Doctor need a nerf



  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    OP? Bruh, I almost never die to doc, and I'm not talking about the pity escape (hatch.) I really hate saying this but I honestly can't think of any better advice to give you: git gud and loop him like you would a clown.

  • Lyfe
    Lyfe Member Posts: 197

    All killer lunges are exactly the same. Except for Myers in tier 3 and Nurse.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Here's a better request.

    Remove your entitlement, and buff your game sense.

    All the killers can be countered by playing a certain way. Don't just cry out for nerfs because someone was better than you.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596


    Yes Doc is strong now, but nowhere near op. If a surv knows what he's doing, he can even loop the doc. It takes timing for the doc to get effect of the shock at a pallet. I had some encounters were the surv didn't bother to throw the pallet whenever i charged a shock.That move was actually prolonging the chase bc i loose speed with each shock (that did nothing). Docs shocks are best when there is a lying pallet, to deny them their vault. If they don't drop the pallet, the loop goes on. So just know what you are doing, and you can handle doc.

    Also, if you don't want to found, either take Clam spirit, like many said (it also works against clown, btw, and infectious fright, which is deadly on nurse and one-hit killers), or try to be more aware. For example, if the doc hooked someone, it is liekly he will use his blast to find new targets. If you hear his TR after the hook, hide in a locker to avoid the scream.

  • tykelley
    tykelley Member Posts: 89

    Didn't he just get nerfed

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I'm sorry, but people who dc against a certain killer are the worst. You ruin the game for 4 other people, just because you feel this killer sucks and you don't want to face him. Guess what, everybody has killers that they doesn't like to face (for me it's Trapper or Hag) and if everybody dc's it would be quite impossible to have normal matches.

    Madness tier 3 btw makes actions like healing, doing a gen, a totem, a chest etc impossible but you can still unhook, drop pallets and going in a locker should be possible too (I'm not 100% sure on that one, they might have changed that). So if you were really unable to drop a pallet in Madness tier 3 (without being shocked of course) you should file a bug report.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited April 2020

    I agree that the latest buffs were not really needed, but he's far from OP. The only thing I would change about him is to make him start with Static Blast on cooldown, as a tracking ability it's too strong to be ready at the start of the match when survivor don't even know who the killer is.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Doctor's power is good at stopping the loops that are only slightly safe. And even then, he's not that great at it. If you're getting caught at jungle gyms and pallets like that, you really need to stop greeding them and throw them earlier. Seriously don't know why people think Doctor can stop all these loops, he's still not great at chasing people. He is a noob stomper though so I can give you that.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Doc is still just an M1 killer. Just gig gud.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    No thanks. I like my ez 4ks with no effort required.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    A killer for ez 4k without effort, which is it, please enlighten me!

    Even with Doc or Freddy I had some rounds where I had to really sweat to get a 4k. There is no such thing as ez 4k without effort consistently. If there is such a round once in a while, it's usually bc the survs were playing exceptionally bad.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Doctor is fun to play against and as. If he's chasing you either bait the shock blast early or pre vault a window/ drop a pallet early. If you try to loop him like you would most other killers, he's going to smack you.

    All in all, break line of sight and be sure to pre vault or drop pallets early.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Wait. Did you just call Ghostface OP? /endthread.. the clowns have taken over.

  • hannibal322
    hannibal322 Member Posts: 17

    Clearly he is op since he shows up in 50% of my games when there are a dozen other killers hes contending with and everyone is picking him.

  • RoseyDevlin
    RoseyDevlin Member Posts: 34

    I play in red rank survival and anyone can see how annoying and frustrating it is to counter the doctor. Theres very low chance you can outrun him since his scream radius is so huge, he will find you again. I even just made an account cause of how frustrating it is to play against him. He is the only killer which makes me just uninstall this game...Everyone should atleast have a skill check near his radius to stop the scream, something to counter other than having calm spirit.

