Killer/Survivor adept achievements

I wanted to know the communities opinion about the difference in requirements to get the adept achievements for killer and survivor.

I believe that the survivor requirement is fine as is but I believe that the killer achievement is much more difficult to achieve, wouldn't it make more sense to base the achievement around the 4k.

I'm not saying I want the achievement to be easy as I like a challenge, but getting merciless with some killers perks can be overly challenging.

I'm curious as to others opinion on this and would also like to hear if there is any changes planned.


  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Yeah I find it strange that killers have to get a near/perfect match whilst survivors only have to escape.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    It’s only a near perfect requirement if you’re red ranks. There are ways to draw out the game, which I believe the purpose of the emblem is, in order to attain a double pip.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    Yeah, the difference in difficulty is significant. I've actually intentionally depippped before on some weaker killers with weaker teachables just to accomplish them.

  • I agree with the fact that survivors shouldn’t be allowed to get it easier than killers, especially when the survivors have the game built in their favour.

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    I have only done that with killers with weak perks, I often feel bad though as it feels unfair on the survivors I'm put against.

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    As I mentioned previously I think the survivor requirements are fine and make sense, it just surprises me that killer have to get merciless.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Sometimes the game has a stroke and when I escape with 3 teachable perks on the specific character it doesn't reward me.

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Given how some matches can go that'd infuriate me, especially if it was a close match, sorry to hear that.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    As someone who recently blasted through killer adepts AND has all the survivor adepts...I do think the difficulty is unfair. As survivor you just need to escape. Killers have to get merciless. As survivor you can get hooked twice, do no gens, barely loop the killer and you get a reward as long as you escape. Killers literally can't make any mistakes and have to play a fair game which isn't always possible. can bring an ebony mori and tunnel the crap out of ONE person and remove them from the game immediately and still get merciless. But, everyone else has to be hooked three times. That does make it a little easier.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I somehow miraculously got adept nurse with no add-ons as a Rank 1. I think it's only because people rarely go against her these days on PC.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    Try Nurse on console then talk to us about miracles. Lol. I have never been more bullied as killer than when I was a nurse and the survivors knew I was trash.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Oh lord the emblem system is terrible for killers. I know rank doesnt matter, but getting a 4k with 4 gens left to go, and just safety pipping because chases were so short, is complete BS.

    Now, for survivor, emblem system works great. Much needed improvement.

    Killer-wise, I would rather go back to the old ranking system, just for killers, but I know thats gonna be problematic

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    To me even the old system of "Just get a 4k" could still be seen as problematic. We've all faced *THAT* killer before, after all. Not exactly a fun time or one that should be rewarded by an achievement. While the current Emblem system does a better job at discouraging *that* playstyle, it's extremely difficult to get.

    Survivors escaping? Sure. Seems fair.

    Both sides also have their fair share of trash Teachable perks. I am yet to see a build where Furtive Chase works, especially on a stealth killer or how Open Handed is good without any Aura Reading perks on your own character.

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    That achievement was absolutely antagonising to get and it gave me a whole new respect for console Nurse mains (despite there not being many of them), the only reason I got it was because I was on the Game and that is where I get most of my killer achievements that I don't play often due to the map being quite compact.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    Oh I hear you. The Entity blessed me with survivors that were complete potatoes against a Nurse. Like they had never gone against her before and had no idea what to do. They respected the ######### outta me even though I missed half of my blink hits and I still managed to get Merciless SOMEHOW. Nurses on console are the only killers I won't disrespect.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    The killer one definitely needs to be addressed. It's really difficult to get the higher rank you are.

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Yeah I feel so bad when I see a clearly baby Nurse get bullied by my team, if they don't d/c I normally give them a kill as well as my friends if they're with me, I know the pain of getting bullied as a baby Nurse and it can make you want to give up a lot of the time.

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Whilst I agree that the survivor achievement is a lot easier than killer, I think its situational if it's easy as if you get put against a killer that camps you on first hook, unless you're playing Laurie with ds chances are they'll tunnel as well, but as mentioned it is situational.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    The problem is that they can't change the achievement on console as long as the achievement is technically possible. So, they can't change the "achieve a merciless victory" as a condition for adept. What they can do is to change the conditions that define a merciless victory, but that requires changing the emblem system.

  • TDZ_Luke
    TDZ_Luke Member Posts: 79

    Getting adept nurse was not fun to say the least and I would of got it way before if it was the 4K, however I don’t think it’s the killers achievement that needs altering, why not make the survivor achievement harder, and have it so you need to double pip as survivor.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    I just got Oni's Adept with 1 tier 2 and 2 tier 1 perks. And I played him basically as a m1 killer, since I have no idea how to play him. It's all about getting bad survivors. Rank 1 btw...

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Cause I believe escaping is the most basic objective as survivor just like a killers main job is to kill all four people, survivors adept could be made harder but it would be easier to just decrease killer adept difficulty rather than escalate survivor. It doesn't help that the emblem system can be an enemy rather than a friend sometimes as well.

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Oni is the most fun I've had with killer in a long time and I found his adept easy to achieve due to the combination of fun and power he posses.