is hooked all other Survivors become exposed for 20/25/30 seconds.
Post edited by NuclearBurrito on


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Touched up some wording and added the perks. All 3 of the perks listed here should have their place in the current meta of the game.

    Bugged levers punishes 99%ing the gates.

    Warden of the Darkness encourages target switching.

    Exemplar simultaneously encourages not tunneling or camping, and discourages hook bombing. You don't want to camp because you have a limited time frame to utilize the perks expose effect, you don't want to tunnel because it only works if the Survivor hasn't already been hooked before, and you don't want to hook bomb because you'll be exposed and he can just down you all immediately if you try.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    I see why Exemplar *discourages tunneling/camping, but those types of players wouldn't run it.

    It's an interesting killer. Kind of a passive Doctor (or a Trapper-Doctor) with the ability. I'm not sure about the number of *poles though. Seems excessive and you could probably create a side-to-side division across the whole of some maps (10x14m). I'm not knowledgable enough about DBD to say for sure but some of it is seeming OP. It is 1am here though. I'll check back and see what others think tomorrow.

    To be honest, I think the community have been coming up with better ideas for original killers than the devs.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Keep in mind with the poll numbers that 1 poll by itself does nothing. So it's closer to effectively 4 traps at once, not quite since 1 poll can be linked with 2 other polls depending on the setup, but still.

    Also maps are bigger than you are implying. 12 meters would be a bit larger than a single tile (depending on the tile of course). You couldn't divide the map in 2 without using your entire supply of polls. And even if you did the time it would take to set up would justify the payoff.

    Anyways, from my experience, Killers tend to be weaker in practice than on paper. Which is why the genuinely great killers sound completely busted on paper.

    Like Billy for example

    No cooldown instant down with no prerequisites and an short charge time, and also can break pallets and walls and sends him going super fast. All with no strings attached and very little fatigue after a use.

    That SOUNDS like a completely busted killer, but isn't.

    Same for Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, ect. They aren't ACTUALLY OP. But they have a lot going for them when broken down.

    Thus it makes sense to design Killers to be on the strong side, since it's surprisingly hard to go overboard so long as you are realistic about it.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    Good point about the difference between how it looks on paper and how it plays in game.

    As for the 12m (I mistakenly put 14m when adding the +6m add-on), the max is actually 18m x9 (8 base + 2 extra poles, but it's distance between poles so the last doesn't come into equation), so a wall of 162m. How would the time to place them be high if they take 1sec to place? The way I read it he doesn't go and pick up inactive poles (like Trapper) but starts with them all (like Hag), so it'd be the time it takes to cross the map + 9secs. That doesn't sound like a long time to get all traps placed. Is that comparable to Hag? I have no idea, especially since killer walk speed would have to be taken into account.

    You could do 5x 2-pole traps (with +2 add-on), but becuse a pole can connect to two others you can have an unbroken chain of 10 (with +2 add-on), which sounds a lot better to my ears, but again, I'm no expert.

    As for map size, I had no idea about the smallest or largest diameters in the game, but a quick check on the site reveals 188 tiles to be one of the larger maps, meaning the diameter could be 13 tiles (given the shape of the map), or about 109m (given the stated 12,032m²).

    Anyway, with the appropriate numbers decided by devs and tested in PTB I think it would by a good addition.

    PS. Forgive (and please correct) any mistakes - I'm always high.

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    I love this idea but they more than likely will make that last perk. Well they might but it probably will be nerfed badly

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The time it takes would be the time to walk the distance plus 1 second every 12 meters you have to travel.

    That could easily end up taking a good 20-30 seconds.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    That's not too bad, considering you probably wouldn't touch them again when running that strategy, unlike having to reset traps with Trapper and Hag.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    True. I just don't consider it to be a powerful enough strategy to be worth trying to prevent.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    Great idea, again. Does the killer walking through the gates give him the speed boost? I may have just misread, but it sounds like if ANYONE goes through, the speed boost is applied. If so, I’d suggest taking that out to kind of balance it alittle. I do like the perks, but I think the exposed duration should be slightly shorter.