    He has too many skills, making doing generators harder, having to wake up from his 3rd buff, able to stun you and ######### up pallet timing/unhooking literally anything plus always being seen due to scream let alone bbq perk which 80% killers use. And now that the map was done smaller he is even more annoying, there aren't that many lockers in most maps. I play mostly plague or hunter as a killer since I dont have any other dlc killers.

    Anyone that says he is so easy to counter sounds like a huge lie or the doctor they were facing was new on the character....GG if your so good at survivor when facing him but I solo queue which makes everything even more messier and frustrating.

    Doctor is NOT fun to play against and i know a lot think the same, only small minority sees doc as fun...He badly needs a nerf especially after map being made smaller and theres barely anywhere to hide from his radius if the locker is not right next to you which he can easily check when you suddenly vanish from his screams.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Naw, it's happened multiple times against him where I tried to drop a pallet or vault something in tier 3 madness and it doesn't work. I'm pretty sure it's intentional. It's bull$*!t to me. I DC on almost all doctors and gunslinger. Until they balance out those characters it's no fun for any survivor characters. Mindo you I play almost exclusively solo and that changes the balance of the game big time.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,046

    His lunge is the same, you're wrong. Michael literally has a large lunge because of Tier 3, Freddy and Doctor have the same lunge as every other killer. Now you're making stuff up. Why are you saying people are wrong about this when YOU'RE wrong. There's nothing anywhere that says Freddy and Doctor have longer lunges, that's completely made up.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Just read Doc's power description: Madness Tier 3 makes repairing, sabotaging, healing, cleansing and searching impossible, but not unhooking a person or dropping a pallet/vaulting. If you can't vault in Madness 3 even though the doc hasn't shocked you (the shock prohibits every action for 2,5 seconds, including vaulting etc.) it's clearly a bug, so you should record it and file a bug report.

    You know what screws over a solo team the most: Having a player less right from the start. It's your opinion that nobody has fun against those killers, I don't mind the Doc even though he isn't the most fun to face, Deathslinger is interesting to play against in my opinion. I hate to face the Trapper, but I don't dc against him, even if I play solo. And thats my point: There are very few killer who are universally liked, so if eveybody does, what you do, most matches would have a dc and that would suck for everybody.

    It's understandable that solos don't want to face a mori or super strong addons, but dc'ing just because you hate a certain Killer is not. There are perks and builds against those charakters, try those.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Name a perk or add on that prevents the tier 3 madness. I've hear d people say use iron will but it's one of those perks that is very situational and you have no idea which killer you're going to face or what map you'll be on so it's a gamble and a waste of a perk slot. I didn't have a problem playing against the doctor until this new upgrade and now he's just op against solo players. I don't have to put up with that s$!*. I'm not against a challenge but I'd also like to have fun. I've also never played against a doctor who didn't camp the hook. I totally get that it puts a damper on things to dc but I'm sure the other people understand. This game has so many balance issues and leaves room for so much toxic behavior to happen and life is short. I'm not going to just put up with some bull$!*% I'm going to move on to something better.

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    came on, doctor is one of the good killers in this game, i am main survivor, and i prefer a killers OP than weak. i love difficult games , in this way i can feel the esperience as a survivor jeje

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited April 2020

    He is pretty basic now, aside from the Iri add-ons the others are so .. underwhelming. Static Blast cooldown, yawn. Terror Radius Increase/Decrease. Aura reads that are overridden by the bubble.. pointless. Shock Therapy range add-ons that don't even reach the old +25% range add-on.

    He gets his real power once a minute. Shock Therapy can be outright ignored in loops just by dropping pallets early. Plus the base range on ST is laughable.

    So unless every doc you face is using both Iri add-ons, you're facing a pretty basic killer that just gets info until you hold M1 for 10 seconds..

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    First of all, you can't complain about doctor finding you while simultaneously refusing to run the perk that negates his power. Calm Spirit has the added bonus of keeping crows from giving you away. Secondly, his lunge is the same as every other Killer. So is Freddy's. The ONLY Killer with a modified lunge in Myers in Tiers 1 and 3. Nurse used to have a modified lunge when blinking, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. And if you can't hit skill checks just because they go the opposite direction, you probably shouldn't be in red ranks. Screwing up the skillcheck a couple times the first few times you go against Doc is understandable, but you should expect the reversed skillchecks the instant you go up a madness tier. His AoE shock only works once every 60 seconds, and to my knowledge cannot be sped up with addons. It also ONLY affects his TR. Therefore, you can count out the 60 second timer(sound familiar?) and try to stay out of his TR or stay near a locker when the timer is up.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    Hes fine, honestly you probably just need to get better... not being mean but thats just being honest, if he was as OP as you say every red rank would be a doctor which isnt the case and when you do see rank 1 docs they still arent any better than other killers you go against. each killer has counters, they also have hard counters (a perk which can really hurt them, for example calm spirit on doc) if this killer is one you struggle so much with using a perk to help you wouldnt be a waste, if you really need to rely on your perks that you have currently that shows you probably arent that adept yet so youre still learning which is fine. as for the lunge only myers changes, tier 1 is smaller and tier 3 is bigger. everyone else has the same, just the animations are different, if you play killer you understand this and you always lunge at x distance. either way i see many people play fine against him on my team or against me when im playing him

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    You mean calm spirit. It won't prevent you from Madness Tier 3 but it will stop you from screaming, so the Doc will have a harder time finding you and you should be able to snap out of it without getting disturbed.

    It won't help you in much in chase (might confuse the doc a bit if he doesn't have line of sight on you) but Madness Tier 3 doesn't do anything in chase expect preventing you from using a flashlight.

    It is a situational perk, but it will help against the clown and infectious fright too and if you hate a killer that much sacrificing a perk slot for him seems like a good idea.

    Sorry, but no, I don't think the other players understand that. Some of the changes they made for the Doc are a bit questionable but not questionable enough to dc every game (btw, as far as I remember in the games I played against a Doctor, no one dc'd so most of the players seem to be able to handle him). Also, facing something potential overpowered (I'm thinking of old omegablink Nurse or three blink Nurse, not the new Doc, just to clarify that) isn't going to be a better experience if someone leaves right at the start.

    I think your attitude is your problem. You are not willing do learn what his power actually does, what perks work against hin or how to play against him, so you just dc against him, but that's a very immature thing to do.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Thats depends on your point of view. I was skeptical of the rework, but i belive he is stronger now than he was before.

    some aspects were taken away, some were added. I wouldnt him called nerf´d at all.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    So you are complaining that he is using his power, mind you a power that cannot physically hurt you, to find survivors? You going to complain about nurse using her blink to catch survivors next or.......

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2020

    Oh no I lost againts the doctor,now I gotta complain like a butthurt entitled survivor,a killer that's not totally useless and cant easily wins againts them,how dare you behaviour!

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597
    edited April 2020
  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    A. You Can't just say Hurr durr end chases quickly when a chase could cost you 2 generators. Thats not map pressure. Map pressure is being able to keep survivors off gens and pressure them so they cannot get back on as easily

    B. Learn to do skill checks. If i and many many other people can hit a backwards skillcheck while doing a generator 99% of this community can. bring a tool box with a addon that removes skill checks if it makes you feel better

    C. Use calm spirit. If you say your not going to use calm spirit because its a meme perk you have no right to complain about doctor Throw pallets and vault windows early. Learn to counter him instead of just running to the fourm and crying to the devs for a nerf

  • Speavy
    Speavy Member Posts: 58

    These post. Its amusing reading these "novels" about an unstoppable force that is doc. But in reality world doc is a DECENT killer at best.

    1. He needs you to be in his terror radius to know that you are there. You have a loud as **** charge up sound to indicate he is using it. Run away. He is slowed. You can find a locker by that time. IT HAS A COOLDOWN OF 1 MIN.

    Remember old doc? When he just walked around with his ENORMOUS 32m terror radius (its called a normal terror radius in reality) And just passively made you tier up by litteraly not doing anything? Without a cd? And he could just made his TR bigger to make the whole map a passive madness tier up. FOR FREE.

    New doc has a Cd, counter play and range issues.

    2 His new shock has the same delay as the old switch back. Also if a doc hitting you with shock he is losing speed as well, you dont. And yes you have to early drop pallet thats doc, its been since realese.

    3 His lunge is normal, you just bad.

    Git gud.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    you're brave posting your opinion in here knowing you'll get insulted and attacked by toxic killer mains.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I think Doc is well-designed, he gives access to really good pressure if you have some skill with his power and a decent mind for resource management. Counter him by not greeding at loops.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I don't think that his static field was that good. You tier'd up passive and slow and the counters are the same as to static blast: Lockers and leaving the terror radius and because of the slow build up you had more time to react to that than you have now imo.

    You can still make your terrorradius and therefore your static blast radius bigger with perks and addons, so there shouldn't be to much of a difference to how it was.

    The biggest drawback of the static field was that it required you to walk with 110% movement speed, which hurt on bigger maps, while builds based around the static field worked really well on small maps.

    So I think they made his tracking abililty more consistent and reliable, so the cooldown is fair (and you can use addons to make it shorter).

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219
  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    That guy is devotion 10 so he has probably more than 2000 hours, but lets not focus on that.

    What is your actual argument that the doc is worse besides "when they remove his ability and makes it worst then its a nerf"?

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    ive played since beta with LP survivors and killers but lets not focus on that.

    facts trump any argument. they made him weaker now then he was.

    the only thing that might count as a "buff" would be Iridescent Queen.

    • Static Field is stronger then Static Blast.
    • snapping out now takes u down to tier 1 VS it would take u down to tier 2.
    • Static Field could grab survivors.
    • Static Fields TR never changed.

    just a few examples of how it was better before.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Lol the bait posts are so low effort nowadays

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    My point was: He isn't a random person on the forum, you can check how he plays, how much he plays etc. You can't know that about me and I can't know that about you (for example, it's possible to play in 2016 and then stop and come back after two or three years, meaning you started playing long ago but didn't played a lot. A few months ago I met a legacy Trapper like that.)

    I don't know about facts, if for example his kill rate declined signifikantly after the change that could be a fact but most things besides hard numbers etc are more opinions than facts imo (I'm thinking of the tru3 Wraith discussion).

    You didn't said why static field is better.

    I don't think that his static field was that good. You tier'd up passive and slow and the counters are the same as to static blast: Lockers and leaving the terror radius and because of the slow build up you had more time to react to that than you have now imo.

    You can still make your terrorradius and therefore your static blast radius bigger with perks and addons, so there shouldn't be to much of a difference to how it was.

    The biggest drawback of the static field was that it required you to walk with 110% movement speed, which hurt on bigger maps, while builds based around the static field worked really well on small maps.

    So I think they made his tracking abililty more consistent and reliable, so the cooldown is fair (and you can use addons to make it shorter).

    Yes snapping out of it takes you back to Tier 1 but it's the only way to lose madness now, it doesn't decrease outside of terror radius so those changes should balance eachother out.

    Yes, the grab is gone and I can understand that you are upset about it because it was a nice little thing that most survivor didn't expect, but it's gone because you don't have to switch anymore and I'm happy about it, but I get that that's a personal preference (but there also were bugs with the switching so those are gone now too.) Did you use the grab offen in a situation that didn't included the hook? Because imo that was the situation where it was the most useful. That is gone now but you can spam your shock to deny the unhook, obv not as good as direct grab but you still don't have to let them unhook for free. Also dedicated servers "nerfed" grabs anyway, so you lost something that wasn't working sometimes anyway.

    I don't get you last point. Static blast and static field both are as big as the terror radius and could both be influenced with perks and addons, so I don't see the difference.

    A few points that you didn't mentioned:

    - they buffed iridescent king

    - they buffed his basekit a little with giving him reversed skillchecks

    - they removed the downside of the range addons

    - and I personally like the new discipline addons and I think they are really good

    So in general I think they changed many things, some are more a buff, some a more a nerf, but the end result is good and I like it more than the old Doc. Obv personal opinions are important and it's possible that they removed something that you really liked and you are understand able upset about it, but calling the changes a straight up nerf seems exaggerated to me.

    Is it possible, that you just really liked the old Doc and don't want to see the good aspects of the change? (For example most of the community wanted a rework for Freddy and his killrates are pretty high now so apparently his rework made him stronger but there are still people who prefered the old Freddy and say, he wasn't as bad as people believed.)

    To add a little personal anectode: The last changes to Doc were two months ago but I'm still facing far more Docs than I did before they changed him so it seems like his rework has increased his popularity.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    A few points that you didn't mentioned:

    • they removed exhaustion from Doctors addons to include iridescent king which is a nerf.
    • Nerf'd "Restraint" addons.

    just to name a few more.

    the grab could be used for anything to include window and pallet vaults. meaning with PWYF u would grab injured survivors while full-timing static field and get everyone tier'd up while full-timing "calm" addons and distressing, or fulltime 1 restraint and 1 calm, OR calm and Order addons.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Call it whatever you want dude idgaf. If they don't want people to dc then they should just remove the option entirely. I'm guessing they never wil because if they did I'm guessing a lot of people would just quit this game altogether.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Did you just suggest that Deathslinger is OP and needs to be nerfed? Wow.. He's one of the worst killers at the moment, you realize this right? You've lost all credibility.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    Doc’s Power slows him down, you also have a sound notification when it’s charging, it also has a very small shock radius.

    dodging is part of the mind game.

    Holding down W on the keyboard won’t win you chases against him

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Yeah from someone who plays solo survivor he sucks.

    What credibility? I'm some rando on the internet, not the prime minister. Everything on these forums is all anecdotal. Calm down

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Irisdescent King was buffed in other ways and restraint was made consistent on every class, so these changes don't seem to bad to me.

    But the fact, that the grab was the only thing you reacted to from my wall of text makes me thing that I may be correct about you being in a Freddy situation:

    You found a way to make doctor work really good for you and that's cool, just like some people made old Freddy work really well for them. But I don't think that the majority used the grab as effective as you did (I can't remember even one moment where a Doc grabed me in treatment), his kill stats were bad/mediocre, his pick rate was low in red ranks and most people placed him low on tier lists. Same with old Freddy, after his rework he was a "better Killer" (indicated by his kill rate) and was played more, most people were happier with him. But there are still people who prefered old Freddy and want him back.

    And I think you are in the same situation: The Devs changed the Doc because many people were unhappy with him and from what I've heard (and seen, like I said, I used to face less Doctors than I do now) people are happy about most of the changes (except for the people who think he is op now but that's a different story). You are not happy because you had your own unique playsyle with him which is gone now, but that doesn't mean it was a nerf overall.

    But I guess unless the Devs release stats again in the future we won't know for sure how the changes effected Doc.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    The option is there so that people who really have to go for real life stuff or who are stuck ingame because of a bug can leave without having to tap out to close the game.

    It's not there so you can leave every time when things aren't going like you want them to (that's the reason why there is a penalty for leaving).

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Doctor is okay, he needs only 2 small nerfs.

    This addon is simply too strong (also its weaker versions are extremly good). Combine it with

    and he is in fact overpowered. It removes the slightest chance of counterplay, if the doctor runs them both.

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    ANYONE who complains about Doc needing to be nerfed or that he is overpowered should be rank 20. Doc is not hard to counter. Take UNIQUE pathing don't just run a continuous loop until he shocks you and m1's you twice. He really isn't that hard of a killer to run around the map. Obviously he has some very good maps for him (Hawkins etc) but that's every killer. Entitled survivor mains need to get over themselves and actually try and improve at this game.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    he is such a no skill killer he just blasts a area and he can see other survis easily